GonO -Vol. 6. No. 11.- () q'"O(), "YON1', i fl. 26th, 1942. Orono Red Cross Society Easter iance, T hursday, "W. F. Rickard, N~ Durham Cc On the ýCan Neyer Satiafy Western Farmers as to Prices on Wheat The floaigspeech wasdove -cd in the HBouse of Gommon-11s 1by -Mr. 'W. F'. Richlard, A.P. for urn Counity, La reference te tir aie priïces, viricir e publish i fUnl It i's 1net m-y injtentionj to deýlayý thi2 lieuse on this bill; I shall taýka but1ü Very f ew inutes. 1I f at, 1!,I dne intended speakýi1g Let ail on ti ~wieat eisitioni. As an0Oterio ~menibar 1 was willingl to accejpt the .governmnent's proposai as dr)afted in thase hbis and let it go et that. 11ev- ing listened, heowever, to, se muc] discussion during tire lest couple ef -'weeks fee eubison 'iali ides oe thre liuse, and nioe particularly to ntiistiret have been iadae o tlins legislatien by miembers of the opposition, and 'aviig teken part in previous debtes on the siuhject,I fael tiret as an 'Ontario fermer sb'ould sey a f ew avords. S ince ceming te tis lieuse ahýut .Sevap yearaveo 1 have reard ,vrenat wh eaire for two or tirree wveeký îevery isessioni. We have talked so muoh about wireat tiret we are gai- Etng more eoufused tian evor iaboui it. 'th seanra te me that heu. imuhi ,bers froni tire -ýavst canuiot t'mev ~agree onu wht they aant. Thre bon inemrber for- Wood Mounitain (Mr, JDonnelly>) said tireetirer day thia -tire are twe srocis cf tho)ug-ht ir thIe west so fIer as xhcat poiicýy i ý2oneecerned. I If Yarn Lnyjugtie aremore ikýe tarenty-two a) clîouls o t.r1hu hii But the diffanenePetweer tire tare aýcirools is found in the quces ition rwirtirr wa shield pay 'se mue .en acre 0or so nmmch a hsi 1Ic understad tiret fo.-r tfli ii farnrýî -Who is greaing tho-usanda cfhuh .so rmucira husirol may h efah but for tira man whio produces vax. li'ttle, periraps t-ireugi r arc failuin ~.> or soeasucir cause, tire otirer pro posaI is botter; and I intand ýte sup p)ort tira bonus as proposed 'by tiq goernmentý. We heer a good deal qabot ti delagatiqn of four hundred farmerý ,thet came te (Ottawa, theira iplicatioc beinig tiret tirey have te coe eir: in dlegations inu order te get an: ýüccunsiderationi fronithtie governiment tiret thay hava te comeaend dlaa certain things to get anything don( .Scme of our 'Cooppiative Gonmme ~welth Fedeneîtion friands expressi ~by sa)inig tiret tire squoakil- wiree ga'Is tire grease, tire crying baby th inik, and ail tiret sert of things. ,do net blleva that is thre positiona ýal. I believa tira governriients te-da ara iloingthea vary 'best tiray en loegislata for tire baaait net only c 'tire wheat grewers, but cf ail th 1,armaers of Canada. Aard helieve ni dIE. For >unty Speaks Y~ Wheat Question ' it is a b- job. The 'Montr-eal Fiinan- Scial Timais kad a good editorial on~ 'Marcýh 13 iun wh1icI- he tireiiommanlt as made tint, "Ottawa boests wheaIt price and east must gini and bear it.', The editorial goa's on to Sa1y -that the -wast hlas bee(n disappjointedl tirat Jire war, has flot soived t iira wbeat Lprolei i. Theboniuýs on careginský 1t toenorg mid farmLU-Oi i st- e o stra r asking tIre OfaiFm a. elis to growmre wet nte tLk- it ing more ira'at frel tie ,farm)ers et saigarprice', but ve ca1nnot ,sali it. SSo, feaIai. 1zm co1caad ',dorot e tbimk this is anly thinig to gl'na abot, il nor would 1 if 1I hed 1,Y m lwn wy, - a"cce'pt somal of tIrhte gsthit have r ee sugges'tad. But I have ared o If accept tha. incr ease in tire price of If wheat front 70 to 90 cenits ond tire ,o increase fros 230 mnillion to 280 mnil- >f lion bushels,, for a comdtyalich Le 'et the present time wc cannot sell. n The astimiatecd surplus in Canadfa for tins crop year will be 4100 million Sbusirels. Tire United States and thea Argentine wvill have practically an- t otirer billion busirels, so tiret thier , wîill he n surplus of available wireat o f over one and a quarter billion Obuishels, enough to do us for two) or tthree years if no mnore avare grown. tSoImeone will sey of course that if the wne should end smon -\ve would Shave plenity iif mnrkets for our- i.vhO'Lt. I1 gr ';but it la not very C. lkely thrat tire war aili end sooni, and t the chances areO the g9overnimat i s iý goingz to have tn pay 'ouf huge sua-is ,) of oney tçt carr-y Iis avieat until it ec i il naeed. fdo mit say t ailI not lhO ,)f aleaded; eventually1 (I heeve it ill. ,n But 1 beliave t1he goverrument hias, , goen, as far as Lt slrould in raîsing tire h price, espeially in thie fae of the inaad for. aro1ney fo r arira m Cnls, a 1l tans, plane's, gnShips anrd impie- Smints cf wa tr. I th inik Cthe aes sh-iroldl ebe sntisfied. YAis aut eastern fermer arien I go e homlle to m-y cnttayor aenY - 0- wlrere aise in Ontario I hear the old P-. toi.y, "You c!an't satisfy the wes-t, i aks no difieance -wiat you --ive theni. Why don't the farm-ers of usOnt'erio stand up and oppose tins r'ý leg-isiation for tire wast and do some- ~ tiing for Oa1taio" Well, we ara ýviwîling to (Io aviat we cen for tire ý ve. t.st We have always taken that attitude. 1 thn hon. mearbars vili lrd agrae tiret avlen 1 have spokan n Luthis e. irousa, on elmost every occasion I hl1-bave upireld tira policies submî-ttad it to hcip thre aest. I have not agreed L1 with everythÀng,fibut I think I have' hebeau et Ieest'reasonable. But ou"' 1farm-erSs sey, "If yen give tira -s-1 at tara farmers 90 cents for wheat, Ulhey aywant ýa dollar; if they are giveuaa to dollar, they aant $.5"That is cf the attitude tire farmaers in Onltanlio ,ha e, (Gontinucd on page fout) Over Two Hundred Attend Masoiec Ladies' Night, Tare irundrad Mesoas 1endltireir ivives and sareetierets atteirdad tire Ornlo Maýsônie aie'Nigit lirld in, tire eau hall on Momilay evenilrg Lest. Tire first part cf tira evcaiing '%as ,givan over te Russ Creigiton and iis entertainars frocm Toronte, xalien sang-, music, tep dancing and aitty sayîngs bébd tire audience for tare b eur s. Soeteof iose prase-nt who haed Scotch bbood in tireir vains, an- -"~joyed thea lhgpipas, tire piper irarad- ing arotindanion.- tira spectatOTS. Thre g et 'berj betic is turring and nun anlce. ouf 'waý duIced '0 Iplayed areas a aizard enin hnler acre- sýoftly tic tune c)f Jinigle Bails. Wie'ia enertinxacxrt aras over] haif tirh ine adJOurned Otei beee t cfthe haill ahaeehey an- jeyed a buffet lunchA) cf sandwiches, cakce, ice cýrane andu(-ffee, srvdby tie ladies oýf tire W.A. cf Park St. Uniltd Ch;uruir, waube tir eiainder ielped te lear tira floor for tire dance, tira music being suppfliad by Russ Crýeilteu's Dance Orchestre. During 'ýtira evenixrg a spot <dance aras held, aithiMiiss Laurcen Cooper-, cf Oshawra, beinlg ,n tira iuclcy spot, naceivad ailbottla cf perfurfa. Tire stage was suitebly deeoyrata d Lsonic earn- on tIhe in-> iras. Siraiw, acf. Wor. Irs. Tamn- b tire door Employmenit Is Restric As Canada Mol ...:. iMan Fowei SALUTE TjOABRTSLD TRYRLAIG ABO la c'~rdnc~avth xiÀh nivxltra"ton,vanwrlpsas eci otirer ',la rir rHie junior vassacl blors naIaulte fist, tIreseIo siiip then rcplying, aririla those of boir hi"cm nespsiito doc-k stand te ttnio. ie ýatro shows a ratinig (Centre) ppn a saIlutteats a British dstoyrbllSnitly lit up byT sunIlighlt, icaves port. Canada's War Effort A wceldy review of de(veIopinientst on, tire Ironie frýont ro Mnh 12fir to MýPerjcir 19tir, 1942: L. Unity cfcoaed orCn- dien ar,,naal and ailitary foice Appointmients M.aj. Gain. W. IL. P. Coest; Mj. e.R. O Aexnr commandr~hi-chef, esi ont an ixýuicreasa cf zepproxýiintaly ,- 00_)0,000 oS-er Fýelirruary-ýý 1941l. Exper ts of munitionsand foodtfs te I tiearsof waariroa1-,viiyinrese 3EXcept lwpermiit,mauctr csf civilian rukscaesed a ra 'Mard ilir. AilU gr-san u tdrps and icharter bus trips.,inot c!ear*vly ientified lwith aa effrit, Iauned, by order (if Tranisit Curl ler. '4. Dopartme"it of Exdenal Affeir.s issueris list cf 72 Canadienis initerned ini Jepen, 9a1l but treare nmissionar-i ies. 5. Curteilmnit of reteil dlvre ordarcd by Admministrator cf Ser-vices for Wxtm Prices and Trade Bad Monday Afternoon Fire Quickly Extinguished OnMon afternon c f tins aveai tire fire demon agein -visitcd 0Orono-, irentire alrmars turxed in fer tire fira brig-ade te ansavar e caîl te tIra bomle cf Mrs. Pbaey, just opposite tire Kuinrita Apernments, being cavu- c'd by Mvrs. Il. G. Mcoad Tire fline started eat tire nortir sidaý cf tira buseneartire gnound, and Irad caten its aq irui into fia tire cela. 1e iir arn.wiistling, iiioug tli[I, re gIleyv, fndtirebmz und if it 1md nirot Ireen uoti evhn Lt waes, aifru tory arould bave te Pails cf aatr vre tirra nte tire bl-ýeaunitil tire firenien anrrived, tien tic booster irose ar as uedte extin- guisr tire flames-,. A sanieli hrole about tan incires in dimeeras buruncd their ;71htire MaqIl, being tire üony damagecasd but a fear minutes tire fire would lhave -pbçenu urniing fiercely in tire partition ef tira iouse. BAKERS CANNOT ICE CAKES AFTER MARCII Ottawa. Mrci 20 -Startiug April ffrosting, icing or sunIr cdustirng ail no e aleboared on bakery prodi- nets. Sole exceptions ail ha arved- ding, birtliday ai-d anniversary c akes. lt is ibeliaved tinis ordar avili attutin tira 20 par cent. cut in comminercil sugar consumnption ardered in Pair- to conserve rubb>1er aeud eaotorizedl equipMnt. for ficlycr 92 e14 stimiatcd et $2230000 exclusive cf $, 000000000gLit te Britain. Revised stiatcf avarareuitrefor fiscal yc-'ar 1941-412:$l41O000 7. Commoudîty Pric-es Steb)ilizetioni Cororaion(A. Concomlpanmy) tc mofC*axr-idLua antive requiremients of 8. Women rc-presonted more thar 4() par-cent c-f tira situdlcients i la t Tnniiiinig Pogam in Ontario 9. irecýt a iisrtof tire Air Cadepts cf Canada taken over b 10. Bidno'd eenn f rond: t,, e ire utailed becýause ocf shortage obfasrat peitroicura aspirait and steel, sneia used te reinf arce concrate iigiays. Near constructiol, seilire res'ticted te ronds ragarded as vtaldefnceaxterias ad fori, inks bataeencsisingrondIs and ines, mili Sarîv plancs or war camps. 11. Unifoi-m 1prîcing systas ecrosS t'hr -,imin,.ion establislied on auto- mobiles. SALVAGE COLLECTION SATURDAY, MARCII 28 SatLuiday, March 28, ail ha sal- \gage collection day in Orono,.-If al thýe people in the village would work wvitlh th(, Scouts thec job woulcd ha madeaimuclheitsier for them aftcer thay hav-e made the collection. The pepeare asked not tto mix rag-s wlith paper, ro tic the nawspapers, in buljikls, etc. Makeýc sur-ey mrinme is' on tlic" list to bu calid upon once" a mon(th. anld if yo'u are flotsur"', phione 40 r 10, andi if yourm e is pot on, halve Lit placed (1on the lîst. Tt is climend that somie peopýile ini the WT-hy do this. Every onle surely 'kno0Ws by in nw. tht e overnai1-entned al he sallvagze they e ai get their ha.nds on. Trirtis wme fre wtic goramir askin evcyoate saeaail t-ire el iraon, steel, regs, palper and rbrr Soe people do not secar te riealize the de-sperqeanaad of fins salvage for wam purposes. Evary bit ofscp shouid bha savad and turinad -un. Lets al work ferrflie good fif our country. Th ir lvage le ne good te peLis e lei- uis make sure t1iret if gafts in)te tir m-pr alr nts 'iera if ail ho used for 'tar purposes. >1 I r I s s n-aroccùpations, Luesse ulie plicant has a rlaefromn a naltionl selective er vice officer. -1. Exemyptýio-n from ComnpulsqorY military trainilpndm evc of far- mesamer"'-ons; and -rcl11a wvorkels unlesls it is establisdied they are flot essnntiai to farn production.' 5,. Prohibition iagainst faiwrk ers leaýving the fernis to talke other enmpdoynent, exiept to enter active nyiilitary service in Canadaq, or for sesnluor-k in primary ilrdustries. 6. Apropsaito select sinlîemean anid chiîldla-ss widlowars up to 30 yeara o'f age for compulsûry train-, ing and ýserIvice iin Canada by'drawing Age Limit la Now Raised ject to c, Up to Thirty Years ibih ty for of AgeGanad~a il of Age Brushrcc Prime -ministLer ;lVakenzi Kýiing 7. Prov on Tuesey les ou.tsied in tireiniant for !ïuse c f commuons new regulations jected by rams 'cHtng employmwentin nn-sen ir'ai gr fi civilian ocuU5)tioflS7incaaiigta to (e to thIirty year he age linit fOr com 18. Es ipusoy srv ein Canîada, and con- mnag"eai serving tiie avail,,ble farni labor. SAi eduu This is an extended national sle-para erc tive service plain designeid to ebtain sOntial in from avery Canadiara tira utmiost con- 9. A " ti i'ution to thewa effort througir wfll' l. 1 application of "thre negativa com-pul- muen for sien cf restriction". melni. Amnong tire main points of the naw 10. A prograni are : condoc 1. Esta.blishant of a irectorate direetioni of neatio.nal selective service under suranca' Labor ýiistar IMil, tire director- to ha E. M. Little, present diretorREAL1 Of tire Wartimne Bureau of Tachuical Personnel, who will be assisted by ' an elaiborate organization of appeal board and veluteer advisory coi - eal e, inittees, Associate director will ha village c, Pauil Goulet of Mentreal. Ltt e 2. Obligation on tira part of ai- tire Mvi 1ployoas te rolease for essentiel war g&rp Isaa 1service and reinstata -afterward pro- hlighlest fessional ]techn-iciens wo onsent t3or the sL en atring service alloceted to thirn~ Sc'tt dlo by tira Govarlmnent. Sa turday 3. Prohibiton of enrpoymnt, em ~beng t soleaîme in -i offer arilI ha C( bytery mileetin? Tirea vre si hioaxses fer sale cdj tetlire lisýt aIre Ias fdecid wiil be too, lai, live. Receipts Total $ 52.6 5 W. A. Soc] Tire social evaning ireld lest F- day evening ursder tlira auspices cf tire Womeni's Assoiation of Park Street United Clrurcir, proved e bigi suscass. Tic Sundey ScrooIl hall was in charge are to em ogrets -o topeir spledd Programme. Ti prceafor tire cvaing aarlounitedi to $52.5 Rc.Littleav)oo at as ciriaiani. [le spoke a few arords cffridy grearg to tire audience, tien pro- ceedcd anitirse f0olig prograr: Tire Girl Guides denionstreted a pow 'poar avici is part cf tire rituel ini tlirir exarcisa. 'Tinsrs conduct-I cd by Misa ý; Malria IeDar l a -Mrs. W. E. Armistrong. A snappy numbar aras given by six younig xiRlI i aids, under tire leaersip of 'Miss -%I. MV. H. St tet -Land calir RuthIrGoode, Mastýer Genrl wiere tfayv diffieuit quasi aVare illorrec fo>rl' ait, A p gvfstarnil sisted 1by Shi Floren11 ay.Makaes af tiese fr-ose noa tne r end of up surplus supplies of etc. 1 ý staeais of 01,011. ýek two lh( ige. Tire au Coblae r- ir, L'n it 3't ils io ie in 'h Df Df bD Olf .ýe