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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1942, p. 5

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THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES Ipl OROO theSOFC Appl tTEOFC Orono - - Ontario I'In Orono It's n Mac Smith's Misses' Tailored Blouses, by Bri......$2.50 Misses' Skirts ............. .$295 Misses' Slacks............ . ......$39 Men's Fine Shirts, reg. $1.75, for "One Genuine Ilorsehide Windbreaker, reg.$14.95, f or ....... ...$1.39 $11.95 Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAC. SMffITH PHONE 6 r 2 - - ORONO IRED & WITE STORESI TIMELY SUGGESTIONS FOR HOUSE CLEANING Hawe 's Floor Wax, IL tin 45 Old English Liquid Wax 5 OId EngIlish Hard Waxx5 GoId Medal Wax, IL.tin 25 Hawe's Lemon Oïl, 12-oz. bottle 24 Big Five CIeanser, tin .5 P and G Soap, 5 bars 2E Mop Handies, each 17 Javal, Sunbright, 2 botties 17 Chore Girl Pot Cleaners, 2 for i ý Soap Flakes, 3 IL box 3 Whiz Toilet Flush, tin J Snap, hand cleanèr, 2 tins 2 Super Suds, old price, pkg. 2 ý Side Pork, lb.2' Loin Chops, IL. Fresh Ham, lb. 2 Pork Hocks, lb. Spare Ribs, lb. 2 Pork Liver, lb. ShouderRoasts of Beef, IL 2 I irloin Steak, IL.2, Porterhouse SteakIL.31 Certified Seed Potatoes, Steel Briggsan rc :c 3c 2c 7c 7c Have Y, Onie cf the lhadst buesae e in Orono for soiestiine wss that cf ühe Esiýtate oft the Late lMrs. Isaac Ooabbled'ik. It was idealwehr for the sale asud m'any people were i nei,endainie, as ïau away as Oshawa. Good prices wer-e re'alIizedI for the atikes solsi, wM -ih iany ar'ticles bringing closýe Vo pro ccost puice. Some bargiains wvere heindos out te theL bluyor. Mu. avd Mrs. D. larscadden, cf Orono, received a cabiegran11i fuoin t'heir sn,. Couperai G. L. Cusc'addenr who Is w'Uitih th' ue GadinuEnIIer et Maata. esent thýe oablegrean- on Sinuday, Aipril 5th wýitlh Rester Greetings 3and bis parents uedo it on Ester Monday. Corpociai Cs ddnlikes th-e limate at Gibraltar, reperting thet t1here is no winteu, -m-bile lu The evenings oly liglit lire is needed. The oniy draw- baftc-k Vo the plae us thaut yen have ne plae Vo go on icave. Everythlug is nurly -proýilded there forThfle soi- diers' euteitainnent which 'helîis o pa tl fe ionely bous. Ho la enjoying the hast of flealIth.ý -New, -modern test eqiuipmine n- ables one to make fast, dependabie reçairs Vo amy makce ofI radio. Chas. R. K-ax, 42 r 2. Oronori. if. Nowîis the time to order it R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone SOrifi PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH ~~~S R.S.Littlewood p aster1 SUNDAY, APRIL 12th il i-m.-'The Meiveuni Resolu,- 230 p.mJý-A pleasant heri Sunday Sool "The Secret lere dfifflmldt torv than up) SEEDINGTi Carietaker for Or'uno Suio. Appy R. R. W4el ertr-raue' Orono iosen rn man fîor Durham wcounty, eturued :',eme last Wedueday fter a ttend'ng lhe lilýoein sale cf EI & C.,Mid- inpland ans high prices for, 1lol s te The- four top cowvs were eut cf the carýi load Ahipped fransNc as tl1e, Thuee cof theuse uealizing a total of $1200,iamefrom iiCedar Dai' Stock Faumas. A cowwhh Evere't Brown solid Mu. Erf) teipped 'the sale at $42000. Second high cow seliing for- S400.00 came fuom the stab1( le Mr. F. -Mann, Peteuibor-o; rahith üDd andi 4tlioows, selling for $5.0 each came fromn A. J. T-imiblyni's ferm.1 Local News~ Mâss Riva Tcer fToionto, i iMr. R. E. Logan la u&.s h 'esdece of the laýte Thomas ý,Smiith Ci. O.Y. ScoUlî,h-iasrei ri -i i ,dho me 'Mr.Goron rutn, f Triulty Collee, Trout, laspnding the Easer oliayswith his mother la pent the aservacation with the latter'S 'aetMr. anid Mis. W. J. Mr% an-d Ms.Fred Froste ar.iitwo iesof Tmwotsqipnt the ,Eas- or week end wlh Mrs. C. H.Frosite. Mr. 1LeRoy Bon conaidb 'is fin Bill Newmlan, 0. A.C., Cyucî,]sp qent tihe holiday with bis paenis, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bon Miss Kýathleen tapleswill holda ?aie of honusueid effecits on SaturI- da1y, Ail25th. Mr. O. -W.Sot will hoid biis s'ie on Wensdy Apýni!l22Id Wa-Itch fori. s of theseý two Sales. Thle irl G idenet lu the Ar- mouÜLI'im con- Tues,(Iay evenýiiug lastý wheu-e thiey wîvii hold moast of thj-eir, meig.A, pleasant time w-v aa spenit in the forma of an Easter party suiid games. Hsarvestin-goertos will soon be in fulil swing lin hs section of the oo01nuty. Sonme of The fermc,,s wouldi baive een ou the land ou Moriday of itihs week, but oing V o the relun on1 Suircay ndg4t, operations will be hetd np for a few dayPs lon-er'. InMna' Daiiy Star we noticed the narnes 'of V.W. Biro. Ernest J. Hammi anid R.WV. Bro. 0. W. Rolph, 'whn took part i 'the initiation cere- rnony et Alpha Lodlge, No. 384, A.F. & A.M., Toronto, 'wl'en it ceeibrated 14as 62nd anniveisary on Thursdauy e Oun f last week. Nuiber of the REster visitera no- tice i i the village ovel, the we- end : Marion Gooper, O1live Browen Adele Moton and Neil Wood, cf Uo- ouito; ErneSnt Bowen, M ic; Pilot Ronald Patterson, Brantifordi; BetieHanim and Betty Rowe, of Hamnilton; Jack and? Enid Cobbledidl,, of Toronto. The Red Ci>oss ýdance 'h'eid iat 'hursday eveing atrtacted a largýe crmof co' youg people. Many Ester visitora w\ere present anid gaioýwaqy's Orchestra snippied a spiendid var- i'ety of danice inusic. A ounch ot cross huns, ciaive ainsd offee was -scr- yod qfter niiidnighlt. Alter ail exp'en- ses -vwene paisi c-ver foty doilariswa turued over tto t1he treasI-urer cof the Red !Cross. lIow thesesen 10 fly. Tt just seemnsa aCouple cf 11n-hs 0goThat the fslgîd were stoued awa eR-t fali, aini now in twelity-thr"ee more deys the fifshing session for troùiý will be with nsagLLGec over your rýods, uines, bocks,,. Do net (lave Tisunbîl -Te lest day. Now, tha geolinoisratiosied, fewerfsh ing fans sou o in evideunce 0on tho streaimathis animmer. Messraý. W. J.- dde1 . D. B r trc etN,,. -42, 1.0.0.F., at Cobo"gLn(W"Il e ay e'ý veing, Dr. andMrs. J .I.Leicfet- -emrs) o ark S, W.M.Sattnn ed th NewcLte Ainteblia metn moe fobrs. A 'weil rencred voci Armtoy ng, of BwanviL, iwa,1- 'guestseua-1ex, who gae aufterea('t- Dr. andM'S. W. M. McGu'Lllcogllre- tuirned to theilr houle o idiay luat 'ter. spen'ding 1-the -inter mon-tha in Bradenton, Fli. Both repýort a very en -vhe~acaitior, with ielweýathi- ci pieviing. Tbey 'aiTiivçd ini the Sýtate'son thesaie day T'hat the Ph h r. Says that the Americani people are afking t1le warserii. ndaemaking g reat preparatiffls for- the production of -war lqime innyfor tiý1hecarng oofth IN MEMORIAM1 'WANNAN - lu loving ineninory of my dear gaimGrace Wanan wopassed away April 8, 1941. In iuiy heaiiýrt your mem'or'y iîngera, Aiways tender, fond and true; There's not a day dear grandmna, 1 do not thirlk of you. -,Sadly ml'issec by Winnie. TO THE ELECTORS 0F THE, COUNTY 0F DURHIAM <onitinued fronii page ore) WýheLn they lose faith in tne pledged warTd of their le-aders. This is no timne for ýpoitieial bick- erinigs ou p4ictisain inteoests. ThÎs is ~the time for, Ganadiains to> unite, re- gardiess of race, eluas, creed or poli- tieai hbelief. To 'vote "YES" is not to vote for any politticail party, but to vote for total -waa, suad the defeat ce Hitliis-m. By voting "YES" Can-adians -will demonstrate that they jant iheir governîment to provide tlhe coomditiorns neeeassary for its besitwr effort, and th-e onfly wvay to do this isi Vo get out ond 'vote, andd ask your findto vote "Y E S". Your obedient serv-ant. W, F. RICKARD Orono Tinshop If you need Necw EAYETROUGI Ceresan for Grain 1-1b, can.... 5-lb:) cai.... $1.10 $4.40 We c We For Corn 1-1b, cani.. . .....17 $15.00, $16,5 For Potatoes NOw is the ti 2-oz. package -...-.-40c.1 Farm Fence Formaldehyde, per Wii bottie.....25c as the stoci ROLPH HARD)WAI Phone 43 r 1 IT PAYS TO PAY4 Phonies 21 r 1 and' 70 r 1 Specials, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, AI porterhouse Steak lb. ,0c. Wrapped Bread loaf 9c). Black Pepper 1-4 lb. Sc@ Lamp or Lantern Chimneys 2 for Round Steak lb. 25ce Pork Chops trimimed lb. Fresh Ground Coffe 43e Huron Toilet Roîls 3 for iIce Sirloin Steak 27c. Eclipse Pastry Flour 24-lb. bag- 71e Place". te !oc )on -battiE ïV Scott Ou Gvrunment hias ased s W gow oreandmoegrn W 'havlue alrgz tokc GAiRDEN ANlD FOE AI ardo-n Seesi sold in blk You get m-ore sesi by byi hy t, he bulk. cfsed, e can ny PAINTS, N-ALAND) MURESCO We have a few cans of paint at, Per Canr,... Richmond Paint, per quart...... ........ Richniond Enamnel, per quart ........ .... Richmnond Floor Enamel, pier quart ......... Richmond House Paint, per gallon........ Suinset Enamel, per quart............ C. V. House Paint, per quart .,........... C. V. flouse Paint, per gallon............ NU-WALL Odorless, Durable and Washable Paint for walls and ceilinguýsc

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