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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Apr 1942, p. 5

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TUE ORO)NU , KL .L1 Have yo Apply at the ORONO TIMES OFFICE Orono- - Ontario In Orono It's Mac Sm-ith's 'XV~ at your service M en's Pioneer Overails, black, pair.......25 These Overalis caninot be replaced at any price Men's Work Boots, sizes 6 to 11, pair....... .. $3.95 Crepe Soled Shoes, boys, pr,. .$3.50 men, pr. . $4.00 The last for the duration l3uy your Rubher Footwear for next Fail now. Rub- ber situation is becoming more serious every day. Watch the window for bargains in Ladies' Dresses JUST IN ! Spring Skirts, each............... $2.95 Watchi the men's window for Fine Shirt Bargains Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAQO SQMITHr 'PHONE 61 r2 ORONO RED &WIIITE STO RES Breakfast Bacon; Whytes Best, lb. Tender Smoked Picnic Style Hams, boned and rolled, lb: A medium Eggs, graded and candeled, doz. Horne's Peanut Butter, 31 lb pail Choice Quality Canned Peas, 2 ins Choice Tomatoes, 2 large tins Choice Canned Pumpkin, 2 tins Wonderful Soap, 5 bars Cookirig Figs, lb. Cooking Onions, 5 lbs. DyBeans, 4 lbs. Maple Leaf Lard, 2 lbs. Fresh Ground Coffee, lb. 39C 35c 34c 69c 25c 25e- 25c 18C 20C 25c 25c 29c 44c Crown Brand Syrup, -10 lb pail $1i.10 Lifebuoy Soap, 3 cakes 19C Shredded Whé'at, 2 pkgs. 23c Fresh Prunes, 2 lbs. 29e Large Grapefruit, 5 for 25c, Oranges, 2 doz. 35C Dutch Set Onions, Steele Briggs and Rennie's Seed. Certified Prince Edward Cobbler Seed Patatoes now oni hand. Mi.c. I. Wlniteranuce the en- Dgmet fher oa iugbter, Hazel Ad y, to Leadi ng Ai re iraftsimn William Gordon Leamen,RC.F. son of 'Mr. and IVirs. W. J. Leameni, Orono; Che marrige to take place in April. Only tet-ih more dIays and the fising enhuiass illIbe able to visit their favorite haunts. dir. ChaIs. Low1as rented MrLs. S. G. Gianville's residence on Cobbý 11h1, whiile MI-S. Glan1vijlle wili ov thother home down n1011U ear the milill now occý-upied biy Nelson Couvier. WeV understa'nd thiat M-r. arid Mis. Cou vier, will have to move from town, -iý there are no vacant houses for rent Don" miss the Red Cosaiin Orono town hall (tonighit) Thursclay. Jaýk Galloway's Orchestra will sun piy the, mutsiu for those who iket 'tipthe ligh4faiiasie.Lulnch \w-P Ibe servedi. Help ~the Red fCross bhy at- tedng othat thiey mnay in tom helip the I)omhe)(d victimi-s ia Englanid. A work that is well worth ptron MESng Free : 2 frisky gold- fist, bowi andi water'plant -vàth a 50e. purohase of any Rexiall items and a i5c. package of 'Magiîque Fish Food. There are only a f ew of them left. At Tyrrell's Drug Store, Phone 68, Orono. In the -near future ahi baveS of bread lias to te lalbelled, as to price, vweight and kind. Ttis is a new re- gulation the govenmoent is putting into force, but for whiat reasoni, vo cannot say, as wo do not know. Mr. R. H-. Brown visited in Tor- onto on Tuesday ]ast -and while there ettended a sipecial concert and enter- taiment in the evening, put on by the Woi¶king Boys of Oakham House, under the supervision of the super- intendent, William J. Eck. Mrs. Win. Pope, who rail a hotel in Orono1 along with her hiusband som-e thirýty-five years ago, and who now resid'es in Toironto, is very low in health. -Mrs. Pope is 82 yearso&f age. She will bie remiembered by sorne of the older residents c f the conmunity. No person can get a drop of gaso- line after April lst un-less they are in possession of a ration -card. Cot- trelle, it is sýaid, expresses amaze- ment thait ,)nly a -haif of the m-oter vehicle ownýers in Ontario 'have ap- plied for coupons se far. Most likely a large number of the notorists are waiting for botter weOther, glnd nt the sanie timie to~ save tires. IlNew, modern test equipunent en- ilables one to miake fast, dependable Delivery repaira to any niake of radio. Chas.- * R Knx, 2 r2,Orono. tf. A 1101. ~...LCA PLUMBING HEATING and TINSMITHýING And ail kinds of Repairs R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone 30r16 PARK ST. UNITED CHtJRCIt Rey. S. littlewood Pastoo SUNDA.Y, APRIL 5th Easter Sunday HOLY COMMUNION 11 .00 son. - The Kingdloni- Triumlph8. Easter ,Music 2.30 p.n.-Sund-ay Scihool. 7.00 p.m.-Tfhe triumpal entry te te AcninIl ~trated vitt slides, "The Lord ia Rison Inideed". llandy Ammonia pkg. 6e. Apple Juice 48 oz. tin Special A6c Round Steak lb. Loin Pork Chops trimmed lb. 30rce 29c. Sirloin Steak ib. 27c, Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35e. Local Nýews 1 LITERARY MEETING RED) CROSS NOTES B 'The- Literairy Society of Orono Hlall (lieeu e The Turner, Egesnand J onc s Continuation SülioOl held their fourL]th Tîl husmaeatenoon-1t'he o1 -Private Pation famililies have been reetvisItors to moeeting of the yea-lr 0on Tuesd yty bsnesmetn f h'OOl GnrlIluspit Petomboro. evening int13-Ase 1-bl ,Hal. Cro 1Banhof the Red Cross Society l arh25h StplsPrsien, peedthy mut e held at 345._ o'elock. A niumberi of our, dance fans at- îing. The OCiS paiper was givea bl* * D ttended ,(thedneat Nwateon Frî- Editor D)ona1ld Stapleýs. On We"eda 'fteno'att ýday nighit of last week.PndrE ad Thile l-eeýtinigwas hen given ove'tr 1inspectýion commitxc inspected amd Miss 2Maurice Paetterson, of Tocto îýDan Chmlarwho was egop'akdtafloîggoods orshp- stee, orn o"rto, visited her aunt, JMrs. D. Car>s- lae for the even iing. Thle pro- men1,1t to hbeadquartei s inTont:h 9hyer cadden, on Sndylast.grmeopndwt a jaizz banid quilts, 50 sirs,10 Lue, Eteiih Mr. and iMrs. GddsJones visite'd nmo it2ln Tmlna h 0 pirpyams,6 oltek ytO itr ra the( fomrssistor, Mrs. Milîson, i iao1rueC1paC1mne a-204eocp,1 otenc wae~ ae m oJi-m ÀArd, Bob Cooper and Doýn- 24 pair o so 10 paýir W11o1e2 mitts, Tor onto. Port. Hopfe onle daiy la.t week. adStpespayn outh orgas1 pi loe nd5saves. Rsiga h Mm. Wiliam Nealbas retumned to land kaizoos. The, entime group saing ** Mle, 0St. bis hhomeomeaftr hviig spenýtl the their goupsong-. Glenn. Tamly Avery eihfltawshedi evc nth iter imonth-s in ýMontreal. adDonald Staples demonmstrated toOng alydl lsteTuay aIter -rvafter nu M co(uple laboratory oprmet.Two nowith MssMargaret R.oy-laiemn tOro ÇM4r. O. W. Scott is in Peterboro runs on "St. G ileand the Dragon" ç~~,.sitdby ,Mrs. S. Littie- 7or the Kastortid . h oa ih i ad "Mriae wr peene od, Miss F.Gra, Mrs. L. Reid IN _ME iaughto, 'Mrs W. K. loane. This was follow,,ed by a eomnical readl- 'n isEihTui atrdc Mr, and r1 ,rs. J. Eaglesýon visited ing by- Dolmeen Corishi. A cornt 1 t) n made the tea itatie(-s very at- WNA Jfr. and Mr JakeGrýeenawayý in solo, "The White Cliffs of Dover" was tractive and the 'hot cross buns ap- a deairtsa P 1ort Hlope on) Wed(nesdaýy îast. griven by Glenn. Tamnblyn, accempan-)1- propr-iate to thle seasonÇ w'ýere ver Wainan, who led on ýthe piano by Audrey Billings. deiiu1 ~rrom eea 3d 91 MUrs. Allison Cowýan and young l-ýson, Aninestgpay entitled "His h oe f irdustry wvith somne 1ladies Hjis werbours f Torot r sedn few ay Fil-st Sh ve, _ins enjoyed by all. cuiting out littie boys Sujts tote b H is troubled i viitwih Ms~Thrns Thotse takIingÏ part vir rc hP-_ive'n ont, some packýing layettes, Anid ilnort- Cown. n, Enlid Bo en1'Mrlon Constjuilîtsanld knitte d articles to be sont Ho bias found lenn,' Tamtlyn nd Annia Stapiles. to Red Cross teadquarterUýs,,an d Eo.mmrl Mm. and Ms E. G. Hlay and 'son Tefirst fopresetedapUptohes uiig.Bb Donadcof Toronto, setSuniday show which Via 'l !exhibited. __B___ob.____ vitt ttcf lattor's parýentsý, M.and-OG001)FRIDAY Anýid w1liIe te lieý Pr. . E. Loganql. CH1URCIISERVICE CGo o, 1Friday ,Serývie will te e l i s meom w M1. aad *Mrs. C. fD. Boý,ucka i PrktUitdCur . t11.0 Fni ee daugter Ev an Etelcf oroto, Thepreoac ofsom flty hu-a.m. A cordial invitation te al t Mryand snh spoait Sunday wlith thir1aughtelr, denn thie choir gallery of Par1k St. saein this servic"e of wrhp o'entfr Mr)s. R. A. Forrester. , Nom ever sha fort. oth pastor and conigregaOýtioný last Wtct for W. E. Armustrong 's No vrsul Mýiss Raymlonde Gravel, cf LeSkardud aymrnn.Musie. by the ch-1 eot1hswek sln slf anl artist cof renovin, has a poutrait direnl was under the Supervision Of cattle Sale on April lOthi. Buils will ýWe shah romn on dispflay, a't the 59th Spring Ex-,hibýi- Mrs. A. A. Drumnmond, Miss Marjorie - 0 Ever rememi1 tien ef the Art Association of Mon- IMlcowvell and Mrs. W. E. An- Provincial Constable Ch2arles Siple, Doris and son-ii tre a1. strong, the for-mer playing the pianio of Port Hope, tas recoivod notice of accompallnments. IMrs. P. Hi Browin transfer te tale place on April lSth, Oshawa Kinris Mr. and MrS. Clarence Martin, who preýsid.ed as usual at the organ. and wilîl report ýto the Lindsay beat, their ice camnivaý have been living in part of Mrs. W. Directed mainly te itte chiildrýen, the while Pro-vincial Constable Gordon L'or the- British lHarrison,'s home on Churceh street, pastor's addr-ess was excellen't in its Broughtoni of Lindsa.y viii go te celorful spectc have mioved te their homie in Les- simplicity and appeal. Three of the port Hope. over 1,500 specr kard. Mission Band, Helen Clark, Donna________________________ West and Chai-les Armistrong, told a_______________________ A nuberof ur itizns ttededshort and interesting story on Chin- the hockey game in Toronot on Sat- ese Idfe. Rev. Littlew0odfs tophic urday niglit between thie Toronto was the "Kingdom cf God," wfhich f Maple Leaf s and the New York held the attention cf both cirenR MTO Rangers. and grown-ups.A SR'& IMr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan and HMr. At the evening service the dis- and Mrs, J. J. ýCornilsh lattonded the course was along the lino of the tinie- RoalArýhMaoneAt Home in 11e ½'y subject Of the previo us inda3y IT PA Y S -Dn TO(), PA Y Balmoral Hotel at Bowmý.ianville on evening, (the title heing "More Friday ight last. ttoughts about rýevival.'> A quiet service will te held in the churél at Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 A real estate deal has been trans- eloven o',clock Good Fridfay merning. actdat Kiýrby, ben 'Mr. John Brown morning wership wiii ho followed b Specials, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, sold his tome te Mr. John Thomnpson the celebra-tion of 11oly Comimunio)n cif Orono. Mr. Brovin is geing te live on Easter Sonday, wtile lantemn Toddy Juicy with his daugtter in Oshawa. sldfes promise a variation in thelbfiOrne St. Saviour's A.Y.P.A. wili told evening ,Service. Good attendances I.i rne are heped for. 2 dloz. ish Hall om Wednesday, April 8Vh. A casio nand al are inviTedhte adtos in by March 3st? 4ec * 3 5 c . good ton is being prepared for the or- Did you ,get your Incoi-me Tax re- _________ _______ad____are_________attnd.Magie ______ Mrs. C. Bircli, cf Carav'ale, .Mnni- Soda tomb, formerly ,of Kenldal, Mr. and O rono 1inshop lIb. pkg.Hilr t tWrs. B. Ewing, (Mr. and 'Mrs. K. href g îB1ancoe and Jackie, of Oshawa, visit- Shortein ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. QuLimitd Engleson. 1i-4 1o i Q aity 2 for CORNISH Phone For It proi lon lo ta, civ 942", and us ai un, fia CLi ald andu pl as digton Apr.

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