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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1942, p. 3

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le Grocery Store To Ce Wsithou3tt Frilis eaeTo Decorate Shalves, saom of the frous im coud afford hitepasf, will be mi evidence befoe 1anymontbshav pa.ssed Wartné Pnices and Trade Board OfficI forecat. Orderg airead-y announced by h oard pr3ovîde for a sltaio lhe immn-ense range cf pack- latine gqos !' par-t icuiaýrly. the oid spacieus days ara go-ing fs.Affar Ju-ne 30, there will ~ efewor tins aid thosa remainm- Jpg wl]I befiedwtesnia ~eibbefood< oly hee s salifia foodeinclud tmatos, peascernand ean-s. mýore than'% forty oriayfood- stufsoffn oughit m, cans wPIl une onger be pae4gudin àfin. Thcyrang frm baeryproducts, ig and exrcanda pewdared. akimni ?pll te olives, pickle;' pea- %iut hutrsalt, pope-arni pefto chips and noodies. Glage As $ub4it;ute la mnort instances, glass- wouIld 'becse as assittbtoffi~ eia hae ee tisat suppliesý of jars '%rd e)ther c'ontame14rs are nef' nexiasautble and tise newv situ- adoun bas piaced a heavy burdan k(ean hid te dacide ou n.ew ani simpr-leý moulds for- stan1,dard glassý dsontainers i six, t'welva,ý twnnty- four and feny-eight ounce sizes, withaimlifid mfalcaps. Caîsj wii ase h-ave standar-dized sieIIan1y sinaîl sizes will dis- 'peras thelare-sz conltain- ers re mre eoincliitise use tIf tin' llisu i ie brdis I keepiag lan mmrd tisat if. coîti- *rem aea ail large tiseraý may bae a wtvýsaga, flrui is coimnsuer ILav'ing teC beýy mnore cf a cannn-,d preduet tisai la actually requind. Tis ewrpping on cana ia likel past Tise board dees un faver impesd on archats, ieesalers n d Ueanumf'ac(!t urerar cf keapig Jice Ins Botie Tie l sanb of c-aîîed perS faily dem i e the wil have teý buy tise perk and beans harsaîf io tisle Jj( ý ert dLd By r ig tise suais produtaavilblsppie oan b usedl foU ssniaIeras abe oods wvisere canung wViil nef bue oaadoaed. fine rasuit cf the înw sita- tion ws expe ted te ha alanged dîpaynf vegetabias il- gcey amutof canned 'stocs on tise kJuices wlconinbtnsfor tise preose-nt a!t îenajt' altislougis sci- entita n btisCanada and tise Uîfitad Stt iprsachn for aubsitua mealswbics my re- Eatimg WiId Bîrds In Great Britain larba, curews aid aven swas- witi-anabelpî t feed Bnlitain au war, Woud birs cfAikidarce- kag te big nkats bwacs cf tie liard ~ ~ "I wifran i re fiîding pa.unds, ara bnging puices equal from $L20 te$.0det tiertoUghnles>s tiogscygnaets1 (yugswaî's) bave a ive ike *SERIAL STORY ANOTHER MAN'S WIFE 13Y DONNA ASHWORTH LAS;T WEEK: At Ruth'xt pety, Ken aand Litiz are. eft on the terrace as Jerry go.. îo teach Ruth a newv dance &tep. Bief r. se can protext, KoL n bas itedý her, and Lita is not angry. In- 3teaci, the litens ;to ICen as he picturer a home îre a Southlern City. It îa juet what se Ia. dream-ýed of having alihbe eý. Aud Ken is determined to mnarry, be, usýbaidr no husband KEN AýKES PLANS te fiin1k met!Puhblm, but ssecec1Id nef d CO aî1yth)ing clan1 ý. For tis1ýe frf*1 m i 1 bar11f1e aseWms asisamed, i1ig -u nnyith, secret ceefte bi er hemn. She isdte i lAi naiwrbefio.î aise it intiselobh cf ise il.)te, aiing feor Keni, se tie t tlisîîk (Cf a' a f no cgJry T eise rflect ionin!lftisc 1ine opste iivaýl n o iihs -ait was prec.Abit ifdck me, ber golden bair %hne ha- neantis ifHen ayes wara bnigbf, isar lips vivid. Tlise new f aIl suit was juafsaecler cf ber bat, aid tise muS cellmnwîs flt tering. Sisa hatdrdnssed ]witis unesu,,ai caebecause is wîfdeLo S ier baffor RuFor dmys fha bier. Eacnis niglisf ha was if tiseu adngrwitb aanse Cor- iden Iticpao "Hem yen arcl iling" o inokn d:sje lA'n " cidnt rle yLleei a BAREARA L.L RICGÀiS Cores;Geddec-aoF tie Grin, eceîxd ycary hunaue bont srne shows weire brhing ncw luiu Mctte eC;tu. remainsa ood tLie sor eente rcetoen rytopy t repect to cereals. ToCy, mithsn ac enasad-omny a nI,,Ina u u * lo c o h te puit it togethier! 4 ceps erufn faks V esoo rtdorange nid i cup sugar 3 tboposbte Put layer cf cern lakes 1,,ýin utl dcseol.Adalyro rhubarb, palrt cf sugar, and haif te gratedorange Cond. Add an- cther layer cf corn. fiLakes aind rhubarýLb, remauinicg suga-r,'orange rîn and uice, Cover wihth cern faesdotwthbtter -and snnl igly ý,with ugr.Coercaserole nd bake ini a mtoderate oven (,3750)F.) about 3mnuc.Seewa or cl ihcem Ykind: 6sriî. is oie cf those sugar-iess dsetwee tagl nu o den't misste suIgar: i~ cup whipingcan) /4cap Choppnd net meatz /4cup boney 14coup chopped mrshn 8 mmmhnalws cerIes(my be oiittnd) î cup chopped dates 3½ cps eoven poppiedriecna Whip cream util stiff; eserve %. cp. Fold hnyit ~ maiingcrani Ce mrshallwsinte s-all inces; combnine vwth dates, nut meats amid chrries;bd intowhipped cream, lolicena ite finle crumbst; Mddone cup of ceruilb te fst mixtuestrrn uInt;il bruhybln .Leapan ,withwxn aer pnni part cf extra crubs in bttmcfpan nd pourin crnammixure prn-ss idewî l ighýtly a nd 'p(ekn op with remaining'crumb . Chu forsvealheurs.Umod Cut ictosqae.Sreit wtee wiipedceam mId gannisisWitha wmsiso cheryor nut muat' if d Osrorserve with swýeetenndbens Thîate the ,goddess 0 o ranSeday's romas u becenvert ito ia Menday dinner that fiakes the firt day cfthe mweteksoetibg te rumember: ipootii* lat spoons fleur spoon chili pouw k enici aid ce If and Chili P ModySupper JDîsh 2 upa pais r 1 t-blepoonvinegar: 1teaspeci augar' 2 cupa cooked ciced ma 2 tabia-spo)ons butter edr 4 ciÀpa ovnr-i pppad iecaa lanr wda:g * Ad liquid frorn tomatüees aid pais; ýoIS'tantiy, Alldd tomateplpas ia it 1.5mnte.Add 1 met£af md nni Iy iatd aïlt bt)Ute-r aad pour oe arlowhisinn rqefyt r- :tur in ing onni on p»iaffer adha ,î pepanwthIi Pot vm e su ttue . . . ....... -"Yo>n sen ase deesi'tike swing musie, or mnodem dncng ar, cf,...-iecouldn't finid the righit rd-"r eeple- witi- out background. Is that iWha yeu'e trying to teU me? "Yes, but 1 have it ail fixed." %~ don't suppose she woud care for a divorce eitherp" Lita in1terrupted. "No, but she won't know, H-on- ey. It's like this. You get1a dornfroni Jerry. Then you crete Farninigton and bring SOMeone witis Yen.Surey you Ave a goed friend Pro couid be a cem1panien. Yen renit a h101se- fer-,-a vmonth or se ýaid live ùtere 'l begin te ru1sh ye-u and evayhoy wIltake yenu p be- cauL, Fui'mfrom on-e cf the oC; fmlebeaiu-abeut-town-I aid ail tist. y other winvite yen 10te a ya;1yn ilet the people- yon shscld ent in tise preper way, wih a luse filld with eaug~coneand lhave 'th1emi 5 ~) dcviinid en ae eneugis n' t~g't b stî ont ini M inid llL Lt Dmoie pc ar s." k Jo rofe miC st ni kno 1%lstey n d 1 cIl. ti e wl dae if aV;nw k s was hin il i' e na dc n She Xc 'V a prex cf rnle rik thsaL. A xi h ecn' aprv 1* c ioa thebt hdost mcxi Jte kaix' abent h.. ý! LitaC. ~ ahsts a ct'g ISSUE 15--'42 f g TRYA VDmOIEY ail 3 ways calyhead. he only kmnew ,tkuý. his gey tys hadlooked into bers and the werlduad tuorned usd down. "New hatwhy ail tise e~r nS te see me?"SIs e aske ,he hardllyiknaw wa esy adhis suanesatldhr You ae verys ure, ae' "Ye, ecus IknomW iatyen wn.New ]et mece WIyen about "Th4e t w Iere yenivem "Yesn Its amal, one of ths slow plte southerntewns thaf yen read abouoe good hotel, amainsreta couîtry cu n golfcousewhita 'henses bac, pie id (la Secie(ty like yen readu about. M2y moither is onieecf ts old-timers. Noting counts «wi ber unleu %i's ld and has his- torjy." remmbaingaI ltie atovies he1d,, beard ýc ycie tiseffa, le ha isihedý amaî hop cffindirsghie agau,. To bis surprise, however, if Waqi s11parked bny tise curb wbe3re hod lMft ut 4'Tiere yen are!" bhazsaIs,"ut shwsisw tisa nawspapera xg garaita tiis seortfcftsn. HIe rode off, and as a tributei te tise hnsy oh qil those wLo isadnl't p fcla i! biSe, lha pad-. alaed ea te aý,ý neaârbyciuas aid went la andpuacoti- tie nlatfise Poorlbox.Wisan hu cama eOut iss ike was genle. Cmats In Britaîn Cet 'Ration Carde _Evan cats are ba,,igng obilizadý Wîrehouse ats, guarding tise stocks of esentio a onds agauiat tise ravagea c f rtsaidïmica, ar no aiowavd a pnoiySnppiy o isa egn damagad hotransit andc iiss rbereic.nf3iit for hl-umai coni- sumeptien aise eas t animl boa- "Rîtien Bocks" fer caita»ar iasu_,ked te wrhue epr.T-ise Concession liapicblf lest t ca ts ,kept frtis dsrutonc WFAelrm ! i n awaeose awhich îut Ieîst 250 tons (250,000 kguua. isospitals aid simliar institutions *for tliseed 91' cfaieS nimnais, Many lhespitals h niankUeep Warah"»uae ae"§bpld by Our sitRable for urig trse food. Tise Leagua bas takan on tise tuaS cfioekin affr cf bombad ouf cf their homes. Tfisepercaîfage jcf deatisa eh cats id eýsther domastie animai4 acuiykillad by boba.diUrlng tie aavy mraids o Brîtmnsvey low indead. LiSedogs. enta are, Sýean te cen, aneandifl isaiped mn epetoeascape,- "iSanging lkpe"acongglaciers, litni ro a iriae Whexu yen have establielued ycui- 1self tise, we011lget marritd, IU Farmingon'a soeiety knaw vyom wera a dancer and Y. just mar- ried yen and broughit yen bre tisay would neyer atept ycu, You'd h msma1e' "Yen caritainl.iy areopisic Sbea looked at Ihlm c urlously, Catrafllly, anSblack !hair, dark gray eyas., bold lsandsome hea-. turas, a asmeotis voice5 and ebjarm bayend 3description. "Why net, it's ail!ataV eI'mne t se sure," Lita aaisw- eremi with a Suddan laugis. "f ahj, youl ara takinfg a goed daik fer graîtnd. 'lm nef se sere fChat I wanit te ha ladylikeAm Marsisaîl. I1isavan't sid th)af l wa~a diVorcýe froi!m-my 1husbaadL 1 don't kîew tisa, 1 wouid lISe te live inf a littie, soufciltantw whýere averybody gens te ieep witis tiseeciiekens. 1--ifaot I,m mt se sure ttafI lSeyen wali enougis toeaven tisinkmiseut aIl fisc tihin1ga you'va -said. "You"e ia very bold aild as- sIed 3yeuîg mailn ad IiSe ýyoe but, as fer taking yent permiai- antly, 0that'saomathding aa.Be idýes, 111m)quit ssure Iwold' like yoor inother.. Sisesud lika ,a sobarid a bure, aindI nyrdidliS'e snobs, amid 1 hata teb h oed es A pnase, Ken danlingpaintmeanotherpintea Thaý,t oie is eout of 1focus." wctby a faw mmfamgoai 'Sepn ïs usÙTai, Il e bas te dane ilîgst"Litasad "I steeawyfoi- luncheUonwith1 your be-yfin, "Nfmineu, Lita. Hac's yur H e'squeviolant about yn Shah I a1 îJerry te keep )an aye on hisir?" "Ha eed' er. If yen wamned hilm, ha- migistL fiîddthamf you could comifors-t isim," "Thare's nofhisig I'd liSe bafc- Kenl Richards sm1iîad ýa liffl-,a as hai atese Rtisgoacrostise "If yen Want te Faumingten, he'd furute ba-," "But I'mmet geing te Fapn- Ha rnached cmnr ce tsatable aid teckhanbandîd n i. Thn cf tisa pintera fror nwhil, dan iii, You'li lke if, love ou IM crazy about yen. Aiduias F told yenI'Mngoing te marry a-. girl îa'imed Aýnu aahiwho isas lef br pasý t beiiîd(ber." (Te Be o'iud Played Hlis Luck Beyond The Limit -ADubb lîn oten-iaf m1ýecîly gave, nptrin tlralh-is car', aoi tek taicyceTise 3aaxt n~rig whaa isad fnssddoing semarý aý streefcar anod went home. H fo)rgot ail abouit bisbiylunl bis wisf enitonad f. 11e bUrnied banSlite own, but Sa,, Moderi New "Eoip,ýe" Eslarp, C-omtplmt. $3 WiCh 6.3 Lena, 3 * 'Ingy lou, probably less than the bh- îng powdez yoli are now ulg 2 USE LESS- caluunetsdneato mnixing andid i e ven -- perii yen3 te.0use less. 3 STTER REULT-Calumet's co5neïn- i: ous leavCleng ng masos fifier, bat- eer le extured resuits lfor yu aig CA!U TU DL/L-ATI l

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