OROWNO, ONT-, TH U1 YFR13. 2th, 19,42. Su b sripti, encement, Town Hall, Orono, Feb. 27, at 8À( Aga sntion Orono aR cula Thre of fi bp -ïwen- rs SaturdaySalvage Day Next Saturday afternoou is Orono's regular salvage collection day. The orone Ceai & Lumnber GCo. are kinidly Sdonating; a truckl and[ the- Boy Scouts- wýill caîl for. your salvage. Please h- ave it 'bundled and read- n fyu rne IS' net already 0on the lîst, 0- phone 40 ir 10. Our-gvrueti le as-kin'g us to get in-to huie with the( W rest of the wold and cave everything il- of use in the war effrt. This is somiie- g.* thing tbing we ail can do. b- 1' Jas. L. McCamus, Former lié Counties Wardeo, De as A former Warden of the United 'e- Counties of Northumfberland ani he Cavan Townsbip, whose deatb occur- 85red on Fr-iday mno-iing, February 20, [.Durhami, Jam's Il. MeCanius of le -,vas buried in Bailiebor-oo n Sunday, ee February 22nid. ?P lu Tihe late rMr. McGamus was born loei the township, the sou of Mr. sud ,e Mrs. Thomas McCai-us, and wss one of the mest res'ýpectedl citizeus in a ilarge area of Durham Couuty. n Actively interested lu the progress at o>f hie 'commuity lie became a mein- t- 'ber eof Cavan 'Counril for several jr years, then attained the reeveship [r- wich he held for, four years. Hie -was ethen sppointed wsrdeu of the United Counties. Mr. Me1Canius had been a Iristory by t] selves," suid We are asl in" record. ý four luches r te keep lu a 'book eutfat, be divided in fLîrst coitaini lbeugit," the tien of it, "S 'The rigirt ha four main C( bought, basic of store wir-] creasse lapri cau Ire dividi mcotain tired Cbeck over ,lus, or ne-wý ùf what you 2't4ui, tmhe 1 yen fcanr -at tiatt are payi furtirer1 týhe price eaure qi c,reasedj in a nie there ni 'somewhe -price le nearest il in f- columun mus to he was a Caser- Tire funteral -was ireid ou SundayT, bray22, after. a short servlice ns cond'Ùted at the homnustead sudi ('u proceeded to Bailieboro Aughi-1 n Church wirere Arcirdeacon Sýim-p- n- held a very impressive serývice to chfurci filled with relatives sund [eýnde frour far sud near. Thre palibearers were Aruold1c anHoward 'Fair, Jameis Fair, onar-d Mc!Neil, Geraid Armstroiug-, hoamas McCamius. 'The immiediate rvivinx- reistives are, the SOrrow- g1 widow (Martira Br-ovwn'; one son, alph, and oeerdaughter Isobel; two 'otirers, Thomas of Ida, William of ilIbroak, anid bye sisters (Mvinnie), rS. Arýmstrong-, Bailieboro, sud ci atirleeni, Mrs. Harry Bail, Mill- priLce. If brook. yau paid Ilutermeut took Piace iu the fsmuil'y price you plot inu St. Paul's cemietery. finsd that Among thiose from a distance h le, o theat ttended the fuueral were, Frauk ha iu Fird, M.P., Nenicastie; _Me;srs. he attr F(ýdBoweu, e-M.P., Newcastle; rstauding Alfred u eln-rm'ru, Tor- icesdonto; Allen Preston aud -Miss Edith Trite your Preston, Mr. andi Mrs. Normau Henry Advisory and Sanel Stewart, ýail f Peterbor- ive) ough. ougir. the irearty co-eper- brinigiug tire total uip te eue buudred e citize.ns of Orono, the diollars and seveuty-five ýcents. Cross Brauch iras add Thre total expenses for- the dinner i sum te its treasury. were twenty-f oui- dollars sud sixty ci-Hun Clb, f Trouucents, leaviug a balance etf eeventy- Ld our icemn-innity on six dollars and flfteen cents te help 0*41. .~ un,- 1rnuasnaul wsy toward winrring this Il onftire lig large lail for r2-1 Buy CLARKE AND NEWCASTLE FAR FROM OBJECTIVE The objective for Cak Townshij) andc the vil!lag&0of Newcastle is set at 17,OO.Up to Wdedyof th'i's week the ailowilt collected foýrti arlea is pacdat $000,iaiga amounoýt of $115,000 to b coletd some 8Places trugotthe D. minlion of 'Canadaýi have alreadly pass- ed their objective, and' corne arýe tr-y- ingý to double their objecitve. By Wednliesday inoon the total subscribed in Durhami County had reached the $,e 0 -0ma rk. Th e objective (,for the county i this dr-ive is $1,100,000. The canvssers for- this district are fiuding it bard to get around to al the people. 'Many places they cannot use their cars, sc> for that reason, they have been compelIed to) walk miany miles. Mr. J. J. Mellor, chairman for this ares, le usy every day visitin'g the diifreent factories throupghout the county, where lie is receiving- won- dlerful co-operation among the mnan- ageinent of the factories, whieh makes it possUbe for Mrli. Mellor to speak to eighlteeu differeut lots of people, vfveraging around 1-25 peol aIt a time, and lie infotmis us tha4 the re'spouse arnong the -wor-kinîg peo-) pie bas been miagnificeu-t. 'nie people of ClaiÉke snd Newcas- tile are asi<ed to co0-operate with the canvassers al they Ceau so thaït subsritîusmay be in] early. ' rfie drive will be over after, the first week' in M1farch, but by that time m1a-ny more sbseripions wll ha e ocore in to place thisý district ovýer their objective. Came on Clarke and Newvcastl, majike this ias't week and a haîf the best yet. Don't let this ae down, the country needs the money for aill kinds of war equipmuentý. ictIory Second Yictory Loan Over llaIf-way rMark Ottawa, Canada, February 25th- The'Canfadian Second Victory Loan is- uofw wel pas-t1thilf-way mrk toward Ithe minimium -objective of The 'cumiulative total auuucdat idwkiOKU s ,piaced ut$316,50 inuluding thotsaids o'f individual i's,usciptionis, as well1 as comnpauy purchases. The largest sulbscriptien anuouuced today in'luded the Cana- dian Pac!ific Railway Company of Dominion Publication Com. 2nd Victory Loan. Ski Race Tournament At F. Brnacombe's Hlli On ýSuuiday ast around sixty ski enthusiasts fromi Oshawa and Tor- onto met at Mr, Fred Brimi-acom-ibe's hih foi, a skiing race. Two suow plows cleared the road o let the ekiere get as close to the hili for the e-vent. A course was marked out ou the steepest part of the bill, witb a live cable running the fuil lengtha of the course to scCur-e the correct timle of each indîvidual skieýr. Just as oee skier would tak1e off he would touIch the cable and a bell would ring'. Tihe Kithenr whotravels throughout Canadla aud the Uniited fïStates forj sprtngavnt.Two rowýs of fla1ga, were placed ou the co)urse, oppos1) ite each other and at a Certain dlistance apart whýi ran in a zig zag aner T'hose2 particýipatiag had, to be, expert skiera te Lmake th'-'sharp trs Mauy com]pimientary remnarks ere heiard on the condition of the hillI for this winter p)as;timie. i RUSSIAN GIJERILLAS HELP SLOWý UP THE GERMAN ADVANCE Tire Germuaus have by ne mieai-s cenquered the Russian territery ever which thay haveý advan(ýed. Soiet tro(opesud arured bauds of civiliaus carry on constant guerilla warfare, behiud 'the Germ-an hunes, sud by uing ermn-ocupedvillages', h wi up sup-.piy trains san mn tien daimpe and attacking supply coluimus as tbey move up te the front hune, they destroy the invaders' supplies. This le an Artist's im- pr-ession sirowiug, Russian gueîllas bloiewlng up a Geursu trotuop train. Orono Hydro Commission Purchase $500 Bond The Orono Hydre Commission mret ou ýMonday evnulast wlth ail the miembers preseut. Tire finances of the 'Commi.ss,îin were i-ported toe baini a realthy con- dition, ciowiuig a basînice lu tire banlc en Fe.brniarýy 2Zrd of $5,020.92, Tire following bils were erdered 'Colr- It was meoved aud secondedl that G.eorg1-e Chase be autirerized te have tire Orono Hydrei, Electric Commiis- sioni's accouts audlited by tire cam-e fiu that audits th e Bowm--aniviile Public 'Utilities :books, and the secre- tary uatify the Oscar Hùidsoui & Ce. adivisiug,, them c f the saure. It was uroved ami seconded that the re Qieue ydro Electric Commii-is- sien purchase a $500.00 bond of the preseut Vicetory Losu, 19,54, at 3 per ce-nt. Tiere meeting tires adjourn-ied. 1 Canern Gsol _ -A bobe B Skinner Hunt Club Fail to Geý But Make Up Foir That Wit Whata Uie as bd i Orný)o- prs ih Tuesdauy last. Over 100 men of h S-'kinnier Hun1mt Club visited this sur,,t ro village to partake ila g 1re.atest fox ut ever held la' Durham Qieanme Couunty.. the suiroundlang di FPrm ulue o'clock. in the morninug sports igb-t heida the cars 'began to, arrive filled with n rda igh hiunters, eager to get into action aud c . MeFiclor wasli win one 'of the prizes given for the iulg avents. I,îîtj largest fox shot, also for the smallest iceenly -cotestedi. Five local trucks were used te. cenvey Scouts wereprýe sel themn to the hutntiug grounds. Iu the for the 'opening c mnorning haif the 'hunters journeyed north to thre seventh Concesion sud Tire oldest main extended east and west of hi'ghw-ýay Jas. Eaglesou, vwl No. '05, others stayed on the sixth skates for 25 yeai concession, whihe the rest of tie hunt- Followving aret ers exteuded alou'g the fifth conces- Boys' race, unde sion. Tire hunters on the seventh ai-id Amto girlsn f ifth concessions -waiked to tire sixtli Doreen Foewler; b< sud shet a goodly number of- ra'bbits Dean West, girls luth iorineiug. Sre foxes -were jean Milligan; hbo sighýted but no oue was îuchy lu get-Td bngil tiug necar enough for a good shot. Mary Eurely; <pe G Watson, o.pen ra The hunters tben joined together Býurl,F.y; best coup] sud camie back to Oronoy for dinuer, Porrester aud Don whiih was served lu Park St. Uuited( lady skater, Je-ani Church, by the Orono Red Cross Soc!- genlt eaeG. ý iety, wlrich cousisted of roast beef, sirater, mnder 12 miashed potatoes, peas, carrots, pie, besct girl s1,ater, pickles, brea.d and butter sud tesý. Don Wetok In the afternoon the hunîters were Mrs. Wes[; eider ýtg -wa seeî ng ut thre rre.ýe fo0x-,es, but ernoon not a ¶ox 'was thle fatult oýf are thiat nearlly twenty-five uren had camne sirots at oua~ ' afteewîe raUres'u f ail ed ta stop) it. This fox certainly kneiw it had gn througb the warst blitz ever held iu that district. A fox g1enleraily chases a rabbit, but tis particular fox was folaowed by a rb bit. Ounthe afternou bunt 'thi-ce foxes sbouid bave heen secýured. Somne of the huinters used up a box of amimunition in the afteruoon ahane, shoetiug at any 'gaine, hey couhd see, no mnatter '-1ietier>it was lun rang-e or net, 'tbey were out to s hoot, sud tis they dlid. Around five o'clock tire party re- turued te tire village, sersmrbliug aut of trueke, then g1ettiug their rabbits; sud going -te their owu cars ta depart ne taxes, meepidge(-0 w1hile eue hu-nter wli( ing aIl day long, di mouise he had capturk wrapped up lu a piec luIkr te a 1n1-1 on irow they eujayed ply wvas -alvaye, ",w timiiie. " No do ubt, the fi-aurt]-e cit.y ike to the emn-oke sud trai cutyfields wire net carîng whether game or not. Bto had the fresir-air, the of rabirits. IA mnmber of the were preseut sud ac on the irunt. Ol1de Tyme Skating1 1 ~On Friday,1 This is station O. T. S.. Pleas s,-tanId hbrfer your local qllloll-lce(r. Thie Orone Red Cr oss Secýiety wish ta aiiuneunce that the Olde Tym 1 1e Skating Party wlll be hieid lu Orone o)n Friday ughMar-ch Cthi, vwith ahi1 tire net profits geiug te thie Red Crossý Society. 'The programnme wlll he divlded lui- te three parts: Firet, these who waut te skate go te the rink at 8.00 o'clock sund skate nutil you cýan't skate nel more, or 'until Big- Ben stikes ten, or if yen -(Io net wish te skiate, then camne te tire to-wn hall wirere yen ilhI ,be entertaiued to the king's taste a,,t a card party, under thre supervision of W. E. Davey anud W. H. 'Murray, wbho are past mnasters lu thre art, Second, a bot lanch wil be served 1For youri. i pýurchase vour tickets, eule wil Iiuk or thre csl at Elhe lunch tain your ti&k The OrýoIno eperation fer. amaguificeut wlll behp then- r-day Comrission. many Conjventjin expense wee Total ...... ... To )own At In Toronto1 süuce troi pany te 3umier 'Prices au( sý;erving v the main aêents ou -and ha, -nie othi -million. c-an doe fighting - it so tha avoided. "It is this cons cd. We1 oDwu org selves V( b(cause( Dinner To Hunters Net OronO" Red Cross $76.15 In Dol