ORONO WEEKLY TIMEEI had been No. 9 Homne and School CIh dance ime, her at Newcastle on Friday evening of ,shock to last week. aourn her MAr. an(!Mrs. FaryBailey, bMr, o daugh- Hieber Soueh and Bileen visied ini Toronto; Toronto on Sundav ith blsocRick and two ayfanding her somnewhaIt îirnproved. p in Eng- Plan to ate nd thie Home adSehool 58 yei s Club mneeting on Thûrsday evening. yeas I r. -Milford Sherwin is convener and .1 muui .E.A Siummers, agriutural re- 1both in preseýýntative, wîll be the .guesýt speak- un lathe 1er. _____ erýe Mi aolv L wVU i il 4ev. JYJUt Ltl1' (jïNt ,castie aestgRer. .Mochiban. Ia- )yce termeat was made in Neawtonville den cemetery.Te heartfelt sympnlathiy of ait: tho Coin nrunlity is extelnded bo the- be- 1-is CLIARKE UNION of- Congratuations to '. and Mrs. the. Colin Smith on the arivai of a Mr. Harry [s parents, ) rsoin 011 sni tiie p IMr. an .adl. Ladies are (,d withl Holpe 0o1 of thle lizzard 1Mii. Ei h, Mr-s. Jameus visited M, r epee adHco ndalites, passed Seivera -terson visited %with and Mrs. John Pat- Mss,. Serard Dowson visit- easin Newcastle and Port Uecliesday. est Bowen, of S.Thomnas, h hisý parents, -Mr. and Mrs. wen, ovrthe week-end. froi-i thi-s section ittencdedl STARK VILLE Miss Helen Mý,oore, of Oshawa, with Mrs. G. Silver. Mr'. a-d Mrs. Bert Trimi with Mr. anid tMrs. Lavernýe Patterson. Mrýs. WI. A. H1allowell with M.aad Mrs. Hugli Stapleton-, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. LorneL Todd, Carl and Eileea wîth IMr. suid' Mrs. Ormu. Falls. Mr. and Mrs. ýHarold Littie and Garry with Mr. ind ýMrs. Thos. Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd and -Miss Elleen -with Mrs. Wm. Todd, OshaLwa. Mr. aad Mrs. R1oss iHallowell -with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White, Elizabeth- ville ~Miss Gweni Gilmier, Clarke, with her parents, Mr. anid Mrs. Hl. B. Gil- mer, Miss Ruth .5aveiry is speadiag a _______________________________________________________________________ I PORT HOPE SOLDIER KILLED EN ENGLA-NI Wordliasbeen received at P'ort Hlope of the death of Captain Morgan Charles, Hawkinis, son ofL Dr. and MsM.S. lakisOf Port Hoei ýI his 26th year. Gaptiain Hawkins ,vas a doctor in the dental corps and wa's attaluhed to the R.C.A.F. iV England. Accordinlg to the advic!e rce_iv:ed fromi Ottawa, he Carne to his cleath in Enig- land on Felb. 8, in a flyin.g accidenit. hie is survived by his wife andl srnall daughIter, Sandra, in ICobourg, and his parents and sister, Ruth, in Port Hope. Capt. Hawkins w,-as born an.d cdi- cated in Port Hope. He graduated in dentistry fromi the University Of Toronito in 1937 and 'pratised with his father ln -Port Hope. Almuost imi- mieddately after the outbreak of war, hie joined the Canadian Dental Corps and was stationeci at King-ston. In the fail of 1940 he went overscas. week with hber sisters and brother in OshIawa. MXisýs Normna Hallowell spenit the weken iith Newcastle and Ne-w- tonville fiienids. Mr. and _Mrs. Ethan Jones andi family with his mother, Mrvs. Georgee Jones, Port Hope. The. Minister of Finance of the Domainion of Canada offers for public subscription $60OOO SECOND0 VICTORY LOAN lst Marck 1942, aind offered in three maturiies, sflo: For Cash or Conversion Six-year 21491 ONDS 1DUE lIstMARCH 1948 PAYABLE AT MATURITY AT 100% Nonï-callatble ta maturity Interest payable lat March and September ISSUE PRICE: 100%, yielding 225% ta maturity For Convwersion on-ly Two and onle-haif year 11/27oBONDS DUE Ist SEPTEMBER 1944 PAYABLE AT MAT(JRU~Y AT iû Non-callable to m-faturity Interest payable lst March and Septembler $1 ,000, $100,1000 ISSUE PRICE: 10051, yielding 1.507% t, maturity Principal and interest payable i lawf ni roney of CanRada; the principal ut any agency of the Bank of Canada and the interest snianaly ihu hare ny banchhi Canada of uny Chatered Ea'Unk. Bonds niay b. reglst.red us to principal or as to principal arid interest, as provided ii the. Officiai Prospectus, through ny agency of the, Bank of 'Canada,. CASH SUBSCRIPTJONS Cash subscriptions will b. received only for the 31"-'and/or the 214%70 bonds and may b. pciid in full at the time of application at the issue price in each case withou t accrued interest. Bearer bonds with coupons will b. avcilable for prompt delivery. Cash subscriptions macy al5o be made payable by irtsialments, plus accrued int.rest, as follows- 10%,7 on application; 15% crionlSth April 1942; 15% on 15th May 1942; 20%o on lSth June 1942; 20% on 15th July 1942; 20.82%0 on the 3%,, bonds OR 20.62% on the 2'14%r bonds, on lSth August 1942. The last paymnerd on ISth August 1942, covers the final paymnent of principal, plus .82 of 1% in the case of the 3% bonds and .62 cf 1% in the case cf the 214%-o bonds repîresenting ciccrued interest from lst March-ý 1942, to the due dates cf the respective instalments. Holders cf Dominion cf Canada 12 Bonds due 1,9111 May 1942, and Dominion of Canada 2% Bonds due lst June 1942, may, for the period during which the subscription lists are open, tenider their bo-nds wvith final coupon attached, in lieu cf cash, on subseriptions for a 11k.c or geer)par value cf bonds of one ormemcuitscf ithis lban at the issue price in each case withot accrued interest. T'he surrendier vaci'ilue 2cfIthe % Bonds will be 10059% cf their pasir' alu, nd cf the 2% Bonds wilbe10.0 f their par value, inclusive of accxued interesi Î.in each;case; the reulin djustmnent to be paid in cash. thle yight to accept or b le0lot the whole or uny part of Le*fr, cash for eÎIther cr01,t ofthe avoabble maotui- (mptoS r eU xveas o 60,OOOO wlb.used by thL oermn to finance expend- tures for wer puarpoises. trugany Victory Lon%lsmn the National îyrepresentlative terof ny branch in Canaa runy uuthorized $aevings BRaii, Trust or Loua uy be otie plcto forâmzcand copié's ~z cntinngcom.ple.dtisof te loua,. 6th FeIhriuy 1942, and wiU close on or about or without notice, ut the~ discretion of- the Linister of Finance. IYou Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store OId Fashioned Golden Humbugs Week-end SPECIAL, 1-2 lb. for ._........... 10c. Star Crack Filler mends al nail holes, open joints, crevices and 'cracks in wood, pkg....10c. Sinkolite Spin-ur-wheels for ail types of steering wheels on cars, each ............ ...... ... 45c. Incense, ail are enhanced with the liaunting fra- grance, box .... .................15C. New Cheese, Mild, lb........... ............ 35c. Rich Old Rocquefort Cheese, lb............ 60c. Bag Sait, 2 bags ('7 lbs.), for........ ...... 15c. Chase and Sanborn Coffee, custom ground, 1-2 lb. for ........... . ............. ........ 27c. Silver Polish, made by, Silversmith's, jar ..... 20c. Glo Scouring Pads for kitchen utensils ... 5 for 10e Black Tea, our- own bIernd,, lb............... 75c. Campbell's Tomato Soup, 3 tins for .......... 28c. Choice Quality Pumpkin, 2 large 28-oz. tins ... 23c. Kellogg's Krumbles (shreds of wheat. Week- end Specîal.............. ........ ....1loc. Sheriff's Lemon Pie Filling, pkg ........ .... 14c. Pure Grape Juice (non-alcoholic), 16 oz. bQttle. 25c. Champion Dog Food, 1-lb. tins, 2 for .......... 1.9. Tiger Salmon (Red Cohoe) ~s each ......... 17c. Shelled Cashew Nuts, ounce................ 5e. Choice Cherries, Red Pitted, 15-oz. tins, 2 for. . 35c. Fig Bars.. Week-end Speciail, L ......21c. YOUR POPULAR SHO-1PPING CENTRE ORONO 5c. TO.$LOo 00STO'#RE Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Punersjl Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY Equippied to take care of the modest tu reasonable charge as well as the 1 most exactia[-g Teleffhone: Office 668 - Residenc Telephone Colleet Tura al inito Victor ilplement, of wTarvil v. The irni] peace. SERVICE ineral at the most Iargest and c.e 523 and 726'( Bowmianville, Onlt. y of a -who ), -who twenty friends -Sion 101% ce re