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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1942, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TliMEýý tîndespiged bas sweeivd nstrncions from 'MISS R. GRAVEL evH 'y pubie anction at ~, onesson9, ClarLe Twp. ilorth of Orono and I l/iles Of the Vilage cf Leskard (Telepbone 62 rs'20) R1SDAY, APRIL l6thl, 1942 o'willg VlabeFaralsïSo k ents, Hu'eodFU rn ituse Implements o 1lw Garden DriliSeed- aro 'Culivatorý, D te atoea, iol1 bria roder Inopy for 500 chliaks, 1(oi (The alove articls Ave "net ,e la une), A nmerc Wbes, iWelarm domer 'hickeaTronlghssu i Coastýer Wagon, ah-most c, aged Il yas i, WhiteYokio May lst; -4 W-ite due 'avound 3May 'ksbire Boas, i yrav .dl RockHes 1itc, SOClId ak and eled Disiette Suite; ut Vauiity mitb 3 chal Tables; 1 al Cab1,inet; i Victos, mngraph with se-1 hair; 4 hardwood Fot Stoo; 2lag cf good quality; l Bîectic Heater; i b.usser Hot Plate; Wth Sades; 1 B1rd1 Table; Gisiaware; SMlrrow, fem paint- manîy otherarils les are mnodern and 1Condition e i1'lek E.D.S.T. Teýd Jackison rand ia cletis Y. dip.A-ny- COWANVILLE Mis Dorohy.Holînswothwas atýý hercmevrtheweked Cog(1 uaiot Mr. sud Mrs.n pon the hivth o anbab Mv. ardMss. lWs. Sting rvinte wiVh ~ ul 'MArn Ms. lod Cys T.eo Clark isi'te witb ss. We. living- O.tur vWtd tA.. ni M s T ning to balce thje fosm of anoca vengfor ecommtt on this Tblsday veveulIng POuNTYTPOOL Ms. FredGaha mdea bsns !cal1 toB owinvll a weric1,. The ffmes ltis i- sîrict 'r ~getin redyfor their spriug wmrk. Missç. Wm.. Webb i)and Ms Thomars Wbietroîok iluthe excursion' 'teTou- osto. We e gIladte bear that Mis.L'- o-itt, -at tise C.P.R. stationeI, is din bette. Ohrle Bossua aud Nelson Wilder> ap e oring on te railroad neap Grafboni. Ms.Anbrey Gais spent a fem ay in Ppeorboro .'witls ber sistIr, Ms o fe siss with bis family in the vilage. Ms.C. Gilîls, mo InIate enwo- iginPeebo is liavinig a week's boly lu tomu. Mr. Lav-esu-e 'Matersz, cf Toronto. is;pcnt ) acopf sys ý ihbis fstih- os, lMr. Jameiýs Mater-s, Poaîtypool. Msr. snd Ms W. 'Gaincls, 'cf Liind- -, i sp-ent a fom sIsys in the village, the gnestsof Mss.James Rieîrdsoa, Msr. Herbent Pelttor is driving the brea'd truck for M.R i'cilarId sîon. We misish Lmn Iesuccssin hisudetkig It is runucuiei tha.-t 'Ms. 1H. Carter s5ud: A. Foulir aie ta!Iing cf sun- niing planning iii l a tIs e old Per- lin block. Peutypool Pife and Druas Baud layeîd attCe Bastes serices in Pntypool chprcb nudffer tlisediecio cf, Ms. A. MeMNabeon. The WorId's News SeenThog THEL, CHRISTIAN SCIE-NCE MONITOR îsm dio aaAre Timely and Instrzlctive, and tslu Dily Features Together witbi the Wvckly Magazine Section, Malze th die onitor an Ideal NewsFpaPer for the) Homne. The Christiai, Science Pubhishing Soctety One, Ncrway Street, Bos-ton, NMaýsiAusetts prîce 5 12.O0 Yealrly, or $LOO W a Mo'nth Saturdav Issue. indludîng tMagaine Scton 2.6O )a Year lrîtroductory Offer. 6 Issues ý25 Cent.s Nm-- -------------- -- -- Address ----------------------------------------- SAM pLFCoPi Y ON ýREQî'S1 thei( Libyanucf- nules an heur deadlyr plane ve sweepsý over ire nsoe ieal and hils as1 be thro". As-,a sigittokes of ou w'e sIsk yen iute 'accqpt t1is my not always be fAnl of ill alm ays 'ho packed t'hougîIýsh'ts roiirby. miii fin'd peace, hapiaecs itentment mla pr nm bo Goýdîs i- es blessng i Sgeonbohiaîf ef th A qLii'g \mas beda malend me,,,Mis. Broml Mackýin an i lup j M 0. . Capman 0o We(st G'coip cf "ise1W. lnIgs oi, deep regret tîbat accept thiis laînp as a si brance fsom us. WNe greatly apprecaue ing wesk in eus îgroup, w difficuit year-s wisen you vouer. You alwabyzys set - sud pace Miids as sosie coulsi do te koop up. Wc you at ev'ery mieeting. ' Misb yen everytàb'ig g( nom home suatd ihope thmt ce s hp hlsig oo eaul aiess snay attenid Vyen sd We hope'Yen willl si meetigs wmeue an ex snd a 'pice We pi'e mi aiwi On bhaU f C ue West KENDAL Ms. . Alxandr, f Toronto, vth blis parnsheei Ms. sud Mssý. Go lrewere wte ~h'rsommler lhome uhere. Miss Annie Topoof Little ' ,rtac!, is at lber home hc(e. 1 Mss r. Wîlk ia's-c 1 sn spendinig bei Eastesi hojliday at ber homen lu in Guelph.t viitng hber sistur, \MrýS, ChalS. Mr. Nrmn Kennedy and lady tii 1Jsqpenli t te e ýek-end iti M. and Mi-S. A. Gilroy. Bc,,b-)Vanat, wbo bas 'been in i~ elatives diere. Miss, Anniie Wright sud iPte, Williys Wigstspent ,the week-ewi>tlh their, M. McKay slud R. FuThe, Sska tcon, training as rdioo0eat)s"l Toýrouto, 'sîperý leaive w'th th-e form1- orsaunrt, Mis. W.Meser On S5atturdaly aftesn'olon G11s. Pete MisÎs Thelma Bodett, Por t Hope, fi, t1be Rev.MLahaiNeo- iosan best 'of se. Th71e Bster s ervice l tbeKeda Uîditýed Chcili-e w-s ver-,-well aqt- tende'd. r4 Mc,, h'l , gve an ini- s'piing d'drss1o the "Open do" 'Pise choir r- dr l svery lovely an- 'them etitled "wak e." Batfl Esýster Piesa d orln (d thec pulpit, plscod theis r s a.Ssbikl m.mor0,y of b':;S blvdwife. KIRBY OroL eagne on Tes ïyat theis metn.Rev. Li 'tlewoed utoek ube topie, s'peakiug on Dstes ooe.Af- tesi t-he prograni, recreatien and luncýh P'resentatÎi o teMrsý. John Brownî The regelas mîeetiJng of tue W. A. aad 'tube -. 'M. 5 of Kirhy cuc Wm1s Lhold on Wu'iesdlay, April lst, withl a go-od attealdance îbein'g pres- eutý.'The meetin iav ý,s peaed wibh a hiyma, "'lwdby prayes by Rer. 1Lit,' où ood. Bible sead'iig mas giveni 1in Taiso', atos lici ther 1potsý ofec rup xeregve.Dev il-otilnal pei'.od mc takn b îMissMa]ýr1nMu- .ing, masrouiglit to a (close byv hel e ýd to Ms1s. Bre1 folwxî hecn ),sin t hemetig.The (ýaddress Mcl:Kel-vey su1d Ms. Alliai, witli theý f ~ ~ o yo'urintenion,- evng oluit tui we arle do lose pou0fLi m0eu1 midt.HeevrWeurga d 1Ï11t'hat yIu haýve deiddte t.akll,ifeeaîr fo-r mny hn e you werehure 1look- igatrus mhen 'ye should bave been hioýme vith someuone loolcing af- 'tes, yen. Y'ou bave beon a faithbsin and trust- ed mnebt in yens dmties aIs care-takler snd l ins rWome1n"s Asso0- oiation audm11issîca)ary %work andi we ale serrywe woa't be aible te say îî-11T,11 111-,_vs ciii, is11 L 511 STAR KVILLE cas, utit ms Biti Fox vithluis mother !la mîh kind ,Toioto Vo 'hope yen Msl.Sivr fPceîina er s s nd conl- hm oe ie, and ma Miss Gm GwuimeCaso enrl MisJosie Trýias, cfosr aaith ~e W.A. sudM. sdM.CrdnTi uresnte by Ms. ud ss.M. V. CrePr obîfcfI oe i'hM.odM's rn uve knîom yen sho m, ei-sMs,. and Mss. Wm. Hal- wi'ss ye te Harold MCuiocf tbeR.C.A.F., malil oe St. 'TIiomo,-vm ith -Ms. ai n Mss. Herb. yenouti-Gise. Mss:. RssHio mei sd tise exa pL Peteboro. tises al me Ms-. and Ms. Lawreunce savery o shah iss andi famiy, c . f 'ssaawitIs Ms. sud iVe 'incereiy _Mss. Wnm. SaveIy. cc0d in yen Ms.Alx Basolay and Barbara, Gedl's gr'eat- -fi' awitb lier parents,Ms aamil bnppi- aspd îMrý. Wmi. Saveu'y. Ms Bom. Miisi Bo-udais HuIhawell and fviend p in te eus issTye o f Tosonto, mitis Mr. tva tlmhbiile sd S5. G. HîuîowelL. lit y'oUl. Mi'. RayuIiiond Farr'em, cf Whltby, LGIsonp cf asud Miss ' arroof Lotus, ýd Gha-cis. wfih M.'sud Mss. Viitor Farrow. NE WTON VILLE Mr. Geoùrge Shapletoui was ba.dly rised 5a' Sturday whun a horsse kický-- d hi Mr-,. anýd Mis. W. A. Wrighit, o',f T'yroans sipeatate at M.J. A. Mls. Frank Jiohs, cA Bowmanville, vosiMs.Bruce Wysitn on Bas- ter Sunday. Mr. Dave ilendeson ans caled to ['oroilto suddenllyow.gttedet el an close siend. YMs. and Msrs. W'm-. Stapletoq) 'and fasmily visite.d Mr. andi Mrs. Jack M111s Alilan Haoris sudHowsdof roronto, were Estei'guet with LIdr. anid Mss. Frnk Ovens. Mis jue Ware, Of TorointO, is s"ending Eastrrweek WC4îh eu grandpareuts, Mi', aud Mss. George 'te. Edigas iilsnof WOOdLstocký, laS enjoyin]g two eesfui-hsaghmi bjis paets1r. ud Mis. Laiisoçn Ms.J% . 1T. Pcea, Bal-a sînd Msl. asudý Mlrs. iaivey 0Cîshorne asiAlliai, of Welome, eeEserge ' f Mrs. J. T. Peanne. Jack McLaolilain, R.C.A.F., MaunAni Pooul, Teouto, mere Bustes 'iessati the Passonlage. RamudGïimer, Mi anel, sd La'wrenuce Gilmer, Niagava, spent Baster -with their- paienits, Msi. and 'Mrs. Fr-anký Gilmaer. Mvi. and Ms J. A. Barrie sud Mbur- ray ataeduhe' f-LnussOfbMs. Franak Biagg ansidMr. Frd ordcen at Bownianville on Muay Mbr. and bMus. Wilfred biKy Mlis. Gordon, MliDbrooic, and Mr. and Mrs. Vauce Coeof Osihawa, apent E1asteundaywi1tih Mr. and Mrs. G'enrýige Kimbail. Mr. 'sudMrs.Doipli Payne su'd Douglas. of Toronto, Mliss bila P'ayn'e, PortRoisMssSbi 1lmod sud r. Sta'n. Pa-yn'e, of Pli hoospntEas er w'i- h Ms.'an1d MMss. Reuben Payne. Enser isionsatMr. Geýorgre Sta- ple"cn' wre:Meîsa.Wm. Henider- ~oasudAsihu BelBowmaniville; Mi!. snd 1Mis. 'Crdnartîn suild 1a ily, Lke'oe ; Mv. A. A. 'ar- Mss. W.V.'C. Lsne M's. 'J. W;a(e, Mss. (Rer.)J. MLclaMs Robt. Moto, rs. J. W. aose, Mqýi sCeuRobiýnsîn sud Ms. Sid.L Lac oe nd Miss Moise, .Of 'thle irsg on Mn'y Thee aa lge conqgre-gation at Ne"tpn'vlleUaii'ted Chjurch !)Saincay cvenîng henRu". J.Mcahlîde liverîd 'aspecil Butes m1esage s the horrîdsdspecial aie mieiiý. Ait tihe efloî,ise of t:ise ser-viceý Itie Prt rashyYîongPeople, by speialretue'fpr-eenited :a drami- atiation of 'ueE'ister esae-a beiantiful daaette,"The Lighit 1lai fthe Wnow"An, ofl' 'as ;received lu id %,iof thie Red 'Cros aftew .hlch Vhîose t'aki'ng part psented a ,gi't to Mss.George 'Caybll for ler 1ser'vioeis frrecngthedir play. 6 SUN WORTHY WALLPAPERS We 'have over 80 niew designls 'te choose frin. Ili thenewstcolors and designs. Let us show thein te yen. ROOM LOTS Tlhere are several small room lots cf (6, 8 and 10 single rolIs bf t atGRA Y REDIJCED PRICES. Ask te sue them. for treating seed grain, fil directios on every label. 2 lh. . ........ 45c. lJ iceesan, the dry dust treat- ment 1 lb. tin.....$110 Il lbtin..$ 1.40 Saltpetre (su- dium Nitrate) per lb ....... ,7c. lSemesan Del, the dip disýinifec- tant for seed potatoes 2 oz. envelope.................... 35c. 1 lb. tin (treats (,-0 to 80 bush- 5 1hW tin ................ $9.20 Saltpetre (Potassium Nitrate), 1 lbý. for ............................ 25c. 2 lb). for ....................... 45c. Dee-Tee Moth. Crystals, deathL to molthls, i1lb. tin....39c. Mobth-proo)(f Garment B ags, at 25c., 150c. and $iý.0O each lMvth R-ails, Moth Flakes, 1-1b. bag-, for ........... ............... 15C. Gas Ration Boo(k Holiers, Ls therette, eachi- .......... . . -)5 c. Geniniie Leathekr, ench ....75c. ALABASTINE 2'2 Ibs ..................... 40C. 5 lbs. for...... ..,7e SAVE MONEYI NEW ECONOMY PACK Minora Blades, 12 for 25e fits ail double edge razors KREEMY PUFFS Puffed WTheat, large bushel bag, for.ý....... 50c. Rose Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin...........ý.. 15c. MiUnute Tapioca, 1-2 lb. pkg. ............. 12e, Repeat Special- Chocolate Malloxw Cakes, plain centres,, 2 lbs. for .. ....35c. Cooking Figs. Special, 1 lb. for........... 19c. Logan Bernies, 16 oz. tins, each.......... 20c. Master Dog Biscuits, 2 1-lb. bags........... 25c. Cotton Clothes Lines, 30 feet, for-............ 20c. Epsom SaIts, bulk, lb............. ....... 6c. Luxor Matches. Week-end Speciail, 3 for ...... 25c. Jvory Oatmieal Diishes, each.......... .. .... 13c. Gold Band Oatmneals, eaceh......... >...... .17c. Sheif Paper, assorted designs and colors, 10 feet pkgs......... ...... ..... .............l10c. Stledmii-an's Black Stove Pipe Enamel, good qual- ity, 1-2 pinit tin . .ý.......... ............ 15e. lVIoth-proof Gar-ment Bags, heavy ceçlarized paper with concealed fasteners and strong hook for hanging garments, each ......... 15e. Paper Window Shades, 3 feet wide, 6 feet long, can be tacked to an.y standard roller, cdlors, white, cream or green, each....... ...... 15c. Blind Rollers, standard size, each ........... 20c. Cotton Sheets, good weight, size 72x80 inches, each .......... ... ....... ...........$1.00 Pillow, Cases, pre-war price, each.......... 25e. Colored Rayon and Cotton Table Cloths, size about 50x5O inches, finely woveni rayon and cotton yarns with fancy patterns, each ..... 39c. Kitchen Wooden Knife Boxes, with 4 compart- ments (niew), colors red or green, each ..... 39c. O'Cedar No-rubbing Furniture Polish, cleans, polishes, preserves, greater beauty, less effort, 4-oz. bottle. ............. ...... ....... 25C. Dic-A-Doo cleans and restores paint brushes, pkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c. Misses' Fine Rayon and Cotton Hose, color inter- l d , sizes 6 to 10, pair . ... ... .. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE URONO 5c. TO $100 STOREI Mlotor Equipinent Private Ambulance Northcutt and Sith KRINDNý Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers -ESS COURTESY SE ERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest funeral at the mnost reasonable charge as well as the largest anid mlost exacting Telephone Colleet Bowmanville, Ont. -~ il Whatt mlii e miii have a goosI ides. thfle mâr. 1 gallon for.................. S$1.75 1,2 gallon forý...............S 5 Quart ............ .................... $1.45 Pint............ ....... . 8oc, Prescriptions a SDecialty Chartes îTyrreli Agent for Phone 68 Jaekman Flowers Orono tuis sunasosie brînîg forth 5>xt ye ed asis ? B1 tla tsse j w il STICKÇ-FAST DRY FASTE- 1-lb. package mixes ith a. gallon cf hot or eolde water, pier package .............................>......... 23c. 1 -

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