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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Feb 1942, p. 5

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THE ORONO WEEKLY TI with regard to farm iilabour, 1 yen- bure ýto sny- that iri my county froi-n ýone-quaretr to one-third of the far- mers will 'he2 askinig forý an increase by way of help. I would sug-gest one other thing- wi*th respect to agriculture, andi that is 'that :the commiittee on agr-iýculture be allhywed to meet. We are tolti that there niust be sonmething specific or definite to be consiîdereti befor-e the ,COMnI'ittee can be calleti together. ~Sur-ely in these times there are en- ough problenis confronting our- far- mers to warrant this cominiittee fun'c- tioning. I think there are enough'i 'on.iniembers interesteti ini agricul- ture ito work up sonie progr-amm-iie that will be of assistance to Vhe gos'- ernent in formnlating a policy. 1 hope the chairm-ans «f the agriculture coemittee will bear these sugges- tions in mind. I shoiniti like Vo refer Vo the four- imonthas' training as it affects farm- ers' sons. Many of thes'e boys have taken liheir four mionths' training ex- ,peting te ho releesed inlaorder to fbe able to help on the fanai. But this has been fouppt o be alniost im- possible. 1i nust say that he local board in our district, No. 3 in King- ston. 'has been nisc'Consierate. A great many youmg men have beeni given a postponemient of a few mon- ths, bUut that is *rost unsatiifactory 1 should- like to see some systemn wolked out whereh-uy these boys (:oui(d be given totalex pto as long as they stay on the fairmi. I believe they can dIo jusýt as maceh for Ciaada's war effort ýby pro(hchcig food as they can h7 erin in any other brancli. In- 'steati ofsetn up boardIs in) dis- tricts like inst andi Toron1bo, 1 thinsk it would he aiuLch htterif S1maller- boards were s et up in thec counties or twsis The mlembeis of these boards would hbave a better, chance of'boig acquainted witb thle situation eitn in their par- tîcular sction of the Country. I helieve iniseeciv srvice if' il can hewoe out, but it peet great problemi. It is no use puitting a ian woknows nothing about frigon a fa im. 1 have hadý sone e-xperience in That connection particularly with appjle pickeras. Mer have bee(n sent olit from the itic who knew nothin'g about This woilk and we would 'have heenl better off 'wiùhaut thern. There miust be somi thintg done in this regard. 1 le. these few thoughts with the gove, ment la the hocpe that they wvill celve consideration. IIn Orono It's Mac Smith's eet Chiffon and Light'Service Weight Hose....... 79c. The Popular NEW mixture ilose ............ 79c. Ladies' Slips, ail reduced in price. 9ct$19 Reg. $1.25 to $2.25. Special.... 8 o$.5 Men's Fine Shoes; these cannot be replaced $ 4,f0lfl so shop early while tjiie sizes are complete t'> See the Victory Loan Display in our north window BUY A BOND NOW! Fire, Casuaity and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MACJO."S MU1T H PHONE 611r 2 - - ORONO RED WIIt STORES IOn Sale Trhis Week-End California Navel Oranges the pick of the harvest, 29c, 22c' & 19e or 2 doz. for 29c Catelli's Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 16-oz. pkgs. Large tins Tomatoes, Choice Quality, Sure Good Br-ànd 2 tins for Alymer Catsup, 2 l2-oz. botties Maple Leaf Flakes, with 1 cake Soap, both for . .... 20c. Soda Wafers, 1I L box ...... .. ý..19c. 1Robinhood Rolled Oats, 5 lbs........ 25c, New Cheese, lb. .. 35c. Kraft Cheese, 2-lb. box ...... ..... 73c. Wheat Flakes, 5-lb. bag ...... .. . .22c. Cooking Figs, lb.. . 20c. ISkinless Jellied i Salmon1 21C 25c 25c' Cooking Onions, 5 lbs ...... ý..-.25c. Large Banana Beans, 4 lbs. . .. ..... 25c. 5-lb. tin Corn Syrup for ...... ..... 59c. Chocolate Drops, lb 23e Gum Drops, lb. .. - 17c. Humbugs, lb. ý.... 19c. Salted Peanuts, lb.. 19e Dried Peaches, lb. 20c. White Honey, 4 lb. tin. Special .... 59c, IL ,IL 25C ~24c 23c 37c 20é IL. PHONE1 J avi I. to Ca he 't. Fe t'i kn t enl wî Owi h il ari da sr i sul U n by Foý fui the~ "TI sat ,wit gi To abh- Local News 'Mr. Clarence 3IVatin an'd family spenit Suiida7, at Lsad M1r. andi Mrs. Fred Tamblyn vîsiteti friends in 'Hampton on Sutiaýy last. Mrvs. J. Turner, Ceniýtre Str, had the misfor-tune to sprain' her aiiýe re2- 'Mrs. GradyÀ, of Hamilton, is visit- ing with heri mother, Mrs. C. G. Ai-rm- Mrs. Jam-es !Moffatt has rtre hIw fter several weeks' visit in Toronto. 'Mlo Greeni, who is connecteti wvith the R.C.A.F., is 'spendlin'g a visit, i n town. Dr. andi Mrs. Leslie apent the week- nd with the lattcr's parents, Mr. and See the diisýplay of minliatu-re equip. etfor mdem war ini the inorth iowof Miac. Smiithi's store. 1Vrs. 1. T. Chapmian is speaiding a ecýw days in Wilson-ville. visitinIg ber lagheMrs. Welsh, who is sick. 3,r1%ani lMrs. W. K. ýSioane, of Peterboro, visiteti on Wednesday of his week with Mrs. Sloane's father, ,Mr. O. Scott. A largeinuaiber- froni Orono at- teded I the No. 9 Home anti School 1 1ub danice at Newcastle on Fritiay ig-ht of l'ast wveek. Ail report a goodl Lime. -Mrs. J. R. Cooper spent Thursday nd Friday of last week attenýding, the ,onvenitioni of the Association of 'aira helti at thie Kinig Edwardl Hotel, 'oronto. Orýono Continuation Seýhool wll olti their annual Commnejcejiient in he Town Hall, Orono, on Frîday cvening, February 27th, at 8 p.rrn. Admis'sion, 25c. The daily total ýof the present, Vic- ry Loan 'Camipaigni wil be posted( ip in O. W.Rohs window ecvery iay. This total will only be for Newv- tstle anti Clarke Township. The World's Day of Prayer will be eld on Fridkay, FeýbrLuary 20thi, at ý30 p.nm. in Park St. Sunday 'School ,om. Ail ladies; are cordiall!7 invit- I to attend. Therme: "I arn 'the Way. A numibecr of out of town visitovs peut the week-end at their homes, is's Dora Grahamn,_Miss MUay Gleni- ey, Miss Marion Cooper, Ms Olive owand'-lMiss AdeLlle Morton. In thie revue, '¶itzin' the Blitz," ,ich will 'he given in Nerwcastle mnuniityiall on Mond'ay evenlng, ?hruary 23rýd, there is a very fine ianist, ýClein Hambourg-, -who is in e arm'y, and a 'brother of the tain- us Mark H'an-iourg-, internationally nown pianist. Wednesdýay afternoon in Orono is~ 1ways quiet, ýbut after word carne at car thieves mighit be entering e town, the street took on a differ- nt appearancýýe. People camne form ail iections, and news travelled like ,id fire. "flhieves would have a bet 1' chance of escape in a larger Eae where news (tra-vels moreslw 'Rusa Creigibton and bhis artists re exp'Eýcted to appear at Oreino Fair ,ich will be held on Septemiber il .d l2th, both afternoon andi evening fthie second day. The directors ave 'decidedti o have wider var-iety fentertainment for thos'e, Wýho pet- )nize the Fair, andi these talerted rtis Shoulti be able to 1111I the bill mirably. They will 'play forý the ance in the evening. "A Way! Whioh Way The :aight and narrow way, or the ad -and crooketi wvay?" was the jbject cf the serm-on at Park Street iltei 'Churc'h Ias't Sunday evening, v, Rev. S. Littlewood. ýMr. 'Colin aylor sang as a siolýo, "The City «ur Square." In the mnorning a r sized congregation listene t o Se rd in a series of sermons on rhe Kingdom cof God." The eboïr tg "The Voice of Many Waters>' ith iMrrs. C. Wo>od andi Mr. R. E. Lo- in taking the alto andi tenor duet. A Sports Night will be helti in the al rinkc on, Priday night, Fèb. 20th. izes for race,,, f ancy skating, rnts, ei.Skuting after event un- eeenp.i. IN IMEMORIAM 2FFATT -- In loving m.-einlry cf aiy dear Husbanti, James lWoffatt, ehio passeti away February 22nid, W941. ,at wýould 1 give Vo clasp has hanti, Ris happy face to sec, ohear bis voîce, andi see his sille, r'hat m-eant so much Vo pme. -Sadly n-isaed ýby loving Wif e. Men of 309,40,50 PEP, VIM, VIGOR, SubnOrm1al? ~vlnt normal pep, Vlm, vigor, vÏtallty? ry outrex Tonie Tablets. Containi tontrE, stimulants, Oyster elements- ids to no)rmal Pep after M0 40 or 50. ,;et a speeil introductory size for enly 85. rtui aid te normal pep and ilm Daee ut au gQodduut«ru New, modern test e< les une Va inake fast, ýpains Vtoany inake of1 ýKnox, 42 r 2, Orono, Red Cross Noi Rememiber the fRed CrosT helit in, the -work room next day, Febluary th R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orano Phone 30rlG E-Il IT PAYS TO PAY Phones '21 r 1 and '70 r 1 CA Specials Thursday, Friday, Satuarday, Feb. 19, The comrniiittee la charge ofpak ing for the Or-ono and District Redj Cross packed the followinig large li-,t of articles for, shipment thiswek 90 pair ser-vice sox, 25 turtle nc sweaters, 48 scarves (12-x46), 13) he]- mt,18 steel lielmet caps, 13 pair «f m1-itta,. 1 pair g-loves, 7 patir sa man's sox, 2 sleevelesa sweaters, 10 a,)-o caps, 3j1 quilts, 2 blankets,. 40 'pair boys pyjamas. Two more quilts were rec-eiveti this week from the Kenclal unit. "Tel l t not in Gttb-piiblish it not in the streets of "Orono'-but guess who was caug-ht red hbanded int the Orqono Tins hop% FirstGCasse P LU MBI NGûf HEATING and TIN SMITH ING And ail kinds of Repairs Steak Neilson's Chiocolate Bars 6 for :25C. Fresh Side Pork lb. 25C. Shoulder Pork lb. 24e Round Steak lb. 25ce Criscu lb. tin 29e.) Fresh Carrots Buinch lOce London Ilouse Cocoa lb. tin 25c. Freshi Frecsh Fillets lb. 20e M1aple Leaf Soap Flakes with i bar 'Soap ail for 20e. Loin Pork Chops trimmed 30c. Smart's Pumpkin 2 large tins 25e Fresh Spinach 2 lb. 19c. "Ritzin the Bt Top-ranking talent of the stages of Canada, the Ulnited States, Britain and South Africa, who gave up thieir professional careers list in the varieus armed forces of the Donion, -will present the s, and entirely revised edition of "Ritzin' thie Blitz," the hilarious r which wil co me to the Newcastle Community Hall Monday, February 231 directfrom its spectacular week's Thieatre, Toronto. Previously, this elaborate al-serv- ices revue has hithérto been play- ing only to army, navy and air force audiences but, beause of the insistent demands of civilian theatre-goers that they, too, be permitted to witness this out- standing revue, the colorfuil com- edy-show will now be seen across Ontario. Mlore elaborate and with even a greater professional polish than markied the first edition of "Ritzin' the Blitz," engagement at the Royal AIe: edition includes establishei of stage and radio. The m ceremonies is Rex Doyle, vocal star with miany oft ous dance bands of the States prior to his enfist the Canadian army. Pred this me nt, PARK ST. UNITED tIfURCE R eV.. Iil l (v i cd Pa;stor SIJNDAY, FER. 22nd il aint.--Series on the- Kingdloui IV TI-eCharacer of the Kingdoua. 2.3)0 p.mi.-Regu1lar atten-,dance at Sunday School br-ings its go'-1 reward. r7 p.m.-Keywords oa the Bible. V. Grace. Corne Corne, (let -us to the task, Te the battie and the toil, Buy Vietory Bonds. za --:Zz:] o 1 i'l il Il 1-~2 fish, Sliced,1 if,

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