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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1942, p. 6

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A. Dissee na pound cf wash- 13g scda la na quart cf boilinig water, and-ond of chîcoride ùf lime in t-wo quarts Mcf coSd waa.Pour thaeear portion c)f tua lime s ~iinto the soda inltion and al]Ilcw te stand for settlig. Deant te clear liquid jate bttls, orktightly, and kaep la a dak plce. Q. How cenI. coverscahs A. By wrappigng awb cf ccou ton on a teothpick anId dipping mb lodie; appl this eth Leratches and when dry ub wAth îeraaof ,rlsty ashlum varnîs, ,re d ta. E il tar la ont te n-ina if the .iaýýtg kn-ots l ýy are liard o Sent Le "Appal- in 1941 Britain sits nets ila har leaves the p.&aire iles thi)nk that - sles hing thât wnouild Plane& Grounid barn tedwery psiopes of LacBE aup'fo rt skim Qebeinuch- disussd pralel echîcins FrtzLoosýi ofQueecCity who oIriginated t he srami e mynsrcinmehod, and Jask Millr (right ski nsructount ce, Adel oSe . Adele en 1-laut, P.Q. BothI are anc adcae of th sstm hich eaLejs sir toler teSportwtotrotnoth--e stejf-i, sniowplow nv ohr u- ber'sOme eais At a recent redz-os Queb,[ec City, the two skimeisters laid the foundations for a parallel i instrucýtors asoiaio ,deigned te protect bgnesfmunqualife instructors of paralelmethods, Encouraged by the growIng popularity of-. hs streamlined methods, LoosJ&liars nt te story of parallel in hés new book "aralle skiing" now avabiblmtothe public. -anda Pcfc ht H-ave You H1eard?ý in ha orsbu t "boss", p a Jindliy eye on t-hem aîil, PI:s- enty ha aoticed oaa yeung nman- deloping very expansivetestas la elothas; but, said nothinguti the lad turned up te ork la a i !,mart 1,lte car. the boss se"d kindflyý HOW ara you managing Senwell on youx wga? 1 hope yeu'1ra net runnig inte dubt" "Oh, n r ru "ralidthe on raffle;mIy pyevlp vr wekad ail th-e oth!er men taka0 a tiCka.', Iwe playsin athe gr den, Mum, wakve a a' Lad&rar ver! Ltter g-o andto ai your DnAt" Sonny: "Ha kuuows already -Lhe'. anging on the bad- The scahoolinpco asea- niga caac f ý,oi nAalbos "Nwboys," nha sa-id,"oa do you lhinik, ha speat b1*' is tima?" "Fishng, ir,"saideabright] seafishing," ared heinpc tor. iatejeced eothr yugtr "Whatîmekes yo u thik ha "~He had puly twc werms." There waa a younzggilin the choir WIuosa voke wet p Loir and hLoir TillioeSun'd'ay inight It -went out of sight AntI they found itat day in the spir. My 1niece, Vleia gad 'four,ý was watching with Itrstle ,mCther sitting On the adràooIn window ledgec leiaig thawin dows. V'alerie: "I illhod our legs, murmm, 50ylu won't Xal." do if mniydid fî? Vaeia(righitly) : "I 1would -Se YOîi'ya pit had a naed4icalexmnao.What dîd the d-o-ctor -4iy?" "'Hte aidItstIwsl Puyetty gýood condition but that the lest mn h11çad mployad had ,,-t tigs iato suIch a tea-igla tha,,t hl-, thoughit ha oudhaeconsýid-. eut of chaos. "I doa'tknow hoChao1s is," put in the appicant, "but L'il get an Iorde-r out of hlm JU ifi bve t!o hang on to hlm for a week." Serean: "aveyou auy prefeleapro. D vte "An ýJex -rv mais wih a pcifois. Shlrthee1'f Tire civia Upis la the1'nied wi proUe sotnehn anabHe mtoio etel sttig Cdowa" lestîying ob eoe e Unte duce aOn Utye"of heeal ortir meros te eadof îtha nigbt, "iLntive urge - ' A as BUen(1 plcet aote 'etig on'i ntgigto h2 dstoyd y Ge G ILmS. Xn usnmer carproucto xpr Esar Ifaci parte ont Pre crement Dick- 1-thwes ta i 'heAlnided Ifyu ae tble win Ituin pieso e! tal som wQeiiýTýey do nt e- waug and p r u Me erYramn What Science 18 Doig Super-fuiels nwbaing ed l laborýatôries in aye-droppr quan tities may 8smaýsh ah rsa standatrds cf moto)-r performance, 1-11rilaad C -Man chester writsnl Harper's. Oaa, called "tiptane," is said te give 50 percentmor poarl benich teýstLs te hasaviaton gasolin-e. 'TheQ use cf an] crgaaîc cer-1 pcunid of mag-nasium la th pro- eass akasit tcî xanie0o mioter car-tnkbut thýat hesmne bhled the chais. They ara leokinlg for a c-heaipermthdf syn"thesis thait wil do tha jo f cen find it,tipaemyhv a brillien-!tcre. The warii la te air frns dste mos cocluivaproofofItha s- oairt f the aiew Aeia fuels. Tue trggle for air su- prema y e awon b ctanue numbers. Gseline takea -o ca-pturad GIerma'n planas averaga -ne btrthan 8S7, and tit la n ownvý thet Jepnssuîpply cfhi-ctn fuel Éý isiitedL Briih au American lanas haveaan ample supply of the 100-octne fuel maePossible by 'im-provad refia- iaTg tnd blndiag metho(-ds. Only a few years age fuel cf, thisgrade was se irrethat samples cest $30 a galon. Nowv bu'ying it la tank car lotl.n plans are under way te increes p)rodu,,ctioi n te more tea5,000, 000 gallonsea day. Modierr tiuet jing leave ;in puIblicplcs 9,.vWhat is die first duLty of onet- who laispreparing to laveada '3er, party or recepion?ï* V. What is the pr-oper se;ýque2nce of pgsin] a social lier?'U' 4. How mchtime is the bid e'xpCetedfo sedwith ber gusts at the wdigrcpin 5. Whlat is Lt1(ereal andfia tesýt of' goodbreig 6Watshould a wmnd whencallng, f she find br os L No; Ceveil the mo-st intîmaIte cffriands wilI.011]y shake handa; whenk geeting elach e thar ab par- ties, chvrchi, teas or lin pu.blic places. 2. To take leava of the host and] hostessý. It is net neces- ery, however, te seak eut each pefraca Ite whom one ha)s bee'nji- troduced and bid him or bier e mprate farewell. m.Ut YsCor- rýect te write on the fir-st page, an,3d then on tha thbirdi, or on the firs't, second, tidand îfeurth, Th nltter order is prohably the beýtter la the cas c very long CNeyer"w-riît e sîd'w a y s o coss- wi Sc, as i aate difficulAty in- rciýa din ,g. e or hntwvo heurs. She may then retre te her roem withl-,Lir maïid cf honor, techa;nge inito hier travývig cs tue .Oservance cf thos n e rue fconduet wîch a!ke it" eýIsIer andmimpe oroato minga wth therpeola.Ar- tocstoalyinsist t'hth "bSis cf Convention is asmoim prhurilymean te isplyeare- g"ard frthaelinsof other peoý0 p'le, .She may ey: "Jsea youarereay te-.)goeut; ïwe' Ceap yeu." Hlowever, if AtIheoles tass inists that she sty for awhuv la,e'it i afcl rprt flignt ïcreaeSeen >n Caniadian Navy increaýsed e ,00 ofiecers aad raigs by the end of 1942, Navy Minister Mcoadsaîd lan an iterview r1ecenItly, Ha 01added( pegrcsg se fevoraby that tha numober cf ships on atv evc would ameunLilt te',a0 yfive huadred by the aýnd cif the yen-. Whea tha war vwaýs dclered, the Canadien Nevy ccnsited cf l1,700 man on, activ-e service. ad "bou haîf a doza n is" Shop on Wheels A mbibucher Shop), first ila ~Gr(at Britein, haýs bean pupt inte, sayvi!e bythaeimnhanBtb ers'Assciatonse weekly 1ra- ticosns m e adaliverad îfif meat shpsax esroa 4rigraid!s. À4 -'ir, Il a rec isc o-O0a klan-d !bridges werae dasinedandbuilt te raSist air UC LASSIFED'D VE DTISEMENTSr. I IAIT liICK srx EREDS, C7I(, CAPofSi talogue1, Ilon1k jmt utyFam BABY CR It'K-3TO iCJ. TSt IL 1001pu diets or 110 uedciekaç, yacereBrtnnaf i e btus. bian our nw 1 r42 cataloguePai twddeCIck Buyers frorn.aIlýý-' rnove iir iCanad i.i1They. ,boughit sil lne 0four nineL < 1teenipuereed39thy brid rosse, 4 reeda0f tukeys itiso f limae, lca n n eQuipment thA y En hk POR QUf(iCK ALEFINE JRE Bll,> Westonway Vicýtoy Velun- trBiood ýtea, sre 1bytle f-amous Bramipton SadadVl- untleer TeSeconld, dam Wsto -way Noble eaty wicaSive Raaboinrn Noyemberr, 1998. Tis Bumll %wii make utstandinig bard sire.Reasoableprice Wsoua F"armIn.R.R. 1,Wetn FARMERS 'YtiCAN MAICECOSDIAL handllg Oaa f Itle fineat h!ues cf troera Pslnt, ireExign- ara.e. WrIte WýARC'O(RES & OIlL LIITED, TORONýýTO. ouî deier, Iieelocationsi6e2 Ou sSCar1 s inkeLus mai finda rite or our Fri iBoTk- ExilARGEiïME NTS1 ac oiof flm dvelpdo ta epits ,ýail for .5 ad .1 mat i sams.Phtogra 1:1ph1ic La- b o , u e 1. 0 :ÉIt U e IgpltSALE lcear>1'. Sd l i o 5hna m impove eceag,' se, .K , cony, 160 Arîrf, 1 U1 W ýin d Soir, OI.) ilerjf!o. ý_ T IIL ANTED home, 1Vestonay F nmRJ j 1 Westo JN, ni, Ao. r FOR QUICK RETURN'S ANDBEI i',sV,0f a i CI i Na Eix' ut> lilo9 1tesîateca, Ptit lo cs 7 Ba;îkSI-er te aaa U l i-N'L 18 Y;I4 t1 We1 , oroto e of MRheuatic Pins or(,1Neuî- Itsslhîoul 1 try1 Dion Re d. S 1,1 ý110 EN> ARGENT SEN *U TUR I 1L uR INN rirtsand yo wiimeçive ne o-ul 00eor wo fre cîlrgînnî butai iurphoteswtil ha1 an- (pls .5 m i ,,-lampa 1accepteS brok, ue. __P.O. ___ J J. LNLIS)ZA .LA lb1'J'iI, AP jOitarue . tSpecil OoaTm l fo fmrS cietoa COlSEFORVIOMENLA 11 D attendants, 1Requ-rer'EnT tY. ycars1 hlhs citoollS and ap piants sst 1 o-e f1 l uear;s, l-,edite '1.'ac- ancies. Apply A DirToUe Nursi~, PC BoL6094,Monîeai, caaou.James o.S. C1, oy Linda1, Onarto NQW1$T ',TL TStTA 1- co gseson il mlsi uml n, 1 W , v Avenueforonto 14N, F Xci, ti, W Ais4i Payen b rtu. s tu Reer

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