-Makîlng Woolen 2--Garens Last S omne Advc On ,,0ý Ca rE 'soU Wht ith th craened t%1 the expauding armed forcesý was l la pparercty oun is way Cut, of the vîa scen,says The Nlew York Timîes Wu existing 'stukS cf woleu pll are ex- haustedl, it ie likei1y tht 'wejo1en fab2ries will consîsSt oFrprcsd an1 sd mitrsofwol lt other yarns. Thia yea's Wmint coat ean be iee l Burea ofH jeEcn istance where keeping upe ap- tý)"~at, exp,-erts say, sheuldh bebrh ed tougy fe es.c wea.rng Jai rde te' rernOve dua ad ir frm he ufcebfr it hasa thanice t,; be grudinte hema terisi If you have a spare, let eti cat hangk a day o r two mý betw7enwans Thlis permn-its tIs woifires te pr, be year fer doing everythg possibl tW CUtwt tIse ciths Othe. ffang- ing garmen-ts l thse suni is_ ýtand- match's suld t'he nupfleasaut ef Bpring. It Lýs important te re- mesiber tu take ehing of the baugera' andic te bru!sh uander coat aiansd te) týuru peekets iniside eut., Meths lurk ; lu thse pet aS if thiey ke h u e et reach thei there. Airi andi aunig reas u eui yeaUa alasbein a heatetui heuse. packig wintr gamants awy lat bog ise surfa)ce r to-ie, ret uush Veers te thik Ohe ball areý tisera fery tiemt pa wýitb. Tise, '!yrelya sur methiod, sajys' soiainl te have C thLarmeCnt list a mthpoef ag.You knewý ~4hpu ta erotLb 'have gey-, isïie bag, n htnn a But ft deoa 1ýtI godeJ hau v rctken eut asud corn andi put woru Iti la-n-oger: possible te or net sud rnois~ have no hesu- taue,-y about rssnia nelt bag. NomrsePepeO verge 0f Famlinle Germons RequIslmon Most Fats, Engs and Mo1k Thse Mescow radi queas Noray aa u tise verge o "Noregia seIler have net recevet s aagl gya o e buter se UEggs orrn b,"te bread. east, isaid. "WYhitefes çgh hati enly iar hard tatbcau1Se of the a-bsen'eeffe su bcae strtchs e costwater. havebu aClýare ( vr2 tn ant fiisd naton a n b iter Thre alref reports~~~ tga !idseuaul throughbut the aes. Tise spec- eSERIAL STORY LýIis am n cn JeryLanear Newv;(orýk's favorite dacetesm, but marriage lis Jerry hes rObbed sa7cce;sa of its gIzsmoîr for Ltis She ia tired of bright IYihts ap- pla"seof pmeteng A be haPpy. She thinks; Jerry i in love with Ruth Eustpce TenLï,imes Ken Richards, s southerner, Ken telle her he has been looking for hýer ailbis lite. "Anid when Yeu flnd Me>, I'm anOther maIn'S wife." CHAPTER TWO New Romapnce People flutereti anti bUzzed la Ru.ti Euatace's lux-urieuspet bous!e. TIsera ýwîss a hedlm 0 laugisersigipitchet voices, corir peppiIg, '*e cllinkissg, tisa laýre e2 tje radie. Litnarcae into tiselingre» )(lekîug at thse peopla milihaoiit. Jery mvedto tewardlier sity catbig br aud inisU, 1hitt! 'Isg gïtug lirbut>tentbashadeas et!th "Rare, darcling iisa e ink.oý bIis lips lhuinet gant es.O n'as itjuat pat et te picure,ý se etten t laIe, is hjises k ie celti.A [Îe o bi. W llas ueqit nsn? h wai(uJevrys la islet Jry Tui b a e Cd]Sh mt neutaon ber t geta di onetiiogtng- cliemee lvng"orte ise "Wba'a ise matter" Jerry, eceas baî-sudngyaa ant ise ralize ith a iebc maYern t eYntintlr "Ii doiJerr, bu-"oh aus hlm t iria b. Sbp(pe tiidu'tn'an amyiy te kP ia be.Sa iu' n'Oht auyhet t,30a p- b e cngbt berobreah itisd a-Ztaut- Ruly at teas mjý,heitamIý hi, temire eeplesnr ia we're as mtily la ove oas,) n'a r ten. Im nt ati, mat ti" "Gb, se yen are"A ec Yon'e gepte ance n'iti mei Jery" ts 'asce tie ti».'n -Uroise you' 0show e tstnn stop."e,. Rth idBteginnnganos,"Jeyo ucrneti Jt br qOUicirl,"Ilira t dance witb en us. ou'reSjeue tis can' wirecde n'bat ti ises»ýrF Rus o'a cvrazyabhot erry. Ti n'stieraesat bis arrgant,- n'ealisy rnp lîsi ta eLtsat Jhery ioltsepirheuidat iereasen etiJeryaniBerry, 'eua lu't4 itbouti Witel relia istit n's , aonzRti wnnt, n ti thatobal ulilov araiug erober nîglt, te twe eY tbem, as if for tites» iseA wariddi! net axiat, '1-ýrniad aotyen," Hie streu wnn,1t te abut I a. youre ey marry yeun Sir colti't isik.T'ais was sne tbluj tg eto eisreb narea. Hamati berdizzysu duni witha nuew felig tust sce htOi neyev xinet.i hefore. HieJ compliments bird heen like wine; iselvedbaiu ises», Jerr-y aeeed er sa awyKeu's kisses, aganatherlip.s were wet etrggl awyfigiug ginat isî atregtb Iutiuciveysise kuew, tiatMhesOUg03tfnet tebe, She auted te escap burtothre Wisnem esaa is arma dr(11ew her acir "Dariugaý, listei, 1its loveïDon foreabehs. -"No! N! e oc a a ilng 1mean, -,ileas " ý v'ti4sudse lp's isdto 1bis,aswrgIia you. 'man id eJery lv biiim.j 11e loîves meili. We rethe ue te mC arry yenyou rnkant sea 1ýlrn I. Tel muCh chaUpag. I in . . " Sh Ianhed ýitte ys "I've alwsysbeuabatecar i cau"t nsees» te otn.Ruyn tion'tcoul, ra ly. Yen ougbu te ,,,indisa me lire Is. f Jrry sisonîi fint us h'd it s 1 "Yen, dar %lgdontfigutaais bi (ysleokd1ion ot brs "e beloug esehchtisdtesudi ;aobae ut,Sa dznohrgrs butnfebus threau't be uyod ai tis1C , w il1f d -Whera do I elog" ie ai. Pr apsaseuid fnna tIe as were, te resonwbylifebaLibe sme iarJeway, se ndwceutfreais, I!les bul altiewst bouse, witis hgsstetesa fiClwrl bu h onain ii ing~~~à tomai.msc il yu tiri, mlu atlÀ js rr tieli isu. Xll sHa smviiu, ua hacase ,ouwaut toatth net frlaces etpeonl ie o' mean a.ythin an Sire liteuati ee lus xicenTa Iluse li)se dean sebt trast coldise 'Juug rins anti naw, lora nslciîte, Land OUps;' a en aliti e hr h wasut Lta iarneu wnrigma bad,"bt~ref t a itr