bief Scout on Sa,-tur- Febru-ary 2swili 17trard teby Scouits he Dominion. Es- ýe Scouts who now esoep te w.ear:,ti -Thýe iddres w.IhIi Ï'B"C, trom 8 te 5 1 t S gjl wi, h1 i S trgenme A ýrefi oainpant aew he- in ahospitalin ise Ju ibate zonewapro- hoByScousetVif heAnsiama Over- s wi an armly trucis ghiyprepredfoVar- cin uniferm te a con ib!y peint, anti iher la giron 24 heurs va- eboek, pencil, xyate te n asýsignetipei undesetbracisen ar 10y tamplies et ont, of tise an anti t, andCia !Yrtei g an,, tlU et in ip I ialocal loyScu planýsfo et ls Naiona Scu .3 BoyScu th'at trust is vay, tise Bey,ý their ro-ýspon- worti cerne stîhi S UlND A.y LEsiS SON TEACHES THE TWELVE Mark 31-1;Maitthew 5;LUSe 61-9 612V GOLDEN TXT-Een ýîle your light usine before mR; hat tàhey vmay 3sec your good wrs aýnd glorif y youýierFathe-rwhua ýIeaven.MJati. :16 THE LESSON IN ITS SETT.iNG, Time-Sprin, Axe27. Plare.-A-n unknewa muptin possibiy inhaiJtia tise mouatain te pray; anti ho Gt.13. Antic snitwsdy ho caud hbis dcples;anti h this urneJssiatbenat- bien He saw tisat thse brnea s cerne ýte aieisaerns Tise choDosîng t heTwel(vela tis.e Jeans ever teois The numbr tweive was Uinitcant.Jesus set up la the'ýIresesteii Go d. Tweivo now tries me-te wis ic Jesusncameteinstahl o Tise Prophetsis am aid -James antiJonaad Pili and Bartislorew..15,.MrAntiMt son et Aipisaepusad Simon rvho waý,s caLetictseZealot, J16. Aniý !JUua hesnetlmeat trate."Tissonwhom Jsu chose weo ailmon Whoe were aceucuoedti e or; h were, MNessiais and wh wretruiay ed- voteýd t l, xet ntelas cd,'Judas Isc-ariot. 0Our Lorýdsa thle w hs e wer e e c teedrthe'tena fame ie ii, ail confidence koigRslt onrth was to ho short anýdta the chi-h us built on th tostimny anifaith f hee Kn M7. "Atihe carne dWn with tisens, and stood ton a l-uee pAC anti a greatmtultitude ofrisdis- ciplesand -aigreai nme fts pepefrom ail up caaà Jeuaeanit the sea eas e TYrenadiSidon, so carne te hearhlmandte bc, heaied e itheir dsess;18ind tc ia were troteubJcd!withunensur an haid hes il"Th:is is aý severely cendenseti rcord Yo u were, by is oeil work, gave an exampie ce tise avpseftVth work they ere te o whnh was gene. 20. A!d h lieteti up hisee are ye peor: for yours iS tis kingtio (ot(Ged." Tisekhqae easi lempted te coecenirate on prsetpdseons oftntets exclusio eLtougi s o Gt an.tIhoticse mane h is a CristianForand peu aMthesam thir n, i nfee ebe cuied tis R1.suresse)af ei tathu C)erL aw w ryeshh o fied when Ailgaes eds wousid h auand mt "iesd rey COf~51~5~NE5555C~,NC-n SNOW ay bgin e lauat ~ybot l e dy r igtbu wxiliconwheil thora l i eyer beý a1ly mrewepl,when eVer-c- tkhng wilbe right, wh1en sorrow,ý and ailuitsCause", Winldsper 21. "Bîesed are ye, when n shad haie Youmand Wheo'they shh eparate yoyu from ltiseir connn mad le proacil you, anlti cast out your namelas cJi,'or the Son of Man's SAke 23. Ru- *jiein ta ay, adleap 1for joy: for beholt, your record is gatin hae;for- in fthe s lmnner did thieirfthrsut thne ,opeS." T'rhere is a enra conscence hichcoademaIs Cer- tain formis of wick"edniess butth dics, ndin thatcase hteira be th tribute which ic,e pay-s to heoliness. Thoe so-called "roulgi- onus wr b"as hated Ith a tierfce habtredand expose to martyrdom som1ofitsgratesi pophiets and toacherois. Our Lrd xvas hand'.dc - vrto crciixin y he unani- m shaireti of thie highesi eîi oauthrtesof Ris 4day ,. i 2 1. "But weoe unto you that rr îh or ye have ecove yo, e that are fuil now! for ye shah hu 'ilnger. oeunltý oieu, ye tAL iaugh nilow! for ye sha mnoura and wep. 20 iWoe unto y7ou, we ilmnshahspeak wei e you! for in the re m- erdîd their fath'crs to thie t alS e pophets." At S notthe rich, as 1)ih porýe stilman nu Sisal jesun ishueedealig withbus- trical-fact,1not w ilh0mral philsopy. Wre lot tise riçhý ha~~~~l opnopsiint i"smsson The wce tusexcludïng thespý,- seies romtheKinýgdom .of God. Workrg Fr War trom destruct'ion anid Lrestored lby tie Sceyfor thePrtcino Anc",ie-ý nBidiagrs, 'arecnowben mihiswIch-are makýiing za nimport- antcotriutonto) the lnatioa's, fodSupply. ctyp'ut ,,,S 1rosources - at the d(is- pslo! tire SÈate. 'Ibe indii Sction w,-,,s ciled in to lheip wilen the oerîen rdrda survey "f counitry mii lh a vîew to caiiing them into servie la the eent ofE Andamag0tothe large la ture appydtofarmers to grw moeuwhetcats ancMd barioy, the iicii iSe'in deccided to con- c.ntrat on keepig werkig mils la (good ýond1ition a.s ncb, rther piaigfersi n thiaascapei me ogethisco talground at b1 ý fis, ver dorwas1lan ie \i 1thIthe gocrment pM00-y Mi fostcria widely ditrbuted food-oucing cT io'coun)ty milet, hotever strvin tomaitin an ol-world basitgne au lu a modem inusrials wo, isis mn aserivn 'vil] 3ction 0 the o iety fr th Poeton f Acient Bilins lPetong amilears, i seimes!i ic happs thayVitoasrutrl ck WITH DAN/E: j toný, mand a apacity auienei s on((ýl ( hanId oach wee 'LtoenJi] the tua! DIALINGv "llaymlond" Yom-r bost, on 0the 'a- Suudlay gbsat 8S.30 ovt et a net- orî!Caainstationus. incnd- irîg CKOC. "a Ènd"ft fer G bismeegnsi -Arch Qh)oh's'l "Ligbt's Ont" surie, s, awehi suteti fe1ia rhe Thlle sýpin-tinghling InrSi-uimtouies are high.ý ilgh myses- hisenin fo thec mueti the Air, is now b1eing ead at urdays at 5.30pr,?ihCaù and Director Lloyd Pes-ci aI i ai tho h1elri. n. asp ortetworth- wbiiecomrnaityeff'ort.,Étie[Banti- wagon wiii continue te i-de dowai FLatrneny Righ ys diing142 frm aImiIlt, 8.0 o Frda aights Ih taors a aMdio prom teub'ia iaterng tacs hinte hofui îgt o! dayý - PerceLeerC C' spoîs atboityand ncwv's editor was saIuted (IOn Sati rday's une o- d'ockI Peraenity Pý ýaade, as ore, o! ioe greaIiost goniiesos te er stnd afi-ont of Aa net! h a tac, mnaing 1up) bis imîti'eam Iof VICTORepY LO-AN IRADIO NOTS: Thi-ce great weekly shows are no(w bejing areon boýhaîf(-te-, ilw V ic te on:Mna the ietry eanDramua show, aý,nt Fsiday et 0.00p.m.,theAil- StarVarity Rui! howsare cariled hy a AR inotwork vet te a fui age et1 utauading var- Recodo towck am Kaye'a 92 eso t"ei h Begu,ýina"! ,WE ARE -AILL N THE FRONT,- UNE: BUY VICTORY BONDSI is~a Snn a ai0.15, thie AC ADEMYAWARDPisys,, pr'esentedi frinCKCbragyen aPeliyv Word production featang soe e!rAdio'greatststas! Oua Munon Bnny Rubiin, EMine. Baryor iad ehes ave ap- ohiht ýon Roilyeod'ase& AbbuGýtt nt stoî-ni jitn 194, ai al their Ffilmis wcre amougst ibe bigmoema- ors et tye yoar oli famiy 1palr aidplay,ý-eti, "W-ksait's ou My MNii0"? yenknow inerma-4it' ots e!tuaand it's beceo een ore tua nceit wsadapted oui fer radieby CKO'C in H-amlilte. WthJoo Cbrysdlale. ai tho m ikl(.e, ie nw 14 eso veygeetlstnigtor. eue ai il. h hw speeiciMna nigii a esht 'clcisfrem ibo CKOc Ratdie hlmraiKnt Wi r * E HORIONTAL, indeierminate 13 To translate trom code, 15 Th in. 16 Chewed 17Nety lu8Te cea se. 19 Sour pluns. 20Wosplant. 21 To biazo 22 Tabetic. 24 SmaiisteW 25 Chapler et Koran. 26 Unhes. 27 Ant.-À 28 Barbed spear. 291 Clonis 30 Raliroati (abbr). 31 Wihd bat 32 Hieath. 33 Cordt tbsic 34 Apportoned. 36 Lequacieus. 38 To tsptc! ï Answer to c-reionDs puzzle 14 Doctor L WPL T V oh- O DE S~N E T 21 TcpOlish, NAPE MA~ACOQ 2,Hair P iO N CE .5 E F)IL!T -rnamen t z coù~.~s ÛM Risamu 0, À A AI15TE Z foritshand P.E A--DY S (DoIY£ D omed- MA SOEPAP.2"5Seasoiling. EXPLORR DA~.N LM2Pecess. 28 Yeiiowmea ?9 Symnbol for- VERTICAL1! 29 Mountaýiný iron, I Idant. aa 40 Tunnel, 30 Rvso 41 rioad (abbr,) * o el 31 Scepter. 42 Wolf.-rmite-. rgrt. 32Mother 43 To view. 3 Ok fuit 33 A die 44 Form of"e" ida. 3:5 T.-imid. 45 To twist aboutL 5 To xit. 36,Badger.7 46 You and L. 6 Radical. 37 Stint. 48 Tied. î Gasepous 391 Anibals of aý 4Cosant eeet ein 50 This kndon9Fo-rm of ý"a." 44Cha' t occupiesprt10M et ri, tet, 4 5 , ,Druý)nk-ard,- of a get- lToilet case. 47 DePec -r or tbean. 12 Compaýsspon 48 Soul, 5j Sa1tn. "0bbn,). 49 Jumbledi type. By J.MLLRWT po PO-Nora--rsAdmnittedi MAP PUZZLE i