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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1942, p. 2

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THI-THE N WhonHaniba s rm e wre at the very gates of Rom10 the Romians sent an ex.pedîtioanY force against he eolndc carthage. And Rom- won tce a.Whea tho infidel ,Turk tlieatnedal Christenidomt, the- JWest (!id net wait for him tecon a.nd conquer, The cuaesad-, vanced to the Golden %ona, de feated theTnnk and threw hivm ýont cofîEurope. At, the firt bat- ,ato the indeisive J0oïfre-thia es sýage: ",4My nit aexposed, nsy ieft is heavily attccIkedi, iy ce- tre le unabl o lioid usposio. 1 caýnnot oisnbueay forces. The itatonisexlen.Iha attak." Kitdone.Record. 4HE'S ONLY HUMAN ~Ino one im mor hn te Cen tiouglasliacArtl r iself nmust manyof hes reerecesto him eoe' a bt ovrdon. Heis a good Co. ra capable leader wlio lis done a geod job hinthe PhLipine s an unwehope, wi Iead te linied Ntions forý,ces la I '1ncfC'to victo"ryv.Bulit ' vhuirzan; ie cntperformf Irale. nd puitting hlm iforth as a superman isn't fairto hla cHY16tJIBBLE? Wasr a rboatet ase rate set fd.îsB asnrdn oions t Ring- ae le or tan tho rs in ffetat aInthse nat Plym, wierevI lid nu1ilo ntig n 6lor wit'hot aertio-Wndsor Star. brs t -Otaa Ctien --0--- àîtm B as te hghtment." Slick it o pipagand b fther, Cetaaitd Ban aiwrd, Root 18 Helpless Wit'hout The Tip 'cci is , qHennrickc Hod')(go ille anatual istory. Thus when ia plant a aned ntoftm Cor l llytndr"isfr brheien of.'; le laMhe tip th -oeagth-that aildls oes e megme' Wle ou elle ssn.rc unmohepîlentre of growe hi fodý, tisemesifaobl tensenal4e, r, on iîle cîie'r Thsad, to acdtxcsbtne '-longer ~or thi~ le ai- of'tlie ad. If VICHY LEGIOIN: DISTINCTION OR EXTINCTION Movngaieg frze Rsn Plai M; n, ihu efitof aprtnncsofmde ar, a unlit cf te rndioio fgtigfor Ado mitier laonptle!EstorsFront paneuarupine oetad le glt1 i or Franie a plaýce cf distinction -la tihe New 0Girder. Their lqiainispoceng 4ATLANTIC CON VOY By LlEUT, E. , BARTLET, R.C"N.VR». dorers"àinwlise rankaarecad miai çho once conmmanded Thir;yars of ces oxponience madethes inalublewhen a again. Time olnd again they, takle tbeir Dosstlrougi tise daniger iareo, Tliey saiIàinwmendant shps--but and of act'Aion;Ino' Hi layt cee heirfigliing escorte Seek onlt îandenage ise nemy landknow, too, the e1 sponc ibili tyncf mn thisétu ne eBattie cfthe At-. lantie., TAeY haveno Staffoffces.A Ion' nvl Ignalmen ncw com- pose- their ""staff," jetenougl brcm he monat cip wic bear 11e cemmederes, ( Ck Tj f"ý 'heir quntrsae geaoral'lý",y cramped, someime unomfctabe -but tho.comedoes bo ncepaced their Amials aHLigorheir cllangedraie as tisey glory in Iheir activepaticpaion )inChe war au son. Thiero werethicosudcern does 1r i n ertinpeint Cîle fle 'sto divide into eart petein thexar aes Naal cles flowdtisecomr- moores ýzittise merdantflCeet. Ther'e lwas the ceies ommo.(dore, of iîle nowhen"t.Ieifleet sot'ali hiqwn diviion., Thir badges of rani dhowedl clees ore thebreadgold rin;g Above the ring wasthesaai cie:uK.cýf ciscosdbraid wýhicli' laThe Navy tliey wudhaveuwet the regua tn "exetiv icni" of straili lae, TisUendscosse lacethe camas it nsed b NaalRsev, av îmyt n other lia with th mercliat ser vic et lawichsuonon' sali, Whea il cornes b talking c ho mran tipcptains, thon oilr is anhi differenatr H ThhdeIm ath i"ig hect' eteem, anud b Wdee e eitate t caayt se.' -s00t Thr-ere is a Nonwegndcaptal fmor whe i ean sceecially higi egard. Hon n ttell flo'ti cheptanela n tanke fulofe comeotoree eis a d struc homo. One, ittingamideipe, ad se lier afine. Ths ericllierlig hob" clradLhoad ave-ut dd n -sedahon te lemottonsrn s cataner fiît 1c er iewan )Ilio efcstdHler s ciearuggled bac a sign AlledHfiontbr welhe commodore srecalla, an n'aos bl tît he cuibu d cold' n'eu twhnk cIe coud not.Why lie uikm ie if'erbgoiAdco0b 0110 and I de 'tkcwlo'fI mThaed enveacorendort."ui "Ys ie Ino' l," e 1addd "tint aptanput hae beon rymucl cfn atean. Rs clip 'ae spnd ig a e lcicfo rmle ieaki tanks, and e sîgnaltlerduet ask away or positio telîle subasar hlm go, Ule nould chav be u; asf- sure a steif le la ltbcur prein i. utjusl týihil of il n'as read te hof nd omi suiid e la ofer no lsbi" dangerte us o v'!h e The côqýtýýnvycomdrcul ceehon teNneginn apta In "wae qe aan o bi Ho didnet, seem toeîtaItnt er own o des iovn tekep leslp ndr i ptectio in iYtsefbd ae wancd ad ceeha elht lis r peoed ý, fv c Hic lad been sukletnass ided te ibmalar Ho btýlrdglis n'ife, aguely, îlemýýà gen ea ieto nwii i e REG'LAR FELLERS--TlI Th Mr. TI 1151 ilote plsma~ Il Chur nor tho 'i mire~ Ho mitte iVI r. cocu' wltl' de ~ ut grain fente aad cf p? are ordir yearu He lond warn nfter and 't man that ing Th la g failu~ wle what An gean Gadders Chu-.-rchiill's Pre-War Rhetoric (A Sniae Article l Unii dSaes ewspapers, by, Tom Treanor.) e pohtica woies ae afer peadhed fr10 long lnl er Ijnrhulîe d0omI1inntrole th'at aiuraf*t en accusatios are heing miade w7,ould play !là a,ri. lie hypaetized Eagland ith Neot the Mr. Ch1urchiU wlso linon' Wrl and drugged lir n'ih beomaMy cf ns n'lntalrcmnft Wc 311eau t. ave aune ~te gind for Mn. Hoe in' et aircraft teSinga chli.I hve noetr meIns, porebcauce ho cou' Ie wac have ï vistwdEngland sInce ý tee busy repaý.irinig- the damage, vanor arn Iaa particular a- whlcl hic oilcienemios dkLl!id rcf îlje Eagllsh. ïmany years a',)go wli i ld 1no Ueer l1agaa uad par- power and w ien liewalrae d herseif te buhoypnotied by n'ith coi! disdain ns au nnwanted CliurobUll'c hetueica littie outsider. rif sc lad duge erselif As ho Mnidmoiig île ps hic phrases 10 yearS eniler, mnthe -,1iýho bs had Clierrian3y at 4'euid flot le where aIe ,s now. bs hiclet and ltaly )at lits he1ly. la hobius to aayonle witHi a Ha wa>sliard put rnetri lose, îof ceose tint Eginds e- NotAfia at Singapore, Creite, ,'NowasAa e zaid, ilt oo i hl four flnir1i weo nt due- to mc ilmonlis tA get a slip te Egypt arc lanping by Mi. Chur1tcuiL. bnck,, carrying planec. ey were due te Engkand s fait- Hew long n'OUid hltie taon te tako hie porEoclly extra te get tIbm eto Sigapere9 Aadu Lary warnings duiagte 10 ioere as ho te gelthe chlpS? pbe-ore le came te pewer. Thie lonigerthe trip te Lihy, a s only lnleritd the vast teck, the fen'er cips lie ladte cfÊ failure agtýaina't whIiclle sparefo)r Singapoeo edJ Enlaad s segoreusy year As te tle stupidtis aad LW, tuar late face c f abuse fW l Ub cal ddefeneof iridicýýule, S i g 1r1. Ilot e are1nt Mnr, m:tusttmai lml1auigh, ifa Cnrcilis.Thesejure iinevîl- canl aula a timlie ehie, ablo oesueeus cfa abopelese, île, Wînston Clirhil, ieb- itation. lamad for île defoats.Deral-uiza, ttitprecedeS île cor- oete, lAae in hae gens and talntycf dîsgacefol def on, nin. lli nn ,ýn CiiJ 16 d 4f 1* * )IIew o tisgdalnt id Imanl bld heinagai andagain dit l appenled vwith ka von- Sure'yo110 reader b eV es for, 50stpid that he diilot )ýthlik to Not ' the 1Mv' Chur ýCil 'i wh thme1anchor1in las Iclanlked into tes1li pwsunder: w egh-the commodoCre1,-Ccand is 1fleet Were C The ice nd Ra omdo0r es w r iiarly enlgnged-'LThIe Viceý (hehadboeen anlw1 amiruai) 'wasý ratIeprod o theý facýt that ho ha"drawn" an-oitan'ker for.,his "Most comfortbl chis tee you know lie had dwe."ry ma"doesn't taIke bhic1cothes oùff when le cee bisbunikorste forlisclepAt any moinute of the d :ayv or nigit hli l ready for' isataction, which lýa another god av:altIrait. Thyar too odteP ocommandi figlting s ipsow, but stilb tley take their chis into the figlit. Oncethey lsed their flags in mammth bttlehips anddirect- ed feetsof fgtigcrafLt.Nowi thy axeË'pleased we le la en twad hepherding 1luma And inthe eprec le c bl le ave broughit to djirect- ing erchnt hips, lieoneof thec rsuswli Y the Convoya tare "'Let- Wchis ail thesecomdrs who onmcc were admiris, lsk. I williveyen a;,fen'saplo f Mr. %Cmuchii'c rhtri,"pit tle n'ar. Tîls word "lieoric" wa nsed by lis drdtorms 0inîle snsu Ihis pî)rato la "'or ail Ilese reasons n'o vwýo ouglte dedide new te1mi- tain, arI aiUcoSî, lai-,îteelt lu years, an air forcecuasIn- anlif'laI il s'býoid ho concidoreci a high crime algahisat tihe il:e 1 waîvrgovemamilent le u n - or, if liaI force is allwed-, e for a mnl, ItIil 'usln Liawybeln'thepD e ntiai foe n'hicfismay le pessessed. by ILSa ceunlry alroad' For c0vhc or for similar re- mi, le , was Ltlacked ],bi vola iby hlia exp)onontis: "!lo comals frad"snid Mr, HoInSamluel, aa oiethe !na- tion tant weý ougi aght ay teudou lad redoubIle i frefour[ tiuns asbgsenehv non . . ,Tînhe i MralieGte lan nage of a Maiay runnoig amaol ýhan cf arsesbeBiil lIs blindancasispai. Andti boy are blamiag Church- Adla nle follen'n le Sort ef£ p1lae Ilsat woidd motg tîle Bnýr- No counitny 1 e neal ud ne cuitny wcufld boer epay pillage tbia eur n'Wilh car11 enormOus mtraols Lere ,îl greatècl targot la tue norl, iliti e trmedou, at, vl aiii.loecon' lidj)pte l trat n ;)ncI ct f Ipreýy, ne e in aposi- tJinfil w.b lis e h oe bee2n before, la w1idil nOothier Eoen'as accuSed f! bengcagi unawaro. But Il wasn't na1 r wnccaul àt, e I cugi te ac-at be aseil-o 'tii. bat t he locust hLà enten" - iticalaresrisbeat 1lm DOQS the f olluwing suulud 1iko e nwlrw oulýimýd blie cauglit nýajp fertin a tAry carprses. The gzreat Naioleon iýl theyearc ;after Jena, was comletely talion by surprse Y the Strength 0futo Gler'maa army wbich fough t4te Wapr of LbrainAtloghh hal fiea(!al over the place, tjho German arm11.y which rought in' the cmpiga0fLelpzig wms thr e rfourtiUmesausuerog as lieu',expected. Simlilarly, wen he Grleat War brmoke ont tho Fprenlcl genierai staff had ne idJea of theý revedivisions wic mould be brougltit lmmediately late the flW Tliey expected te becon- fronted by 25 ar-umy rcorps; ac- tualiy more thlan 40 carnleagis efthisý resourcef,'ul ;aad gifted pple, ner tounderrate tha dagrthat maybe brouglit against us."ý Tis 'was la 1935. * 'V . laý tie came Lspeech lesaid:, "Tlue Lord1 Presideat asked me uýad 'u";ailralo oî ug i panîc. i1 hope we SLala nt la- dulgo !la panic. But 1 wïluh te say tbis: It î, ele ey mucti botter sometimes to have a panic bo- foreliand and then te be quite, calaswher thige hppon. tanl to beetrmi cal'm 'beforebanýd and to get la, a panlic when thinlge liappen. No"!tlhing lassur- pried umeUmrethan-1 wilfMt say to ndRferencebut te cooless-ithw'Mhl te coým- mitteo lias treated the extror dinary ovelatcnsef he Ger- maa air b'st'relgth reltivete Ur counitry. For !the first timo eorý) cea'turies we ae not fuliy equip- pe:d te eplOr rtlaeforla invaioni. Thal't teanitlndpeo)- pie is atnsig al ned Theposition ite other way Indlferen chliren f cenituries the Ryal Nvy, fot yeatable te wa u p te the %woelully tî'aasforme'd cniin tf TVie ouly glreaýt MrLr f i Britàain Tu edc Britai n's n'u rs iig mo ),ersa. chidre wll aveanther ý1'3ji0U0, 000 gllonls of ll i a. ear aIste recýuit cf a new moetlod of deabn'ïg with waste wtridaesai An enrou untt f wuteýý -S used frU ah)g"ucurs lide a-nd touis a wlla cleaning ow fooson wil illasbeen s"piULnnd thýls at fr-om Q, to !.0Qprcnt li te mili lan71-11dled. TIns, if theqlan tîyofwshn wtr o i tecame astequaniyofm deaait wi.,a ilk dpot anding also disdiare ecidy1,0 ginsefwase wte co&nin tin addition o tswag ther laalo te toube cuse by the effeetaof th polue a Bv GENE BYRNES

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