Toi ManyCa rr ia Sel esa Ho rsEet Now,.ays hristian Sciene. MAonitor- If ~ace lkeVermnont (do not ratua irm~ditl ohorse-anýrd- buggy d faya s a ro;ï suit of aultomo,- bietire chortaýgos, il will frot lbe because there are rlot enough houces. There la sti one hone to eývery eigbt people in the Grceen MUountain Stat;e. according"to lar- est studies.It's tise buggy that cant ;be found in tihese onie-timeý stronisole ofOldDobbin, acep ;or a faw rusîy oid wheel* and come imoidy leather c ushions l5,un -- 1h i.waong the cob)web-ceated reflera, of forgotten blarnlofîs. Coniedring the rapid pace at wiic Vrmntfarmaera bauive turnad to mechanzed equipmnont In recnt yemrs, i k euprisng to '~' learu ,tht tire State stili ha,ýrbore 46,000 hoDr"sswthnitsIbillE or ne1pariy isaïf as-iany as at tise peak1 Us te"horsepouain in 1894. And a horseecomsmands n average pui" of abvout $1I0 or Mme than the _,cost of sema echn atisaI elili carry ise designiation "used car." As forucnages, thJe de- niail4liLas snddonly issumed twre dimeahsof a bom, OneLiù-. dýiana mrriage maker xho hâd al- canalsOLgüe otof businless new lras orders for miore than 500 bug- Tise buggymauatin le dutr , owverý, would havedif- iulty eçaigin Ibese days of priorities, nt to mention scar- 2ity of craftsmen wbo would kno afelloe froni p w- ps, ktsoer sos tsko ýf going back to the iorsoand-bggy ays imight djo btter to inL'lat ise caddie- mnarket - if they heve they, *ould stay ron a isorse. Fo te isosehes arnge t leaSt ba prouce agreat mnany ccrnage- Ame riï,cnns LEatî Consulie Tw,ýice The Sugar Rain fAiy Other Counftry Sweet-toot1had ctznqueig 'p for tise 'irat ation cards tise I-nited Statase is eaTimne- 4-laIs, beard wobardfatr- ýpeated by dcUons, dnissand ~ detias~ (.1 j Wo bave been cal ing too mxuch sugara aywny;(2 ev-en i UtIo, Unitad States augan raindropped tozere, ,wecwould -probabiy be ealtier -utian e ri- re now. ReasolIc: Ra,-tionad wiesgr hui iis the puxeaý't form ilof sugavr odis also, frm he nutritional-,, poinit of view, th poonest.Bow suamolasses, maplesyupan ~ bn povdeplenty of sug ar and vialmierIsas wall. 1Fru îit nWostof wwbM re icb jeiugar, aI1se auppiy vtmn.B etn 'their ugar il. these ferma, tise _matîioned public wvi.1 actiualy gOt soirefood value. Sacçhanine, wideiy used a Jusitt i is vs arý, "k ne substilto for u~gan.It mnl tases seeniay Peha brmful le cuantity Amerian iias osm mïbout 115 pond)f sugar a yean pan capia-twîte the sugar ra- tion of any othar ,country, alînoat tntimes vwbat th'e United stata's îuedshan 100 yaars ao Tbe woid g et along ncely tbnough most eo f is itory w'ith no cugar at ail. Thora mas n augar in Europe entl hMe Araba brought tiseir "weet Sait" te Spaqin la 700 A,D. Forceurs afterwards, sugar wasregade asaprocieuis sie eiie Whcs n'ws luxury Ontlyreetî as it heon coesided a rond, Clothez Ration In Britain Cut Again alaringJune 1-ifrom 6 ou ý,;Onaa. year to/a rate sligistly over 71-as aruiounced iprcetly A Weekly Column About Thî and That iTAe Canadîan m "We iove Our srens" o tai. hleeaofterao You reinember lise rosÉ eof tise w,ýhYyyennoe ha a isru worda that we sang to a bugle -panrotîing tise ords lu ir. boo] marcis intie seat war? Tise song -tise way you uSed to. ended on a derisive note. But iR And Ihats wbere N.C.O.'s come wvas aui geod fun and wbil e we from in Ibis marie army, An4 imay net actuaiiy bave lýoved o-u, il's whsere officers coîle froni, sonrgean)ts w etîi gol along too. well witb them. In other worda tiseIndividual Tise"Colonel Blimpc"bave long Câtien's Army ks manned ana been quoted auscayingMtiathlie guided iy mon wisoknow tisai K. j is te backbone of tise stuff, hy mon Who show te Army." I bave a sneakingsue- salves in their evenyday 1efte picion tiaI Ibey did't aay ilt wien ha capable, afler specialized in- they ,we-re youeg fîcr, iogis. strucîione of leadieg. Juat wbo formctCise backbone A good N,C.O, today Stil of tisaAry s, aind prohýiIabl a- 5arkes eut'bis orda, ut o br ways w011 ho a ment point. Car- mema-idthtie eriep auhorîty of tainly il is a point that bas, no tishe man whoknows wý,bat ho iS particuar cignifiance in an Army doùing. Boî,ter stii bis ordere anre ctaffed ,)Y many officerswis eeedwihgroater aaci e- baive he NCO.eIbevas not cause bismonkniow ,;ýtis ho knoies se very long ago. hieustuïf--rndiu now Iat wisen _Wiat is mlore imupotant is - tbhey ko smc as he doee wbare do N=C05' coma fdom? there's tise irst "d"etshind ieg" Who picks them-? How does he1 waiting fortsm pick? Wbat quialifications imuet Dog'eý hind lgA NCt' a mana bave tl e=cMe a nonzstipe. At least fbaVt ewisat we, ,ommlnissio1nedoficrcalled tilemc, Tise new aTrmy cals- let's go au Ihose questions tiescS"oOke." 'backwaýrd. Actually il isn'thair wand. It'stise igisl way hecause " tie firt stop àjeking a N.CO. !I,1 t' is to find-JamIaniwitbtislequal%-S C H O 0 ficahmiontisa Ithmfor promo- L £C H o L Tise final requicle S theaYIin-!I tangible quality called ieadersispyLSON1 What !0la leadp? A dozen difernt icionnis ill give 5ý Tise %Miion Df tise Seventy--Loke yeu a dozen differt defpiniins. 10:124, Printed Text, Luke Se !ats try oun own! A leader M0 1-7P 17, 21-24. isoeawbe a sîicîvey vn (rmtise FnlDeparIturo fromr tisao rsetand iking oEferfo- alile unilPalm Sluaday.) w-s and riso bas tie ahility t GOLDEN TEXýT:-The bar- organ]izo, irect and caryDut an esýt i8 plenteoJus, butiisa lapborers uedentaiking iniv;iag tisec-p are few; pray ye thàenefore the cration of otiens. or of thke harvest, that lie Seid You find tisecataIsilagea rua- frhlbrr nohis harvea5t. ning saad-ot hall gamies, hockey Luake 10:.2. tennis and ail srts of organiza- Tie Lezsso% n làis ;cttir-g* tiens. Tisey ara tisa type of youag ýTîme-Decembeý_r A. D. 291. folows Whso do Iis sot of tàin g Pae ra fer the lJoy of il or for coa ivc Apoitmn owSvet reaon-etdise "osytpe. _L."Now af ton tisee îtigs tise Wei, tsc'L'le sert of feow Lord apoed sevenly oIsons, from whom you pick po0tantial ncousethtion twe and two hefore N.C.O.'s, Anid, tieaswer at Ib h'ic fe every ci o ity cd place, question "wilt ick?" is-everýy 7wisihr ho himseh. wns abeut te N..,or offien whao is on his "Me." ()Ur Lord is new niear tas. Tisa its l cy ire picks tise and of filapublic mainistry, them" tate axtent of pasaing adwhkal is yet te ha-,don mua nlong1,soobsrvalinCb lse hodone iciy.For Iis non- CemmnndingOfficer oftisenunit. sOnrholisoo esventy iemo an isa average youngsue seidir loda tem orth te opn the working isard antlbis job, soe- hennIs of n iisa becileaand limes faca tisaI promotion is iard vlags of Palestine for bcaring bo attain. IL is, but lie wifll prb -ts ms age he iaGos-pel, wvisen nbiy ho surprised t lebarn tisaI tise Lord woud seen ha coing thora earepohhiymoe pepie to Élbem teahooI-iag and haig on the bookoul for N.C.O. matenial Thseseby wen cent fots ln lisan tiesnearaeookieg for pro- hirt-fie coules forcmpan- motion. Tisa nrmy of ours today ionsip, Morcovertise tectimony spreciies in lendeîship, Illa 0 of w wud éwigltir tlhasca com1poce.d, down b-0tise hotaSI n-tisaIof one n hy had Ate hea aIe, of imca isoare lraind te ho wîlnecs e Christs wouds and capable of hlaniing anny stain works. witisout lookýing te, higiser qualer Bissed Reiation0nhip forý gudnei ey feddathm-. 2."Andfie snid teutUem: Tise saes ntr wveeat ladeed la plnteous, but AJil railling, theefn, eds tieLahorers nie few: ray ye leo prepa,-re tise modem sodieote Ibeefore Mtise edoftise barveat, necept respensibiiity and avery tishab sead forth laborers Ieto commandieg officer la conatanlly s isarveat, 3. Go youn waya; on tise 1lokoLut ,for mn caabe ebldIrend you forth as amba of doing se lu t -is idt o"q le. Wa Threarem ne coures fori.,, ilse relation betwewa the work- qualification, a's suces.No mac la ors in tise bnrvert and tise Lord the activ a aroy gees t e sisoo oftise HarveslTire woivs' daiiel equ uf s a Croa okhrorpoat iewould, or ca ogat BUt ns many ii tsela hte ve tIhose likely mnasunPossible ara sent Milo arad"mg tise Loudsw% k te spaia courss ab Ail AdvancdSpcf ntrtos Trainiag Centres, SiliaîlAra ."Carry -ne) pursno wa t Scisols ad tise JuairLdr s e hoeas." Tssspcfeinstnii- see)l. tien was givon te tise Saventy, They may ho pnivates, tbemay wilstise undstanding tisaI their ho offiers, Isey may haucargents work was te ha of veryshort amen tisy attsf cunosafew aduýration and liscy were nef te ho diys ago f waa takn ba a usa- hurdeeed wilb materiai things. r'oem n isicb fficar, N.CJ,,s 1 4 nd aluÀteo n aon tise and pniiateaeau ailpning ai- way," Our ord did nol wanl tention btisee came jiclure. these mca t tanry uontie way Tisie wacs alc.ourse i i c 01h but;1pÎgohstrig t ba places )k le id n, Ir is f6 e- Courteeay A5 ewg yi haij nefrt a Paeb seaureit uponbm"u fnt it shah urWn toyou againL" Thi wsnaturai courtesy amiîong ithe( J~w whsecommon sltto tPeace We. A "01on fpec -means one who truly deýserves this paeth'at Jesus offers thI-rouIgh 7, ".An!d in ht ae os remainzn, eating and d1rinking sc thing as they goyefor.the lab- orer lei ýwortýhy of Abis hi're. Go'C ,lot from ihouse f.,to hou r3O thsoccasioni, feverything t old t the seventiy impied urgency. What the-ýy werce to do at thiu tmo Iey 1Disciples Elated 7.An thle svnt eturne with,, joy, saying, Lord, Eýven the demlonýS aesbetut s Thy ,,namie."Ai! luteseet would not return at once, andq probaby Idd fot ail returPo the mmeplaebut mrxet Jesus at dif- ferent points a>.s Hoe followed the. Wheýn they saîd that even th demons were, subjecitlto them, te meIan-t that nmore -had hpee than they expected for they had only been told to heai Mthe ik. anld thfey were elated a<tuposses- ing this power. .Revxlation la To Babee 21. "In,,that samne howur he e joijced in heHoly Spijrit, and' sad Ithank ;thee, OQ Father, Lord' of Hleaven and earth, that Thu idcst bide ttese thîn.igs front the vîise and understIandi'ng, d didet reveal them unto babes, Yea,ý 'aOir, fo it wc elpesn i-n tjhysiglit" Jesus .do e nt mean that wse filn vwill not, undestad te simplicity of' thec Gopland hiave nio place ither "cuc.Wbat hbe s nmean to. 'ay, bhowe'ver', is that mnwbo aref landwill ho greatly tupo to ignore the Gospel and to tin thbat herown wiksdom ,la ï;dqunte for ail needs. Rqe,elat;ron Through jeani is ý22, "Ail thingshaebnd- hivered unto mie of miyather, adnokne oweth wbo the son la cveth Fthrand 'xbo10the" FrathIer is, cave oSon,nd he to whlomso;tever the ýSon Wihlt'0to r- veal Hl." The only peooplo eatfo-da.y who trly knv Iaow GCod aethoce whoow lm ifthrough3 the Lord Jes hrist htis, they 28. Und turnin to tee discopes, hoe said jprmvatoley, Bessd ae ihe eyes wicb see the thinig's itat ye cee: 24. for 1 say unto you, that iman, prophets andkIngs desired to see the thfingswhhyeao anld caw he not; and to e her the thuIngs whioh ye har, a11d Seeing ThG Kiiig Those whio livod cnurebo- -foreCý ould hlear thbe voice-s ofth proph'ets od i, Lbut thie discipi(esý wer baring thovoceoftb voySont o Go. Somre of the prpasof old perfermited a fewý iriacles; the disciple's wrok ing uýpon a inistry marad b a vast caries of iracles. The kcinga( and prophiets of oldi looked forw-'ard to the time -whlen a kýin- dor shiold beet u o nj oarth; the disciples wvre seaing tbe ýcvery Kingbimsel ad Éthebeing ut tuat Kingdom. Aussie Vlner T, A.Wite of Syýdne'y, Auct- muail, Lbas ofard issevcsa a human bomb "to wivpeý out a, pua!e of the enemy" and appealed fr Gto t ter fools iom, 11eU made his off er in r eto to Air itr A. S. Dra-keford,ý desýcrtihin(g himiself as 42, mnarried euvewith oýýnegodee W" prep"osad LIthatie be parC- miitted 'to steel a paeor spe-' ' bout fuly lneadd wth high eýx- L,'IT, Slo, rfsOf k ie nanw ringe "4ycou thons ew f theday fxrin OC.Dr. was( eu C.atthe e P, a nd k1 ad 12t- he couîetries in tise focal thetreo war isep sn tm --t4e Far Ene't, Hoha livod ands no ietyaff ected býy tise war, and b0ca use of biskeeninll a an intmat knole:dge, uai -idas few othee W peak with authori Ilou theFar Eater Situa.qt ion.t ald stFudJy 3-e abh7tveflected ia hie waýr commenltarios -- C-KOC, Mou- day tbrougb FridJaJ 'aI 7,15p.. -Sun days at 6,00pm! Mly(and lsd includesrmoat îf us)Imay bavq enfîce wdred who, molesontisapro'ýgrama. Lo t il e knewn tist il laBiih Thocapson), ayoung mcja 'lu bis middle tweu- iawocci-,do anyliig from bird Whstles te tise moaldiffi- cuit kind of ch~mactex' moe. Wal- laeWimple, lise Oild Timer, Hon- aIleK. Bomor, und Nicir De Poola re f.ena an lie came B"ih Tho-n)p'son. Mayor l Trvi la~ ~ ~ Cav poCoe h aeGrdon, ai- othr vrsaileradio sel'ýor, wbo As bcd a long day la tise cinema iyprimas-ily a aradio aCcr. If u ye isten te semaeof CO' trvanscnihed a'ction thrillers- SedGibson a I ) p.m. dcailyj andi thbe CisnTrail at7.3 p.m., yen i id tiaItishers potvherees orf ithese two senia WlTH OP nationalea Cisief Arines benrho an alrcndy crowded ssp Yur good- eerocayen jinCopei.. isagen I Learr tise cAmencan language, and I thin i Ameca can use yeup, MadleneCarroli, LEglandj's gltof heaufy te thse 2Amyerica radio amid ecreen ýseeCne> lisah- dond Hllywood for nwhioa l give baýr dramlatic tlnson - hlaîf of thea war DLcc 1~Cn a da, tise Uitod Statusan aUd rent Britauii, mostly lathse fense o ' henlefit appeamacuas aaýd radjioD shows, Haunlîng nmse batfu refrains- tie- oniaUpogaî of mlebod(y lheard from CO Tus a e Tsrda 04 Î BEAUTIFUL QUEEN I h M HORIZONTAL I Queen of ancient limes 1 Sse waa t1ise. o f Egyýpi. 41in trutis. 15 Masked, 17 Adamn's mate. 18Wiond instrument. 20 Gad of sky. 21 Regloni. 22 TimetSea 23 Snow gliders. 95 Aduilmis 26 Tlsree.- ccrnered1mI 30 Moiammedan judgc. 33 ilouly, 34 Audilory 35 A ugured. 37 Ham,. 38 Cisil for help. 40 Banka. 44 Opposed fIDlc .8 Appellalon. 51 Cilworm, 52 Fnigistenedl 53 Singe tbing. 54 Vow. POP---Modery Technique in Camouflage Answer 56 Lacebar t?çe 59 lierllnd wi coniquered by lise--s, te tise- f amily. VERTICAL ICredil abr) Rqfedge. 6Onme that 24 Shie (cormmited 25 Bnowý"n spýots on skie. atones. 8 Pertcîning te 9 Ra i roZ)ad" (abbr,). 10 Puipy fruitîS. iL Tb in. 13Y J. TAM CAMOUFLA~IN~