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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1942, p. 6

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ALUMINUM M r, Donald Ga(,r d o n Bye Cansamer RatninG May Be ai ben geing pa dur recent speech, "It S' bNost everytiing for isat oe acould name »egnning to piace a Ion soine supplies that drastkction, bu tAken very shortly panlo buying o! tise ife. There is abso- cuseatailSUfor any- excited or te spread t' this cor ,that comiaýg Btfdespite ths LiB tiseom-. nybody vwho ibie enemy, o hluys ,more aaything la as of f ,,ff ortý 'i 'iS. . uv:uoî. i net- a gevoramani rrty war but tisa ~: îeraoe f our down a aed -tmay, ha tee laIe Qll -ceai ttal wa5rý up apai -etcrfo lionand vailblepro- cty eou ,~poua ~ceAs rOr FBuggy 'o!f ialwLk ved tise Se a te how ,Parts ~rthAme~jea advneetrainer aremrel f nay rapace by oodand lo-w al sel HÉOW CÀNJ? chat bave become rnaty? -A, Irons tisaI thave,omie ,ru.ty, sticky or rou)gis aa be) by rubbing witi atand ea e Q. He caoI naka painýt ad- Lare to tinware?, '.Rub Lti srftce tisboroughly witis a placýe of rougis piice SAn or coarse aandpape. Tise apply a tiin coat of ssilcvar- 'iiaftar which tise sur-facema bao pèi ntivey nWCy Q. Ho* anI repain castors tisah parsist le droppinig eut O! carand -tab l egs whenave,ýr tise fumaiture L cmoved? A. Remv ise castar, fi tisa isolawitis meled paraffin,à%e then quickly roinsert tisa castor, Tisera will ho e furhertroubla. Q, How oa Imaa solin WsI? A. By broaking oea ounce o! rock volatile lto sanihlpicSý then ecverLing it witýi eau le cologne,nd alo Ingto tn orafew 4days bofore uig Q.How can I1m ,lise wasitieg o! curtai n aier?. A. t is uws eatmtt wash tise c ils as oona t-hay hava e ýen take do Plac themin lacold waio te biec-h goeaos isandful o! borax has bacc added and k lot tisan omij soVking o-veriist. , Tisswili ilosnen the dm1 nd isawss Hav le YQU eard A plae o!paercovro wti dicvea 1o)is orof thle ainraft factory. t %sad bac)seoneanfeufrei tiseiada of a ýîgirl worken is isad rece-ivedit fi, ,ront stan wýomian at tisewok etane Kxper-tsfisad on ld et d10ecipier tisî paet oeuu Finallytise mnaertoipS i hom teStudy i utsn i wife Supplied tise scotion. Wh1y, Johin,' a;iseeclie witbaniatio, "hereer id yent glthia frenin? Its' ntte sytin frapcfcl dain sweater!" Macphi-sont0%khie gramophone bk to tie shop. "Tise needle's brof.kIen - tohnys mJ! ioti ,W enas lf, pleaa hm etahho fîl is Jnoo waspu eu o ri s t. probein Hell, yeng mn," ise aîd eguarl, "hv O ceete iv isr? r~~~~~~~~~ î snw4Ys"ai osn,"u i itrapion nt siswing ou wiicis l u heusetisislune. Wisat, fih again?" grwle Pe,,ck. "We're always having "WlJoh," 'saisi lis wîfeý, "it's god frtyen, it feed-s 7te bras. ' "Bosi! Whysheuld yenthni my brain needs se mucis feeding?-" "'Well, ddint your înother give, oufis h efora youoawere mar- ried V, TN,"ice iissed, 'J' wish se The teacher' wat reviaýing thse montis', Scripture. "Who waz it went into theu lion', rden ;and came out alive?" Leakeri. "Pese ir, thse lin, sir Bright Bertie. Tise tecier had casked hanr class te wvrite a short Complros3itioni on1 tise subject, "ao" Oiea sebloar aeemed te bieibav- ing di!iultybut!naly he turnled le bhis paper., and isere is what ha wrota: "W'atar la a light-colored, xetý liquid whlic'Is tures darik wisen youi Tise teacher had ask-ed the class ta write an essay oni Young Jimmywas tLise first ta iis.His efotread: %O=rDog, We hament got S LkLg %J, Off.U. S. MaretFor We luga I ica in te Unitad State-s will be islalted at idnijght, Apj-nril 2ý7, fori proiae, n Jiohn . Hmin açingchia! of tise 0Officýe of Pnice Admlinistra- bo orffdise maikot on Pi! 28, and 'oltnet ha\aailable t buytersagain untilaboutMay ., was orderedl as a stopj preparatory te salýies underrtinng hii wilgo intoeaffect as soon aiýs tise mora-ýtor-iumlon sales endaS Tt isas net been determined fin- ally wbetisaer tslau l ndvdal ratdion ha a h1alf-peund or td",,- quarteao! a pound. Offiias statad tha geal g Estration o! :131],000,0)00 Arrin citzes o!riaeaswoudha tis Mirt and dtise net ask o! its kdever1 ndrtkealtisough tJxeisa cnsus cevarad as mcis 0ro 1dona "i]ead-on"ste. WèGavia«g %was oneao! tis-ecarlj- teet craftspracticad by primitive mankind, SEAE I Modem Etiquette i. s t onidre iprpe for ja &nwoman to asica yol mian e admIý'Cfrstoca-io 2, Waodng ' iag In 'iafied' homeshould tuest te aelp- 0t is oeffeigreýs ra te ostC' u fo a woan wh iesn ongt travaloy quite a , ditance 4. When atisabriduemariei a ,ýitavellingren)css, at des th- e 1. Who, thaning oeonefor a faor o coumprtesyA iasit prope tay Th oraka" aor "Mcisob- mont' s at a banqut, shîoould the mter of parcrnisdi%. r e 1.No, tshisbloue slppoprgetcon ti4. The yong omasnessostoda or onî e ta rpiathm nx eeora erveling, Wonld en lie tat ic oraeh lise hl? N itberth mst raect rsng to do. en ifo e s nt aria ithfre shbouse, ýis aprpater Orhi'te flwerfend Otise tbres ehav eadbyaltise gucts, Royal Air Force Gets Its Own Fish Jhere- is a, fishi shortage in Brn- tain at the present tim, but the Royal Air For.ce is n-'ot partiefflarly worried about it, because it bafs its ownl fishingl fleet, which pro- iesR. A.FP.'stations in the Lonj- don alrea with at leatthree tons (3,000 klgrm)of fehfs every wok Skins iBee and orse H-ide-Wol Roseai, >eeawax,, etc. VWr1ite fo-, trcs. .Johin LLRCP., Dept. S., out SXbREBUS, CHQuaiUR, ipONS alogue, Monkýt Pfo htry Far mz b C igC'l 3 TOijd L CETS_',2i Lie cieeou coe ib every i1)0 Sulets sor 1 ,0sMixedti kaý flcheles, S1r inniaIteights,' nTar jie. FO YAR LBAYCIIOS AVE auiroad, We' reay e 111a Lrosses, sayodosaree Hatchry, 30 JonIAmUitn Ot.J a War lfldi-isty Lets o potry ewddes hi i hveCi- be0 j fui.chick boyrv.a We2have0 93- iiat h eve y ,day 0e th 'week b .3Ut SadyC atcbng71,r0to o i ehicia pa fer. DP Frecaaogue. 'Tisa fleet, whiich cnit evnbeats anldP ify-foulr f ishex.. memanly o! wisom re nai eýx-servicemen, wasstre by a flew A'eanterprising officer'sShj:ce its inceptioni, it bas supplied the R,A, with niearly a quaýrter o!, a m'ilo fisfismeals, representing a f cac !121,240 peun.ds (six thbemsand kflogramns) aandwot more than £6,000. Wheýn the weatiser La good, Borne ee f tise boats trawlJ, but m-osat cif tise fias are caugit by means cf long huies. Ona o! tise boats was receently ittcked by an enemly planebu itmanaged te elude tise raider suYd reached port a!ey Memýibers of tise RA.T. are con- thluall1, surprlsed at 'tise vtriety cf tise fiis caught. by their owii fleet, even arit this time e! year 'when tise catch la rarely lat,-ge aven ini peaca tune. .NatllY, any fÎiis whibch is caugist by tiseir ewa nf ishin)g fleet lsuppliedd Ieto te s oa -Air Force aïed net te tise ganueral Public, The Red Cross wvas foundeýld in wizrand in 18641 by H1enni Du- nant; tiste flag ef tise Red Cro-ssý qets wiaýs f lag lar reverse. S A FES Vroteeî ynsqor kS irS CAS iWam F4 IRE und ,THIE,,vE1,S. W have e lseuw yie e of ie, o u%, oýr wrjitecor pri cem,,etc. 10 j.&jTAYLOIR LIMITEB TORONTO S AFE WORKS Eotabiiohed î~5 FILMS D1, o fEt I 8c cOLLS DEoL PE At FREE CAf,,TALOUE, TresRoes, SrNsEvrgees VinesLowes prics inranad, j 11kle- îngw y L i rin it ed B o w m a v i l l , O n 4 r i o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A ore[Jahe mtteses 1-îca riea paid- enarcurst Que ityFahrCopn,2 IF YOU HAVE R H E UMA!XiiC PAIN4S AND NMISEýRY J75e Box Fre a ie ia ie sou s yracus,Ne w YrU th a ha bacc d eoed a hme tlatSAnn ntr foerM n R eumatic P& le dn Msr reputort thtatrafasas s Mnot. taan nie: T hl s mcd mîeyhvebteadyn wîll glaSly i un have ae re matIe pelas anS mlsery, ..~CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSmug V0F1ES rT o .1,1 AiL- L, t ofinventfion a'li.nlr mation sent ,trea-NTe I a5y c Registere. Patent tjMa i Bait SeiOtawa[U aad1 MEOICAL P0R SOFIAH TROALIS A ei tbr1 ai1tynasc, Irrt old.,Doinion Rg\cvn on îay,114 Luens, ,Toot M1i 1 LIFO , 1MU, AT W 'S t, Rbt, Suk.Irp udsCr k>5 t. i 1au I WetSO ntei ISAMS BUU DSL OLIYIRUGS REIWQVEN -NEW

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