CESTOR tenaist and Ftood A Big Task the prme ucia ie rail- waye ody le f0do t'heirpari l eearyig ont M% p ar progrmme, anti ise wole efort o'-'t-Iseir ok ersý bcl oniueteli irectecltei whhlie deUiveed as guots pepk- or t tseCaadanclub nf M-onu breat inila uAction," itl on r.Vamawn'addh Ini tresstng ties onebem, today by Caurdiareei wa s a ighafyW 0ar ien'gef0mngm tad tise mlî. W intb L'nt'il wé r etanta w;Bl say at l(iud fiise oueak 0fnuwar Canada W! forty4tiree tisousand iles a pciod0f oary toi rchuedarigyete Mimos RUdeuiwment lu go ansi wher was Came Cana KR nluposeson et ant ing over'y communliiýty, hl eneali, bfeuîeAî tie Pacifie. "E"ve îleHiigît Vrai w1mIolilad log caseso iseýavy dai o tsene atided icvauente benanti >lr.Veghn ra eI began f tkoshpel pro tan a isured l anti great miliauvampsz Oe aue ju, EquiTPahbai strea' "'5'1 lestelcirepc mdwle Ai-s sport on Th ail oI terail- -ïle merto id nc Ail set forherFeb, l6thlahîg againt Amalicas Axis foes s te $O,00,00 5,U000-on super-dreadnaught Alabama, pitured above on the ways at Prtsmouth, Va. She'ýs the ufourth- naval vessel ta bea- the namne, bt one of the niost pictresque opýt f the Alabam.as reyer flew the Stars and Stipes& ShAs the famous Confederate ciserthtrvaedUnion sippîng unt!sunk off Cherbourg, France, ii nistori batie it'h the U.S'S. ersre Wo 1IN T ERCOVO By Lieu. E.H. Brlt5RCNVR Tise flot wesutsec nys serv-1 irgeand fldinduc ei' tisedayswtn set oufcedd'signais, mvlgour uc lios cips reinberth te ber'tl ,ud port a j0 ort utilflue mmntcri le ne wlen île slips were assemled, ra eenues ady forntehr silag infotisCe ou,"sald war aronsBohiid us, tee, was fie cenvoycenfeeudolu whicl our, udutris cmmodess ad o urcapians lad cou h nelu dscussed their final tratgie A 'Ielde,eadIl-s!fofa-e fIe enemy. tU~ (7m Now iseieciwn1s ai son Plan- Fý(rrL tfisegrey clore lino wa Uumbem', a i e ind, te le ar hoiz7on npeaed, tfo whjcüs we wemE esiamîng, slip n vacnt plugise oir Sconmuwny crugul d onere-u fhuscuaves. Wm were proceoding lie m.-et : 3lu "lino aid" forise"wasa uhlway la auoisagsuubrn f île. Slip Mhpe taeseorscend wi ug uni stulissel wllclerof lore bef fmlng ïfinding vnisig diolsiton for ftu nogs" ringib"Lio n boad " d 'cusing dis- mrk. Fod- postion" geod aval em ncauds 0f thoce, but if wns nef a AW lee00 -ator ad 0 liisfhy wrehingapled to be dis. One f10caseseea0y rdn bat gi--caf lispece tio crirsoargo wlseto-dy woe getiug mouf f0 's of ts nts unlte opdo n Ame eP-O- shemîs and bomîs frein onmy , tise aew uders au sou and sky. the rail- Se, chue f10 fut days eMw=r irces ot nigCnainprsl hi 1 opldnlistcsishv lurecalel-inrs wicl bauît for île develop- econr'and wli choc and tise establa- uac angratCentorprice mande Minep le buid- 1h10 tis <oueng of4f1e im, paw tiseenommous Py, i lnug uMd Smeliin and ho cenilnd: suggoidcon ftne 10 îatally aolpetfIe Nu- IpDpeur.Tht lino is now mita milwa ik ats adaU tent BritaiÉ. mat aie CanadnNa a!blino boaen Otiaw "Ipeg, adbwe n e- erneh le uggstons said: carric fie fod sppis,îe sin-- Mwiof war, isc vitul necossites, acrese îte aconi te ise Island FortreEs %wheàleBrifui. Secreily, for luiii ec lies suie- ty, tisousanýde et siips beaing millions of tous et cargo lave loeti Canada. Our conv-,,oy wus typical. Pur-poseful PrecisIon oeigît île port was fillo wiflmerantslips, iing a1,zily sleieodlarou, ine ext day windlassos lad mn 1 ised îfle ucos chnringptpeilorS Wwredrivlg île flet nhc os e île son fleeRyu Cna ianavy's war- hip escore 12 ld sen îe snin ai ý vlvupstl rceo itil hbc i ad! boo acopsld jIng w e staidtUlpfîugilc iinpîgl a grong wiud wlidi îl]e mknidniidench vossel quickly forJtisemurying lauces wlclearing fise Naval Control SevceOficor andli staff, wecre eeeIng Ptnthîe snilng esedumle wus beia mantinedl. "-ivecau et910 l ise moru-w q REG'LAR FELLERS-tHiMa PINHEA5S RUNIN' 6I-FI~T RY VE and e mruy ln" ad bee.n li* fiunal oders dlerdthe niglit beforo. At9.,30 lu tse m inn, t Ise minute, t'necofmde' hpla sýtarted mov!ng eaýîuward. lubrid!e of place as iirsth ie ships foM- bng -Une ahead," "W ilpass thUrough Ine ae at so-m n inute tras"te nîgh beoolrsMadcontined loil s alt in bis wake These worenot ip fwar, mauk you, patsdin flot an oeulrs undeolto. 'Jes wer potl3 cagocarier, t'i dees-ladtic huis tbrSonnehlenly keitieir staion ad lucfI put to ceaon abedue Patte'i 'rn 0f'roteion sl a msue bne re0 cuont oeswate s ud tei, lan cesees, iilntgur againbo t U orlt med iseirnAe 0f th prot engecen whies is gien a fSlet1atcea. Our se-moit lips w Gere rising audialig o is Aato U'eýie swel lon frestheharbounrteinus do tU lngeinoaimerban lips ise sotvssl tae In sead patolwevsngf loi OÊwari ol o h eae ni Thî ',e vy assicy lu hcvar Iu on labu sp wicl h was bhork n e ueM z mostImpeceptbletise loe t ation Fro tIc ommqore'sslip Wlags ha hipew out etrn tf many crossiugs , ws uithesays of a dfmeet a saisPmmoor umvs.Ris vice nd reai com- mrodoewoknnt lnswl SrApuredbeforolud, ereaainth overteibroWndivi sonsai mer- fotler daysïrfe (wisenthwor hi flee l ips il;le fi len so fwar. ou ne one ong coumu spit ntseverafo aboteronc au1e subnioi th e were silips teaiLysnmig n Hie boste lewasgoîg t tieep -e3im iïse ceas! An tise groing taiy ilrJadit prith tOn ur idg, udluth On th res 0f tespuhips ot uil fi 'C- lee, h ir U 0enl '7ws ' wo 1 e sha_,rIng, the viibAtca-pons u ile ar effoto, )ld kuw o h1 about ieir Ary île biggest s'n- gle tem t uer 60 cents wot Tînt sounds Me 3sweoPng assrton his a sepnaSer- le ocained bîa coe 0f ews- paper ,ýc!ippiagen x hici slw tn Cjarainacsapmîe ieoe-C fly inrai 0 m ens Periliape If is elevtigle Irtlý d~fac ta higly eqIjodge il a u try y fl is ewli rmese a jic- wo tiggew ute Trwo bir3evaties - "I{." n f1. . , ."il ies temear used a ali tee freq,;untly lu Ceaiý dlifin uk)wsspetcomutepus way, foinfithrm0 ii apyf tie alis 0fieKig aten urrienluliUntdrm delicac.is ir-omredtoy iner uleÈýalwol u l kielen.eIi b A tour 0 duty on"Ktcise Plce" le somIls ordredus ing under tUe protection 0f tic "The Man Who Relaxes W th Esgues dn iu al, fl Lage ai ai l f011 peLes mepeseie aangIlein. watclsmd onstat laîrtues l Tl et!ý war au huvdris t sd lit' Ther wasne lixngci tise tîet ofela jus!writeroqnndeersas ii ook-louse tatigue." Tu coo-bse inwgn sEmn uartefa cienury ae, epoabyui 'adîg ilce hnc o10ku aesu higaa etr ioes0 pvlaiet l mtu ok buse stafiifliielinaks îlewbo puif mnevn1fqemids 1ÉA.W . 'L.," agan a U.S Army.ý fer, manng2 absutwit1ut(Y isla a e .hon f fIe tn murstates Amycees o ndugoin sud re dunda1ncy it i ilriîtwil e bt a nexslie o a m ly nd sl. Ilylse lue,, f0 sl stckt' fs A ytbru i ebvinsty"abentm witutloe havenpclpyj.yu cn ie ~ping the Axtis Ambrse HrleGeia, i. odacpvn rund,v 1e van,121,ws omnedb l Te e parimentsuîd ic foean on Aî'n1 îyeor ders, , 0 MayNeerElarin St, elen, spukin etil!! s, liie.- eu o te p end Long- By GENE YNS 0i usMR -~ 't r A Weekly Colunrn About - ThisJTat in The Canadmm A