THE ORC)O EIL1h H-ave yoi Apply at the IORONO TIMES OFFICE Oroixo --Ontario Ni'tprowlens'ýýare stifl at large in Orono distict. Th'Iis wvasz proven on T uesday ndg'ht liast at the homne of Dr. W. W'. Sherwin, just west of the villag-,e. Dr. SI-erwi rtune lcoile jUst before nidighit, arid beforerein, flxed nip Ms 'books, mlarking off ac- counts that had been paid, 'and xvhen he liad comIpeted talIying up his inoneyv and closed his books, some persons out5aide wrap.ped on his wv'n- dow, no dloult tlo have Dr. Shierw;inf go outside whlere they (oou1ld relieveý hirm of his cash. Mrs. Shierwin set in a cati to the polioe at Bo'wman- ville who were soon at the scelle, bt no trace (YS the marauders coul Ide found. The police stayed aromind unr til nearly thrce o'dliock in the moii ing-, but no one appearedc for a sec- ond attemept. The Japanese in the South Pacifiel seerni o have ea.sed up con iderab ly., eitheir due to omncais or the stre-ig'hening of the Unýteid Nations. In Orono It' Mac Smith's_, waN Men's Pioneer Overails, black, pair.......... $2.50 These Overalis canmot he replaced at any price Men's Work Boots, sizes 6 to 11, pair .. ... ..$3.95 Crepe Soledl Shoes, boys, pr. . $3.50 men, pr. . $4.00 The last for the duration fluy your Rubber Footwear for next Fali now. Rub- ber situation is becoming more serious every day. Watch the window for bargains in Ladies' Dresses JIJST IN ! Spring Skirts, each .......... . . $2,95 Watch the men's window for Fine Shirt Bargains Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd, Bonds, etc. Office nt Rear of Store MAU* SMITHi PHONE 61 r,2 - - ORONO I RED &WIIlITE STORESj Since the law of ,one delivery came in force, we find the public co-operating 100 per cent. We receive orders in the afternoon for the day following. Or- ders are sent with ehildren on way to school.. Our phone orders are comîug in early, enabling us to get out in plenty of timne. THANK YOUT. Tea Bisk, large pkg. 3Me Monarch Flour, 24 IL bag 83C Fry's Cocoa, 1-2 IL tins 19C Stuarts Sandwich Cream Biscuits, lb. 19c Fresh Side Pork, lb. Loin Chopa, lb. Spare Ribs, lb. Peameal Back Bacon, lb. Skinless Weîners, lb. Small Link Sausage, lb. Pork and Beans, 2 20-oz. tins Canned Pumpki*n, 2 lge. tins Ann Baton Brand Catsup, 25 oz bottie -Libby's Tomato Soup, 3 tins Sure Good Tomato Juice jHeinz(C Post Tc 25c) 29C 24c 42c 23c 22c 19e 25c 25c tins 1 9c tins 25c pkgs 1 5c Local New-s Mlton Green bias arrived safely n Emigland. Mlo is in theu Radio De- partment of the R.C.AF. flicth-we-ed wihhis parenIts, M.anid Mrs. A .Kae The ladies of St. Savio.ur's Angli- c-an Chmuh wi.l1 hold their annual EasterTe on Wedniesday, April Sýth. Mr. anid Mr. Cliarleos Crease and mon Paul of Toronto, visited her mollher, Mvis. Fred Cowan, on Sun-, BIRTUTJS REIID -- In;Bownxaanville Hospital, on Tue'dy, iach241th, to M.and Mrs. W. A. -ed lre Township, ason. Bcît.1 doing lil le imenal Sergt. _'Major. George MeIKenna, o ýf Peterborough, spent the wek ai wth Mrs. MeKenna a t d r.Everett Stapleto ailt onsils remo-lved ithe Bownville .ospital on Tuesday last, 'with Dr. MctKenzie performiing thse operation. Mfternoon tea will be served VMis a-,fternoon at the lIed Cr-oss work roomns. Next Thursday the nrthlye bus-iness meceting will be held at 3.45 Mr. andi Mrs. Gray and daughter Ev7elyni, a Toronto, spent Friday last in iOronio, andi in thbe evening iniotored back to the city, acmaidby thieir daughter, Miss Florence Gray, and M'viss Bassnet. The citizens of Orono had a good view of a 'plane on Wednesday niorn- ing lasit wheu a pilot flew bis plane over- and arounid Orono at a very low levol. 'While passing over Vise vil- lage lie dîppeti one wing of the plane in a salute to the villagers. Don't forget o attend the Red Cross dance la Oron.o towa hall on Tbursday, April 2ud. Gallowa's orcestra lias 1_een securedi for thie dance, and alh attend are assur- eti a good timie, Lunch will be servedD alter the dance. Help thne Red e Cross by your attenrlance. In Saturday's Daily Star we no- icedl the presentation to Leading 'Airecraf tna nIFrank McKellar, R.'C. A.F., and his bride, DoroCny Pearson, da-ug'hter of 'Mrs. Pearson and tise- laVe Fred Pearson, Orono, wbo wr mnarried on Mardi 7. Ih happy cou- ple were presented witb a silver tea set-vice by the groon's cmide n a squadron stationed inl Toronto. Ten tabels of 5H0 were playoti at Vise L.Q.B.A. card party liel inlatise Orange Hall, Orono, on Tueisdlay evening- last. MIrs. ?liasey won first prise for the ladies, the prize being tea toweLs; while Mrs. H. W. Murra'y, for collection phone - Vi Pl he are cf a m40,r 10 awardd thegent's prize, sihaving o40 r1 tioxi. The please.ut evenîng was Ibrouglit Vo a (-Jose 'ty a igit lunch. In Tuesday's Telegin, we noticed ____________ one of 'Oronoý's sokiiers meution-et, ~,w>lijust ar er sfty nEn- uQ ron.o Tinshop% is conneeted w- mithe Ordnance Corps. Tom, an Engliahli ld wlio Came Vo titis CGuutryr 14 yýýears ago, nives.ary in hs country by agalu sailing over the ocean, but this tîme from Canada to Engiand Vo do bis bit Vo help defeat Hitler. A large number from oui village attended the Cowanviile ladies dance hcId at Newcasitle on Friday evening of i'ast 'woek. Neariy seven liundriýed were ln attendance, iV being thbe lar- gest attendance at the Newoastle conmunity hiall i-n a long time. The Cowanvile ladies are Vo) be commenti- ed la the imanner lin which Vhey han- dled the situation with regard Vo the lundis. The proceeds will lie used for, Red Cross work. Cowanville is con- niecteti witli the Orono Brandi of Vthe Red Cross 'Soclelty. IIEAVY PENALTY FOR GASOLINE ROARDERS Repor-ts say that word bas reacli- ed thse office of Ou1 Controiler Cot- treIlle, sboing Lýthat privateindiviti- uals are ho'arding gasoline for use2 after tise rationing plan g-oes into cf- fet on April lst. Inive-stigations hbave Iheen ordereti anti aIny found guilty iii be prose- cuited. M.Howe added a wVarning to thle gmasioline deaflers. If it is discoveroi, hie saiti, that anry dealer ias eonnived with a boarder lie will 'have bis tanks andi puropspadlooked and milIl bc sub- ject Vo tise saie !eavy penalties as te hoarders. New, modorin test eqxiiment 'en- ables4 one to nmale fast, dependable repairs to any make of radio. Chasý R. Knox, 42 r ý2, Oroiio. d PLUMBING HEATING andi TINSMITHIN G And ail kinds of Repairs R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR 1Centre St. Orono Phone 30r16 Il PARK ST. UNITED CKURGH Rev. S.- Littlewood ,SINDAY, MARCH 29th il Sunday Stpecial Children% ServTi&e 2,0pJm.--C orne -to S-ulil-Y 7 pm.ýMre Touehts about Rev'ival. 11Hosainra to the Son of ]),rvid; B1s;dis he Uht eoneth in Dairham County iSpeaks Chulge On &he Wheat Question F"ledsI j (Conlinjued f rom page '.fouri) lyat fmesand aIl Vhe people of CLad aniit readeis f east or we(s' t . Mor eAit te el thanj that, 1 Jelie-ve chat in cil"m'1eu1s- ubcs wre he is trying -tolgsat for theeforUm il! m-aii who h'as 10,000 or 20,000 or 5. most ahIy 000 or- 100,00'0 bush]eLs of wheat. Th"s"heE 'egisiation ivill heilp te sma'11li arm-the titie er-, ami (lwe are w-,illiing to acet t. thf'.Il Prowil c Someone lias sa id(, wa bo)ut uË î cons igainis ? Wel, it ha's cost thechidn gvernmntl i' abo 0-ut $6,000,000 f oi1 paVe in t f rig'ýht Vo bhring coarse grains dow-n to Ontar1io. Ontaio farmerýs were gtio geV them, yet many hion. 1 hink 'mneimber.sspeak-ing boee re oppos- ta,l pI-1 ecd Vo fthe coarse grain provision. A , wu i it $appened, this year we were short isýcusse of feed in Ontario, and mi-any AtindI er-s were glad to get coai-se grain to Lhat will feed hogu 'ýand cattie and Vo produce er*s 0f < milik, fiuttîer andi eggs. But' th ose ïddta are - hi that arnladernani; tfiuise are things we cari sel]. That is not the case lwith wheat. TI)e f -,irm- ers 7 -F have playe-d a very important part in tfihis war, effort, and 1 know tley will continue to do ".. The far-mera T are wiIlinig to conitribute everything they have to'ward w'innng the war. B prices, theyae wiiling to go on any- way; and 1 believe the west sliould adiopt thbesanme attitude. We do hope, ffio-wewer, to hear ,,Dmp expres'- P1ewi sian of aatifcinfrora kime sec- ltt tion of thse west-'. T prediet that F It thils sort cf thing goes con very snucli longer Outario may heco)me thie de- pressed -proviýrIee, instead of Ssa-Shan chewaý-n, because ertaifly the -west is W getbinxg all thbe Jegislatioxr for its benefit. Pr I am not going te take up aiy more tisse, Mir. Spe-aker. As 1 said -at thie outaciet, I bhad noV intended Vo speak oui this questioni; 1I lad made Up ill suiti te, accept thse proposais of 'une goverarnyent. These bis are Vo 'be refeirred to a comnittee, where ~oth fllle services ail his coi licy ahouild -have amiple every phase hupc, arrive Il be beuieit Jana'da as IÉ inteaul ient and Vto ase note aftér ý the change in p mpoo and Fig rave ........ ,er Wave .. Don't for-et ARMSTR IT PAYS TO 1 PMones 21 Specials, Thursday,]1 Thriftm large pkg. 39c. Ivory Soap small bar 6c,* Wrapped Bread loaf 9C. Fresh Spinach 2 lb. Round Steak ih. 25ico Shoulder Pot Roast Beef lb. Brunswick Sardines 2for Toniato Juice large 2 for I!jc. Sirloin Steak 27c. Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 345c'O Choice Pum-ipkîn 81 A!,IILS ý'j