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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1942, p. 2

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CANADAS L-7T * * ALLýîDOU * causnomThe Gut de n Iookand t A gardanngshound prove imonsense, toc. Vegetahies have heen gotigmr admr x pniein reccn2tt weeka aýnd týhe authorities hold ont no hope of haqrgaIins thi's Summneraihr Weathar was nlypaty e blame for dhe scarciy ast Foil, Îha main reaonvas the incrieaS- ad damand. la the at year, Canada bas added smetihug lik ilmillion wokro its arm1y cf A? empioyed and stii more workîer-s are gýoing to bc, 'dde.d inte months hed Althese peopia e are gong teneed e ýxtra food, and frasb vegetables Oil play a big pait in fiHing thair And gardening offers another advantage.il1 ue ocf the best hcaalh toniesthe docter couldi o-cder. A fewher etamn growing ,floer and veget-abic-s wîiwork wondar-s laritn, n aiyand blneduringths trying times ýcf war. NoShrae Thie war basnte-rfered with 9a prîng. Belore tfle war, a con siderable amoun of che garden aedused laCandawas import efrem DHoarlïchlad and Huýngary. Thia ceJus alycnit f'f, ef cerse aswelhas practir- Btin. To nimet he'UsuMlde- eand, hoever, supplies have bendaveioped . la Canada and auis e aider raunge bPf-as bean Ina. ortadfromJ,,1Unted-Î 8tes.ý Seedman epor neserions abcrt- ges Thre s lkey te he a litti angela pica ut hey >SUggest1ý rderig eury, asecialy whriaa vierange ofvreia and typas mre wanted. Vegatables are tha higgest onycan mor u'snes be grown se egeherbutwith isea biglika etcaand cros -r instance,.a eCor1d mcre anr b larvested la seasn. niarows enïy rfri 15 -te 18 luhe part. Beats-, beans and pans need irom 18 te 20 ichas batwanwhia ptatasComa)nid plof fete thi, irtylieS.s.papa may ha savad -with thesa ifsema- tuc su spnnc amplanted ïla betwavýen. Tlisebiggr hings A w uo edthe fliroons ut firat avnd by -the tue they do, Vha aaly crops willhaeout cf je ,We're Doing Rathmer WeII In This Wvar" REPORTER KS WýT1-l DAVEý KFreg Assca NEW SUNIDAY COMIC Fanm eting you liera! Fred Allen after nearly tan years la r-adio, fEndsa himalelfback w hehoSartad, making Sunday "Fun- day" for bcisnmiîlioins cf lnetworkf£ans, ceast te ceast, Fred bas bi entre crew, tenr Kanny Bker, PeýrtLand foffa, Ai Goodman's; orchestra and the Migty ll en Art P -aar lheSundyngtu 9.00 p.m. pet acw, antht-ere- they are geinig te sty. ut the goedl aews is tha the Fred Allen show came te Canada with th-achage and la new heard ona-a laire nework cfd stationst, inclnding CKOC ila Ha»mio=àn CFRB in Terote, The tme again-9.00 p.m. Sundiays.- Anethier bit of heýadliaa radiol liaeniag news la tOn facn hatan osher great natonalradio perron hmiy asreured to e es i wt a rad ewshw, which is aýýise Fd lor Hiiyw,)ed's acenw e Perter', rtmnd t heaila Mai2nd'ff, and lis eardin Can- ada threugh aamb*ercf statics, icdigCKGC IHamilton", CKCLý,7- Terente, CKTBSt. Catharlnes, CFPL LnoCC hta andý CKCR in Kthnr ide' casabout 'hE tr-is'el rautinga cfth7n-. stfilmanJ isgeasip cif thea cninm. ela m-iakas mrigit'y fineý, rapid-fira lis- tng.Fiddler labrcdcaoue WMen yen hear your lecalsta tion announca a prOgornmes beiag 'transcrbibay, 1Vusnahly signifies, 'Lat the msia o: thr aara la the ýpregram b'kas enspcal Wecle none s 'eoe' aaral theprogram onttue o in ffalarrcdab avit eertainers, Amogatý the mnany grant shows speciali S UNDA «Y i JESUS THE MESSIAH FORETELLS BIS DEATH Mthw16:.13-28; Ma3 827-37;, Luke 9-18-25 PRINTED TEXT, Mark 8:27,-37 GOLDEN TEXT,ý.-For wlioseo- ever Awouhcisave bis liE e shah îose it; and whoso-,ever shlah blac 'he hUfe for my sake and the ope' shiah Save It. Macrk 885 THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Place.-NeV fair f rontusae Phiippi, f r ai., hinPaeVie under the grant towvering MV. aroa ïfew, muel(s eat ,cf the Peter'sCnesinofCrs 27. "And Jaswent frtand bis disciples,lVethle vlagso POP-Forewarned! TRERE'S A GHAP I4ERE c3OT SV MONTWS FOR DEMANDIN& MGNEY WITM MENACES anscribed for radio broadcst- ing ls the new "FLYING FO FREEDOM" saries, dadicated t( the wek ad servicecf !theRC, A,.CKOC iHamilton broad- caista,ý the showWenedy igt at 8.00 O'clOck--CFRB inTo rente Thnrsday at 9.30, LandC othfer stations, tbrougl hch facili- Visthat trantlscrIiptions ffrd are ,abJe te present heprogztrm at timas most sýuiV-able Vo thir broadcast sehedIule. epetv cf whi-ere yen isten Vl o the sow ye ihfiad 1V pnlSathnda matieetrtimata xctn saga cf. the Air Fo-rces î'cf he Em-pire. JUST NOTES: Bling Uobyla paaaed bis îOh Annivarsayla KMH . . . Percy Fait, Caadian- HeUr", was une cf the inners cf WGN'a Great Amrican Op- eretta centeat , , , EwadG, Rbsostar c "i Twn, modem art i l thecountry, "eplu Tle UHeart f Teas by Alvine ra y0 Vietha' t>hrit tomsainot a- tirely froin speaiag -te the nmlti- tudes, the public, asiV wee, nd davotes bsattention FVo-,those who now heiieved in im. And ou tisa w ay h asked bus disciples, sayingf uto Vhemwbo do mnsay' vth'at I ui ?" The question lasigil canit, JesusIIanoV nycoain thut lt ie is a pnrobleinilte men; Ha, ass-umes that 11e- ought Vo h. Teý Hlis mivd teaea enotliaàg se limportant as ctit mien shOuldI bave rece-ived a true impeso cf Hlm iaad shonld th1,Ink cf-Hl as Ha thinika cf HiniiseIf. Collection of Testimionies 28 -Ad they vtold hi, ay- ing, Johnth Bptat ad tir Ehiah;butothers, oaa cf the p)rophets." This collection cf 'tes- timonies labotfi te ha conimend,(ed 911d criticised, On tie oaa hIlnd 1V is acofesinnatOur Lord lad taken bis place ,nmorg, the greakt P Mph t f ael, On tha otheur lbau)d, Vbase confessions fa9ihed te recogaizeCritas niioe Vlan a man. Haeas nly a ma arnng me, ven thougli a PUro.)phet aong Pophets. Tbi- ws s ar aus nany people inj Wplstine had corne in theirlcon- viton oncern1i)1g, and it la: asfas 1millions ýCf ot)he1r peopiece have everaloe themelve togo. T, Christ of Gçd -9 A d heÀasked thein,Bu wbo saï ye that Iaun? Peter aseehand saitb unto h0n), Thon art thl Cris." Noiee that ur Lod does flot Cee agu abot te icorcctessand the inadequacy of the vricts ofdthe peole hih hvejust been 11 re- portd t hb~. He doces nottr Vo show whereiVhey are wrong. Lu1ke's reodtLi s that Peter acknowledged Jesus to be2"The Chrs of God." No highertitie thnthis couid ever,î be given Vo of e th iigGod. 1Pete r com- 3,"-And he cagdthemn that thyshoid teli no ma o f hlm it li oly for a shorttimle that, they 7wer-,,e thu-s cmmndd o beý Vnt Soon they were to re- cev acmmn -to go eey wh1,etie preaching the Gospl. Jesu watedthemn to con1tinuae naroHan fo rfurther instruic- 1tion, Jebus Fo-rictells' His Death 31. And e r-gan Vo teach them?1., that thle Sofi of MVan mnust szfe m1any things, and be re- jected by theedrs and the cifpriestsý, and the scribes, and be uild, nd after three day5s rise agý,ain." Jesu,, is brief in this ishie one bekn a terriblçe piece of -news to his dear-st friends. îThe shock cannot be avoided but la sftened as, m-ucb asposbe The veýr-y thougbit of seeinig their beivedMatera ictniof the Sanlhedrim aut Jerusaeiem ms h!ave vewele the disciple, -adnoVt onlyv because of ther lvattaciment and bigh hopes, but aso because of their con- cpinof the %siawiche( in ddt'he, very opposite of suf- ferýing and beingkiednaey Peter Rebukes Jesuse 32. "And he pake the saying opnland Pet-er took Hm n began to rebuke Him." To Peter suchfrannesssemed tobe ln- discreet; such premnonitiens of faiure were at variance witb al h-is conceptions of Chirisct. T he Matrhad mianifested a nmomen- Varweakess;it was Ibis duty asseniior ,of)[te Twelve to re- mostat.11e",took thle Lord- aside a littIe, perbaps in order to, aplluethe Mste the paiin of JesGu% Rehuk!es Peter li Bu e turnjing about, and seighsdisciples, re!buked Pe- îter, and saith: Get thee bebind nieSatn; or thou 1minideat noV the things of God, but the thîngs of men." 1 as neceaaary that ha chouid throw back the Vamp- taton ithindignation ana ven vafhentce, wththe relbuke M. heaven set agaist the preaump- tuous rebuke of elesh. Here as g fit alilthrplaces in t1he Gospel Christ isshwnto be right anid ote ewhen they differ with himi,atgthr rog 34. "And H1e cailed unto EHim themWultiudewitbuhis dsipes and said ulnto the1l1:If any iman oudcorne afiter ime, lat Ihlm- dca up his crsand follow me." At the very tua newhen Peter wouild ke the Lord fromn going Vo the croýss Vo ,'ie, Christ believes that Peter ogtto beý ins;tructed on the djenialwihe himif 1must en- dure, 1VIs le ot (Christ's cross Uhnt we have Vo take upl. His sufrnast-and alonie, inicapable of repitition and nedn înn; but each bas is own, ,:5. "For whosoever would save bis life éshahl lose it; and whloso- el-r shail lose blis life for mi-y sake and the gospei's shau Save it" There is no such thing as doiti.,ate ioss iin the kingdom of Ced. -ýlf personai interests be- comle merged in those ojf t he gos- Pab 1V is as a man Rses hincîfl in rea ad bghtbinjgs .71tat h f inc hinisei, and as h a sacriie bie life lu their behaif that Ce svsit. Onfly lu.such thinjga laý there- any true 1Hfe. 36. "For what dot,,- it profit a muoa.te gain thac whole world, and forfait b is life? ?37. Fer wýhat should a man give la ex- chanlge for bis 11f e?" B'y thlewhi ordour Lordl menas actuaiiy "i teworid' waibpowver, pieasure, baýauty iand gloýry." Wïbat is nma benefited if, tbough be bave AIlthesa Hiags lie forfeit his life? TrainCaaan For Corammandos Plans are neaarng comipetica fordethe ranig cf Candi treopa stationed in Manitoba a% Commanos - h brd ittag specIalists of the Allîadfces sc morcf Canadi ans!ilun- dergo an nenie w-weYial- trcourse? ýlaCommande tactics, manouvrngYn Ce pina idge area as a reconnaissane patroi. The mnen will fend for Vbam-, sLalves truot ta rinn 'Ir milso skis witb fuIl equp nt. i' SEASONAL BIRD T HORIZONTAL 1 Large Armerican food J EN bird. 71V beicags to the family. 15 Net eaten,> 1 7 One- who underwri tes. 18 Petty quarrel. 19 Classlcal -21 Toilet box.,, Aniswer te PrE HIT HC 1 L -1 LE CiATI c 09 w c-- 22 Street (abbr.). 5Lnb 23 Stimulated. 51. North A-rica 24 Sealor (abbr,) f<abbr) 251Month <(albr.> 52 Flying,- 26i 12 inches (pi.) mamymal. 28April (abbr.). .53 To sum Up, 30 To make dear. 55 Musical -note, 32 Luat t estamnentü 56 Dregs. 34 Tree. 58 Unit. 36 Idant. 59 Immerses 37 Infilets. on>e's self. 40 Qnantity of- 61 Its male struts, paper. with its - 42 Racceon. spread. 43 Myseif. 62 1V formeriy 44k Mvolt en rock,2. -- wild,over 45 Werk of skiii. North 46 Lett-er. America, 'eV1wuus Puzzle 13 Pertaiaing teý N E B ~H 14fThree. ~ _O[~[20 -Transposecd RAL _ -- .23 Strs P, IT 2,5Tame turkeys DL! NEfrcm- L 5 I varieties. T W O G26 Malef acter, HOBAN 2 Twhirl. ERS29 It bas handsomre VERTICAL 1 Statie)ii 1Be aVili! 33Pefc 2 Concord, pattera. 3 BuÀrsted. 3ý5 Consumes. 4Eeri 38 Spirit cf an moun1tain. irmy. 5 And. 39 ro ejeet. 6 Calilused !p. 41IUawilling' hunting 46 Te rs, turkeys. 17 VWithent, 8 Head ccvering 48 Go on. 9Domestie 49 Norse aes, slave. 52 Wager. I1- ike. 54 Clamo)r. Il. To bring legal 57Echabr7 suit, 58 Eiher. 1.2 Branches of e6b Portugal learaàig. ' <abbr.), k: Lu

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