ORON4O WEEKLY TIEb rai tl HIl onMoi df of five ;y ntwau -e LABOl 0UR nae omba ýwoce tito- mon ilwh110'dLop th'em aitd ia iilrowe ce- hat.They were chosea- 'as a rewarul fer par- (Jdwork. TI-ey ec ýx and ffWhitiey aicccft and sat at the cntroisi la ~ ~ O a9o h up-ec norgn e ILI îIfrmeca latheefive provin(es of Eas- cine traCaaa'e1neea1oh ycelds wh atots,baiy arng mxt graIina f or'gr ain pr oduction; lmrgels Portandturipaferfeeinglive Steck, an their ocinlaCouaicil bas justbenpa i a- pent by the.Aglicielturai Supplies 'ived Bat by .1111y 1, 1942, te encourage aing te wite SOof eeîclfoi tilizors1 ai for.tHe production ef the eropa monu- a tioet di- Gea tor pCdcrtion of pastuhre, haensiLage, grain and ceot cropa la EtenCanadaIý is aecessacy if thle weat demntifcom Britain for mo re Cana - ndatia iaidiry produts, peultr'y anilire rec stoc-k produoýts la te ho met at the potsame ,time suIppl'y thie hom-e marketa îildfoc- these rouesas well. r, inikt- ine,% Thrnr wuiru m al~o ~to"y aton asibysteod oni a balcony and leok- ret dohoaksn a mvndgapAtoraph *o a i, German arget. nis"dta au yeug uududly won't want teho taen aicti theiomb dumpust eud eo tefics. B tr the rs butwk ennti adeif te ightli dati a haif heurs walkda am g a.otin ninte sttictemmorthan anideo atatig other S Il h type that hati com-e froni their owai factoy. NJews Seen Through >ï SCIENCE MaNIToR nal Daity Newsp)aper -Unbiaed-Free fromn Se-nsationial- ielý and Instrut ive, and Its Daily eWeekly Mlagazine Section, Miake spaper for tihe Home.ý 'clence Ptibiishinig Society -et. Btn.Ma ssac-h uetts early, orci 00a Mnh MaaieSecrion, S.0a Year. !I5ier, 6 se 25 cents -------------S COWANVILLE MisJenfalehde workinig at Mrs. Brooks Cowan. A numbe i ïr caoud herear busy getting their supply of Wood bu oe p. "Mi.. and Mis. E. Frrwand Ar- thlur viit -UtrM. andis.T. Se phens on Sunday. duMrad Mca. LloydCyrse, of Newonilevisited at Mi-, Wes. Sti rson unay Do'iorget to attend tlhe dance tha ~annga'sMounltaineers arie goinig to pjlay -for in Newcastle hall on- Fridlay, Mfacch 2th. Mc. and Mrvs. MAa-x Stapleton, E- lyn and TolaMc. and Mrs. Wes. Stinger had .,ý Saturday lnight tea with Mc. anid Mrs. chas. cowan. Mc and Mrs. J. 'J. W. stinger, Mr. and Ms Clarence Burley, Dec,- een and KI ennethl, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Strinoger, at Mrs. B. M Ian'stea birthday supper for littie Harcy, Bandy at Thuirsdlayv. LESKARD Alarge cow igth]erediatthe Ls kardSehel Aditoiumon Friday, _March .'li, to the dance hoeld in2 aid oif the Bitish Wa Victimis' Fund. The musiýic was sup)pliPdi by Messýr Charlie Cooper anci actwell Loewei, with Mlr.LcsweP c a the piano. A bouinteouis luch as serveti, aftec whilh the ha tifu tlip quiit, donavt- ed( bhy Miss Emm11-a Morris, was drian foc. Miss Patsy offt dew the winniing ticket, thie lucky holder being ,Mr. J. E. ilo. Thoe proceecis fromi the sale of tickets amnouated to ovorl forty dollars. iMUr. Niéholso~n thaiiked the popfle for- thec quilt, thea Mr. Hac-itwell Lowenry called on Mr. Art Rojbbîins to sýay a feu, wocds; af- toc which he calleti on Mr. John Brownii of Oceno, who gave a vecy hmorous reading, "an old Secotchi Serm-on, also "Somnebody'a ohe. The dancng continuetitil the une smnall heurs of the mlorning. The total proceeds te be sent to the Fund ameuoLnts te $57.00. Al MIen IJp To 36 May Be Called To Serve Ottawa, March el{Twrs fa Additiuîsai 150,000 rmen wil1'be matie liable te calif the aig e limit for comjPlsory tainngis taisedt,,t)8 years of aige. Th-ia mnove is expecteti withiin he ten tiayýs, ýaa nnucmetmd !.Y Premlier Kinig to parliamepnt thïis a"ek. The coplsocy training program for. hlome defence is no- xoceito be c petdby the polmt makin menup te3"0 liable focier ic.For the pIast fow miiontha 5,000 mnen a imonltilhàvhaeben lcalleti up. It is likely thait by eaaly summ-ier, this iinmbe may be increasedti t 7,000 a mnonth or more. This iwouldmean r ýaising tDe age imiit againj and it is believeti that, vithin the niext few mnonths, n upni to 35 AHili h nluded àinthe age grup iaý,)ble to homle defence con- scriptioni. At pr-esent menn from 21 to 26 ilulsive aýre hiable to eaul. With uxpansion of thie voluateer ie- rnuing rgram, enlargement of Canadian training facilities wHIl h nWecay boere th cieeamy ,:an also be increased beyond th e 5,00 a mionth figure. It is expecteti thait trainling accommii-odation wHilAh olariged dulriig (the summner and that in the warm wenather canivas campis wili tLake care of theoefiw Str-engthinig of coastal defelne spots will inicludeuUse of thle homle defenice oce.The idditional inum- brof sin)gle mon anid widoeirýS without hidrecn available for com- puLlsor sevic per one year, age o0- "The Germ-ans still are the great- est miitacy machine iu the world." -Frank Knex. "We have only begun te grasp the mnagnitude of the task that lies bc- fore tus,"-SidIney Riliman. Anl automlobile trav~elling :200 mliles an bouc,- would neeti no -jir ia its ti oes. etrifugal force w&oltil keep the tires inflateti. NE WTON VILLE i Irs. chas. M i a eunc f om z;pendýi-ig tewcsl ou u Mc'. and Mc.Gog Hedro anifamnily spent hudyi iPeter- vstdat Mri.Geoge Hendec1onlu Congatultion toMc. and Mîs. Jackl'-latherIy upon the bith of a baygirl in omivlehopti 'Mcad MsBert Caldweil a nt Roland, of Toroate, were we-n guests cof M.andi cGeorge J. Stap ýleton. Fred I Hetero, R.A.F., bas ce- tuirned to, Manitob-a after spcnding- tw.o wek1s with his parenýïts, Mr. anti Mrýs. GoreHenderson. A pîcuaant timie wais spent at the hbome of Mc. and Ms.Arthur Reti- kna--,p on Friday '1eveing when olie of thle youin,ýgigroupa of the WeVcmen's Iititu Lte helti their car-d prt Pro- cdafo)r war wr.The inec Thoimpson ian'd Mca. Dtanut; in eluchre, Mca. Dudiley Joncs ad Mc Some timle ago thie Nestonille 1ad(ies formed .-,lascigice to aid la wa workanid in thefolein liat we sc the resu-lts ,of t1heir libeor. 7sccs,24 sweaters, 8hemt,7 parof socks andi parof mta ,These wece g1iven in te 'Newcastl!e Red crosswhchthe Nwonii laies aire linked nup) with foc wacrk They haive aise comnpleteti 38 quilt-, wihare dlividoed between Nîcsl RediCrs andi Port Hope Salvation STARK'VILLE Mc. Raymiond Fatrr-ow,, of Wbitby, at his homne here. iMiss Helen Moore, of Oshawa, with iMcs. G. Silver. îMr. and Mrs. Gordon Tcim with frientis in Oshawa. Brinïacomh B-cs. are busy sawing wood in this aeighh)orhloed,. Mns. Tciii), Oshiawa, spent Stuaday with her c snsBort anld Gordon. Hiarold McCulloch, R.C.A.F., of St. Theùmas, with bis a-unt, Mr. erb., Gilmer. MisGwen Gilmer, lack Central, with beur parents, c anti Mca. Herb. Gilmer, Mc. andti-cs. Ruaýsel Savery, Mr5s. m.Savecy' Vant'i dMiss Ruith i vth Oshai"-wa frientliis. Hallowell an1d Taobel Wcay spenit thei weekend ithfrieda iToronto. Mca. W. A. Hleelvatdhec aunit, Mca. Red, ho la a patient ini _Nich-olPs lepia, Pte ron Thiurstiay lekst. KENDAL itu Mc.%and Mca. Lornie Paeeiisti wit h Mc. *and -Mca. L. Hoskin on 'Mon- We wece pleaýse1ti te see Miss Peacl H1oyý at the village againi after being Sick, so long. Mr. anid Mca. _M. Duabar, of Perry- town, -were at hier parenits, W. El- liott's, 0on Mnnday. Pte. Peter Kiecka, of Petawa,,iv, and Gn.Pote AMarbinlel, etfKingston, wýer.e home foc thieweknd How much gas wil we get ? This seema to e hothe chie(jf topic just now. la1 a ver'y short tim-e we wili know0juat whiere we stanld< or should 1 say -hwfac we wili ride?). A haydowilnourof cala and a t'huder a ýtermý visited our bucg AMon- day 'niighit. We Ihope îit doos not lfore- teil1 six ,:weks more coit watei a seapredLiut. Mc. R. Aeadr fTeronito,Mc -John mThomp"SoaOshwaMca'. Neva LTtla antiAlec., ef Te1ent , M !a. The -% mnet quil squarei See our New Patterns in 1942 Wallpapers. 80 distinictive designS to chloose from RE REMNANTS To clear out some pattern ends we stili ha room lots for sale at prices to save youi DEe -T E] MOTII FUME CRYS Sue eath to muno 16 ouncte tin for 2 sizes 69C39c. SPECIAL! DEE-1E Envelopes, heavy Linen Finish, pack of 25 5C Prescriptions Charles Agent for Jackman Flom Ladies' Taff eta Cordette Tailored Double Brassiere Top, Tea Ro White, sizes 32 to 42. Each ......... .. Ladies' Butcher Boy. Pyjamas, new pat sizes 14 to 20, pair ............ .. Men's Red Back Denimn Overalis, good w~ triple stitcl'ed thrzoughl-out, 2 sianting [)o 1 rule, i watelh and pencil pockcet, 2 bac] kets, double button fasteners, l0-inc sîzes 3D4 to 44, pair ............ Rexoleum- Mats, size 18" x 36", niew pat Snow Queen Batts, size 729" x 90", each Jerýgen's 5kin LotiÀon, keeps the skin sofi smooth, 2 sizes.......... .. -.....lIOC. Cakes, Fresh Chocolate Mallowsl, Fruit C Special, pound ......... ........... Wednesday morning, March 25th, Special, ties' Radio Feature Date Loaf ........ Shiriff's Desserts makes deliciou-s Pudding Fillinigs and Desserts, flavours of Cho( Vanilla, Butterscotch and Caramnel, 3 fo Vanilla, ButtLerscotch and Caramel, 3 fo Cooking Figs, good quality, lb ......... Royal York Orange PekQe Tea, 2 oz. pkg. Sure Good Large Tender Peas, choice, 2 foi Javex Concentrate, 1 bottle equals i gallon lent Javel Water. Week-end Special, 2 bc Habitant Pea Soup, large '28-oz. tins. .. . Stedmari's Gloss Enamel, Quick Drying, g Superior, High Gloss to furniture, wood etc., colors of Ivory, Chinese Red, Princes Mist Gray, Cr-eam--, Sunlight Yellow, L Green and Gloss White, small tins..... Pints ........ .... 43ec. Quarts.. YIOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CEN UÙ;RONO 5c. TO $V.0 S'TN Moter Equipmient ~5c. I loc. 15c. 79c. Private Amibulanice Northcutt and Smith KINDN ESS COURTESY SE ERVICE Equipped to take care of the nriodest funeral at the m~ost reasonable charge as well as the largest and Most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 UolIeçt Bo'~rmauvii1e, Ont. l'a faon 'rea, wa the atmoLs r pountis ýa level. inus architeet, Chris.. s aiso an jastrono- licteorologiest, Mathe..