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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Feb 1942, p. 3

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1canada's 35,000 itizens ofý ir ïWesternCanada have YWOi- lzed( their total steghnot ojl'y t elpQtje land oftheiradoption win theoir war aantteAi boer ut to ensutre sucýces.s foi, the fortcog Second Vitor>y ban campaigu. Toe National Executive of the Russin Commutee maimtais 28 es n Cnad. Pstes hrng!I kulars ilu wlich Viery 1Lnonli- erature ý bben transLated' frors, SEn-glisli inito Russian will soo-n he i strihbuted1to aIlthoýse 3,1 J000 undertaken to deete alhecspae reur'tepL ie UCanada's war aims und Victory Loan ojectives in the Russian language 50 that eta single RsinCanadianl ma le wîthout fucl knowledge lu bot h directions. This is the firat time since Cna- bcame organized in Canad!a in their ow;n intereats tInt they have Mounteeregl as a anited group te, aid a national cause of tdis id, 'We inteud te iv our whoe Mtrengti to your cpig,'sai K. Oklewich, Ogniigsecre- tary of tehe cmsme in a recent intrviw."We wvant your Vic- torýyLoan Camnpaigu to, leiera overhelingsuccesa, VWe in)tend te lie3u gy distribd-tinýg iteraturoe. Ao our people prepared hy us in t Unssian language, We itend te Sand Our organizers and even, Can]vasser1s. Wlienthecampaigu proper begins we inteud to have "ur people volunter thirservice Mepl any way poAs il. We -~comadthe suppcor,,t of vey scv. Russa Cnadlianin th Éis counctry and We are satésfed Atat very uýtan -andwoman -ascae itiOur organizatien ill give bis fullest suppot te this im- oratVictory Loan ampaigu, MODERN 1 Tit properfowoent 'bakehlands with eaclichr whenl 2.Where sheuldeueplace tbelic piswhen eatin(g eoives? il Sheuld the - listener te ac convrsaiongaze cenistantly at 4. Dees good formdemnand that an-an nouncement o' an en- ggm n l ade prom-lptly? 5, How soujdOnuet i-ees- 6.Isit iostesa ý' yutyliesee thatconerstionoen~tl'age? 1, Wemen 1naay Cor m-ay 1net shke hanrds vdwieliother, as tlieyý prefe"r. Uniess the one wlo isa outt offer lier linîs sure itat itwill lieag;rceaenh ýi heill ;ow,7!ell net to e li te haG yabout ýý iugtis advance, 2. Pt thei pison thie side of the dinner or ,rend a 'dbutter plate, 3 Re bhcd i attentive and leok au Mthe ,speakier, but inot wathlyp- nýotic gaze. Looking ,-ot of a %indow or off iinto ipace is dis- r oncerting te a speaker and is a eig-,.of il-bredig. -.'es, This may loi oe hy send'in-g a otie tei the newspaper, or by issing e n gr a ve d anouncementste frinds and reatve, or by mneans ef oan announicent prt or the closefrenansd 1relatives. Sot heese sheuid lie spread or, acahrwitlia aife.liard cheeses3 sucli as American, ma1y be taten cte witli thec fork or tle ~r~ iges,6. Yes, it, is lierduty te - direct the conversation, There Maust lie neo ecpthesilences that make tde gùes ,.feelas thougl theirlihostesses were tired ad ril they vwould go. Kee-eyd SouxIndanArmy sýout lias his rifle ready to &0a wit an enmy hretenngour w,,,estern coastline. Indians wr usedl as scouts in World- War 1. How CAI? in thehnde A.FUItil0 the 1openng Y-n the huacýt tile handfle end of thieknf or: fork ,and (1force it int-oth hadi pening. Tie a stringý, arounid it and](1alio1w it to emi untHldry. Q . How cani 1destroy plant inserts? A. To destroy in)sectrs aid eaise to fetiiz te plaýnt so-aK one talIles;poonful Of smnokinig tohacco inon qu"art Of wtrover nîglit. Pour lthis solution Onithle sou ah)out onceevcr[tirtydas goods? A. By using stroung ammnonia waïter' Rul ijte leather untýIi i is jean, and then dry witl a soft Q.How can 1I dean rugs on tCe floor? A. Rugs ay he cendvery n,ý!icely on fthe floor ifwahedwitl soap suds applied w.-itia huh tIse 3nlly sudsý, and as ittle lilu;id as po"ssihle îe the rug after wsigwitliaa deanoth Q.low can I remîove ediin stains from shIeets or-inen.s? A. By im-aking a pseOf fui.. Ier'>s earth anmd amImonia,î and ap- pintis to thie stabi ev on1 unil d ry, and tenwash ouIm itMestais witlisoap and water. HzandYicap ToNai 1between the Russian and German rallways lias heen a hanidicap tu the Nazis. AIl tbhi transpoit hy raillias to pioceed to, the Germnan end of the hune and then lie trans- shipped to Rusa tanwhich use a different widftli etween the i rails. This lias pr-evented thie Germans sýendin-g Nazi roillng stock on mbt Ilussia lu tche wake of theary And, as the Russians have heen destroying theki rElig stock or getting it back eut of Germ-an r-eaci, the Nazis have not been able te uise Russian ILfreight Cars and trucks. The original dlea in ntkigthe rallways of different jauge a- to hinider a m'lilitary itsinof usiProof fthe wisdeni o (f the ation i s heing lad çdaily in the Rsi ron.-Winidsor Star, eral's tbat?" second Actor: "Olýd Joe, 1the comedian's." "Great Scott. Is he deadr' "Must be, unlereis a re- in the mialluIacture of a fgie plane, 4,0ù00 pounda of alum-inumo ïtrnais ,ow l medictio-nc syup, ot on y briasgs quickir"eliefi but gives you m*ore lot your 01rney ÊBt besureLi60 qthe es,. , What Science IsDog WHAAT'S ASO FAE mnriwith a chemrical comnpos- ti of 1120, and a hexagonal crystaulie for like thnt of the gmstone hberyl. Snowflakes tar-t as icecrytas formed .- ustually ýon a tiny par- ticle of diist -- when wa,ýtervapoinr is cooled hbelow freezing,See and liai, on the other liand, re suift from the[lie zngofwte droplts aftercondensaton. Nomlyit tksaot1 luhsof snow to equal n e mc of vain, locause of the ahr spaces bh- twen alenflakes, . hav now hiîanketblias unusual inosing propeUrtie-s, and nmay k1;p-th temperature of the gon ls to freezing wliile tlie temjperat1re ah ove the snow is helow zero,-ýý 0f trillions of snowflakes ne tw-o are ever eatyaie NAPHTHA E BY-PRODUCTS Mdoth halls andfaksndy- thesý"izld mediciinal p1eparations caine and har)hal are by-products of coA, FERT ILIZER Fetlzrafrom 1coalJ, in the form, of suipliate ofam nis xn1creaýsing in plcto.Drn 194"1 it is esima'tedagicltr will need 40q,0109 tons ofn1itro- gen, of wich 122,000 ýton3s will be, ini sulpliate of amna pro- duced rom coal in te h-product cokiýng pocs Two Irradshelters have heeni constructed in the V'atican, the offic:,iil residence of the Pope in Rlome, 110W TO PRELEVE PILE ïTORTURILE QUICKLY AND ESL Ifyuare crout)ledw](1,tc;n lay teatm n ad run the c-risk e ietng this condtionbe-ComeIl hron- cAMy itng orsorenssor painfulmpssage ut stoolàtnatures and use(sdretd This oma whciis used internaliy is a eýméli, easy tw tae table, xvi]quickl reiethe itchirig and soreness andjj Wadin healing te sore tender spots. 1ImItid ePleasant to use, igly ecommended d it seeme tisL ehl tof folly for ay ue Y risko panfulandchroiju pile cn [f 1f -Roid andare flo ïrir-y1ieaed wLI t Ah reoutsl fyour sufone tl cansbak _j. cisýrs of ausd caan trou lesue faat- ctioal t, setr _q T.T. E Pescrfip 1tion raee yoss draisti ar fo T) O O rESOdIPIE, Pirnlchamn's Vegetable Comipound TaWsetus(withad-,dedliron) Made epeciailipfr oe. haise hep isuild up red blood. Macle iu Canada.

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