EE 6. No. 13. ORONO, ONTý,. THUPSDA,"-Y, APP. 9th, 1942. Silver Medal Contest, Park St. Sunday School, Friday, Red Cross Will HoldI Drive For $9,0OO,OOO _ From May il to 31 --AN-i11 Also Mobilize 12,0001ICarke Townïship Board Wornen For Red Cross 1I nr upjui ni Nursing Reserve Inuanotie address ait the Aninua ýGonvenionlhcld in Tononto )in MVarc Mirs. Davis toid cf the amiai %Vhich the Ameiricant Rcd h,: for te CaniadLiien Red Cross;.S ispoke of lier liit to Englancd la, Augntst and decl'aiedtha11t fIe Talilleo hoplabuqlt 'by thle Canadian Re -cross and opeuitedd hy the Canadia, ,Arm'niyMedi(cal Corps, mastV&I os perfect mltaryhospital she lha 'ever sen. Tlih~ae routl;ied tCi ocopre of tihe \wor' f Vh Amri Red Crss for the people of Biitai aiensi its heip t the refu.-ees ofa Euro[peai l outries. 191 Outstalidingla iiRed cross Hlistory MrL. Georgý1e T. FuIford, M.P., Hom .eayTreasýurer, said 1941 "wouldb ~ouVstan inh Red Cross lis tory, ft the reason tdat in a yeav mIen il mai, activities hvegrieatly imreas 'ed, tihe Division hias been abIet Ietail calls madie upo-n lt." Th Stotal receipts fre-m Brarlch fund li,,ai iaig events under Permii-it "C" mour 'ed toc $36ý1,511.00 ini the p-ast y'ea Donaitions, msesip andi subIseij tiens totalled $&,1.0 oa oept f VIe Divislon aene $1,852,74.00O. Du ing - '11 $1,0f75 00.0was f ade o the Naitiorù ofcefor- the oversea'sw' A -isiniosu:t of$6,7.0 was spent, -vsacetimle vmcI!c n lu ie Division. DTh Pït~e tihe vatly ncaedpor ' ýIsge snisble paid in 1940 ai imnhalthougli VIenumerof st;, Ti-PLe toLtlcost osr tire S,ýa'a ied tl -fulOtario Dvsinrepresents Ih, Vlian 2.11/'- purr cent of tVhe mnispaýS mi Vbhrougih theýc Divisional bcocks. T]ý is possible onlIy ocns f the gem, n.~>us volunteer hlelp eittended in 'd epart Ie nt>s. Rled Cross Nursing- Reserve te Moblize 12,000 'Womlen A mnm O f 12A00 Wmo1) shoIcld le nmoýiilized hrosghout0( l'ainein :tIe next 'year te take the places ini the Nuintziig Auxiliary R scerve. Milsý. Artihur Ellis, Presiden .eLcV amni Acting Provincial Crna Olake ownhipBoard of Hle'a1Lt [a met hi tIhe Guns'Camber, Ocono, wjýith al ilie imewbe'Is presenit. ~s Tihe screutary rend the finan- ,e u ial sbtîtmenît for' the Board anld Ltrpre xesso 215 andI re- w ceipts of $173.78 for the firititree edn mnth of 1942, ýII T wo cases 'ftbeclalsasIhs )tptializatýo'n and Several otLher casesý were111 P ued nd ihe r,,seucetary ,ýýWas nidmtrciedas to tiow to deal wvith in themu. -il George Butters -was aptpointed uas Sanitaryý Officer andi mas given 'the po'wer tco at under the Public lleal'th Aoct. STfie meeting ithndo e. be Sthis sevc.Te pur pose of the ts ,viin iII be to pro-CVidewoe awho wiIl won ofutay under pro- Vo ressional drcin in thieir homes, he the homes of nei.gihour-s, or in situa- Àcr' tnsordered by the inedIicaIservices ut icharge of thecotr In the t*- al% i daya , 'fthe 'flu' ep)idemi-ie in the 0 l'at waqr, nursinig astnemigt 'e -av aIved V[Oieivecf m(- y. Wmeni-u B,~ riuring wiViTe pastitwo yýears 'ir eigileto enrola nn-ro's O~ Mrs Elli combned wth ler m lan f eAcha'yCon ir- t nd fic PovinialC.R.C..C. "As the w >F ofecofT he four sC,(tiomas ou--t- 5ff lnmmres aaed i tni-1 55-c to be $,0,0 Ren ent- lut- cin' that hs, Nurrsing- Auxilary R-.eervL 'wiii lie corganized by VIe RLed Cro-ss "ta ansier tihe greaýt ned mhich nmay aris7ýe if an eidmi r isas er ishould stl-ike our counltry." MrDS. L. Stewart Laudhlland Ir has volunýýeered to ergainize ansi guide Vhs raining cof paigu Vo r 1aine fond (1s'for1,gen1erl wo,ýrk lins beenilset from May ltuliVo M ay31s. M r. NrinUrquhart, la te Cmpagu haimanfo'r On- auid c,,iuniars givinTg notice cf thec capigWil soon be, on tîcpir way Ried Cross Aisis Greek Children Tlire Crnadian liedCrsbscl- led $5,000to tirleInentonaBc CrosFs atGeneva for -tirlprhaecd mur pr'oduaLtsfoi, thie eel cldren. ThIe mioneY, cteiedfo hs Greeks- W]ar -Relief Fondic, mii le 'lsed to ai-1 ieviat sffrQnng a -llog Vihe chudren of Vliat stsinland. Draper Loses Appeal On Traffic Convictioný 'Chiief Constlle D[. C. Daeo 'Toronýto, lest bis atppeal algaiusýt Ili conIvicýtion on tIhehageof dnge- ,,-us dniving. Thecovtinolwd mil accidenlt in CiarletonsipOn aned betireen the cîiefs car and an- -)ther. Svriouccupants cf ïthelat- ter moreijured. The judgnrent uiphcld thlat cf Juidgc 'L. V. O'Conncr a-t Cobourg, mho Iuend ChfDraper $300. Tic court of appeal ma inani- mious, Mr. Justice Mi aitn sd Mr. Juste Gillanders concuring in tihe chef justice's fandings, "Tlmee aa le littie question Jta 'ý,e,---1tere was damgerous driiving£, a ndc -tiat dngereuLs drivînig mas the ap- pellaaViits," ]Chief Jmstice Rob'ýertsofli als."What is arg-ued for the ap- pellant is theat here vmas n enes -net cui' ertsona la'wful;y highli -, ouaVo he ublchaving regard Vo ~iil te ~irumtaces crf the aeo u or ngVe aurcod tion hen e oteVIe higiasdt aon Chef rape's exlanai ltat le iooked efore le ured Vo the icit ide e(:f tIc rvoad , and did nýoVseC t h e motc carcomig frm teya. Byi vay cfofurir, iaaion hoLsYSj Vînt there ma,-s a crvela the high.- man hr distance abead cf lm, anýd le did nloV Olsorve t'his and treoedid nt sec the Milier car, if it 'ias, even visibile at the time. A meekly review of develepmnents 17 oin VIe home fromiuMarcir 26Vh Vo [G April 2nd, 1942. 1. Practicaily ail the men -who will comprise neir 7,ti and StI Army Divisions miii be trainees calied upl under Naitonai Resources Mobilîza-c tion Act. Formnation of 7Vh and Sth C divisions; (mobile reserves for coastalC defence) miilnet affect 1942 overseas9 pro(grammeol(. Thiýs calis for formiationi overseas ouf a Vwo-corps armny. s 2.Basic traini1g facilities in Can11- ada to lie increased by 50 per cent i ., to hiandie 15),000 instead cf 10,- 000 trainees per mnonfI.t 3. -Maruried mien betireen 30 aind 35 Vo le peîitted Vto enliat lin sev ar-my. 4. Essent1iel fammorIers, LabÏouri Mlinister ithel nnunes a~y e grantcd idfiieposipc nem-lcnt lut noV xemtionfro miharyservice. Farmi orer ho eceives a notice to reotfoi niit'ary eric o medici exaýmînation muatst ,ii ansz- wer the notice. Man ,c11ledL must !communicate WiV dlivisicuai ugs tltrr m clset eut notice but 1ma<Y appfly for, ininýTiite postpcnemîeut on grtounll(bis farm morli essential te maitain prodIuction. 5. G'overame11ýnt mar risk insurance bliiiuro ncd u ommons. Freec insýura1ce for home-ownrers up Vo $3,- 000 mitI insýur1nce on c11atteis Voa liiîed m1aximum. Bill further auth- crssMinister of Finance Vo enter into contrâcts for insurance on Ian- *ger propentîes Vo a lmit cf $50,0û0. On-1these, pi2smiunrs mii lie eollected. Total of13,6 A.R.P. morkers en- hule en tire (-3. Commions adjourns Maircli been evident VilAprii 2OVi. hat the carsj 7. Paeifie War Courail establl acrirve anad in WTasfiington. Seven I preseuted: CndAustralia, 7,ealand, Britain, Unitetd States, China ans iNetherlausis. 8. tIiiportatien from the Uniited States o! hig-h steel, carbon tool s-te, oraliy tool steel pribe exccpt under license from, the Stesl Dontroller and approvesi by Vhe1 cîlairman of the Wartime Industries Oontr'oi Board. Action taken t o give Controlier an effective regela-1 tien cf imiports of ail such types of steel. 9. Gasoline rationjing hy coupon irent inito effect April lat.. 10. By agreemoent mith m-anufac- tuirera, production of ail dýam n in ?eningmii be Steýpped April 201t1. No sales m i e made byfarcts 11. osto conectins nd noVel- ticscoveed l maxmumprice regu- la iens. 129., Orde"- r Geunillpa>scd provid!- igtit ice ccam urod icecrammi shah roýýt hae afat ontn uec cf >U/ pcv cenit 1)vmeg Purpos : Voconsere niik faitad provde ceosefoi.Britninl. 1. Vle f Caar xtra Gnin overFcrury1941;$9 7.,96.- 934. 000, an ineea o f "111-1t 0,0- roitdte repnreseut War Cm Von.MjrGeea Piore millman U-USChiefs nf Staff m ite sens arrvesbackI in Grea1tBrtî 'With hnim ment thousainds of Cap-~ dlicu n oP's. C"omitee pp nt y~ BRITISH MERZCHANT SIIIPS CONV' Bl.itisih vessels sailing in convoy are il as aprotec!tion againsit the attacks os radi spkesan ecýently declared V1is can lie compared .mlith nothling less igh-lty and powerilul îinse of fort ifleatio wayi'ýs pomerfly esentded . . . . and cal 'with their unaieous steel cables". RED CROSS MEETING The reg-ular monthlly mneetingl of t the Oronio Brainch -Y mas held on April ti 2nd in th'e Orange,?Ha-ll. The nmain feature of the meetinl.- was the inter- esting reports fromi the Provincial Convention g-ivein y Mrs. MceLarien, MUrs. 'uryandi Rev. Llttlemood, who attended on-e rlay% s essions. Wondlerful merk bas theen due during tîie year by al br1anches and great plans amnade for the future. Tire types cf mork tVo ble encouraged n1om are A. R. P. wrkand Home Nur-sinigcass to plrpare our citi- L zens foi'r ai d~s, aegriisansi '~pdemc' The National drive te rauise $9,000,000 miiili e started in Myand anopportuli ty iven Vto e'rneto participate. Leakard1 Unit Sent in six turtie Peck swe ter nd 1 pair ofgoes Clarle Untioný Unit, 1 pair long sea- [1'an's nocksý, 2 sr caps, 1 pair m"itta an1d 1 pair of scs Thle follomý,ing Units seli n uqLilts duriig Mrd: Kirby, i1; Starliville, 5: Comanville, 1. - PROTECTED BY BALLOONS 'v equidped wi h barrage ba10liosi .Jsnkers dive bonibenls. A Berlin "toY-daiy ani attack on a convoy nl a desperlate assatuit ona Biitis,,'4 oonvoys are now al- y with thiem barrage balloons FOR SALE >nei 1931 Dodge Couipe with Ruin- Seajt. Five g'oodI tires. AppIy Fred C. &ýiaiim, care W. T. Lit- Phone 58 r- 13, Oronio. b-14'-p. ittend tihe Silver Medlal Contest Friday, 2April 1'th. ,eorge Collins, of Toronto, is ndsgthe Easter vacation witih and Mrs. J. J. Mellorý. in ,is the tr e as re rs reporit Expenses......... The foliroming .$2....9.. C. H Frote . ...$1.72 C.G. Armrstrong's ............ .112.30 Co'uncil To ( Collec' Government Has Sent Out Appeal For 'Collection 0f Ail Salvage CIarke T nhi CouniicI met in th Cu ciîl Chmber at on ou01 T'uesda,i Apriil 7th, with ail thie mlieieis prsen1t. T'lemiue of the prvosmee-ting w-%ere reid and -ap- Thle Clerk repote-d that the Town- slip ould ble responsible for 50 per ecent of ,thie cosit of relief,emmncg on April lst. '11e counfi instniucted the CIerk, to reply ,to a letter re a tag day for dihs b1i1 dC.1 Thec To'wnship Council in co--oper- aVion witihi the Dom-inion Goverinment have Iltrced1. Lowery and J. J. -Melbor sto o11ganlze tihe whols n- sý,hiip for an intenisive plan oft'gather- ingl salvage ansi neqiiesit -1l t1he citi- zens tuoIgive tHieir wlioe-hearbted support to tihe wrkof bVhs Commit- tee.1 A cnmniato a rend re c-1 eliihlordeand i lt was deitmiil by niesolution. Ladies anid Genltiemaý As the elced re this con"stituencey I Vo you throu3'h the metans csf contact to tie forsthoming 'PMI) to be Mldun April du ate U 1haxe an vOicing youraprv that 'cmaydciet'he ' aino, particuilaly theL 'Fou are not awsked against Conscription. ('iiiermet froml- past regard o methode of overse"as service, and sponsibility Squarely' cf your governent bo fit, if necessay, to ,rut of füie ceuntry-. t y volunltary eiistme ý-uuin.z men (d this col asking fer reinstatueent as roada sutperntendnt, ms presenited. S Ilu Vie sttngof mage-,s for 1ronda w;orkýý only one- change m -as made, that W crf illcreasiug V7 hs pay of laht-ourens f: from 25cet to ý30 ensani hour. t], Mesrs. ny Chapura-n, Otito Coa- sýc Vhaum and in. Moffat i addresed The foloming rscndon mc îased: ReinsitaingW. E Rci asroad Superin'tendent. Coiienrning calcjimer oidlti necessary for anyone msigcl %rm dhioride for use on township, roads, Vo notiy Vie rond superin- tend'enit or the clerk1 not LiVer Va SLiturdayý, Aspiril 5V.Each aippli- ratsilal pay 33,>' 1-3' per cenit cf the inia csit and tihe calcium sha11 be applied uLnder the smpeivisýion of the rond superintendent. Contiun-Mr., C. F. Awde as Vtax Cciector te M ay Stih. Theflliwig itta mere ordered paisi Musý. HVors,$.& rs. il. G. McDorald, supplies, $5.00; Orono) Weeiciy Timeýs, priiting, $2,50; W\. E. Davey, B.O.H., $2.25; C1. V. Duvaîl atitle,$7.67: Geýo. Buitters, B13.., $8.50,;OonoGoal and LmbrCc., supsis 7.00; J. J. Coruiýsfi, sup- plies, $17.00; J. J,. Meilor.,sary notae echnge tc., $(i5.*40À Chao o elepone Co. rent i long disane ads,$12.00; E. T. Mc Nac- ton,. 50 per ýcenit fhospit maintn- maliln i a t ovreIcase iv') ovitments irblitt heren With hl. I entrely b( fo ocamnpdne ivoieC Eletin f 140byni'g the wnd le opmcci oveIisca iteut1 tzhe c1 peopieJAn Ue, cf th $5re1 'Marto-d.J. ayisI oommltsmcrsf. 11. miii <Onscontof ed en pi1 Mrs. Trickey Guest Spea At W. M. S. 1' 'ingcf arkSt. United Ch!,uclih( on ucs.yApril 7th, a of sua- Via usalinterýeat, itou tIe tednc as nuio'tirgetlc meetil itacif wmas sprainl After thie opening excis Prsiea, rs, 1ittewood ,anlo ed Vire ysbtîiwol e lheisi Nerateon May 150h. She hlad r ceived a lttrfeom Mrs. *Bommianvilie 0miro s tued tînt item on tire program weuld la e quîz couteat letryeui VIe Basite - ans Western setion, Vhsqueitio L Canada's Wa- Effort ...... ............ ...- ................... billýs -were orcler-1 1 RoNo- f 1