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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Mar 1942, p. 7

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s jlr t Railroads Seen As Great War Machines esny taccmqthse cosneciîng latbetwecn tIse wo great Anglo-. axndemacrac:,ýiesý, the lnited tatand tIs-e Bniitish Comlmon- wvealth of Nainsxasth key-. "Meote un addrss dehirc y Mao . L1%CBondD.S.Al, presden naItsaAmei RPail-. ~. -êae 43d ~n~al meting of ti. ~s~cha~on w~ichOpened la lChi-. aga lest -week. I~. n hua adr"e rta te rcos NfMajor._Bond, who la rý ice-president ý,egion, CndsNticoial Rail-. uypointi ot that tIse rail- Y'oads fare the reatatsvanmu-._ ,chýine on tis cntmn-ent end the eu.*ngîatng su! of tce rita! Unes o,ýf cmsuîainwhlich refici evound tIse oid in- bath rc Major ond rid tIai tIseor-. ganisation sered as a re ri Iran hich a drw ulified per-. Conl fradiotcechnca mmidttes t prfmnme spe- lee had beenfonmed ta coppier thons or trai* mtenial, ai Is Wnsane aI ticeWar Production gaged on an wergency study ad ýivays asd mus oredulce ube OOuumpios ~third was asked- ta arrie uai prompt coniclusio ý-s ta tJise efocipon the. restne-. thons of soda aah lu , tIseinet af vater for ose in locomotive wbatmu~tbe epected in c0on- *tastly incrcjuri1g mnur, Major Bondcoucudd Nazi Subsý Carry STwo Bomiber Planes ng panes ach ih woul Inae pssile ir aids asfan, ýÀland as Chicago. Add(Ir(:sin g sag, Hrnok aidtIse Nazisi üaul ;bnigts ub b tIse SUI- a'e aias,,asebe hi ~-- obersfiy ouitabomb hi n reaet d ha ibce summmen's hold â. raid, Parachutes mhldev unlesa are packed ha ncfnigcruied ~ge. ~Isey star-. Hutrstil "taIï taies, about the speed Ai Ce dc ktlai got a way, ana îtheýrei a ground fCor t-hIn 5orir Canvasbacks Falud team ane hcso'wnta ly. ut 50 ta 5Y mlls an hour, A phesani'r bestý 40ý iies an ar wieapaig travels about2s i les an hour. Brds aifprey, e s anugu~sd hawris, have gpeut iiying Speed, buiL uot for utandfIighttu a ven long Èistanecs They are able tA sweep dowa upon tcesr ritims -ftit qAdeït bura-ts ai speech, whldlt ha tise case a 1 uck lhawk, o. -4 tise woId'r ,facsiesi binds, has be Uximed oc 10 and 180 miles an hounr. Tho ge bus reen eimt ed as awopiig i the rate ai 1290, miles, thougb IM does nai iiy canagbiaway let mat speed. Ma ârespulaite many racesý hued among boning pIgeons,:1t bas jr ot moýre d'an mile a minlute. ?îgeùnS oa iSe mat enI caliy ar"d altuin birmkiuispeed unM0 Hgs peSd cameras hav e owsi mt R DoniesrAMUsia standingatar ai 4.5 iles a'n h1our, whhcici eunsý th'atis 'whnýgs ib a[uttierate of55-75 beu -a econd. PeriSpsthufatatMiera OCail the binda a'c as their name aug- geasts, t1iseav laSa temhe are these Psid that ereu N ie sosihispoit balcwrdAn! Asiatlc, speces ha be.netInmated ta ily Illheraea o l20 mIiles ani Bîrds are Sbuîtfon pecd ane thrinbreasi muIsclrare 1u time Mhoe of a -is Modern Etiquette 8V ROBERTA LEE 1. Is it proper ta guers ai aî mme ilf anc has not hewrdà i-. 2. What cocs an iriddo if She wvibseta retur ushla ha hagve been m1ade u-pon er & MSouhd cntaloue beacuteo wiih a spoan? 4. Ir it propen ta scand1wich himself etee wo5 womn hen walking wt ha on the street? 5. Is it good form ta leur. rame food on the plate whe finr uga eal?. good tar? z ANS WERS î-,N; himuch btert sk and be correct rathen thon tW guers anfd hure tu be corrected. The proper thing ta say woul be: 0%'m ery carry, but I did not, heryour onsecorcty"or "Did MnJohnson cail you MiA Fernî? 1'% sony, but I did not hear rery WCi, 2. She maynat.erclsy proxy.In umerwoWs& h a aýewJd a dughter or close fnied ic ber plae. Thîs of course u s1ot exetdof her, but it le a" niegest-tereos hetr pari. 3.No; the fork 5shoýukýid b.used. 4. No. The mnalwys al, !5 the cunb ride of the parement1 r, whethr he a waling ith on. woa xo ith serera, 6No, 1These szhouldb.aroid-. cd us much aspoibeashy are mrey fierthoughtos mund in. dicate a 41phdmssrl h coýmpoaiion a your le-tteirs, On.ý s houicd ake pinsta inclýudueve- Healthy Recreationl reasonablehmtswilelpr- mat ef incsy a he(wy efforDt. But, he dcard t utbo usoul" l just as bda bsns asusa" "Receaton nderpreentcon- wthtIe puîrpose o buldig u b'ody sdmdsdwt h ho tuse war. Remainlt eued, ihl1y à<ns tbr-eough utnac to atc. ppictures, p'ceicr and au oQ. IRe told his pres,- frec that mnpep"hawitu eequesrting a sueeto h o- musements lu wurtimc. Send M ore F-,gg,8 To reat Britain Th! 19 42-9Cn ajuog, irsued b tise Twdle Chick Hcyenies LtW., erUs, Ontunia holdhe tspeed up production. ît ic s fowig ph trpa ait-flnkthe famou Twedle breds nd hy.- f-a re r t he asking, MouMcKileY, National Park in Alaska, embracues 3,3U) square mile, Big nwofnsv gLnsa.- tuan is xpctdasGeTomo.- man:lder cf Jap foceàluthe Have You Heard? aufmin adboigth youing oanfu mn ag ýiiif e t )o wp Into th a ition. The middMe-gana he he i 4 yoragm lad" h sad, I uldrua ai omy teh a e ea rs low,;"b t m issdtis oe àet the last station." fui. was tig br bis a iwas a por, ba a - orking tlockmaker. Wien h. id JTxe lf t s eCtaewbc c to my fatherm "J'in trsin , so the newind u bsesat. ,Jotherpofean unrul14-upyee "DVean M. In , regre vy ailRobetiiies way is tme isdsei, quarelom,î- 'er-an disurs th(Àtuea hÏa, thr ahngand strny ret you gie hlm ne." Thles was h epya.reevd "earhMiss Smith Licek hand youxrc,e i' m thm They ý we, having tir flt coquarre1ad.ý,nnn up bile ci e appied"ai tbse busbad,3he w Th e Liret atudy-îtougne- youwe, n ngel."ar "Aend retricdbis im, cLoths. "Didnc1 t youIChear tesrn? What Scieii Is Doing RA,ýNDOM ITEMS Random iteS from heanua meigof the Amiercan Associa- tionfor the Ad«anement of Sci ence: %ih l h "ovrso, theGreat Plains cointry taste tigh their fins-ail exceýpt thec tail f in. Their 'e'st-ta)sting tas"te budfs are s cat tered round on the others, Dr. George A , Moore of Oihm AanM.CollIege h"as-oud .you weigh less staniding ona chair than on the flor-and Dr. flyo .Cleweil of Dallas can tepi you just bhow 111uC13.Itsb cseCIthjebody is that much farten ri the centre of the arct h, Dr., Cleweli's gadget, is a gaietr ulsend!la petroý-ileum prospetng. The spectroscopi c eean de- t(eit invisible gasX"es rising i l in3- ut,teiaeua te over areas wheretermyb.odpot. Some oucompanies nare ,Sing th spectro'iope now ý,ýteethfor a lonIg, lon-g tem ta Deaf Smlith County, Texas. Tlhý_îaveratge there ilý about Onse decayed, Mmiusig or fllled tooth p ' cId, comre' te ,10o even oe, wee Lots10 of snhefoods hIigh lu phlosphorusý cnetcalcium in the sou, just the yigt aount offurine l noe water. Qutig r. Ewr alr direcoeofthce dental diiln of the smtate deParZImenýt ofhet: "Tepeople tesle yi emt romnerVous tensio, row- ln'g adcnuigagreatra. ety f foods -for their tbe. _AWAY GO0 COerN s'.ed by cros Corn Salve SÀTSFCTISIOR 1AONIY BACIC The ut ppleldn&MCrus ICar Sie aicl SuoovsuaeesSrd.yurmoepl! comcue rigow en HO-1W CANIf? ihat ba ben riie o ardwodf floorafrom spttig'? A.L Uub with ail atI ppcdà mi turpentiiie, luaing a reguiLar mo1ttioni. Then dry wiuntr cean clatIs. Q. Folw cau I prerent a rng from ýýslipping? A. A remiedy ugae-o rlippnfug la ta take three pre-. rerhng jar rubeils sw them to- gether, sd uttach ta the under- aide corner iýof therug. f oure th isaib. donc e Ach cornr Q. How cas bechcoUe when lsndening thein? A, Add a teaspcoo of turpen-. Une AtahIe waten when wasbingý whitc coier.hiaide mtnilly tIe blucbing ProCer. Q. Hwca-n hpern1 ~ ri on silrcrware? A. A few pecs I cnp d ropIlp edCI itc the alewr dnrawer will prerent teslewr froistarnshing. Q. How vcasI declan aid coins? A. Apply powdered whitlng, wih a damp claI. IftÉ4e coi le luced lua araw whMe patate sud liowed ta e isfor aboýut twelre hauns, tha origoiaolstreý viib. restored. Mvay LimitTakr To Daytime Travel -A plan to avue Ited Stateg coasial tankers put IlésaAlantie Ports ut nightand nit their travelling ta dayHhIt haurs was rcp-Iorted ta lTè under considera-. tio by nary officiais This mctad of ouwittiug sub marine raiders inov haunting ter-. nioilwaters is large numibers.i vsused ta ahMmhltcd etet ur-. ig IeFirat Greai War.ý Eyelet Brasâ Enaflugh brats ta mialte cartridgo, c-ases for a million a lher aehi a yeuvr, states Sineservice, wlb.sared by llsinig substuitutesq for brasa iàisho.e yelets. On. comany laIndia i ine-. poredtabe proc)nling 50,000O tol a alious typesmeth fath ramy. SUSCLASSIFIED ABYERTISEMENTSS.. IAI CI LHICK8 taloue, onr n Poutrya arm fre. hîk or colc wlb cery 100 plleteor 10 Mixd cih Ontarina, rlgt bnw, nd or ametim tcrie. ake drntaafthm Start7ýbe chck, C'.,03h . a- njssïiin2'-'wiHl be earned by saine wdaaesalermlan intraduclng brand newGoemetrurd R'ecord ta eve-ysnalbusineer manlin;-a,ur coun'ty. Write ucl for PaIcuar.Five djollar de paru brngs saieable ?1.50 unit, wvîlhsainle ktand rec;ures -, 1 uota bas. APEX, 51 4 L'rock BOOJ<-S, MA<4AZTNES, FTtO 5c P. O)ne ûf tie largeaýt arartieut lnU Caada. Tec-hncal, Trades, Roane.BsiesUnusu'al. m ag- lc Proýfessionts, MedicaiMrrae etc. Rushfor free illstreted caaoge ana-dian Baok om- handing anc of the fieet ues 0f Inseticies. lectric lence coný- trilrs tPintzs. PireEtnufh- en, etîýc. ýWrite W-ARi'CO QfRE'ASE &-.Off- MIE, OONO MOUN PLESANTMOTOURS Lt. auth dealers; thrae eocos,932 li. eicsant Rosd2040 yonge, et nd 1650 Danfonth Avenu, Our IJdCas ake us,, n erleed. Write for Our" Fre, 0k let On pedligreed rencwved and a n- Usyzd uac"cr. 25e RDLS EVEOPIID AND prneplus ans 5 x 7encrgt- ment of beon pcturem rcsa OSE Dj23y CILN 57 NIT-. ma~n.Aise embroidery wor':k doue, madb e ta oder, Mrsî. I Sclieri 1I,. 1 Forwlc, Ota. l f' VO'Egi, Aira r'ÛbupÊit 10Î,0 McCermick-Deenlng Tract r, Ncw camranstampoClpeLeh eahrailof films developed or teen reprint alfot2e ad 0 brocQue. lmpro7redMacrSag, ErNSexT, Kent AveueRoaperoin cs,Roet Avene RadTarnte prce WcmmCste HwhJ'L A.Roaanr, 41CntdrtanBd. mationstes. The Rumrnnay c MEDICAL DON'ET UY - EVEdi UFFER.. Sr f cReumti0c Pains cto1 Neur-. HLt'r rlIaudtyDxn eey CfposDrgSoe 3551w 8'$~AMFS MALATA, PHILIPPINES, IION# Rang, ether warrlag ceuntrice lut the Pacifia, Brltlsh Colonies, etc., lu packet of 52 differcat, 10e Witle approvals. Wanldwide, 2191 Nets-. eau, Oshawa, Ont. NURSEItY &1~4>GK BULBS, PL&NTS~ SHRUBS AN» Evergreens. Num~rous varletlce and colore; seneatbonat aew luire.. ~uctions, Write for descriptive catalogue, James Seed Cnmpany, ~.4ndsay, Ontarlo, RHEIJMATIC PAINS IT L TvO193 dollas! RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORT URE QUICKLY RELIE VED If .iurlaie u ube wL l itn ibis conditin edin hrni. n itching oy oeer rpinu as agfe a of ll auesunn n vproper treatmf-!ýen hau1d be ecre at once, Foi, tins purposýe et a package ofn Hqem-Raid frOm nydrggs iad use as dire 4cted, T118 forul htighly reca)mmended ca9nd e Iseema the height of fally fr anyonlu ta ik a paînu n d 1, hronlA ilje condition whe teýuch a fine remiedy may, be had ai suds aemalcari. if you try, Hem Raoýid ana are ul enilypeared C ththeresuîlte, your drogesiwill gl iadlyreture ya-Urr money FINALE PAIN Womulea whe suifer pai I rr Le2gur perod wth cran,,Sliervouses- due ta mnonthl]y ûuniciLoual distUrf.. ances--hanld Sud, yduE. Pluc jraq's Vegeble- CoaundTablt <wth added iran) very e cca ve ta jets nmadecsp laU orwmchelp bulid Up reristaince algainet euch annlovlng 8ymptams. olw ae direction, fd u aaa I7 MTEOS TASTE Gi IN A PIPE o!

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