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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1942, p. 7

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NO OUAG I1 C PIS "No; ocapism at this tme l net eodeno~gh.Let IuS byai eas keep as long as wve can, 'Ywhýatever jysare lefet lulite; kepour sense etiume and ail etse% love and indliness that spsand wtj hmsand tÉami- .iesý; and k!eep as %well ourida Sjust!ie land sotmnhpandà airply and our inherited ini- stincts et om onpass_ýion nd rec MAnd it, ut ho01lding tfast te1 these tsinge, rofusiag te abandon urevste sombre nighitmareýs et ~lom,~letusnet try teu rot Wtsaor among urevsatas psybeogy et escapeo o thiS r~ WrCour'agethe groa-t need îet >~ te hurcaninot îheborn etthat ---Ottawa Junl DANGE-ROUS BP,,L RIFLES A stongcampigais being tatdagainst the ee t 1, fBE ini athe ibunds etf smll boys a Brauttord, still anotherbo bas leut the sight et ene oye and }naycomiplaite sar-e Mi i rmahi partsofetithe pr'ovincer. bne docter la Brantford tous ef ~raigtlireo ca-ïses oet wounding by BB gens luin ie week. Tier. ~hudbe far greater rsrcin ten the sale eot B3 guns and pum- plunition te mninors and it le te hoped ,thse recent sisootinga la icuious parts et Ontalr i Wii wrii *uchresrictonsinte bing' -NiauraFalEmRovew. HUTS FROMI HOLLAND A hipment et u 25,000 buts re- menuy arrived on the Russian' ~ uld bouse 25 Nazis and en5cisý Lut was titted eut CeMtortabiy. That is eaify one ,indication e. Uî ayHtier île usiag tise eccu- pied ceuntnieste urtbor bisca. i'gns. WidsrStar, S THE 'LITTLE DARLINGIS One effoetftlise sugar ration1. ing, as reported by ai Toronto, krce, s that Many cusmers ÇAheproeviulylad ocly one 0os ?w10"-,îdrennaw cameiluaue"dl ~rgaboutbteir lrefamnilles, Tryýing te kld hilm! "VflHY NEWSPAPERS ARE LiKEýr WRMEN 1, They are thinnertbnte tAiCed te be, 2, There is a.b1 d ace type. 3,Back numlbers afre neot in de- 4. They havce agreat djeal et 5. Every ma sbud Ave ene et b is own ad (net chasaS ý'tte ims eigbber'. St. Thomias Timies-Journai, -e-1 IN CONS ISTE NT Tise odd tbmag abetMr.4Eanmon de Valera,Prmirft ire _i lhtw iehowiLlvinot aliow Brit-- ~Siships tise useet Uiue's bas-es, ý. s pertecýtly cotenýt teC'allow BrSh hips te convoy gonde rom isielU. S, t oE'Li re. WHAT A.R.P. NME'ANS Itsiiseenas In eff'ct ha ofste the aýrgu.ment about A-F,,ceaies down te hte hseletters stand for air ri ~eiasor air raidprbby Vancov 0r Poine.1 GREATEST OMELET If terowasany point Ute it, bemýadetram tise831,000 *ggc wicis ere lid by36,0- 40bnslat'he United Staltes in ,imonth et Januar-y last. IT DOES THE JOB Tox_-oid treataiýent deespevt lp1tem la.This bas been poe ttise bt la scores ýand 1hund(reds '.-.t ities. The 1moral11is dean. N A $50,000 UPSET Pictured above is an useQ rt urfM ÉIster bs. It shows The Rhymer,Greentree Stable'"un- knon,"154-1-shot pouding across te ine, Jce Arcaro up, in the seventh runing et the- $50.000 Widener Cup Race wat Miami'n HiaeabPark The favorite, Market Wise, and Ail te name" naga like MoanAttention adCaldn îihd'way bAkina te t il ot17 startersý. stSeller wasf secon-d andl Olymapus thiird., THE WAR - WEEK Comenay n urent Events GenealisimoChIiang KiSe Urges Full Support Fromi India tiewan people outjise eve et rirouru t Chnacalled ifertiei "lmeest exemn' lain case e treedo)M saif sked !Bita"in te grant, ndia C"osipeilicI Pewer"immed- lately Tise text oet tis.mssg t Duing my two wes tyl ludia I had tiseaparuntyetdis- eussig ver'y ttmanklly with tise higis- est civil sud il 'itaatisoites as weîl as siny binian trieudq, questions eoncning joint plans againSta gnesiOu aad tise objecýtive uf aur commll ttnt. cwe sp py i t id tat thora ws til ,Yrnj- pathy asud general understandifug between us. My mission le ew drawing te close. On tise e o et y departur 1 wisis ta bld tarewell te ail m tiends lu Indfl i udtatna oo I1fr tise sunuykndsesiowr td pon Mmne. Cliiarg sud yst Tise brietueýse et mny stsyba net peritted me e lbu ise l, u- dlian people ila t I wý, 1-ýiShed ta saIy, I avail m1yceet th is oppur- tuaiity te add(rcc te tisema this ta iehneýsqage. Itileanu xrs clan oet my iis indwarm rgar sud et long cisenieed hopes Ion iadis, It ýcame e, rn tise deptIs et mny heurt. -siace inpy airiv'ui la Iis ce(_uatry I tond te My gret atistacti tiat tiser.exse ýpLýamoug tise peu- le et Indi a aununimous cdater tiuiintion ta oppos;e zaggressimon. China and lorlia China and ladiscmprise eue- hal etf tise orld's popIuatin. Tiseir commiton trOutier exteude, 3ý,00kiiomoeters, 11u tIsa 2,000yer hory aI tisorir uercaurse, whis bias been et s purvely cutur'alsu commeircial caacethene hueýý nover been auy arme,-d couiiet. iudaý-ed ;uowheei s,,e au tee tiud se lon1g anjpeniaci I uiteriuted pence etweentw'onegbig ceuntries. This is inci-elutbeprot trhat Our tapeopsare pee-Iviug by natture, Tday tisey have net uly ideutiical neetsbta tisee eetiy rIbis osa they a're duty budteO dewitis anti-agreceion cuntis sud te L liget shoulden teshoude n lu rde te secure rou! oi e isewh wonldC Mm MMoroau w pashava1 -umlt1ise noble epirit et cSelt- cacriticeloi- tise cake et justice andmigstenînas.Il le bis ia tionai epirit LvSic-is ciudm o tisem teward sef-iea ,in 1r aginataggercsioansd la i is aise tiisis SiItwh rmtdChina, to e h ie ti t tak )uptis preseut wai- te allyhostun -ciingiy withosnanti- agreiedui ceutîlo ne mereiy peoot socurinig justice sud tre-ýc I--uuete Suggest te mry brtrapeepie eto aisat Ibis meet erîtial moment le itseic tory et cilîzation tisaI Our twe peoplssiudexr themeselves te tiie u[Imeet -,la'tisecus torf d et al mnkind, for only la a free wend cuidtise ChinIeesujad lut- dianpeupas btain theretraaomý. denied tedetier China on Jadis, tisee ,ouhd h, o ne eai international A WQrld Divided Ti-e paent u ýiterna-ý,tilunal 'Lsitua. camps,iaggrýesslou camip andi tise atl-agrosi n ap, Ail ti4ss "d'luoep0oesed aggressio" n by ctnlv- in on týisý.ý ýe redan oet tein ceun- tr d e oSo 0cuatnieýýs ssuid jen tieaaî ag-asi acap Tier s ne middie course sud thenele t ýnu 'limepte w;ýalt Fer d- velopmeente Nowi s tfise crucialmoent for tiwis)oetuur e ankind Tise twe norpooplesud ý atser Aa pupe herelo'Cre ischjoins tis ani-agresie Iont 'May ho sadta ho co"eerainnMtwitb aa pntcuarcountry, bu"-t witha tiseentire Iront. Tiss leade us te MeliM isIois Pcfewan le the tulmn*,ing point lu- tJise i11siory o toaalsm.'Cise muthd, ieven, by which tise peopie ie-- r2werld co d cIieve' thei jýnfIea iis o diteeu Tise at-grsîanationsno expct t ianluthIkàa rsts pepie etJadis wil velnarily bean isirtui eseni bility la tiseprsens fug urIo tise survival ut s Ire. wanld, l whLicb lu i mut piay hnpart, Tise, vasîjnt y aI wenld opin- i'saspiratieneforfreedemi. Thiss îypnhylese ,valuabI.,e lsud s dlitîlcuit te ebtain 'tat l cauinot ho pprise lutermeet oÈ ney un m1atIs suï ad shouffldt'erote ïIeby ail menus ho eAid. Tise piý-sent struggie Is eule ho- tenfreedam sud1CIsiaveny, hoý- twoen light su dakness, eteo goedd onu, etMweau lres'istanjce sud aggroien.SIsould tisheanti- aggosciou Ironttor0e tie wax, nar%! iviliationwodcI fter a setbaýck -Ior at ]iest 100 yeare sud th'ero -wuid o n endOet ureu 1 apnsRecordi in Asie SeIasia le -couicuad, (tise cmueos commied by tise japa- nocemiltarsteare qou e scipio. ise snuterni su op- ~mnesionwisiIs ave been tisehý ecc. emn subjugatien by Japan, shisldserveas asuwanig. As vregards bar ýý , ý'bar3i iescrn miitteci by tie JaanseAry datce caelspeint. Ovetr 200,000 civillaneý ,were asacedwiisneewee-k Fortise ast tv'yeSstise civil. hianppuaio tFree China has bjeen subjected almeetn , dafly t bomiae rm ise l-airud bhem- bardments by hevy anîllery , a enverIY !place lnvnded b(j Y Jpns tr-ope, moni, ,%co£merisud chIsldren were eémuorassaulted or ldlle. TIise young mon isud tise educatedi peeple recelved th,'leir speClal at- tention with ise rcut that rmou Mt intelligence aad ideas have been-I tortured. 'Non le bIs al.Institutions et0 f cutre bjectee itoia u toreet addoainidovnatce aeessyînlvlhmosnjcb asý ceeking tuteaISils, poweeelsaad djomestie aniimais avebeen ettisor, toncibîy M~en awsy or desîreyed 10, places ndfer Jap'an-es'e ~Iitaýrv o(.ccupation rap. apn, aenir lsm, mere r rounaccur- rences. Moevi-,thy bave wi0tis Officia, coanlivance everyý,wîiereý opened OP- ium doans, gablig buses asudc -bouseï , 'ýs et il-amelu nder teý- ý aptisevitality &et tise peepfle sud diesgrýacetulcndut thtie Japa. noe, Ctise keEt whihCilane Iouad MlaQcunties invaedby otier aggresor natons, Wbat I baejuet said is but au n jadequa;te desci!ption et tisetuestate et affare s neported by (Chineearu aeysdbrukte frctise people et, Ciasud Ftheiln brie til nea Lpee. pie etÉ ai sisoudfon isake dem iv ýe tieru atdspport teý tiseprinipls emodie lathe At- atie Charter suad lu tise joint fdec- laion et i 0£tweatÈy-siîx naions, sud ai1yÉti ese,eeves withh tise ssLiI. aggreesîn Iront.I isepe they wl wboehentely ohntise Allies a'rien and tise Sovineýt Union, sud intiiptel ise sitggle 1er tise plote -victory l1sacelivedl and tise du&ties incident upan ýtiseminises treubfled CImmes bav e bea u uly disoharged, Latiyn Ishuerrly hopesudI conidatlybelieve tisut Cour lly GreantBitiwitbout watia 1e aiy (demande on s tise par-t oettise people etfId%, WHîlas cpeedily as- poýssUIe gv hmrs aiia pwrse tiathey may)e lu a Position tuti)rtedevelap theirjý spiritual and imateial SC stngiud tmus renlize that their particiation ltiewar le 4net mrey idta ( lis ani-ggrcsiu aions tohi-n ing point ia tiseir stuggieleuie iadi'c toc-dm. Forn thseojc tive point et vjiew, I ama etrtise opinion thiswelie tise wis-est poliy Èwich ilreoudte tise ofemtaItie Biii mie U.defeuce work is providiug- s greaterboom te Ainea toan did tie gold rus. hisgisnigwtests ha obe laarded'to t0 he Ta1nk with An i emns t e ip iig's ca t wbm ilplaesar And ail pacsarnliktehm Fron the se el-ali ld tu[re -Ae I bi ank he eo;s0 at veýrytbhing heeone, rs witb the ue)nbiased, look et manwh,1n wshea brusb aside any arrir, urmen of is c ,o alaImdannvsi on the cu S side1Inave a -Tel assýorted bruiseQs terepQ1ort that th PeDaai'dbetter begin at thebr beginining.,' TeCommandant ot Vd'ise Trainj- ing entreSaid--bis -ey.Ses ay haebeen tikig eiu se hcaseof te hie n h glsss - welJhveatankr brogh runàfr you te iý ook ut. That 1wa1S ail1 Jghtî B t i tank arvd-l 0tons o t 1Sa ak h enlmnfer Bow Bown e te .BC. at tesren, Teewsn msaeabout th vtwnkle la hi We ,ýciimbed la. By tise tie î had hoisted amideae le ovr ThErM et(the guil tuj1rr;k the ground wbe r-oeeiwi th lahtr1r st'ar',totefinish OF th rie,avie -ým te staÈýnd onithe ,gunner's sl;eel epen1ý. "You' ai e oefe thee. Itot mre te.And every tme Jlo. disdedrn tie uarter 'et an iheur hatw.ý careeerd up) hiA ali anddowun dal teewas h mjr wdedl co-rne-r of the gun. turret, cclu horri4biy ut, miywidatepst lossen the foqrce t the buffets deiee ythepugig rn Thse tank man, te judge b(- 1y m, steadily wt dea rdflor ay tisig cetretinghim that -n'O othor selde ees, CrtnyI neyert t inaFacaqure et a 1centu1ry ugo., Oneyen have aeyclmee eut et the tank afteriyor irst tpyeui roalize that you have noîveýr 1had sucis a feeling etofet in any 7,mode ettraelbefore. It didn't seeum quite tite salmo he th- ivom pýt ut on-spee-d, butrtled d"own ila Stoopbak rolled a iew boie s aide, toek aditoi la stride, climbed tise sido cl!ope etr a hill. turned la in e itraeks Dand charged downit aairand heýaded stagtfor.,a tali and very tik Atter ithe tiret te wittcU- ferent. You do0n't dodge aupy more ad yenget thatfelg tht itdo1-t atter iwhlat standés IREG'LAR FLESTeTryout Q'E.~TP1NÇ TOO FAT, $TOP EATINCý $0 MN Pld TIhi nàe CaznAcIn Armny didt kn-ow eito.Intade a copse et sapinges ucisas We.ý pleugbed through you imgine 4a Woods tuHi ethostile na-chine- gunnrs nd ou ka-ow that teir builets wiil! spatýer rmlsyon tie steel buloetyour otank Yen know, tee, thaLýt tise crew et wl-tand tner"udeýr Lamte conditowihcoube sprayiag tiseground ahend etfthem witb sheil and machieganbuhets ut a far taste rate than the hes fi»re-peweýr cnetae aany) attac-ks inotbierwas It ai adds up te a feelng et jauntIness and by tise time your first ride cemes Ète aut end ye feel like tipping yeur 1b-aftoteone side aw d "Walking wîtb an air" But 03tistjauntIineîss s n e suvred and sens>ýible one, neota and tise lmyriad isoncrees-coun-- try vhclsour boys ae-driving in tise idividlunI iensarmy ef -0dy aelnt turnIný1g thisem inteI reekieses drivers when tisey get omsn te tise road in civýihi.i cars. Tise effect i1 alnmost opposie. Once -yen get b-ack into ianiatl mob0dile you think te yoursel, "tIss tIsng intamue and un- burtable like tisaItankI ac -juet' laP.goLtote andle tbis more carefu»Y !" tankersl" And they-av aright te be. Thiey Spend tser ightiug heurs in crumped, hot noisy quar- tors and feelulie stretcisng wheu- they get out. Tbey have an exbiArating job. They charge acres ountry un- dsunted by obstacles. Tisey carry tise battie t, tisrugh and beyond tie oenmyUmTiSat s forte ig CaOL-' fer light-isearted etficiency-snd t',isa cae ligbt-hea-rted efticiei-îcy dea't quite îmanage isejaunîy for tSe bruises tisat tise yourmgster deesn'iget. 'Ne would look 1k. wisea w. cimbbed down, Ar F or ce r NTe e d -Radio Mechanics Tie Royail aadsuAI Frc neede radieo ecsniewiso hfave biad cerne uaiver-ý7sity trsaîing fi. weork witb tise radie detector- tse sec-re ntuetwhicb d,-ý dete enmyaircA Mon oa elisting fer duty ausrade deetroperaters wijl b. r equir- ed te eiga n ýferatciet teG eïtisertse Rîoyal Canianaf Navy or tie Cunad.ian Armny. Tisis le a aew rqurmet.R- gardilesseoetftle attacismeaypt, to eltiser thise nuyor sry, ieper- sonnlel ii rm i embere et tise alir terce. lu tise By( L V-~NDER IF Z NAV~ TI4E WILL POWER. 1~ WALI< Rl~}4T ~d~$T TR~ STORE P Q k -~ -iL ~ i W--Î.Z l'el

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