THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES lSstblihedJaniuary, 1937. ry Thrdanorning at thle 'TIm-es Offi1ce Or1ono, Ontarjo ýates1on requLest Subseriýption, $L.25 !ptions At h United States, $2.00 ing WME Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forreýcster-, Publisher Your Speedometer When Drivinl-g Ma3y let, a n'cx maximum sped limitofi40 mies to 'Il provinces whlh do net confine motries te ovincial h gial1atien. 'The niew imit is a fedïeral .s acempanied 'by hea.vy penalties. The Onitario anno'unced that it wiHle be ictly cnforccd. regulation dees not remove the cxistin'g provincial jes applicable te speeds ofi 40 miles and less, But on aIl higher speeds than that, wherever Vthe Spced- ce. In Ontario, tra-vel in exces's ofi even 35 imiles al unlil an aet raising the rural limit te 50 m iiles et7, ender is fared, hmprisement may bc imposed. The irc the same as tihe province provided, but the mini- alyincrens'ed. A fîint oeffender musiit pay at lcast alty may ruai as bigi as $50 puston days iin jail. Uhoriis are deiternined te save ga's an'd save tires. * * ** To Revise Eating Habits (The P'ost) war is very muecih eider, many Cnd a'ae going sie their eatin'g habIs. bhr wi ave te ire les 'catis and fat s, anid a grenter reliance on 'read. Pro- )rities taIre the public and food produacers -into 'their miare -a full expliaation of the chang-es necessar'y prably the highesit in the world se fai' asily able te stand revision -without any said, and -with reason, tirait many a Euro- il on the food bhe averag-e Canadian We ar-e amîong tire welrld' largest per utter, fruits, milIr and ment. be asked tto maire arme furtiher cutis in neats, .anid cortain dairy ýpreductsinl order y eontinue te iget enough t Éo cat. We will It thenlfully, remembering that lvad we ýde of thre Atlantie h would he a case of scontinent we simply switch te seomething thiarg, inai-oest cases, wilire iread fer Precaution 'no Chme ofiCommi-,erce on A.R.P. wer)ik for Orone a ili casL ' u t wua t i. ýornlplishedC ida, are- no-w tal- ýf an attaek fromi sbeinig done, but thrughut an- ;te. have ev;eiryting in, Énizing tire medical, tire- are- n'eeded, if ami w-ýheni ni ai bembing aiea,, but te be in readineSs for ef Ohw is in the all coppieüEýd te cýarry hat city, aniicif Oshawa t seme mba may drop le is now and no after ýense ,onnicted w\,ith or- every person knows JUSt nergenvpy eworkig Plnwherey aeer dId cene that we g lMe and property, Camipaign 1- 'Upotir Ce re and more ceuncil, every Sis avaîlable Ike Towiiship s to helin lai t al the se1 te appointed ari tire trus gai in Woronpito -2,000 tons -,s COletted, w htire jb îs' coompleted. Thtis goes ta ies that is available if -peopfle Iwill enlly ta see that it is leut soee place for col- whichi Aniy sel 1 shilip ithe'rub>ber iteri bottis in It. They o1d eaipets, kidandi ountry lthat ani 50 ( on. Au ction- Sale HIORSE,,S, PIGS, AND CATTLE AND POTATOES HIARNESS E. A. Werry& Sonl Lot 17 and 18,. aintnTwsi one mile nlorthl ofi Eaaiski!llen SATURDAY, APRIL l8th Reienmbetr-Free Delivery of Cattie Sale te commigence 1.00 pi.m. Sharp TERMS CASH Auction Sale The undcnsignded nuctioneer bas received instructions figom MISS KATHLEEN STAýPLES to elsouby publice'auction et 'her MAIN STREET, ORONO -on--- SATURDA)-ýY, AiPRIL 25th the fellowin'g IHusehold Eiffects: Diningroemn Table aid 6 Chiairs;l Buffe(-t; Chïina Cabinet; 4 Sm'iall tables; Rocklin g Chairs; Chairs; Eieotric Radio,; HaIli Wee; Coich; Electinic 'Heater; Electric Steve; Floor Lam'p; 4 Rugs; 4 Cor'goleanm Rugs; Small Laundry Steve; Siger, Seing Macine; nmlber oui Scatterý Rugs; 6 Verandahl Chairs; 4 Beda, an-d Mttresses; 3 Dr>essera;. 2 Chests oui Dnawerýs; Blankets, Quýiilts, Bedspre'ads, Piliews; Cur- tains; Trunks; Si'Lver-wnre; Pi&tures; Dishes; Lawn Mower; Garden Tools; Ex,ýtension Ladder; Washing Ma- chIîne; Pots nid Panis; Are'tmd 5 ton of iCoal; Wood; miany other articles tee flurïiecrois te mienti*on. At thre same time ia'mi place the boiuse -will ire off ered for 's'aesubjecÉt te a reserve bid. TERM1S CASH Sale te commnence eat 1.00 A.E. Morton Ted Jack-son Ole'rk Auctîineer Classified COMING EVEINTS OrIono BranchýI of the Red Cross- Sociejýty wvill hold a dan.Mc in the TovnHll1, on T"'daAvi 0, 194I2. Dnigfrom 9 to 1 a.m. Gai- loway's orchesta. dmission 35e. A Silver edahil Contest bas beeni aragc)y the W.Cý.TUi. for Fidaicy, April 17, in Park St. Sunday Sehotol Hall. Ten contestants. Gùod po g:ranmme. Lunch servedl to aUI. Ad- myissýioni 20C. and 10e. -3-c WANTED -Mid.dlc ag-ed -wonan for bouse- work and comipa'nion for two aduits. A41ppiy to Box '28,O, Ontario. b- 15-c. FOR RENT Six-roomued b ouse, 3 miles east of <irono. Soit a.nd haird water. Apply to MmýLr. Prudenice Morgan, Orono. C-15-P. FOR SALE Frame Dwell iig, cenirally located, modum conïveienices. Apply Kathleen 1Staples, Por't Hoipe. -5c > FOR SALE In OronoG, a fine homne for- casfi; centraHly ioeated. Heard and so tý -water, .and~ in good repair; aise a coal 'airnd woodl range with detaehable I granite in<ed -Reservoir. Apply at the Times office. FOR SALE Baby Chicks and Hatching E'ggs, White Legh<orns and Rocks; blood- tested flocks; R.O.P. sired; large fowl; larg-e egg sets, Custonmers are ilooking their orders to avoid dis- ap¶pointmient as we intend 'to stop h[atcing early this year. Ail eggs are produced on our rarm. SA N l'6 LIT Il~ Phone 2433, Bowm-anville. Farm' near Hampton. - t THERE'S A LAW AGAJNST HOARDING It is against the Iaw to buy more than current needs. Violation of the law is punishable by fines up to ,$5,OOO and imprisonluent for as long as two years. AVOID ALL UNNECESSARY BUYING --- AVOII) WASTE MAKE EVERYTIIING LAST THE LONGEST TIME POSSIBLE iii casQes where it is advisable for Yeui te buy in advance of your ,immnediate requiremnets-such as your next seasn's eai supply -yen wilI be enceuraged te do so by direct statement front responsible officiais THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD OTTAWA, CANADA FOR SALE On 131DogeCotqpe vwth Rm Icj 'Sa.Five good !tires. A4ppIy to Fredj C. Grahiam, care W. T. Lit- tic, phono 58 r 13, Or1ono. ib-14-p. AUCTIO-"N SALE The undrcersigned auctîineer bas re- ceiived instructions fromn MNR. O. W. SCOTT te soîlI by public auction a't M1ain Street South, Orono WEDNtESDA-'Y. APRIL 22ind, 1942 the following Heusehold Effects: Two-piece Oak Bedroom Suite; 1 Mohair ?Bedroomr Chair; 1 lron Bcd and Springs; 1I Iren Bcd, Springs 'and Mattress; 2 ýChesta *of Drawers; 1 Dresser land Stand; 1 Mattress; 1 Canie-bcbttom iBedr-oom 'iChair; 3-piece Parlour Suite; 1 China Cabinet; 1 Wb'atnot; 1 Centre Table; 1. Lea ther ,Morris Chair; 1 Leather Rockýing Chair; 1 H'all -Mirrow; 1 Hail Stand; 1 Oak Sideboard; Cush'ions,; S-foot Extension Dining Table; 4 Leather- Seat Dining <Chairs; 1 Studerit's Couch andmilttres.s; 8-tube Electric WesingihouuseRdi1 Retan Rock-1 e r; 3 Verandah 'Rockers; 1 'Cane Rocker; 1 Leather Rocker; Odd Chairs; 2 Couches'; 6 Chairs; Bcd- ding; Pi'llow's; Wash Tub, Clothes BaskýIet; 2 Trunks; Picture F-t--mýes; Pictur-es; Basketcs; 32-foot Extension Ladder and some smiall Laddlers; Dishes; Silverware; Gil wrcXit- chien Table; 1 Cook Stove; 2 Scatter Rugs; 1 Clock; Po6ts and Panrs;1 -Jack Sere'w andi-mancy other articles in a carpenter 'shop; Forks, Shovels and othe-r articles. Sale to commence 1. o'cloc< shanp TERMS CASH A. E. M1orton Ted J'ackson alerk 'Auctieer Thre cheapest ýplae i thre e-nd is to (do yeuir shoepping at home. Offclours - -2.00 to 4.00 .m; 30toe 8.00 P.xa. P IlOXE 17r!10ORQNOv DENTAL DR. RZ. O. DICKSON Office Hours in Orono: Mlonday to Friday(<inlusive) Fromi 9 a.m. to 5 p).m.-Evenings by Nppoîintnient Office Helurs i n Newcastle - every Saturday fronm 9 a.m. to) 9 p.n For appointient phone Orono 18 r î: VETERINARY WTTilfred W. Skerwin B.V.Sc., VF.TERINARY SURGEON Offlice:ý Main St. Orono phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. Gilfillaa, QUALIFIED OPTOMETRISI Licentiate of the (Jollege of Optea. etry of Ontario ,Office Houra,: 10 te 12 a.mà. aad 2 te 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in C. lB. Tyrrell's Drug Ster. 1 Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo-' bil.e and Liability Orono - . Ontario'-- ALJCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Condueta .&ution Salee cf ab eWm aiud at re"aamb]ê rates. Con-amuicate with him nt Psoet Perry, Ontario, or see his Ol.rk, A. E. i lorton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker' Ail Repaira leo Wallcheâ, Clocka, a&me JeweIIry, wiII receive Our prcmpt attention PARK STREET OROI'IO F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Dîrectorsf Furniture Dealers AMBUJLANCE SERVICE Night, 744 and 573 orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complote Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Oui ervice-THE BEST Our CGoods-TI-lE NW Our Price-5-TI-E LOWEST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE -- ORONO MILKER "ONBLN" SOLDIERS MILK OW Th-rýels ne saying that solir aren't willIdn'gte wvork. Agroup Ouif lir rm tr Mý'idland Regimenit, stationed a d menton, went te dinner ait a nýearb'y Erdmonton farmiers home. Thne"t n- joyed reast chicken and ever ng else a soldier doesn't usually get, Came miillzing tim-e and tire farmter is-covered his electric milker hnad "Igone on tire blii." Wdtheuit being asked, thre beys in khaki seiizedlk 'pails andi went te werk, miliingý 30 CeCWL. Jukt like back in Ontaio. What lll be the oultcme i France ? fHiterl gradually get- ting a cabinet ilFr-ance tOe hie lik- M LMOYAL CUTIZfENmS DO MOT HOARD!M Rloarders are people who buy and store away goods beyond their immediate needs. They want to be in an unf air position over their neighbors. Iloarders are traitors to their country and their f el- low citizens, because by creating excessive and un- necessary demands for goods, they slow down the w%-,ar effort. There is no excuse for "panic h-uying" and hoarding. Everyone wil have enough, if no one tries to get more than a f air share. The Hoarding mrust stop ! makes it more difficult job. Every unnecessary purchase for Canada to do a full war 1