orono X eekl imes;, Air. Robt. Beat hiaïs thiis to say. _>Stic ,b the label thatny aub- zerif-tibfl cones -due March lst, and yroi, will find enclosed, a post offie order. for $1.25 to caver subseription ~Or 1942. I canii assur-e you it is a ipleasure to pay you, for- it is certainly a real letter from ornoe and cornes Johnny on thie spot each week. Yolu imay not know it,,but we cele- býrated our 55th wedding anniversary ,-ni January lst, 1942, and I'm happy ,ü say i marnont bald headed yet, and my wif e and I are enioyng the best of health. We received congr-atula- tiors il the way fromi Nova Scotia ta Sask., 'which was very mnuch ap- preaealso from Oronio. 1I must mention one in particular, fram my old friend Orm-e Gansby of Orono. My wife and I had a bride and groom from KEendal visit us laat Fail, Lloyd ýGlass and wife. Strange to say, it was just 37 years ago that Lloyd's nmother and father visited us f4or three days whîle on theýir haney- moon, and just about the sanie timie Mr,% and Mrs. OsNwelýl Cowaa visited us on their honeyniaon. 1 thinlk the reason our friends like ta visit us while on their honýeyNqioon la that l do not play any tricks on thexa. Wyou do not :believe me, ask Mrs. Kenneth Glass af Kendal. If ail goes well this carning sumi- mner 1 think 'we wil.l visit yau and al my aid friends down that w\ýay. Mr. and Mrs. Waddell cýalled on us to years ago an their haneymaon and we were certainly glad ta see thera. I wonder if ahe remnemrbers me carry- ing her in miy arma down town in Thornbury when she was about five years of age. 1Wiehing you and ail my aId friends in -Clarke every prosperity, I remaîn iRobert Best. GERMAýN PRISONER ESCAPED? On Wednesday night lasat the cars were beingstopped and searched juat west af Bcwmanville, 'and this ,would indicate that anather Germian prisoner is miîssi ng from týhe interu- ment camp. ýSurely it is not that one that has escaped 3 times? FOR COLLECTION PHJONE 40 r 10, ORONO A,1 infornuaI evening affd enter- V 1±IAN AILY StUGEON tainnmen~t will be lheld in Ooo town Office. Main St. Orono ball an Friday, March lZth, at 8 o'dck, !or the Dîrectors of flurhamn Phoe 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. Centrai Agricultural Society and ______________ their wives, along with any other mernihens oaf he 'Society and their - ýwîves. Bring your ents alosig, andiJh i ~zI1IÎ eaffee will be supplied. No charge. phM. B. À short mueeting of the directors Q v' L FED PTMETIS will be heid sasuetixue during the NCge QAIIDOTMTIT eveniing. 'The Msilassey-Harris Co<., Lieenatiatê of the dolkge of Optou. through tlieir local agent, Mr. W. S. etry of ontaric, Stales Bomanill, wll resntOffice Heurs: 1lO 12 a.11. and 2tu StapesEowanvlle wii peset f 4.30 p.m and by appointment several films, nat only dealing with Offic ino. B. Tynrell's Drug Sice. their own plant and machinery, but Phon2e 68r2 also other subject~s of current inter-________________ est. LOST A pair of glasses. Anyone finding same kindly Iea've at the Times office. FOR SALE Sixty feet of Buttei-nut Logs. Ap- ply to A. H. Keane, Orono. a-9-p. FOR RENT House in Kirby, formerly used as store; barn and garden. Apply D. A. M1ýaeKinniýon-, Kir-by. c-il-p. FOR SALE Rebuit Cream &Sparators, fully guaranteed, also repairs. Electrie lWashers. Apply to J. N. Màighton, 704 Bloor St. West, Toronto. f-9-p. FOR SALE Six-roomed fraie house on west sie of Main Streeit, Orana, lot 49½, f eet by 165 feet. Property of the late Isaac Cobbledick. Appîy ta W.ý S. Cobbiedick, Orono, Ont., Executar. b-9-c. FOR SALE flaby Chiicks and Ilatching Eggs, White LeghJorns and Rocks; ýblood- tested flocks; R.O.P. sired; large fcawl; large egg sets. ustoeners are hooking their orders to avoid dis- appointment as -we intend to stop hatching early this year. Ail eggs are produced on our farm. L ALVIN CLÈM'%,ENS Phone 24ô3, Boawmanville. Farmn- near Hampton. tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F SUSANNARý COBBLEDICK, late of the Villageý of Orano, ini the County of Durham, Widow, deceased: All persons ihaving claimis against the Estate of the said Stisannah Cob- blhflik, whvo died on or about the 2nd day of February, 1942, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Solicitor on or befooee the Fir-st day of April, 1942, their names and ad- dresses and full partivulars of their claimia and the naiture af the seuur- ities (if aniy)llick1 by themn, duly verilled by statutary delaration. Immi-ediately after the First day of April, 1942, the assefts- of the said deceased -wîll be distrikbuted among- the parties entitled thereta, .hnving regard offIy to the eliaras of which thé ExecuJbors or the Lindersigned Soiieitor shall then have notice. Dated at Orona this 5th dlay of Marcb, 1942. JOHN H. MuORRIS, Orono, ont. W. NEWTON COBBLEPICK, Orono, Ont., Executors R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont., Soliecitor for~ the Executors J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automno- bile andc' Liability Orono Ontai ALJCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conlduct8A Âlotiola Salees of al ime and at reasonalie rates. Coxrtnunicate with hiru at P_ Perry, On tario, or see his Olsrk, . E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Wateltmlahr Ailî Rpairo, to Watches, CIccks, anid JWeiiery, Wiii reCeiVe OUr prOMpt attention PARK STREET - ùOR c «J F. F. Morris & Sonj Funeral Direct-ors Furniture Dealers AMBTLANCE SERVICE Phones: Bowvmanviile, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-i The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Fuineral Service in Durh~am Our Service-TH E BEST Our Goods-THiE NEWES'T Our Prices-TJE LOWEST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE - ORONO îLri'Cy & Saturday "Corsican Brothers"> With Douglas Fairbanks Jr. andt Big AII-Star Cast Monday and Tu.sday "BEDTIMlE STORY»e With Loretta Yeunrg and Fredrie March Wednesday and Thur.cIay "ICONFIRMI OR DENY» "RINGSIDE MAISIE»