TUE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES eOrono Weeky Times Established Jainuary, 1937. ery Thur-sday miorniing at the T imes Office Oron-o, On-ttarjo tising RUates on- request Ss'rIpti On,$12 Subseriptions to thie United S,Ïtates, $2.00 l Job Printing W1i Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher Scarcity of Houses For Rent In Orono at the pr-sent tinie there is a scarcity of bouses for ut. Three or four e-nquir-ies have been received the past week em people who want to move to Orono te live, if ut ail possible. tpi-sent there are four bouses vacant, and a couple of other uses vacant but net for rent. The four that are vacant are up for le, and by ail reports, tvwýo at least will likely ho, sold in a week two if not soo'ner. Qrono can ill-afford Vo bave houses vacant. It is bard to bold ,ople together in a village, ýand if one family mioves away there is hile to be an epidemic of moyving froin the town, but if people want settie here, thei we should be able Vo provide homes for thern. le uneed every famnily that we can possibly geV Vo keep our 'Commun- y- going. ~Surely there must be houses in thbe village that could be di- ýrted into double apartinents ut very littie cost, which -would bring e owner of bhe bouse some extra revenue that he -would flot receive lerwise ? It la nearly eut of the question io~w Vo build a bouse ;labour is scarce and miaterial is nearly impossible to) get, but if me of our resideuts could and weould divide their nomes more ople could corne Vo Orono to live and make this village one of the ost thrifty villages in auy rural community. Has aniyoue any sug- ýstions Vo off er on this question ? General MacArthur to Australia General ýDouglas ýMacArthur, who has had sucli wonderful ceosa in the defence of EýatanuPenlueula lun the Phi!ipines, ha w been transferred o Australia te take charge of alI the forces ithut country o battle the Japs if and -when the-y try Vo invade at country. For the past week or so Australia bas been pretty well ieft Vo rself in the defence of their countryadn'w 1aheJpns e only aibout four huundred miles away, the people of Australia are ceiving General MarArtliur with wide open arms. Now that Java has practically fallen, General Wvlwbo was iead the fight in the ýSouth Pacifie, has been sent Vo India Vo look Lter the defences of that country, and when hs was doue, Australia At that she wias left alone Vo 'work eut ber ovin salvation. Many EAustralias fightiug forces are lun England, Africa, 'Burina, Java, bers viere capltured ut iSingapoire, which lias greatly weakened iat country in case she is caulled upon te defend herself. Now that 'General MacArthur lias arrived, along witb troops, anes and other war equipinent fi-orsi the States, no wonder there la ,eat rejo 'cing iu that land cown under. No lorger will hey be lied upon to fight alone, but lu the near future Australia will, or iould, beconie a country that v-ijîl be ahle Vo hold her own against e Japanecse. The Unted Nations don't wiuteVo nake the mistake f not having enough troops and equipinent ini Australia. This bas ien the trouble ail along în the Lattle of the Pacifie, and fromn now a every mnuavaliliable shpould 'he rushed to India or Australia Vo old~ these two couintries, as these are the onfly two places wve h-ave Gasoline I-ationing (Financiai Post) the uievw gaselile rationîug policy la admninisterecl ridiass yul take the restrictions vithout grunibling. aiy they vwiii give up 'di'ving entirely for, the duration But tbey deinand equal treatinent and01 Contreiler lu job between nov suid April 1islatoeonsure thiat they rah ku'ewleclge that there have besu ssonie prepoater- ie for special ceusicleration in rationing tre'stment. uld, casiiy take the train, street car ýor -walk, bave sp- .ered catogories. Apparenthy they ai-e -net interested ,ial pecessity et eonserviug gaselîne for the var offert, ying te geV as inucb as possible for theiseives. It vas tizon tii-t paved thbe way foi- the easy Germian conquest d if the Nazis or Jaipa get vithin si.gît et oui-ovin me selisib fifth crluniinit viii be iargehy responsible. ie sacrifice 941g' of the million and a hli car drivers 1d geV aienig ith a standard gas ration. If they do go sineothly and perbapa iV viiil not be riecossary te lies stihi turthi- as the - ar preceeds. But if the.auth- releas and a substantial 'nunuber ot people get larger bey need or.t deserve, thon there la certain ;te be sharp id aeriou and expenive polieing wllbe necessary lu- tai-y and enthusiastie ceo-operatieon in -ail ot oui- ia- moi-y. isking their lires Vo briiiug gasolhine Vo Canada. They thils for the beneit et joy-riders, but se that vie eau war. Thie chiot objective ofthVe authonities mnust he i et ýpurely pleasure driving. The use ef a miotor car itified when it inereases effiiency ini essential business. ollaboration betveen taceiDe- nd the Canadian Legion Edu- ýwealth air-trainiug plan bas functiouing lu close contact on. Tihe universities in the ave esta'bished special short a-i education iequred by the ols; air observer sebools, irigation sAboos. Tii-se nov chude advanced eletrical en- locater mathematica; inaviga- ities opecl lui the sumier period) with classes rangiug e-opeing et tf Ihe universities ? aizp et the classes but there to 100 reeruits since Octobier. at night but the u-iversitios sud iustr'ucters and lu mot niversity pi-sein ets. idenee courses have exteuded ýcool te thie defence terces s-menttiia voi-kthoy have ai Educallional Services sud DuramComunty War Timne Commiîttee Org-anized (Coutes efthe 1-3 in-ý i Vi1 S i e n n) i Iort, tue Iniar1o epar.tuient ef Agr icultuý,-r e rocently ,decijded on a mee xeiv rua z tie ot asa Ontaie agieultur-al preoductien. As anlinitial step hje Fdrte of Ag-ric-ulture was empfleyed te miake, a survoy ef the situatien iby bavinig ecash faini fil lu a forim cenitaining questions relatiing te bisý plans sud needs fer the yeýar. NearIy every fariner will have seýen thoýse fermas <and fer Durbain Counity over sixty pier cenIt ef the farinera fillied thers lu and roýtueid thein promptly. M-1o re( are comiing iu ahi the tino. Te make aequate use ef the in- form-ationi thus obtaiued a coi-iittee,- bas beon set up lu eaclu eouuty cons- posed oft1key fainera, for the meat part 'active iu the Federatien ot Agri- culture. The function of 'bis con- mittee is te viork under the direction of R. S. Duncaýn, hiead of the Agnicul- turni Reprosentative hi-sncb, lu au effort te assist ilu msintainiug - the productien of essential food stuif s at tho highest pessiblo lovel. The Durham County Wartirie Goimittee met lu Boianville, Mar. llth, at the eau etf E. A. 'Summers. In spiteofe bad weather and roads, ever7 municipality vas represented except eus. To give a lead te tho meeting by explainiug Nwhat vas ho- ing- doue threughout the province sud vibat vas hoped for, A. H. Mnrtin, assistant te i- Duncan, visa pi-sent aud addrosssdi the menhers. Arined vith acc!urate information and statis- tics on varieus phases 'et fod sour- ces sud food supplies, Mi-. Martin eu';deaveui-ed te, show the vital part Canada is nov called upen te) play as a producer et food, paiticuary anl- mal preducts. Orwiug Vo the tura the var bas taken la the Pacifie Ocean -and the contiuuedf intense aetivity of subinar- lues lu Vhe Atlanutie, reat Britain ie- quires constantly iuerýeasiug supplies ofý bacon, eggs, miilk producta, sud othor comnmodities frein Canada. "Ontarl,,o," said the speaker, "'has doue renuarkablyve, (but oviug Vo certain adverse causes hast yoar by whicb the harvoat mwas relativeiy poor she bas doue this by feeding- ener- m)ousý quantities of coarse grans frein the West. Outarlo) used te be by far thei-largeast producer of boga.1 NovAAiberta alone la ou a par, if net aready ahead. This mieans thatý (by next harveat a miucbi larg'er quan-ý tity of ceai-se grains vii luebcted lu the West, vith n mauch siailer pro- portion avaihlable for Ontario. We sbould therefore bDe prepsred by pro- ducinig as inuch bore as vo eau' Mr. Martin thon called attention te the liimited supply of steealod mianufacturera et tarin macbiner-y and urged fermiera te place orders for- repaira at the carlilct possible moment. Have mnachinery ready fer action vheu the spring arrives; ai.se make sure et securing seed grain. He said that while good ssecisl relative- ly searce there are ainple supplies if properly distributed. The point vwas brouglut out -.bat on Commercial No. 1 seed there la a ceilng ýprice but on the prico. M.\f.Mýartin then turn,-d Vo tVhs registered seed there la ne init Voý labor phase et the question, explain- in,- boy the varieus governineunt de- partinents are cooperatinig te mnake available as mnay biglu sebool stu- dents as possibel for fari service. Tisla1sd proven very hoîptuilast year. Also hoe suggested that by ex- hage ot labeur and by miakiug a vider use et the tractera nov lu any commiunity, vork could 'be speeded up aud bardship reiieved. At this point Mi-. [Mai-in set devin and the chair- man invited discussion. And there vas plenty, but very inuc.h Vo tii-e pint and wverth wbile. The fi-at item attacked vas the use et tractera. Ail agreed tiiat nein sheuid have lis tracto-r opei-ated un- lesa lu capable bauds. Onae memner asked' on vbhat hasia eut of this difficltyuns thrIlo gh somre 1fori111of ci, ilse eieSt0e1 seric o th rleseof Solierà-s for- mcm s w , f the pnio e f t ~aî ie and 'holidays lu ling with the'harve st at least. No m-atter vihat immieiate suibjeect wsup for co,ýnsid1eration the discýus- ieievitahly, swung around to the prcsfer agriicitural products. Whyi ,re industr,*ïa1 wages standardized at1 a hg level, and ind(ustrial pýrofits as- sured to the ovner- while the prices of far'm'productS are left fiuctuatin1g aud iniscure ? IV was the considered opinion of those pi-sent that tho, araefa-rmer b ad ne confidence in ihe, security of even the prevailing1 price level aud vas therefere relue- tant teinake comimitinents or t e x- -,it imself to the limit. It -vias suggested, therefere, thnt bore vas a wans that should be tackled and a resolution askiug tbat steps ho taken by the Dominion Gev- -,sii-iint te gi*ve sonineasuauc o th'e fainrthle would net be "lot clown" was passed sud forwarded Vo a,< central organlization working for the fariner Vo ble employed lu stren-tboing their bhaud. One eenimittee memiber ciev atz- tonitien Vtbe many stroug' organiza- tions of fariners now existin and look-ing after farrinera' interests, auch as the Federation of Agriculture, tbe vp,,arius nmilk producers aocieties, the organizations ýof poultry producers, liog producers, etc. These are nov powerful, vide avake bodies. and are comnpelling attention so that the far- mer la more certain of a fair ceai. This sbsould 'he made v,;idlely Lkown that it mnigbt 'be appreciated 'by the fariner thus .giviug hlm- confidence te go on lu spito of bis difficutlies. To furither this ve%,rk a cominmittee was -nppoiuted Vo cooperate wlth our local novslappors or any other agemcies for spreading informnation. Thulas 'Durhamilni outy Wartime 'Counmittee made its start. The keeu interest inanifested bv its memnbers iuidicated that its end la net yet. Auction Satlem. The undersigued auctioneer bias re- ýceived instructions from )IR. JOHN GAY te adil by public auction at Lot 32, Concession 8, Clarke Twp. U- mile vest aud '/, mile nor-tb0of the Village ef Leskard OP WVEDNESDAY, APRIL Tt, 1942 the toliowiug valuable Fari Stock, Implemients, etc., HORSES 1 black miare, rising 5 years; 1 bay mare, risiug 15 years. CATTLE 1 red cow, aged 6 years, due Marcb 12th; i roan cew, aged 5 years, due Mai-ch 23--d; 1 red cow, aged 10 years, due May 9tb; i Red (low, 10 years, due lu Juiy; 3 yearling calves. PIGS i whbite Yorksh'ire Sow, due to pig May 23rd; 1 White Yorkshire Sovi, due lMay 30th; 1 white Yorkshire Sow, due May 24tb,. POULTRY About 75 Rock liens. GRAIN AND RAY About 75 bualuels of rye; about 300 bushels of oats; seiveral tons of geed red clover aud timothy hay. HARNESS 2set of Double i{arness; i set ef single barness. IMPLEMENTS 1 Miýassey-Harrs 'inder, 6-foot eut; 1 Masesy-Harris Movwer; 1 M1assey- Hanria seed drill; 2 Massey-Harris Manure Spreadei-s; 1 MeCorm-ick cul- tivator; i1McCormiiek Rtke; 2 sets ef Vani sleighs; 1 single piow, No. 10 Percival; 1 double plevw, Iquperil JTunioür; i1'Per-in Riding Plow; 1 set Sale te i-onice i o'clock (D, ýRMS CASHI Classified CoMiNG EVENTS Oroo LO.BA. re oldinýg 'a card parjty il, the Lodge roomi- on Tues- day'evening, Mar-ch 24th, Lunch ser- *ved. Admission, '25o. h-1b c. Kendal L.O.L. No. 405 will hold a Card Party and Dance ini their hall on Friday evening, March 27th, com- menciug at 8.09 &elock. Proceeds for -war work. Admission, 25c. Gowanrvîlie ladies are holding a dance in Newca.stle Community Hall on Friday night, March 20th. Music ,will be supplied by 11-ainigan,'sMouni- taineers. Proeeds for war work. Ad- mission, 50c. Lunch included. Oronio Red Cross Dance, Town [Hall, Oro-no, on Thursday, April Zud. Danc-ing f roin 8.30 to 12, when lunch will be served, Gialloway's Orches- tra lu attendance. Rýound and Square Dancing. Admission, 50c. c-12-c. A Community Social evening has been arranged by the Woman's Asso- ciation of Park St. United Church for Friday, March 2Oth. Programr to commence at 8 p.m. Laffies of the eongregation are a-ked to bring lunch. Aduits, 215c.; Children, 15c. FOR RENT row Pbefore the end of March. Apply to A. H. Keane, Orono. a-10-p. FOR SALE Seven-roonmed Frame House; gOod garden; good stable and other build- ing conmbined. Good -weli. Apply o John Brown, Kirby.c-2p FOR SALE Six-roomed Semi Bungalow, wltb large Suni Room. Ail couiveniiences. Nicely situated, overlooking O0rono Park. Apply Vo 0. W. Scott, Orono. c-12r-p, PIGS FOR SALE Yorksîhire Pigs, seven wveeks old. Apfply Cloi-don Kirk, Lot 14, Goý)nces-1 sien 1, Mauvers, Pont-ypool; Phone 82 r 9. a1-p FOR SALE Babhy Chicks and Hatching Eggs, WbVIite Leghorns and Rocks; biood- tes ted flocks; R.O.P. sired;, large fovil; large egg sets. Customers are booking their orders to avoid dis- aippointinent as we intend te stop hatching early tiis year. Ail eggs arve produced on our farmi. ALVIN CLEMENS Phone 2433, Bowmanviile. Farm near Hampton. tf W. A. Social Evening on Friday, March 2th The W. A. of IPark St. United Chýurch on Friday eveuiug, March 20th, wiii hold one of their social evening's inu the Sunday School room. These entertaininents asat year, three iu number, proved very succesaful and entertainiug, while the patronage increased so rapidly after each one that aIl availalble space was filled Vo capacity in the bacement. This evening's entertalum-ent should prove to be ne exception. At present only oee la eing prepared, owing to the lack of talent, as miany have eniisted, -while others are doing war work. 'The conmmttees in chlarge have a grand programmie arraiiged for the evenin. There viii he a play.. eu- titled "A Gbostly Eveining"; aiso other items of interest, consisting of ehoruses, rhyth-ini bands, quizz con- test and severai numnbers of high- class dramatized mnusie. What more could a person ask for-, and the admission is only 25 and 15e. -with a delightful lunch served after- wards. SHIP SIJRGERY A remarkable e-xaiuple- of sbip re- pair in British dr-y-do-cks -vas record- ed recently. A deep-sea tramp steamer as brougbht in, se adly dauiaged Iy îunder-vater explosion ýthat itFa bull was out ci lhue. It vies- eut in two, straightened, rebulît, sud MUN" J. C. GÂMEY 11NSURANCE FlIre, Casualty, Autorno- bile and ]Liablity Orono - Ontaria' AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuatot Conducts Auction Sales <of ail s" and ai reasouable rate@. Cormnumicate with hlm at PetS Perry, Onitario, or see his OI!rk, A E. Morton, at Orono, for <I.I.ý G. RICH-ARDS Practical Watclimaker Ail Repairk Io Welches, Ciocek, ban* Jewellery, vili reeeive Our promlpt attention PARK STREET OR C>o iFric'Ey & Saturday Deanna Durbin and Chai-les Laughton lur 'IT STARTED WITII EVE" Monday and Tusday "'Internationial Lady" WiVhi Ilona 3Iassey, George ~Brent anid Basil Ratbbýtoue BHouse in Ki-by, forinerly used as j ý QtJALIFIED OPTOMETRISI store; barn sud garden. Apply D. A.*Ji(ceLtiate 0, the colge cf Optom- MadKinnon, Kirby. c-il-p 01et ntario OfieHours: 10 Vo 12 ai. mdi2 FOR SLE I 4.30 p.m and by appointmeul FOR SALE OfâflirCu. B. Tyrrell'e Drug Stot. Yorkshire Bi-od 5ev, due te far-- 1Pbon. 08r2 F. F.Morris&SonI Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville -- Orono Phones: Bownuanville, Day 480 Night, 734 end 573 Oro)no, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Comfplete Furnituro Store and Modern Funerai-Service in Durham Our Service-THE 13LST Out Good,5-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOW EST IBOWMANVILLE-&SoNo Ir- Prof essional Directory MEDiCAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSIGL4N and SUR GEON Offie ious 2.00 to 4.00 p.1rn.; 6.80 Vo 8.00 p.UL. PHON,\E 47r1 ORONO DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Office Hours in Orono: 'iMoiday to Frrdfy (inclusive) Froin 9 a.mn. to 5 p.m.-EFveninge by Appointbment Office Hours in Newlatl, - 'eroy Saturday froi 9 a.m. to 9 p. IFor appointinent phone Orono 18 T 'P, VETERINARY Wilfred Wyy. Sherwin B.V. Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office:- Main st. Orono Pihone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. G ilfilMan Ph.B. m