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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1942, p. 2

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,TAR" Opera ted ttel b"y i wtýl plani. feasib)le, thou- led m v'e il in:- ardshrp ta we t tie id of 91ta13,can is eaenaedno wz calOr olews.l'a lîedth conoic uad- f thîirnlysie tc tbUe Perptmnenlt under- tnt> itout' ~ ie lad foIi(jwùd tL)e otptigail is a gri"- gs jua oa baskt. l len tue s:ip mcame fo acurdlard beyoad, r"n t py, aw their n sore" aricuture Jaia wedb7 nn itter o aitd wien thaý behnd l cl a uIt airer lac unurcaru a rai John bore t Llm Dulce aI Mar- I le- neci tlie a t ice e rly la tha t ~ioa tho young le sarne as Il a ~st flighla,îcl an- eci. "As the b r- "oaa ai tbe mon ayanseaen nspct spikecifloats fthe"om"dens guarîngchanel ina Sngaoreharbor, SUNDA Y THE 7ýHEÂLNMINRY0 Mark 13-:2 ue44.4 PRINTED TXMr :1-33, GOLDEN TX.-ehad icom- passion o them, ad ealtheir THE LESSON iN ITS 3SFETTING,' Summe af AD. 28,. P)f'lace -r,-Frtems at a our fLore, deonerdua great parýt a bGailee, f 'l ýesOuret en Dwirva au n nce, ciiyntepr met aI a st ani'ntawrk in a v e brliefspce aI ti, Th Il KADIGI Dayligirt Savlng OIALING WIUI Tima now gene.ral tbmougbout tha Continent, listenera la th~ Eastera Dayllglit Saviag Tîme zone, will actually get tbe benetit aI an extra boum ai radie entertalament, for a large majority aI île Amarlean aetwork shows coming Into Canada, now came ana liaur earlier tlian former- ly. Cirai-île McCartby la bard on Sundays now at aigît o'clock fullowed by the Inner Saactum at * elglt-tblrty. Dr. Iagen's True or False show will be broacicasi ai 8.30 Moaday nlghts, Inateaci 0f 9.80, Tire Radio Theatre tbe Muale Hall and many ai tlie day. time shows wlll corne mia your lame tire lotir earlier. If, aI course, * you've been on standard time, sueir shows wlll be leard as usual. * e * ail lsees Tlih-i-,Ip Beauty 'Box wt o anncn anaý lintur o Turdy îgit ttno'l,Ve.D T Siae ir Weall, lowevmowlluh b:odcas at~~ ~H tla saitie 83 Stumdayi, w11 vesewthGd. Thehadr u work1-1, tbe m loreweneioltd and prayer". By syîgthatïi, eud a tarrty any longýer nth. pt hr Hec laid j enmnseig u must Pgo Ceon t ohrFiieJeu laid dwn la picpewxhi wýould hv enws a h chu)rch folowed truhu i h centuries of its itay e ib ed tA preacl I wberetbe nmsage, had neyer been beard; lie desired4 tri avethoe, a wom badboeen give'n no opporunlity for lifo, i. "n he lie ntered again înto Capernaumn after saine days, it was noised that le was in the bouse. 2. And mnany were. gath- ered togetlier, so thî-at therewa vo longer r:oom for ýtlem, no,nt eveni about tbe door: and be spoke tbe word unto tUem. . And tbey, corne, bringing uInto bim a manul Ick with the palsy borne of four -1, Andwente col nt core igbuno l fr h crowd, they unecoered tbe;roof wber e bewaa and wben the-' had~~J jrkni P,tbyetow tbe lied wliereon fthe sikck f theý palsy laYI" Ta undearsad the scnit ;;is ecessar'y tarem ber tatth bou'se waa os lke ly a ishranscottage, Ilow and andi arouan0i our mCtlicag,dc P aien dcing au Rosa Oi'Day - tire tunephat toppiag 'm al RotI, nciDinli Shar, ýNBC's 'Tie a mce voastes, ia durner boue Parade at Bands. en- emy Friay at 60W 1150 lstnig tipa: itl liea'Y Gang gong a 1,15,CKOC's Tlequiswicli lt'sd firatto weekds a leair, gansh .5ockth and lma short the ý bor nîe l tiemoC, g soe lianges lia takenlace l tSou nine ta an A ansy t.Jnv a new iw,1tlie Rcor lu fqord oaltan boura1030ï, li, faixure"laose 'aya ! bu fIatrooedThleroofs were m&d by slyng fst large beams. and then acý Prosa them ruIde joýist% On theni wee lidlf lat Fatons es o roledbad.The me(2n frtdug Ihllg te erhand tcnlle img n epig.The roof is ol aÀ few, feet t hghi, and by Stooping down and fhotldng the 2corr oCf uhe bed (mrelya tickly-pde qîut)tý hey could readýIiy let>. dow,,n 5"And Je-nss eeg. her fi saâth unt the sick of the palsy, 1on1tysinsafriven." eJesus reonzdthe fihboth af th iMaDnulndofJhi s fieds,. Nore quest had been made but Jesus read the heat;he saw tE yean- ing o the suffere for healing, no nyof fbis body but eofhi soul;hereoniedte oro the scknes, ad the agihofà reose nd at once he poltb't' word of pardon and of puecs tb~srbs stiog there, and ra ongintheir hearts, ofwy doth ths man tus Speakui? lie ba bu neven Gd?"Tescribesý Wld otsea"olike e a and eaU n Jeu1s ta def'enci -His wrs ifthey hdbeensue fthi mueas hey weon afaod that ie eould sow ngood cause for His speeh.bPrhaps hey were asrao seve ih comparing cnote aniog thmseves, andafeta 8."ns trighgay Jesus, per- ceiving in his sirithat tbey èc0 ceomnealwithin themselves, nsit unto them, why reason ye theseà thnsin your hlearta:? 9. hc iseseta say to the Sicb of thec pal , Ty sins aeforgiven; o ta ay Aise acitake up dthy 1 layrknow that the Son of lmn hah utortyoneatrth ta ,,for-. give, siîýns le att the sick of thely, 11. I say untothe Mis, tke p tby beci, and goý Unte thy bouse, 12L And lie arors cou strigtway took up hbisl, and went frhbeýfore then ail insmuci tat heywer-e ail aaeAdgoiie osayin1g, We neyer saw it n tbisfasin StrPange it.was that these so-called spirtual ladme of the pepl aoudlie so biterly opposed te, teOne who was bringinfg sýuî2îi great siriua bessing ta uto tudes of peojple, bihthey te- selescoldnat confer, but quetioing.Of coujrse olyGadj tion tht the a's sinsweef- gie ad ta do with anine mattr, ad bi criies cid d'ny thtsdan asolution had been accn:lilîdBut for this iiian, hePlesa L 1n, paralysis foryer aad wak away was an etra sacn, wich no man could deny. Jeu ertaimeantby per- forigtbis miracle, t1hat He, wbo frombis aralsiswas alsa tb One, and only One, who ad; uner ah ctai yclasea a 12,000 Tovalélw Navyý other 12,000 by Mardli,1948 Nav MniserMacdlonalid told saîid tl1is woldeanl that in jus ovrtreyears the nav y wou"sid have grown fromn less than 2,000 ofiesand imea tau000.Theý aupu f slipswas"eclnt aad ulig te past summiner bad aeraed two a week of ail types, A. . INDAYtorik hoe a pruin rmthe Caadia woodcJzs(same seven years ao niteanimal,"Rst"by V 'nial, is a fetaaepet, whicri, acadig aMr, ldareue h ýcntentlion t'hatâ pocpi aetoo dumýq b"'eaed"Ant EX:What art thr favorit'elMm es of day o-ï )e w ý lu? frolntersman. 1To possess, l7 Te deppt. 18 Scaret. la Humo, 20 On. 92 Percivn beforeban d 27 Nosri. A9 Toamrag, 30 Oak fut 32,Golï c lu1b, 35ý To preýparie for 3!iLines af ad-. vance, 38 Ta ef";s, 42 Teai tester. 46 Prepared, 47 Eye tumor, 49 Elk. Answer tû ?n AALO SE <3eý ETA L E H 51 Shý fr nev Meas Kecntucky Re He was a- 2 1n a row. 3 MiddaRy. revww uspuzzle !10 Bird. us T 21O ne. RQ PES 2 ppaseci t T~ET apple. F S N 24Telleroftal E O AL 25 Tbree. 2,) Tbickshu ALA ODE 28 measue, TUBS 3!Rhode Islandl C At E A ablir, S 3Basbf, 4 SWU37 To safte 8 Shea-f. 41l Landci rgît. 9 Foýur plus fiàve, 42 To."f1Y 12 He vwas a - 44 Moldinga. or leader i.45 Etectsic mut- 13 Deays. poon 15 His was a lue 48 You. of JaardIs or 51 Seýni9r (abbr.> -s, ~52 Ronýd(ab> PO-ntheue By JS. MILL. £ ITS ~.O US SUI& ~~ERE! vou WELYIrAAY sN TU~ L\I~ I-Ils PAID~ I A I Â(~Cu IMT? ~

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