i us.. Uft~JN~) 'a £.E.liJ... t t t.Uj2..~ shecd January, 19,37. rsday ornîn at te Tm sOfflice ni r'eq 1ue s t Subseription, $1.25 to the United States,$2O .11 Receive Our Pom tAttention R. A. Forrester, Publislher- astn roleased thu tot)al mànlpoeura-vaimnible ncreyasud by the substitution of weomen for IaLsls aind li war induisti-y. The go)vermiment t e distribution of manpewver andi womnan- eqirementbs abead of cîviila requirernentis ý.The project prentises te be ene of the portant experixients in governuxental regu- n and Nvomen thsiat Canadtabas, yet exper- ig Will Help Stop Car Thefts ing cor-nes into force on Ap2il Ist, oee ivet, it is thbelieved, is that the stualing of end. 'Mqytristis are advised te always locké ýe ignition key and bu sure te always carry )t eave your ration *ard in the car door -ds on the dash. Thieves cannot use cars ýble (te purmbase gasolinu. When one crimne ar. M1-otmp oe G w"vorises on tihe horizon. oý -will surety couse whc ng te meotoristis. Farm Woodlot an titis dem.-and or wo , f ail kinsinlutise prose- ql-manajged f arm wooloet, valuaible at al portant asset in wartime. la many woed- have been ailc'wed te crowd eut thse btter ;ail thse dead trees bave nt beeti removed, always beun planted ln open spaces. How- vodlt ,as thse producer cf a valuablu crop dure bas providuti most of thse fai-ms with itb it ail advantag-es and noue bote t non the o f..i..-nwhiis ic nnahJi'ed to bu i his speech ,e warning. 1IRe ,r inover» yuar o nieet te mes he lad.t le, and danger ,n -Mr. Kinîs mords. It la on oui side as it is te Hâtler ý4 Amnerican production of Ionýs the poweri« ersistauce, ibu smashed th;is year. Beu- thse course of the miost fate- iu history. n two idles. 1-n the region iet oeie t tiiei wid,- he Mitdle East acreas an eandi Northt Africa the Gei- of Russia andi Britain andi t.he Uniteti Nations jantte ho- n splay stri-ke a, or diiectiy n to see ail ia in the Ukraine toward-s ;t tnse flritish les, or stavt rth African iCoast teOrcupy beyond imagination to see. ni-obilizuti more than a por- bu neetiecI, nor put lte in- both in Canada andi in tihe tbough it-'tbas mati-e afine e conditions. What pi»por- id( night, on tise tlree-shift, uickly attainet ilif e are te W.F. Rickard, M.P. Durham 'County SI Où the Wheat ( For ITIIREE SuIlS ARE oeaks 1 SET f LED OUIT 0f COURT ~aestioD (Çeontinued I'froni page eue) enly lithe es.btnn e heeo irg fcnheend ofJud, 141,te 1-1-million gees te the wtest. WVe Ihave bonlused coarsu g-rains at $2 an acrec,, gra-ss et $2 a n lare,su erflo at $2 'an acr-a--,ll thusu thlinga'. -t m1kj theOnt-arie resid1ent, net onfly the farmur bu )1,t ail OnItaruie citizeCns wonur hak -we are doîug orwhr we ar goig wihth liis ,lgisîntiqln. A new yilou is sutý for whatinti thereu lis som-e justificationt'for if; but pueo- ple co(mpare that wvith the deficit of the Canlaian Nationaýl RailwaYsý, $50O m-iillion a year-j in recent yenrs, and t iasugse that this, whent peýlicy may cest the governmnent $130 m1il- lion. 1 amrnont geing lie argue whe- lter that is rig.ht2u or -wrong. I de net think ,nyone knows what it isý go- ing te coist, but 1 believe it -,il, cost an unorusous sum, ecensiderably ever. the $50 million deficit of the Cana- diean National Railwayis i-n recent years. The other day the lion. inemci--ber for Portag-e la Prairie (Mi. Leader) -said hu theugit lte Ontario faîmers were wýilling te acept dollar -vleat; that they would accepit anytthing that was reaSonable if the west propos'et it. 1 saiiy îight ýhere that we are noýt ac- cepting dollar wheat, and . we are not Laccepting watever 'itIe west propos- os. We 'have problemas of oui own in tna ho le west ha not the only plae -hat bas a far i prbleiii. We have the tdbacco growurs, thse beau growers sud others whose -pri-oblenI-sI bhave been discussed by oether iton. An bon. Momerber:; The apple lgrowers. Mi. Ricard : Yes, they have had ne assistance of lany account d inOn-1 'tarie. It has cosi the goveýrunt of,,L, this country er ttle frO-aie sot of it bas gene te the west ai I e eery Synspathy for1ilthte west. 1 have visiteti the.,wcst; ihave 'been ail thieugli the burut-out arueas in~ Southern 'Saskatceiwan, an d 1 know the condition the people -were li wthen 1 was there. 1 have every' sympathy for tlhemi, anti1I ani will-, ing, as I saiti befere, teý support any legislaUton wtithin reaisen to help theni. But as Ontario members we cannet band ceuLt everything te the west. >Someone b as saidtithat tht IMHinister cf Agriculture (Mi. Gard- iuer) is firmtihe west and tierefoît is naturally sym-patihetic -witli the western farmer. But 1 believe thal theL Minister of Agriculture te-ays dom-ng the very 'best hbu ian for ail the 1 (Oontinued on page five) It wo an@isced thait aý settle- manihadbeenreahudin ùthu actionsI Co, 1d,vb Mrs,. Vta Jewellad -,s Et P' i; nof Poterboro, Ild alolu te ctonbrought agaîinr Mf-d JmasC ama administra- trof Uîe esLt-teof the late Archibnld WulingtenPatterseni, of Peterboro, 15y FMr va Dafou, oef Toronto, wlidew of the Durweod Daîcu, a t T sdyssitting of th e Supremne Couirt at Cobe)urg,. B oth aioý(ns aroe o ut of an acci-. denit at Cobeurg shertlcj before m11iid- niighi, on Mýard(h 30, 1941, whlen a mthTransport, d1riven by Dafoe, was ini cllision wt a light coupe in whîch A. W. Patterson and John juwell, of Puterboro, were îiding. The risght side 'was tomn off the body o)f thu coupe and the transport cab~ wa5;s saslhed nîmost bey-ord recogni- tion whun it left te iigihway antd overturneO indua gully. The three mien xeeahi killed. The ternis of the set- tiernent were flot rev"eld. AUCTION SALE The undeirsigned Auctioneeir has re- cerved Ïnstructions from ýt Executors of the Estate of the LATE MVRS. ISAAC COBBLEIIICK to sel], by public auction at ber late reside-ncèe MAIN STREET, ORONO -on- SATURDAY, -APRIL 4th, 1942 tIhe fullondng Houseliold Effects, etc.: i 5-pice Thrlc>ur Suite. 1 Mâhair Couch. i Parleur Table. i Cane R king Chair. 2 Linoleum Rugs. &eatiter Rugis. 1 Large Rug. 1 Ma- hogan-. Redrocm Suite, ccvmplete. 1- Bisiqs Bed and Dresscir. 2 ýBeds anid 1 Dresser. 1 Folding Tnible. i Ex- teisieyn Table. 1 Larg-e Sideboard. i Royal Prfiicess Pat (loGk Steve. Kit- chen Ciis 1 Caip Bed. i Singer Sewin1g Machine. ýNumiber of Trnunks. 1 Chest of Daer.Disieis. 1 Large M-,ýilk ýGani wth Top. Box of Tends. About 500 Fiower Pets. Bed- 'ding. Linen. Cushions,.. Floor Cov- erîngis.fliectrie Iren. ilerr. Tffis. Boilers. 1 Step Ladder. i1Ex-1 tension Ladder. Pictures. Laýwn Mower. 1 W,ýheelharrýow. ýSeveral tons of Nut Goal. Quantity of Wood. Shovels, Heecs, Rakes, Forlts, and numero>us offhur articles. Sale te commence Pt 1.0)0 o'cl'ocl (E.S.T.) TERMS CASHI J. H. Morriis andi Newton Cobledickr, Executors A. E. Moton E.Wlhur Clerk Auctioneer COMING EYENTS St. SvefsAYFA nulEs ter~ ~~ - Tu ilb aoin Vite Par!Ilh Hal onWedtedyApril 8th. Te wýill bec rediro i5uthl. Admi - ýion, 25c. b-12-C. Card Party and Dancu d'M their, hall en, Fridaiy eveniing-, Mairch 27th, cern-l miencinig at 8.00 osoc.Preceuds for war wo-rk. Adm-issioýn, 25e. Orono Red Gros. tDance, To-ivt Hall, Orono, on Thursday, April 2nd.j Dancing fremn 8.30 te 12, when lunch wilbe served. Galloeway's Orches- tra in attendance. Round and Sur Danciing. Ad-iiission, 50c. C-12-c. FOR RENT ,Heuse in Kirby, formerly used as .store; barn and gardlen, . pply 11 A. ,MaK-'inon, Xirby.cilp F~OR SALE A Erooder Stoye and Hloover, mie- dium size.. Aipply teIHeUb.Seott, phone Orono 1 r i.. -i-c WANTED Middle aged woinan for ioswr andf conWanion for two adults. Apply te Box 28, Orono, Ontai. a-il-c; TRACTOR FOR SALE ALLIS èHALIIRS 20-35 Model E, on Ètee]. In fjIret-clasa ondition, $550.0<0. Apply te Rowlan-d Simith, 155 Gibbon St., Oshlawa. c-13-p. LOST A Broach ,o-i-ewhere betwe<en the southward and the sehlooL. Finder please 1leave at the Tim-res office. a-il-c. WANTED capable woman te act as bouse- keeper hin odern home with every convenience. Write üMrs. F. Tii-ney 15 Rto Rd., N., Osahawa. -lc FOR SALE Seven-rooiied Fr-an-i House; goe0d gardtn; goed stablei and other build- ing combined. (Geod wvell. Apply te Johni Brown, Kirby. c-12-p. FOR SALE large Sun, Rooin. Ahl conveniences. 'iey situatd, ovelooking ronào Park. Apply teO0. W. Scott, Orono. FOR SALE Our two-acre home in the Nortb- 'ward ds for ýsale. ifHon bouse for 1501 birds. Neyer failing well. Rowlanid Smnith, 155 Gibbon St., <)shawa. C-l3-4p. FOR SALE onu 1931 Dodge CGoupe wit'h Rumn- ble Seat. Five good tires. Appl'y te1 Fred ýC. Graham, care W. T. Little, Phonoe5M-13, Orono. a-il-p. FOR SALE Blaek Jersey Cow, tiising 8 years jold, due te freshen Akpril 12th. Ap- ýply to Fred S. Wood, Phoxie 35 1r 15, orono. C-13-P. FOR SALE Baby Cicks and Ratching Eggs,. White Leghorns and Rocks; blood-. testKId locks; ýRO.P. sired; large fowl; large egg sets. iCustoqners are ibsoeking their orders to avoidj dis- appointment as -we intend to stop hatching early tlËis year. Al oggs are produced on our faim. ALVIN CLEMENS Phone 2433, Bowmniville. Farim near Hampton, tf Auctio(n Sale .150 STOCKER CATWE]f HORSES AND MACIIINERY The Property Df E. A. Werry & Son Lot 17 and 18, Cou. 9, Darlingon MEDICAL AF. MceKENZIE, M.D. PHl~JIA ad 5Uq kL) Office [Jours: 2.00 te 4.00 P..,; .) 8.00 pxn PIOE47r11 ORIONO DENTAL O-ffice Heurs in Orcrno: Monday to Fiiday (inclusive) From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.--venings by, Aiýppointmieit Office H ours i Newcastle - evey Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 pn. For appoinbment phone Orono 18 r I VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office .Main St. Oin Pihciie 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. GilfiIa QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optooe. etry of Ontario Office Hlours: 10 to 12 a.m. sand e 10 4.30 p.m and b3, appointmna Offieiln C. B. Tyrreil'i D-rug Ste» Phone 88r2 J. C. GAMEY Fire, Casualty, Aut-tomou bile aind Lîability AUCTIONEERS TED "'JACKSON Auctioneer and1 Valuator ConLducta Anitioia Sales% of aIl 8iÏ an-C at reasonable rates. Com.,iumicate with huim at PeV Perry, Ontario, or see bs O1'rk, E. M(ýrton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS AUl Repairoi to WiVtcbes, Clocks, and Je-weIlery, will rWceie Our pYCIpq PARK STREET I T F.-F. Mforrîs &SonI Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night. 734 and 573 Orono. 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service ini Durhamn Our Servce-THIE BEST Our Good--THE NLW EST Our PriceN-THE LOW EST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE --OR01O j * Saturday Georège Formby .At His Funniust, in 'CUNE ON, GEORGE" Monday and Tuesday "Ail Through the Night" Wih Hnnnplhey Bogart aid enx'd Vidt Wednesday and Thuratday "(YOU BELONG TO NF" "ICal! Out the Marin.'s" i NOTICE 0F MANPOWER REGISTR AT ION At the. request of the Honourable HumphreY Mitchell, Minuster of Labour, and by authority of Order-is- Council under the. War Measures Ao, the. Unewnploy- mnent Insurance Commission is registering ail persons inl industries coming widhi the 8cope of the. Unemployment Insurance Act, 1940. It is m2rÊîtory that the. Reffistration Carda now being tupplied to employerc be completed for AU.. employeeg, insured amndn.insured, and foewarded to the Lo"a Office of the Commission by March 31Lst This 1, An Important War Undertaking The 3akilhs and traning of every worker ini Canada mnust b., known in order that they may b. used to the b1est advantage. This às the first step towards comaplet. registration of man-Power. Renew Unemployment Insuranco Books Before April 1 To avoid duplication of effort, the above registration is being combined with the. renewal of Unemplcyment Insurance Books. A supply of new boolca wil be imai1ed promptly on receipt ai your local Emnployaient and Claims Office, of comnpleted registration forma and the old bocks stamped for the last pay period i Marci. For details consult the Conmiasion's Local Office without delay. YOUR CO-OPERATION IS URGENTLY REQUIRED Commission TUE GRONQ