THE ORONO WEEKLY TrIMES The Urono Weekiy'I imes istablished January, 1937 Pubîsi'd evry hurday ornng tîthe Times Office Adverýtising Rates on eet Sbsrpin $1L25 Ail Job Prýin-tingÏ, WilI Receîive Our, Promîpt Attentioni R. A. Porrester, Publisher LEAMEN-WINTER Park' St. United Cb]urcb, Oronro, aturdayv, April 4lth, thewedg place0of liazel Audreý'y, Winter, hter ef Mrs. aud the laVe Mr. Winter, 01-ono, te L.A.C. Wil- Gordo n Leamen, R.C.A.F., sonl rand Ms.W, J. Leamen, Orono. cerenienly asý performeld by the ýe bride ivore idcnight flue withi vpink ýaccessoies and corsage n-lk roses, and wore a gold lee1ket, 1 giIiV of the groom-. She was at- Ad lbv ber sis-ter, Mrs. Fred Itt.. ,The 'groom mwas nttendfed b ýy C. Gordon autR.C.A.F., of -\as held at the homei mnothir, atrWhnich ton al short weddingÏ the Star. gest, that, hia'd MIS.1 ,aged iuinthe retail groceries she wOuld le- mnore tlerance lu Lrd the prices char- 'Competiive CONSi to)day ilu this busi- ,t mnajnity of lu- are not ceucerued macu(h more they can icular 'artilbut over cest caui they r te ineet insanie gar is generally Se trade as eue of rticles whicli show Aud the advOerd e ZerY litie bette. tb no tooharsb jun fthe grecer, us lie in,kir' nor(2thaný gives me t waste ,y ýpices, e ends aid te c HORICLTUALMEETING Thie monluthly meeuting- of Oreo HoricltualSoiety will be heldat the borne of 'Mr. an Mis. \W. ]avey on1 MondIa?, Ail 14h at 8 1).11. Everyonie welconlue. Please see- that yur l.Splng order is in by Mondcay. a-13-p. CHIURCH SERVICE "Christ the Lerd ýis risen te-day"' wxas the tihemie of tlie day at Park St. Clirdh on E aster Sundajy, when iayge cenigregatienis attended both secivices. The pupit was decorated I w'itb Easter il es lfer the occasion. The seinson la the 1iuerning ywas in kýeepinjg -with he thenme as wasý ase the atimsung by the chioir. At the close of the service the Co- In the evening pictures were sbiowni detpIicting,, the hf e of Ghr'ist fiuom the Triomphal eu to ueJerusalem un- il the Ascen1sion. A bea-utiful sole was ren'dered by -Mr. R. E. Lgn PLIES PLANE Mr. Mac Smiith mnade a business trip te Toronto, -ancd afVer com-pleting Lis businiess decided be Nwould like Vo leariihow te, fly a plane. Hie ment te an airport wbere tbey train pilotça snd he was in the air for an heur. After r-eceiving s'orne inistructionsý frim the pilot he. took ever tJhe plane arns flew aroçtmd for about haif au hour anrd certainly enjoyed the thrill he received. DANCE AND BRIDGE At Newcastle Communiiality Hall on F~iaAprîl Lth. Russ Creig-htoi'ýs Orchestra mwiii be in atteadance. Re- Ifreshm-enItS Served. Suitable prizes given for blridge. County News Port Blepe tax ýrate for 1942 b-as been set at 431/2 mils by the town 1council. The nom r1ate is 31/e nillîs 1h4glior than last year, ýdue mnainly o .an increase ln the county rate -and la the school requisitieus. Onue of Cobour:,'s ýbest known citi- s-ze'ns, Jaimes Markle, died suddenly bim-e on Thursday, April 2, lu bis 6isti the yesr. IMr. MarialIe was hem lun Yorký r o township sud -ment te Ccbourg mhen baut, bliat a boy. For mnany yeais be operated ,he s bus transfer from the railmý,ay sta- be tiens ln Cobourg teo the hotes. Later vol- h'e meut into the taxi business. fle lsf- is survived by bis widow,ý, two sens, thefour siste is and five broters e Samnuel Edward Enkins, of Mill- brook, passed away at b-is hom-e on Mlarch 29th, lu bis 6sit year. Thie laVe M.Eakins I'bad been ilu ill-ealtb for somietime, but hadl been out for n walk ou Sunday afternoon and bis death was a& great shok o the cern- munity. -For mnany yeae-s Mr. Eakins t car'ied on s snuccessful hardware businesHe leaves te niourn is, Ioss, bhis widow (Ethel Alice Fergu- sou), eue daugbtor, two brothers aud f our sistors. Intement took placel inl the Presbytorian cemetery at Mill- tee vM por arches aehe, for they beth Ve feu in, * But 'm luin good shape for the fix fix Pi'm in. I seld ail miy cotton te Uncle Sain, ,'re And signed a nute net te plant rny land, ied They gave mue the mnon', but they caIlled nv bid, Vtn,,n took a lieu on my vwife and kid. Mly her-ses got sick, kinder short of rn, brea,,th, no,. my cows lay do-wn and the-y eep tarved te eah vMy eickens dri'ed up, ceuIldn't live on wind, Blut Fi in gond shall erte i fix Fi'n ;lY. 1coeuldn't pýýy ry helpe se tbey buru- AUCTION SALE The. u ders!,igned auetioliut. as re- cýeived instructions frýoml- MIR. O. W. SCOTT te seil by public auction at Maisi Street South, Orona -on- WIEDESDA, APIL 2~sd,1942 Two-piece Oak ,ýBedroom 'Suite; I- ohair Bedroom Chair; 1I in Bed snlId Springs;'i1Iron Beýd, Spring9s anyd Mvattress; 2 Ch.ests ýof Droawers; 1icrsser and Stanid; 1 mattress; 1 Can-botomBedoomC'hair; 3-piece Whaýjtnot; i Centre Table; iLate Chai; 1 allMirrovw; 1 Hal Stand; 1 Oa ieor;Cushlions; 8-foot Ex-ýtenjsio)n Dininig Table; -14Leather; ,Seat Diing 'Chairs; 1Sudns Coguch and Mlattrss; 8-tube Eectri WFesîngbouuse Radio;1 Retan Rock- er; 3 Verandaih Rockers; 1 Can Recker; 1 Leather Rocker; Odd ,Chairs; 2 Couches; 6 Chairs; Bed- ding; 'Pilows; iWasb TubW 'Clthes Ba~kt; Truks;Picturýe Framnes; Pictures; Baskets; 32-foot Extensiion Ladder iind some snlallLadr; ishes; Silverware; GIassware; Kit- chien Table; 1 Cook Steve; 2 Scatteri Rg;1 Clock; Pots, and P'ansl;1 Jia ck Scýre'w and iralv.r o0ther. articles i n a carpeniter shbop; Forks, Shovels and othler articles. Sak' te commence 1 o'clock s-hantsl TERMS CASH Aî. E. 'Morton Ted -Jackson C 1erk Auctienieer Cobourg- town couincil bas been 'busy lun un effort te secur'e war in- dustries, for- that county tewn. -W. A. Fraser, -M.P. for, Northlumberland County, stated at a spec!ial miýeetinW, of the towu council that Cebeuirg'sý kack of emipty factor'y buildings -ma-s one fatter ln the failuire te obtain, a wmar industry. Classified- COMING EVENTS A Silver MdalCoitest lbas beeni aýrrauged by thie W,C.T.U. for Friday, AIpil lOthI, in Park St. Sunday Sehlool Hall. Ten contestants. Good pro0- gam.LuLnchi served te ail1. Ad- mriion Ii20c. -and l0c. -3c TRACTOR FOR SALE ALI CHALMERS 20-35 Model , onsteel. In fiist-class condi(ition-, $50.App)ly to Rowland Sm)ithi, 15.7 Gibbon St., Oslawa. C-13-p. FOR SALE Our two-ace- home in tihe -North- ward is for sale. lenhease for 150 bid.Neyer failing -welI. Rowland S'ithi, 155 Giýbbon. St., Oisliawa., FOR SALE Black, Jersey Cow, oising 8 years old, due te freshen ApTil 12Vh. Ap- ply to Fred S. Wood, Phione 35 r 15, FOR RENT Sixr~edhouse, 3 mils ast of Oroýno. Sof t and ba,,rd wtr Apply to Mrs. PudnceMogan Oon. c--15-p. FOR SALE Bay hiksand Hlatchling Eggs, White Legheorns and Rocks; bleod- tested locks; R.O.P. sired; lag fowl; largle egg sets. Customiers are beoking thjeir erders te avoid dis-j appoinjtnt air s weintend te stop hatcingi1 early this year. AIl eggs are produced on our farmil. AýLVIN CLEMIENS Phone 2433, Bewmanville. Farm niear Hlamrpton. tf Try us with your: next printing erder Volunteer today! Join the Farmn Service Force and help Ontario farmners produce food for Vic- tory. Be a Farm Cadet or a Farmerette and make a real contribution to Can- ada's War Effort this Summer. Hun- dreds of farmners have registered their need for help already, and more are ýIý registering every day. Last year more than 14,000 young men 15 and up and ~-young women 16 and up, pitched in snd lent a baud. Thousands more are needed this year. Get f'ull particulars from your High School Principal, Y.W.C.A., Y.M.C.A., or write On-, tario Farm Service Force, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. Volunteer TODAY! CREST: Farm Service Volunteers arge titied to wear tbis distinctive 31, Crest (right) " supplied on application 10 the Ontario Parm sServce Force. .1 - 21S Cartier Oats fer sale; aIsoqu- tity of gocd Mixed 1llay. J. H.,avy Phono O ronoI 54 r 5. c-5p FOR SALE Framl)wlig enialylctd FOR QUICK SALE Two ad three wek odhealthy Rock Coerei-ls, .iso, some started ullets. New Is the timie te ak mney and reuc our ïmeat expen- ses by aiin edkerels. Alvini Cleens, Pliene 2-33, Bowmyianville. Auction Sale 100 STOCKER CATTLE HORSES AND IMPLEIMENTS the property of E. A. Werry & Son Lot 17 and 18, Darling-ton iTowNship Prro fessional Directory , MEDICAL A. F. iMeKENZIE, M.D. PHIYS'ICIAN oand SuHR oN OfIoHurs 2).00 .V, 4.00 p.m.; 630te 8.00 up. Pl110ONE 417r 1 O IVN0 R.R. 0. DICKiSO.r Office Heurs in Orone: 'Monday te Friday (inclusive) F'romn 9 .mi. te 5 p.m-r.-Evenings by- Appoinbment Office Heurs in Newcastle - ev.rT Satiurçlay fremn 9 a.m. te 9 P.m For appeintÀment phone Orono 18 r 1. VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B. V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office : Main St. Orono Phene 56 r 7, Orno, Ont. SATURDAY, APRIL 111h Johin J. Gilfillan Remembr-Free Delivery of Cattlo < ýZ ', 4, KPhm. B. Sale te commence 1.00 p.xn. sharp ý OPOMERIS TERMS ASH Lcentiate of the College ofE Optema. etry of Ontarie After a lingering il ness, Thlomals Office fle)urs: 10 o 12 a.m. snd 2 eê Donualdsoii, ofCan township, pass- 4.30 p.m and by appointment ed awsy on WednescUy, iMairch 254h, C?, i C. B. Tyrrell's Drug Stor'e lan bis 92ud yesr. -Mr, Donaldson I Po 6r haid spent bis long life on the farn homestesd jut a few miles est o& J. C. GAMEY Millbroo, Fifty-eigbt yearns ago le msried Jane Syor, who proecocased VN RA'u him eighit years age. Several 'years ,go he was a member nf Cava-n enun- _ asualty, Automo-. cil and beforo bis retiroment was ~eaud Liability deputy ree Interinent took place ~ nail in Coutreville cemetery. nai-, AUCTIONEERS JACKSON eer and Valuator iate with hlým at Pbe* uio, or ee e rslerk, AL. ut Crono, for date. RICHARDS ical watchmaloer ifl te Watchez, Clocks, aina wil1 receuve Our prompt attenitionl £ET C RONG Morris & Son ieral Directors Miture Dealersf ýULANCE SERVICE ,manville - OrOnQ :Bowmanville, Day 48 Night, 7à4 and 573 I Orone,, 27-I l'eflest, Largest and Most Crtpete Furniture Store and Medern Funeral Service in Vurbam Our Servic-THE~ BEST Our Gods-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE -ORONO J.J. N. IER'S LAMENT Goed Shai~e for the 11f e, 1,