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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1942, p. 5

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THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES In Orono It's ý -nç Mac Smith's at your service Ladies' Spring Dresses in washable prints, styles and colors of the season, each ............ $2.98 Misses' Stripped Blouses, each ........... $1.98 Kabar Slips, white, each......... ...... $198 Blue Work Pants, guaÈanteed fast color, zero shrunk ... ....... «.. .......... ....... $2.50 Work Boots, real value at ... ............. $3.95 We have just got our last shipment of Crepe Soled Shoes for men and boys until ? Better get them NOW. Boys $3.50 pair. Men, $4.00 pr Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at fRear of Store MAC. $MITH PHONE 611r 2 - - . ORONO RED &WHITE -STORES Chioride of Lime, 2 pkgs. 19C Master Dog Biscuits, 2 pkgs. 29c Rose Wheat Flakes, 5 lb. bag 21c Robin Hood Flour, 98 lb. bag $2,98 Prunes, largest we can buy, 2 lbs. 39c Dates, IL Cooking Onions, 5 lbs. Rolled Oats, fine or course, 5 lb Sweet Pickled Picnic Shoulder of Pork, lb. Chuck Roast of Beef, boned' and rolled, IL Fresh Pork Tenderloins, lb. Round Steak, IL 500 lb. lb1 Tende Quick Fresh Easter Neilsoi INation IWon& Rinso, 17c 25c 25c 24c 21c 39C 25c 22c 21c 39C 25e 31é lOc 29c ~box 32c 18C 24c Local News FBoth the niorning- and evening services at Park 'Stree-t Church wce, filled with interesi laýst SuInday. lu the morning, the sermion subjeetý was "Kingshiip, Han ad Div'ine," revealilig that w'hile our earthly kings haive ne'arly ail vanished, th e Kîng of Kings is stiJl ruling.- The,, "hoir sang as an anrthem, "Rest ini the Lordl." We were also favoured %wîth a duet by 'Mrs. IHrryv Crydernman and Mr. Ar-thur Bell of Bowmaniville, whîich was w'ell rýeoeived. Ii) the evening , aniother lantern lecture was given with beautîfuilly Col1oured pitures, showing the wýor-k of our- United Churcli amiong the scattered parts of Newfoundlanid. The hymus were also thr-own on the screer. The choir sang a Newfound- land hymn from the *ym-nary. The citizens of Orono will have to order thejr gecris arly for de- liveniy fr-om now on'. There can only be one delivery daily. No route car lie covered twice in the samne day. Help your Inerchant ail roU car by earryingthe sniall parcels homne. 1Ia~ve you A cs of m-easies is reported in thec village. Mr-ý. A. H. Keane wasin oot 1Lr, J. -J. Mellor bas been confined to his 'home owngVoa a ud cold. i),i. James Lycett lost a -aluable hiorse one, day week wheri it die*fd wmhil e be1n.g driver homie. Mr. anid Mns. Jas. Eag-leson enter- tairedf a rumiber of fr-iends at herý home on11Monday evening. Scar-let fevear bas agair peae ir our village, the case this timie be- irg Mrs. Jones ef the south war-d. Miss Nellie Co)lville suffered in- juries when she fell whive carrying coal into tlhe house one day last week. ,Mr and Mrs. Kenneth 'Fralick ami î'am-ily, of Toronto, visited withMm L. Fr-alick and Miss Davy on Sun- day. lMr. A. E. Morton is in Toronto this week attendi-ng the convention of the Maple Leaf Fire and Insurýance Comipany. -Orono Masonie Lodg,-e are holding their ladies night on ifondlay, Maîch 23rd, entertaining the ladies to a ban- quet, entertainmiert and dancing. JMr. Paul Bailey, Rock Island, Que- bec, 'Ur. Kelty, of Toronto, spent a day in this district, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James E~. Richiards. Rev. S. Lttlewood and Mrs. 1H. W. Murray, of the loal Red Cross Brarch attended the Red Cross con- vention hieid in Toronto one day last vree-k. 'Principal Rosborough treated the iprize 'winning gPaoup of the 1941 Lit- erary i5oiety last evening te a theatre party in Oshawa and lunch at his home afterwards. A larg-e flock of crWsere lnais- ing and awful mieket a-,t seven. o'elock this morning, doivn Lu the gulley rear the old C.N.R. roadbed. They are binging in spr-irg two days ahlead of timie. Theý sunry nouth is still noted for iits sunny wveather and bahny hreezes. I writing ta somie of bis friends in tmwn Mr. C. T. Mviller says that t1ey are enjoeyin.g theshie and at- tendinig hall games. Visiters homlie fori-eeweek-end wýere : L.A.C. Cordon Leamnan, of Nova iSctia; Pte. Pick Patterson, despatch rider, Quebe'c; L.A.C. Rober.t Keane, of Guelph, -and Erýent Bwr miechanic of the R.C.A.F., Torortýo. Mi. Pick (Mrton who has been working in Toronîto for the past neyerai merths, retui-ned home on ______________ Saturday lant, givirg up bhis position O r% 'is Trents, Mr. ap n t M ris.f E. Mer- ono Tins hoç hin Taentste helpand Uic fAi .mocf ton-. There are bouses in to-wr for sale, quite a nuinier cf themi, but thereý i rst a seenis te lie a scarcity cf bouses for ient. New families wo-uld m9ive te o~ tonif there were houses avavilablei P L'UIMV 15BIN G but at the present tiure the local recd canromýt le accommrodate-d. 7"IIL A TIMNPC TFhundecr, liightning anAl a heavy rain storm prcvailed eaîly Tuesday morning, taki'rg mont cof the ice cof our main street, andiymakirg the courtiry reads aliment impansable for maotor traffle, Tuesday -was just like ispring, and we were irformed by one peisnrtbat sic heardýc a robin chirp- irg. Mr. and Ms C,.1-1. Fiente received word from their son Wilfred whe, is rew in the noithern part cf Ireland. Wiifîedl reports that bis ship is in- dr-ydocleS iulegong'pai-ýs after beirg attacked b>y eenmy suhs in tic -Atlantic. It seems that their shi.p was able te limphakit port after receiving a torpedlobt The Jersey herd of Prof. M. W. Staples, Orono1, Ontairio, Profýesser of Live Stoc7k at the Ontarie Agricul- trial Celeg-e, han been givirg excel- lent production duringp the pant year. Professer Staoles liesF recently quai- ffled Severi t-%wo-y7ear-old daugliters anAl one tliree-year-oldi daughte-r of Cllege Dîeaming Xeuia. ThIese eight heifers average 7,848 pourds cf miik andl 401 peimds cf fat, con- sidcered a good avenage for mature animais, andl whfen heifers eaun do this it is considered quite exceptional~. Ne'w, modeen test equipment en- ables one to make fas't, dependable and TINSMITHING And ail kinds of Repairs R.E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR 1centre st. Orono Plume 30rl PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH R S, . Littlewood Paster SUTND-AY, MCH 22nd Series oni the Kigdo'm of GoAl .1l a.mi., Thle ehoice cf thie Crýoss 2.30 p.mi.--S5uLnday Sehool. 7, "We rceed a Revival." A statement made et oui Oper Forum. Ljook up andl nt down, he Campaigr W. C. T. U. MEETING The Wmns'hîta epr aieUnion miet at the homie of MUrs. J. J. Mlo on Tuesday, March 17t1-, with the President, -Mrs. H. Walsh, The mieeting openedl with the hymiin "take mny life and le2t it be conse- crated Lor-dtoThe,"ani prayer by Mrs. .Ri Ell Te seipture reading ,ind commenctts were given hy Mrs. Rainey on sowing the seed. The roil call!a answered by the miemibers w,,ith somie facts about the temiper- anequestion. Mrs. Rainey annour- ced that $10.25 had 'been sent fromn Orono union for the Hom1-e Centre for soldiers at Petawawa. Final arangements were made f'or the Si'Wer Medal Contest to lie held ont April 1Oth, the different commit- tees were appointed ard the price set at 20c. and 10c. Clippings advising a3geinst cigarette smioking were read by Mrs. Rainey, Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Mel- lor, Mrs. Kelly, ifrrs. Walsh and Mrs. R. Best. The meeting closed wth a hym-n and ail repeating the Lord's prayer. A-cup 'of tea and lunch were served by Mrs. 'Mellor ami was iuci enjoy- cd by the members. FolIowing is one of the cWippings agaisnt smoking cigarettes : In the July number of the Caradian MHe dical Association Journal the edi- tor, in discussing "Digestive DiSor- ders in the Forces," quotes statistica of British miilitary hospitals irdicat- ing thiat aýs high as 306 per cent of mieical cases admitted were for dis-, orders of the dJigestive system. "Pep- tic ulcer is unidouMtedly the major cause of illness î1n the army." Commienting on this the editor- fur- ther states that "there is mucli cvi- dence in faiýor 'of -the view 'chat smiok- ing increases the acidity of the gas- trie cnteats and therefore mnay bl expected te increase the tendency te develop or aggravate peptie ulcer. It ,is safe to say that mest medical men ad-vise their peptic-ulcer patients not to smokçe. In the light of this we miay well 'consider whether it is well te deluge our fighting forces with cigar- ettes . .We deny tobacco to our, ath- letes in training, on the groun*d that its use lessens stamina. Would it rot ble better, from a medical stardpoint at ail events, V-,o substitute malted mi-ilk tahlets, glucose confections and choicolaite bars?" This, coming from- the editor of our leading inedical journal, is ýworth thin'king over. CARD 0F THANKS In thei-reports returnied Vt e anAl throug-hnme te headquarters there were se0 many splendid things that tbne disagrecable ores fade eut er- tirely. The can'vasser-s report that tliey were ýboth willin'gly and kindly received, that the peoplie who were ablIe te bya small bond were i mnont cases read(y, that the wor-kingi, people were really doing their share ir the factoies cor-cerniied, although we, as a district, did rot get ary credit for their loans in eur total, ex- cept in the case cf the Newcastle Box Factory. Only three cases -were re- ported ýof rude-ness and anta-gonismiý, ard the least naid about these the,, bâter. Feroic h canvassers it wa,,s [a l'ergliard three weeks, usirg al kirds cf transportation, andl using their tw,ýo feet for miiles an-id miles, yet it was in ecdi case ain experience worth having. ~A bock coiild bce writ- ten a1bout these experiences ini oui ewn district, but that would rot lie 'wise. Se mary yarns have been spread around as te how rich the can'vassers bave become that it is only faifr te all coneerned te give a full report and then let people tellI what they like. Junt as newscanat, 50 Fes*ter starts bis is started: ee asu nu ~k. pay ail his own epne papers that he will de, weeks te this 'work. W-ber the facts are hm car lie ne real argument littie reaser te fr4d fault. Once again 1I wish te sa3 district has provýen itself t( up 'of at least 98 per cent. li dians and a clans of citizei lie prordd te !ive in their nr other 2 per cent is m-ade upç kirds of people, some ver un-detsand. There in stili 'quite a le pla'cenc:y and somne selfish haps we will neyer 'le rid tir.ely, but it %viIl be well fi us Vo realize that te wave sng "God Save the -Kirg," fr11l measure of a loyal sL finAl that ful1 nieasýure a possible wve must learn t( andl if needs lie, sufer iii kee-p f aith with those 'vwho rificed, as well as with ou il wish te thaul aili ated so willingly in m a drive -uch a success, and who ever han chargewh l-oan cornes alorg (a.s it wil eau lie prend of t.he lie] this district. ST IT PAYS TO PAY C2 Phones 21 r I and 70 r 1 Special, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Mar. 1E Governmient Regulations, commencing Mari 1942,- restrict our delivering to one tinte per region. This means that we shaHl only be ab liver in town once a day. Our morning deliv leave at 9.45 A.M. Orders after this during wiII necessarily be dellvered on the f oItowini Pr'EA S CILOICE QUALITY, SURNE GOOD BRAND, 16 oz. tints,2 TINS Damaged Labels ..... .. Fresh i Sirloin Fresh Car Ground Coffee Round Steak lb. 25ce 13 pkgs. Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Bowl Steak 27c. Fresh Sausatge 2 IL 3 5,c. iDar MW Editr: Makin1g a pret It isowposiletumake a bet- Number of calîI3,37; ter reotabojut thewo oe ia subserptions"49; tu [UiS ~ 'IstiUt on behaf of terMcent W8 Wys.One u Wof ev= Victory boan'. Although as a dis-. out albond. tiiet we did not reach ouribjciv, A s t o the(,canas Ses we have nothIn'g to beasme of aýs money raised t uer i far a wor-k is concerned. No mat- ad Empl-,oyeeýs plan hIi ter, whvat argumrent we off er il is stili uce from t he 't otal su true that we cold have reached our il speciaIii rames an'd objective if te few who had money The Cie canvassers a to in-ee2st (and refiised) had 1heen il pooled amiout on the 1) ing te dIo se, In spite of this, a spIen rate of 'L,, of 1 per cen! did -achievemeunt -was attained after tfersstaewhat each ri an Whoest effrt on the, part of thio-se and lie ha's ne comehîau concerned. te nrovide his onta Apply at th ORONO TIMES Orono - - OFFICE Ontario v Sausage, lb. ,gar, 2 lbs. eaf Tea, pkg. ýi« Mi. John, Gay and famnily express heartfelt thanks anAl appreciatior te their mary friends, relatives and reiglibour-s for acts of kinidness, mes- sages cf sympathy anAl beautiful floral tributes extended durirg thc ions of a lieloved wif e and mother. l 1

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