OROO, NT. TU iSDAîY, M.i(î, 192 Subsc One Nazi Prisoner Caught Behind Hot Water Boiler Ini Flying Camp, Oshawa Both Prisoners Were Cap- tured the Followîing Morning The two Germaa,,I airmen, Lieut. F'rederick Oeser and Lieut.Bdad FiebIig,, whio escaped from the Ger mian 'interrnment camp a Bowmuan- ville on Wednesdlay eveniiag of leýst ~week, in the hieavy miist, were-, both rýecaptured the following, day-, Thuýs- day, March lith. Oeser walked fromi Bowmranville to Toroaito, and while their mst Ihis way, thn got a lift -with a m-ýotorist whio took imii witbin ninie imiles from-i ¶is former prison camp. Thiere ~he 'was arrestedl as lie tried to steal -fi flying suit so he conld steel an air- plane from No. 20 Ellemientary Flying 'Training school near Oshawa. He was captured withia the con!-' finles of the elemeutaryý flyiag train- ing scbool. IHe was discovered beliiad a hot wter hrater la ene of tbe bunk 'ouses. Ou bis arm was a flYing Ssit belonging te L. WSurns, a civi- lien flyin'g instructor, statioaed et the isdhool. 1-is comipaion, Lieut. FiebIig-, gave Ihiiself up te Oshmwa and' provincial jpolice wlien they waiked in on hlmi while lie was eating breakfast ini the farmieouse of jiïl'ed Clemeas, East W'%hitb)y township. Wlieu captured Oeser had onougli Chlocolate bars, raisins and dates stuf-. ladin hs peekýets to do bimi forý two 'days' travellinig. Four civilia instructors attadbed te the scliool lied a heud l in nin up the yo'utbful Orýser-. They were L. 'W. Burns. Toronto, xhose fiying si ~oeser lied \wliea lie was captured; R. J. Sloane, also 4f Toronto, au instrýur- tor wbe discovered tlic Germen air- ~naa biad the bot xater heater and ýorder-ed hlm iiot into the open; R. -E. N.L'. Bewmnan, formierly of the 3VIltoni Ilying lub, chitX Link trainer lu- structer, te wvhli howns tured ~over by Sloane,. and J. Hloward an -American instructeor woassisted Sloane inserin the bunkhouses. The muan was seen on the g>touiidci haîf an heur before ho -was captured. 'Wbea ceughit Oeser said lie lied just comle frein the cleaners for the flying Suit. 'Burns, stili nt kaowing -who the mari was, or dered. hlm te put the suit dowa and get out. Wlien esked 'who paid him, the escaped airmen rplied that he was ýpaid by the per- son 'ho pays ail the rest ia the fly- f ng school. After somne questioaing' the pYrison- er fin'lly admnitted thaýtlie bad es- réaped fromi the interamient camp -at Dowma.nville. Fi'eb)ig hlo hait traipedl alli-liht and with i s clothIes soaking wt wli p to the hom-ie of Fe Clemn enwell kmoowaý cattie drover, andý usked for. som-eting to eatL. VVthen Fieiad veryý littie to, say and sploke iýn brokýen Eng-lisb, Mi. lemnens hecamesupiiosand de iedhe must be one of the, escaped firom the room ndýý teleplioned Osbi- awa poic. ohn Provinicial Co- 1t stable Jamnes Snathlerlad and Serg-t. of Deitectives Herber-t Flîntof, of Osaaarrived, Fiebig admitted his idcntity, and later la. the day bothi mren were teken baick to thie Bowman- ville camp under armiied escort. MRS. JOHN GAY- There passed away surdely at ber home, 'Lot 32, Concession 8, Clarke Townsh'îp, on Sunday, Mardi 1lst, Mr.John Gay, et the age of 6-7 years.A The late Mrs. Gay was bora at Criooke-d Creek, where she lived for two years, thon lber parents mioved to the farmi now oeecupied( by Ed. Bail. She spent bier yountger if e la this district, wbiere- she attended Cla rke Uiiion school and was a mcmni bier of the Mthodist Church <now Untdat Leskard. In 1905 she was untdinnarag te Johln tGay of Meiple Grove. Tbeyî fermciId for onle yeapr inC anilethelin oved to theuir far-m north oGf Lserwhere, she liresided unti*l the timeofbe d0at. She( was always a willing huoiworker, always lhad a cheerful quiet wamiendwill hogreatIy ise iu the Lcominityý. Thle floral tirbutes were niumeir1ious and beaultiful, sbicig the ii es teem she held with ail lier loved ones. She leeaves to inoura bier loss, bier hluband, ()ne( dauglier (Elve) 'Mus. Hearold _McjDonld, of Bowmanvidlle, andi oue son Charies, on the home farmi. 'Three brothers, Jam-es, Ed- werd and George, anc d one sister, Mris. Atu Mannof 'Port Hope, sur-vive. One sister, 'rs. Wmi. Qhap- main, predleceased bier just six weeks previeus. The funeral service was held at her late residence on Wedniesdiay, March 4th, with Rev. ýS. LittLlewood tak-ing the service, assisted by Mr. J. Jj Mel- lor. Literment was miade in Ororio The palîbearers -were, Msr.Ed. Bail, Eirne-st Syeprs, Art Robibinis, J. E. la-wke, Lorne iolibins, Jin Ball. OnIly One Delivery To Be AlIowecI Dai1y Jý,.mes Stewart, admilldtatoi of Stewar-t as -s~igta h restrie- aeivices for thec wartime p.icres andm ions are but a1 prelimi-nar'y stepý to trade board, has star-ted a campaign I f,,iurheaction whlch will be takýen to conserve rubiber and motor-izud as thie trýansportationr situation of ,.equipmient by orderineg curtajîmnent each indfustry or tr-ade is studied." of retail deliver4es. T~he ad'miitrator al1so ur.ged1 ta iýting (today) T hiu s daý,y, n,) re- Ca adia is to elp r t i s eet the 1ear delvery a day over zany par- ing small parcels iniste'ad of baving ticular route without speciel author- them delivered and by ordering earlyl ization. Authority is also requir-ed an in sufficient quantities 'to avoi ---for any type off speciel delivery, but repeat orders. "Bef or lon ( IIgthe delivery of daily niewspaper-s, and of carrying ot parcels mhýiy be looked fuel includYng coal,. coke, ýoh and upo as a badge of patr-iotisiih." wood, is exeipted. So are deliver- Thle 'administrator 'said his ordcer les to hospitas, railways and steaim- does not mean that if a retailer has or to the defencee or munitions only oeev'ehicle, it can 'go out onîy and supply departmýenit. once a day. But, he said, that vehi- cle may not cover the saine territory "IDrugs or medicines presrihed by more than once a day. Organiza- dloctiors or physicians miay also be (de- tions with a number of vehicles may livered 'wltho ut special permiission," rlot have more than one in the samne the board said. territory eftenler than once a dlay, un- A board stateinent quoted M r. less authorized. BRTS ATS IRSI CTION AG ýINST BOOM BERS The first Germnan bobe ,(obebrought down wth t \\'Î,11C Of Br-itishl A.T.S. girls was destr-oyed during a n1ighý1t rid over Eng- 1and last year. The g-uns were mann,,ied andJ fire(d Iby mcn., but the, fir-e conltrol instruLim ents, plotting an*d detection devices wreconItroýlledl by wvom--en membýers of the anti-ircraft ces A.T.S. girls had pre- viousýly procved th-eir effiiency at haindling the instruinents in diay- ligit.Brîial woenwho were in a-ction ,ilest November. CHEIMNEY FIRE fire, but wheni the brigade a-rrived, Orono Fire Brigade anseverd a il.Ms oir had the stuation pretty eu earldy Tuesday afternoon jjlast el a ad.Te îh wind -at the to bhe hbome ocfPofsr M. W. timne prom-)ipted Ms Fowler- to send Staplels, Oirono, occupied by -r.and in the a Trm t is 1a1ways-- bette- to Mr's. R. J. Fowler. Thie stove pipes be on the sle ýsîde and cal111 the bri- fiiom the kitchen r-ange caugh'iton(Ad ,,(e. Canada's War E-'ffor-t A weekiy r 1evien' of >evelopmeatasj on1 the home iýfront fre1,Madi t t ,,t Hloag Kongcofrir i tae montsbyFriu ereryElnl Brtii oueof Commous, and by1 Deprtmntof Etrn!Affi, .Ot- tawavý. Ex,ýteirne! Affirs stcýatemnt 'adds, "of ail the re'pi1 orofseir atoiisrereived uip te b reet noeare legdto lhave ben romýn itdageinst Cna ien lut )no rel- ports show ewvený, that insofair as thei gener-al tnraltment of pioesof war i.s coucerurd the Japaaese have meýde euy diffcertietion 1brtween Canadiens and ethier British tr1oepsý." 2. Goveraments of Canada andc the United Statesý approve recommienda- tion of Permanent Joint Decl(e Board for constructin of ilitenyl Iiighway acress Canadien terit ory te Alaska. Rend wil stert et Fort, St. John, Northetru British Columbia,. and foleow 1general line of airports to Fa irb a nks. United 'States te pey coazt and wartime maintenance. At eudl of wear, road becomecs initeg1ral part of the 'Canadien lighway system--. -. Govrument wlioeat and fed gri-ains pr-ogrem auinounced lu the Commouls. CndinWlieat Boar-d te teke delivery of 28,0,00hsheljs of wheat 4duriug the01(-rrop er19412- 43, an iceeeof -50,1000 usei oiven totail beiugacepedlu191-2 Tinitîtial pir 0cnsebse iu No iNothruat Fort Wl iam nl- creas of 0 cets :e bushe(l oVerI'1911- 42- prier. Minlimum pics set for, býot H1ouises of Parliamenit, rcie PRoyatl Aýsseut. Votiug day, April 27. 5. Secondl Virtory Lo-an ecee botli objectives: first ,$600,000,000) thon $900,000,000. Witbi finýal fig-ures still te come, su1hscriptions totalj $979,217,100; suibscibers 15641 6. Seveuty-five out of every hunn- dried applications for prefered cate- ,,ories uinder gesoline rationiag plan turned <own at Toronto reg-ional cou- trol office. Higli perceutages of re- jectieus reported in ether districts. 7. Internal combustion englues fer fari and indùstriel imachiaary, for which ne provincial liconse plates are, reqnired, te ho allewýed gesoline enier ratieing plan. Such gasoline will lie mar-ked wilb distinctive colour. 8. Broad powers of ctol ecý ver aIl forrns of commercial motor trans- Stewat, edinisratorof9sevice udrWenvtime Pinices and1 Traýde to ietl isd eprdre sthe- tic-' ruien. Forpants pro ably re qirbe. Produ;tc(tinrxpctev one i ofhosr ed f 143.At spuity, et- m1t,1oput: 34-eli,00 ong otos ers yeben. Preideu ofcemany: Coe-,il. A 27nn-f1weros otls or ens i ef gh ee ete awa o o er ervicesL tie ienurtalird. iae is 11. Wartimr Pn ire ad rae toard issueeodssiarply nestiyt- iueout of l cziothIn mn'se pot, trusoinpekts, pleats nd deust-ibnateio ot.n.y u pi 12. Frirendrriigonptaes nees-t t16iî. Fresli fruits a vegetabl Sinre th, enpoatso pnices have isonv substanithly. 'Cei-ln g-ricesi love -ne hdghent1a10maimum -o1tFi- duniug the aswe oîagvebagey 7, ployr po cleivingoidexComarobl- pýutedby DominDoinon reuovf Sý)ntas fagreytse asorhnaltreais.n' 14. Postal arrangemets unerwabh pRau card reinduy poin luCanad t Canada andatee Uithed States80. r t e r M r. F. W. Bowen With Diploýma By Durhai Agriceultural Soci W. S. Staples Showed Pie-. leatatmnosphi anl appropriete v( tures on War Work by A briief meetie M. H. Company nascorivcaed to niatters. one ilusi Almost oaa bhundrled milebes or aetimn th.e Durhlam Central Agràiultlurel ep tember.11t) Souiety - end their fam-iilles spent eIi ene for ade'( hepyen poftaleeveniniig tthh'le outbulildings Town Hlall 'et Oronio on FrIday even aadto coafillm ing lest. This get-together hidbeons cnen Iileuned iiel t the annual imeeting 'when madle by the ecour Meusars. J. H. JTose anid F. W. Boweni At a latfelhour werI mede responisible for the pro- Ilp, Il!feeiîng thl grammiie. 't is som-etimes coutended miuc-li worith wIl that iotling c--en take the place of banquet on such an occasion. lu ývlewI Play To Be P of war conditions a banquet waI frowned upon and the 'alternative, W.A. viz., a, simlple luncoh, toward which everyene xIvho came contributed some The p-ley "A Gi daLinty, fully tooli its place. wiîî 'be oue 'of th The ladies who voluntarily assumr- social eveniag jri ed responsibility for presenrting ýthe'OIroon rde lunch and providing the coffee de- cest ilacludes, 'Ir serve g-reat crd'dit for the pleasin-'g 'rs. Thomnas miVl arrangement of the food antd attrar- Dowý,ell, as Theoi tive appeerance of the table whioh Lawer u served as e coutuier frem which encl)I Hencock, as FI heledhisef.(these two arei The muain feature of the entertainl- Gwen. Tonnant, a, ment coasisteId of four- talkingl filmis alid Staples, as Ri pres'ented by the 'Nias seY -Ha rIIi S Littlewood, as-,'M Com Pany truhtheir local agen'crt, rold; Roy Forresi Mr. W. S. Staples, of Bowmeuiville. Mld. This splendl Three filr-ïs were purely entertaiinrg, îy 1prsent e r' buLt tlefourth set out lu yivid iman -_____ uer the m nany' ways la wbich- thiI, gr'eet rompanyv is takingl its place JACK BARN1E ilu the wer effort bhyv niaking linhge quantities of sheil c ass , air-pie ROUND niumb1!ers of rectors aInd al mailei Mr. auld Mr iugÏ pirt'ure. la between films, M.Bres lois a &tvll Obone e'deedsolo" wi" to ercliant nme bi slnddvoire wii Ms SapesYr aone10,000 and1 Mrs. Brýowu contr ibuted pianomdetetpt duets.indies, îard thon A [t te conlusion of theu entertein safeiy. Wen h( ment the- cliairmai, ?r.NeýIl Mutton, wa si-x weeks 1) ca(eIn Mn. F. W. Bowen and MrIs. '!Ossley rcie Bwnto comie for-ward to receive ýejereabonts.B a rather coveted bonour. Each year on lis pr)1esenlt ti a dliplomei for mierit la awarded lu cept ano lier tan every seciety to somie fermner vwho bas scbeduled for. the( edrdoutsteinffig service lu bis b)ut lurkýilyfe _occupaltion. Mr. Bowea hald been tooký the position 1cliosea by popular vote lu eur Se- tanker wIas suiab ciety and Mr.' George S. Hart, Of with heavy cs Oshiawer, the district chairnman, lied iriead3s in and rome to particîpate. ln preqenting hlm -1s'Ie jourliey the- dipl -oma, Mr, Hart spoke of the wtr of the AI lorig year1s of activity tlinongb wbich Oceans. iVir. flowen had soryedl on mrunicipal_____ aicounty bodies and fiually at Ot- tawoa. Li a fewI\ happy 2o1d r,~ Why Worry *BoIwen aelkniowleclged the bonor. * But he didn't steal ,.Il tbte show, Somne of the1 f'or the lakdies, 'not to be outoo, w-orrymlg wlyethII liItd pleuned a littie surIprise for> Mrs. ý,nou1ýhli as ort preidet, resn ceio bebaif of theý about gesolille. laisa Lovelyý pleut to Mrs'. Bo en, li oe gas te 1) who Isemud grcefu ecuowdg-thoe tires comnu mnent, niot, howvr efore Mrs. A. A. 1or abouit tir -ý t)umodlied addled glreatlo the get about thea g Martin Linton Wins A At W.I1. Ca The St. Patnicki's social evellnp, Phasoy; g-ent, sponsored by the Oronio Wowoaei' ZI- -CGbekers wne stitute on Tuesday evenirl, rhJAsoteno 1 7th, lu the O'ange Hall, -was a Aprore 'o bl e pleasinig success. Ninie tables of 50 foiloingz nuildb orlsolo. iof the rin;tg the fi 2uute insurI a-t th(- fair mlittee. 1,hOe m(eethb atit had b) le. Whie the lunch W.A. Social Evening, Park Street hrh Friday, Miarch