~ecomea Qgnera& Manaçie, 'R~Uê As ~ I J. j. QibbOn4 Umite4 telling ,ýthat PriacMin- ~tedQ by sir pei)aups ha tTh dd J'Aa t uchI fe w Short thlat. Fiekiaý psng, is au i.uu pi. tuiUIi tlyU ta- erauand atone tim. TisaIt '-xas tintfeDlt !Wlintn tisiswo ;broýke aplcawaa heot'lie yifi moh o11 n a aniv ara- avy o! Watarloo, Lad te hava ironi ehutfeUrapiaced upon bis JL01nd0ea humie. huculdid na wilihty fifor BrIaifn and]hiberty atter tha f e Dukr.But it ramý,y 'a tiare 'waa tee mach etolporeamoln la ie terrlfic bii3d-uptn was given hlmi sitar tint; a build-u) whieh breugit xKpecfafius of thinge beyend tfia pewer eofay mai OL.D HANOS AT 17 To say htinthfe Japanes r maere ïimitaters etr HitIar'ks trenach- Ory la te flatter Hi.LtIer and UeL- Japan. The Japunne didn't have tc, imitate nynThey vwýea mas- fesof befrayal wian HItier waa paiathghars. e YowetAe Jnaa- neau a aegy, Vancouvar sun, FASHION NOT;; Canada wPUluse more w'-Men la wvar wor te f11fiabracha ad 'ru fiiadutry anon thâe tarais wia )ciea arae ala eservies. And wiea fie ladies %Ai aha, as many Cettheaido ila w ar work fiy WHIlWaisebe fiilng fie -Se, LiVING DANGEROULSL NeIw rsrctos Uik is seet maaisW in CanadasMake Wooda IGNfubA a poaiiiliy Teu i danger oet teppý i ontis sa t t ("ara, 0j-Widotr LASTS WEAK )TUrF coma inoff ;na tiD au, fe mpta TOO LIBEDRAL Teoýffea we gat wvisat w asýk -, Tis ier l.feToono n ariySln tw wot t verseas for aiipment e fia A Weekly Column About This and That in Theý Canadiau Arm Frmfours,iit !" Wroag. They don't form foDurs nuýymoe But you knaw tint, idn't yen?', You have sýeau icolumas o!ol O- diars Imarciïinlathraa(Cs, Yeu 1h ave s ea ,n mcai treepa rumbiig nleng fieronds hia a ariety fy !kniciu vehicles of stranga shapes and Bet youtili edrwhnf fieý Individual C;iza's Armiy doas int ince of the oid parade-groundl Stuff of: "'Form ous" "At the haeton tde iMR-"; "Pickup tin Sfep la tiarer autiare"; "Fix bayenactFa"; yen u knew the eu ve ug.te y don't "form fours" n retaei atSl a certain afMo'unfR ïparade' ,groundwork te h oe .fIt's" seme'ctlhIIug like crawllng befere yen wali, And in his, Amy c urby fie Uime yn nyenen pareally walk. L t'afke Ifin stagesi -c ý freaiïý Tiare aa foiur pass f trinh- ig for iemchaie seiillt Phase ai bscfriig i lacommon te no il ;arma aad ser- di(er te accIýusm IaiSaif toArm ifE!, tan l amriu nd discipline and Jthe useo! aaum garof aaeu, ' fPse Two, te hit asasmchanclspin li'.Aats,ýý and praparea the i fo1Pase coures carriad u aiaCana dina Am Tradec Scheol, freai wcihighlycepeefwdnd mtswelIdera--'ànadadze otier tyes e! Mamffmeonaragma- duatad. Freai 7îPhase hrea any aea aaposted dîiect tev uitste h drier-ecaniaetv. LF"eaa"ýtatis tso o o fiihu arol oetop-notai.' ýarifa, utraet-aarnn Canina Orý" dnce Corps. rc ag-n amue lims befor e ePic tue o! CeleIdividual Oit iza' In addition to procurm ,nt an storage of practicly verything tde Arnyneeda the Royal Cana- dian Orduance Corps oparatesr- pair annd replacamýe-nt units o varIng tpes nad sizas aeIdig to wheejte vW orbasto be doue, Oanit imakes repaira under lira, wald.ng setsc, right up totetha damaed vhicls orgUas that ha-ve toube fi>ied up. You'd flbe srrdtu Sea wiat can be 'douIe by thoroughly -tai-ed 1ýan iti the ýproper equipman rI'ýight e ut la the middle of a flid. Otfier u-nitýs, large a and more fully eupearec redy t ia4ejobs tnt equire Imore' tima.Thas, o!co)urse, are bnse front to pe'rmi uaerîU qaai ;and rcviyjobs tç e ha crried out efficty. "DIe yourmeanate nythainak meIcchaniica e ut o!ordiarev- ruts?" eumight sayv , WeiÀ th nwrto that oaa la yas. L isan't as straulge as-it sounds, You'ra neottiug, re yeu, that tmoatyouugstesrs nwadaya cau take the anine of thir feat- erýS ckar douoriaul it and set it up again. or týInt many a boy" of Higi cholaga nwsmr aotradio tanMarcen0r pera tors did nl few yanrs age, Out e! m lateràIl ke fthat o en r u'mWi01t Pa finishad mcai laafewmet'tmJuta yen a wt former etr e chanr-ics, garaga-men and nuteme- whemw have nlready joinad !the Royal aadan Ordnanca Corps. tranig progrmme teaes n-ear- iy- 100 trades. Tua la whatyoui cagentras ar e suyig sacsa- lats fer wnr. That' the tierera bemg trainad for war are, actu- liy, baiug paid while they trinà frpence-. Thla sArm.y l nt go- in t les tousnda ofciun- triuad Young amea upea iadustryý whaa Pence is igna-it la goiag tuairtplaces at beach and latia, nndtae p a ivliajljath WAKE UP, ,AMRICA ----IT'S LATE! wei ppy e anada tie aTi gravlty cf fi.atitn confronta if, wO haveg beaudeetdlfra Ltada te uudamsa, n ptntifla sfnrt wa axe bound te inluti Ouiy wosntuly nwmaaKe cxisting pill l fia 1 Ua 1 T 1 ildStLat1edIf euaient. Pra'y God fa wrns wll et'cmate af, s f0i luFrnce! sou apeai fr vaatlyiucaa Mlaximum Production, lu shop~, funuwe gel if 'Net on tlaprenanýtibns-o undý'er fia psýychiology e raeu fAis et lan wor erme aiene, Nfwhiiae cra lagreaer ois- cern aboutevrtmepay tian oýver- time prouction. mot whileLarmer poicians 'ar more iuteresfed-'lu iitpia HAPRR M. TEDMAN nwyappoiuted GnrlManager ef J. J. Gibbons limitedi, Ad ver- tisinig Algency. Mr. Tadmnan wns lite-lon-g a-Ssociata f et iaIfaxJohn J.Gibbons, founldar of the busiess. Mr.J. j Gbosbacomes Presi- dnaad Ralpi A. Bartord and diecor, OtharOfficers n- nd Dir- actera ar: 1ar.ry M. Tadman ami R.LA.StaPaI1s, ie-rndetTo- mone; alter H. Honra, Secretary- 'trasuir aladdrcoTrn aroi 1M. Rid,vc-pednt otrn;Gordon E.,utr,~ia Cagr;D. N rafrMie prsdnVanicouver. cret dte meet apesinamr gaacy thatla an,,etdad-coutinna te grbfortheialeemny aded fo; -raiLnts. etwiaan a-raiyetfaerai' peas agents clamera te plotmole a1nd parpatuate activitias t1int hava ne rasnt ead or valua. put evar süeescnais innd river,ý acharnas and faka up feiatle e dafene ofiis clamorig zfrfa toisaad !contracta as j, wau wareý a grant grnvy train. Net whiia WýPA, despitashort agi ! ahobr, Seaka te carry onpro. iJAt wiici Rtdoasn'l hava the Miea te perfoaior fie need of Ne il" CCC nnd NYAstec geiyhanda for fnet aia yo ng me whoougitt lefha la fi a d mdfor-es or fia wa lats Ne llastrilces lhamper wnra rodu1ction], daspita slainp»om Ina fiat tiy wouldop. for unîtarrupte prodci n lat Net whia oul tma la damand- part tC40ur wekL pioy1k on anfrilpejetuon i a wa plnt Newh yws 20ule $50 et more e a lori)ackeer,r NetOurhume cimnésgangcento eapoyaen lt oandaltin et aiea tegHg woko tha Nrmeandivan fi otherShirpa alng ewblocks st Netwile iagrtiai b etprpar ingjyre,1z our e omuiis againat ainr1 raid an sbtage isgiaiad vagigscil sie civity.2 et iie resr lekacme emer hgierbeafitsbeunties a m ewir e f g t maiim po duci, lu ort, S ulesaufira, secnd gt evar flia gîeý ;idmos 0 _hE WAR.- WEEK-ConnaronCreivns Secod Pase 0f Far East -Warj The -,fi) st pas f 1the Far Ensera conflJet ended with the fail of J'av, the "cit-adel islan'1Jd, eýf fhe East ladies, In estiating Japan's gains, tii-e populationl in thle conquered countries ubr roughly 115,000,000 aith ter- ritory acquired m "'ore than100, 000 lsquare nmiles. They hlave Cap- tiured a treasure-house of essential war SulpplieS and raw mawterialS: fiedsfoostufsiron, %woiframn, manganese and copper deposit which wvill go a long Wayî1. toward mnaking Japan seif-sufficient. The subjugation of Jv bsre- leased Japane:se forces for an at- tack on Au.stralia and c hevip thutacrosate umabrre to Indu,. AlisStand in Burina Genýeral Sbc Archiibald Waivell, British commianider inidi arad Burma sAted that the loss of Rangoon and a large part of lowetr Burma was, in somie res- pects, a more serlous bo hian the ba.s of Siagapore. It briagaý thie -wTar rmuh dfe o India- and tetesouriomniai!swt Cla.There appears ta he litif doubt th1at the -ýJapanese wUil an deavr.t push their avneintoý uipper urinaend to obtain bases- from which te attaýclç India,' Untd Nton'air superiorýity in Brma p_-erm1its cont'inu1_ous at- tack on Japanese communication iines that wl slowad, ini hù p'd,1hait the advance of the Mikads ary. 1Ta thejnl swýam-ps tUha British t rcoopsar f ighting a daelaying a ction with, ï ae 1two)-foil purposa: (1) to hold!i terposition for a few more waaksý untilth forc2es of. nature, iii tha form of ýýtorrantial raiýna makeauai jungle warfare impos- sibe and (2>)te check the Japanw es avaa-ce unlff the .Cinesýýe army marching southward cani jon ham, Naval Dîsasýter Lt muaot be admitted thlat iU h Baettie of theav Sea thle United Ntossuffered a grcan naval devfeat. The Allied fleet was hope, Iesslyoutnubaradand lack,1ed iÀ supJpor't.t is 6becom1ing clenow that Japanese aqipma t wafar, gratr nvolume and higiier in qut han Allied authoritias haed the'C Eu1ro)peaa war the Japanese marchant marine was one of tha Jieti, the wrl I tla kaowa Convert mrhn esl noar crýaft c.arriers. lt, follows that 'Ilhe Aiehave greatlyudeet- mat 11thenmb r ofplane ca7"r- ris in Che Japanase navy and explaina the e tent to wh h Japanasa ýhave been abl e com bine sea power n-nd -air powaran te, hoid con-itrol of the air i n ai t%&ir ampais. RarceAgahxt Ti Japnn' sa auperioItyinth SouthPacifiemsbeanicrad by her niaval victo:ry at Jav,Sh has da(1stroyed t he only fle'et w)iich Ceuldmnaeheruesof'.'com- muni'cation and is frea now t con3voy herladig forces te A us- tralia, The battie wil l ha Pnnther te work foir Uncie anSa, gimme weni'tis, ,$30 eveiry Thuraý day, Franc e e m tcgimms tee--ad tbem iii fha Germns iwara clone te) Pai.ITi,,en verybody wn traatioaily te wenkl--toe iate. France ina ne logimmes teday- except ghnmme tood for- mybay gimme n apiaca 'te 1ay 1a1Yha United Stutescianafcoll be utilize nlu tanniomrng 3 1,O aga of cofreainto plas t àis yeýar aLa me,; plant aut cro taule irasl. rac-ýe ',aga jýýint im-ýe , Za race, obetýw eau thce, eamy'ýS aanilce an d tho( Hielp FoDr .Auitra,, îî Prem-ier Cuti)f Australia, iiý, a broadcast to America, made ze peIva for ful c-erti n am waadthat "Au£istraLliai" la ,tha iast bastion between the Wet cstof Am.e-rica and Lthe Jp as-i Astalagoes îtha AmerL.,-'j tcas are wvide opea.1" A1mOst cola.3- peal cam-e the anuceéttha.t ieroîoc defenider (of the Piipns had been api tedt the ,Sat- rame Cemmnnd of theA lliM Focsin the Suth i Waateýrp taliad that haaýuVy reinforce- ments of mnand planesfhad reache'd -theilad Tough Job For Japs Aastralia mnay prove te beth toghest job teJaps hlave acle yet, aven thougi Jthw y ar un donýibteCily prep?.red te n% ttack vwith ail their poweýr, E-ver sin(-e the fiAt Geant Var, stralian Iend- eraî haveý beexi cf)lColscsOf th. J ap1 ana-,Se ae and have beaur. pla.nning thaane of theýix ceuntry. Thae pening of îhostili- tias ýthree montha bsago epaie tie npecessity for speed aýnd the geverD1enept l anberra, tha wvorkced fveislto mbi Oaci couatry's 7,000,000 people for a, ma-ximnum effror-.t ila the fc f the emergeacy. The anemy lastrivng dsp r- ateiy VoestabAish air,-, baseýs nortif e! ~ ~ sc Autaia -far with lit4fte bases to thee norheast iii lYfew Guiinea ,and NwPri'taiiihas ui 4- cread tca bly, iadic aing Austrian rinoceets 0 bombing planes, JatpaneseStrteg The Japanesa plan may be te conqer thecountry port by port, 1occupying srtgcpoints ýand leaiugthevast intderior to the ftr.DÏstaiýcc in Ausýtralia la anlormous. Thiýecounitry is almoatî tha e of the Unit,ýed Statas. If thie Japanr-esa effLect lnd- inga, thy wilil enc1,ouînta r laAus- tVaEia more fgtigequipiauýiet have succaaded et far la over- runung1. Man k f o an, they ýwiL Meet battr f ighters than themi savsand tearyo!fedr la mn'uch lrertanayecu- t indlaMinn rJjaa White 'Mnnz's Ln m;arci o!eaf esdte Jpns have naa nre s wthoar whlig Asiatie , populationsuç wihfor cenq-turie aebe deminlated -b'y EnÀropeanis, Lt wasý thaa ntivs erasla grant men- sure sympathetie to the invadert -Australaialadiffaren -t, tl whitala's land with ýno uje racefs, The Japanese will hae t fight a wite mnsarmiy, f igi"jt- ing forý a whvjita mn' cuaitr.y te tha inast ditch, TeJp o' luke Xt 21 Wooden Soldiers Scare IainAm A Brillaii officer ,vjuatreum, friLbyn aîd50 Brîtish airtil- leymn ad cpurft,28laI- lam na l theNorth African deseýrt witi tïïe anid e!, 21 dumaniy sok(Ietar armied xit,11odfuilguns. The duinias ware placad on positionstedmaw fie Itaicn fLa vhiia the arlleryù.en ndvanced frea anether direcin, acaread liepf, ;-' u, irkin anù a îidewnthar aaiswnen fie brîtisi3 pumnueu. REG'LAR FELLERS-The Inyentor By GEl'NE BRE Gra de A ozen an l Ibonusi