tar Tb olwr clippinîg waS take-n ani- %rm the Ralmonîton Journal, in 1e- ar- niw stadiond thera, and reis laà gh- tart: irg FasMdii egm tpea-pelt- md 1uating unlitoýf thle regilment -w-1icn 'c. aRieýl rblinis bac uk in the a C mineiynatan odir !-,lt. Codl. J. C.GayMM, E.D., thbe a uarrivedi to tae p posts at the ots,~~~~ Ecmno arsn n inafantay rs- regiînent, itl is 'part Of thle 6th Cana- din ivisioni, whicb is t40bea a home aedafeine unit, acLcoin(ig toý Defence Af'inisteaRaîtn nei But St.da i.Cl Gamiey saiti kealtbee wa "at a omedefenlce ma inh l the n irLe unit. F\evymsens- savonarily andl offarad tA ght any te paece intue worDld" 'e a "We like ýtluet ,thbe peocple andl be- the wetbaa," theofficarsseta, adon nty peeve is that we're ne Lt. (,,.reiîyIfused tio talk cf U.Cl ac than gave the bis- cu-ib 1. offica(rS, 16 are, sAhoo)l teacbh- ministars, wo of wiuom arecr- batntoffcas;enginpeer, conatrue- His sýcond la commantli is MAajo)r teF. L. Dudlay a bidn contractorL; in Major R. S. Gamey, a schiochtaîhl ock. ajrK. Ha, Major R. C. B es 1ha in engineer and a graduate of the rom Kings-Mon Royal tMaitary -c1l'lege; MNlf Major , J. Bigelc)W, at preseat ln and g Ergan Mjor F. E. Lycaett, a -uhool principal; Capt. Hl. R. S. Ptau. Peter KekPetawaw\a wias hoe, few dayý"s on leave.i Mrs. John staong, Oaýk 1Hillvisijt- Trooper Crnie Grig, of Camp-" oren, was homec for the week-end. Mis Hldtc r ane hMneafr ~,pndngseerl weks in the ci ty.j Mrls. C. Bir'ch, Caniaviale, Sskis visiting her bohr r E. Quanl- Mas-ter llarvey Munssperît bis holidlay's 'at PRoy Meacer'ýs wbile Mas'2ter Daivid was ait Wa'st Hill1. Mr. A. Grant, MsssVilet-Mer- car annd Garaldine Greý-gg, of Ux,- b)ridge, spart te wek-nd ith theWm vecrs Winter gave its lastb fling (we- hiope ) last Fîiiday in a real blizzard. In mary places the banks aere deep buit it -was the siprns that. fýheadd anyces fuortIhe ditch arid kl fffled (the driversteps Wa arye glad tohearn of the un- poeetil] heai'îLt (YIf Mis. Ard, the miothler cf our esteemled teacharI Cf aur sehiool ilere, Miss Gladys Ad Neigibo ', ot a nfewsd espe- clally mnibars of heCornislAhm retiv rwsfr-om lye Genald (Cnish and r!ircae ili returaý letteTs. Theo big snow is stili thie topile bore. It surelýy was so0rneC storm1 here, 'but miuch worse aIsewh-eae anld haavy travelling and nuhstayung at homne sini order.% The ernaie of tihe Family Herald sud Star xas in th-e neighi- horhocd recently ln the persons of Ma. andl Mrs. Stuiart, a nalw as Pa guest at Inner wiàththe Stewart famll, Sith bine. Mr. Stuart is a kÏindly Iristhiian. The, very sudcden Jeatli cf Eber Luxon 'iras a grePat sheck to thbe pao- pie, generaltandi his nmany ,friends and nieg4bours hin partklular. The, funeul too place ihoun li hisý late resideCeC( and thie servie wns conîducted by, the Ttev. John bota was a life-long resýildmnt of the S ixthb corce-ssIonc)f lthe township eof Clare, adsincere smptl f th', peole s rspetfulypaid to ahi who-_ monuilIn isdeatr Wa ara gladto se-e Ma's. Lti u Mrus. CGrahant ont to o, hur'ch again. Wctd As been recaived that our egbuMa, A. Mroi epn 'Soïme faom oudistrict attended r.W.Aamutrg's sale of cailutie onFrdyast Mas Sadiatnr md MI's. C. Rut-h- arod hPld quiltir.gs for their geus last week. We etainle missed Mhs. Brown" irn heu tenal ae at oliurcbamd Sunday Sdhool or 5un4ây. We are sorry ýtc report that As. Wnp. Co.)chrane is in poor health. We wisý1Lhlher a spieeay recovery. Mi ss JiMildred Allen anadl Mi s~ Elefanior Ranaiberry 'wevea t theirre spc ivhmes ovar the week-end. CSnomaot to irby and enjoy yoarslf on Faiday evening. Theu ortbGaoup of Kirby W A. ara hliga social evening wlib a good proramefoll'Iùeýd by iuncb. (Toomat for las:t week) Qiitings w ehed a hehoe of MA.WLCohaear u.M- Klvuy. 3é. lantirs.PhihpBielow andy CAbevicited withthe forinrspar- ensMr ntiMrs. A. J. igIelow. Aogtho Enteav i sitors vwae, io, ilaci iirannEcao "aD.ryM. and Ms.Wm.De Mile ndBili, a.and Ms.John NE WTON VI LLE Mr. Jacèk Wade, of Oh wwas Mýss ilazel Reid, of Ohwwas homne. Ronad Buriey, RC.A.F., Gaît, is Mrs. H.aigh, cf Newcastle, is a guest of IMrs. Aunnott Miss Deane Siemon, cf Toronto, is isiting friendu lore. Several froihmeeaumededth dan2e la Newcastle on Friday nighit. Mils. J. T. Peaiiee was a guest ol Mr. and Ms. Harvey Qaborne, WVel- come, con Suaday. Symapathy is extended to MUns. lIoakin jo *te death f lher sister, Mdrs. Winslow, Port lope. Mesrs.Gh arle âd EvrttSta- pleton, of Orono, vîsitetd at Mr. Wm. Staelownis on Sunday. Mr, aad d Mas. Ecl.. Ruthiven, of Bunker MILl werýe Sunday guests of Mr. .and Mrs. Franik CGilmeri. Mr~. and Mus. Hsgh Stapleton, (>f Oshaýwa, visîite'd bis parnts, Mr. and w-orth1,spent pat of Easter holidlays with er frand, isýs Fae joncs. Mrs CamanCarlaw, of Wa- wort, pen a fewv daý,5s lastwel wihher ssaMils. Willis Jns Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moire and Howard, of Burford, visited ber par- en>its, -Mi% and Mrs. Thos. Burlkeil andý her istr Mrs. Cleland Lane. Mi-. Garwfleld( Hutchiison, of Tor~- onito, was homne for Easter and bis moniher, Mrs. Sid Htchelis;on, retur-a- i:d t40 he city w ihl for a week. MoeGregor Jaoesaeconipanied by bis cou11sin, Misýs Emmta Donaldson, Toronto, miotored to Bruce C'outy and visited rela-tives and frien'ds ln Pasley and Polo Elgin. On .Saturday evening, Mrs. W. D. Jones entertained et a party in hler home in aid of REd Cross. Games were played and there- was a lovely ime. Thiose winning prizes 'were Mrs. C. Robinson, Mns. E. Haighl ani !Mrs. W. Anrews. Art the close refreshiments -'were servied ait atrac- tave tables- wrth lace cloth, liîgb-tedi candies, an mIhan'rd wlt.h red pop- pe.During refreshiient perîiodý Uhe radio sapplied softorhsa muisic. Thne guests inhde r. and M.Ceeu obnon M.an'd Mrs, Dlavid Denault, 'Mr. ami Mrs. Char- Llie ri, Ma.% and Mrsý. Arthur Red-. knajpMr. and Mrs. Sic1ney Lancas- ter. Miss Jennie homipsoii, M r. Stanle1y -bmpon isMary Lane, >Mr. Melville Jones, Miss Gwen Gil- mOer, Mr., McGregor Jones, Mrs. IEînnesrt Haiglh. Maýs. Spener Buriay and Mr.BHi Andrews. Mrs. C. ýM- ris amd Mas. A. Redkýnap assisted tha hostess ini lcoking after the g q es. STARK VILLE Mrs. Ethian Jones 'wilth Mas.Bld. Hallomahll. Mrs. Wmi. IHllbweil with friands in Oshawa. Mîsses Nornia and Beulabi Hallo- vel'witîh Mrs. Wilfred Woodýs. ,Ma. Jacob Hallomaîel apernlt the wekedwith friends ln Orone. Mar. andl Mrs. Walte'-r Simpsar, oft canton, 'witih Ma. and 'Mas. Gordoni Trim-. Ma. and Mas. Ross Halhc'well lit Ma. and Mas. J,. E. Whitt, ýEliza- bShiiville. îMrs. Silvea, of Pickeiilg, and Miss Helen AMore, oft Oshawa, spent Sua- day et 1homie. -Miss Isdb4el Wray, wlvhas been spend(inýg thl a Ester !boliday at berl hoein Peterboan, býas retuanati to her, duies at Itha sohl LESKARD Mal. atidMisr. CQialie Gay anti Rosh o vaîti tc Or-on1o, haývingÏ renltad patof a.Leamnen's bouse. Congratulatiolis te Ma. anal Mas. Larna C. *ason (nec Edi( jth Dent, R.N.), on the arria of a balby gil.. We- ara g-Iad to report Ma. Stanley Bal is mîuch im-iproved ili bealth, also Mas. Ernia Den.,t, who bas tbaen on1 tbe sick list for some tinue. Coma to the dance at Leskaad on Friday, April 24:1h,. eoediifer the Britiisli War Victimns' Funal. Ad- misin:Gnts, 25c.; ladies with lunch frea. Acting Fligbht Liant. Clifton Watt Harper, eofRigliton, -was one of thacae Caiiaci a ns uvhose gallaîtlry won racognition inlatbe desert air war la thie Miadle East. Ha bas beea wrda the Distô.ngmislïed Fly- Im Formaldehyde, for treating seed grain, ful directions On every label. 2 lbs....... 45 Ceresan, thIe dry dust treat- ment il.tin. $1.10 5 bti.$4t.i0 Sailpetre (S- 1 diunm Nitrate)ý per lb . .. KINDNESS SUN WORTHY WALLPAPERS We hav over 80 new designs to choo)qse from. Iii the n-ewest colors and designts. Let us show, them to you. R001%1LOTS There are several smiall room lots of 6, 8 and 10 single roils lef t at GREATLY REDUCED PRICIES. Ask te see theni. __STICK-FAS-T DRY PASTE 1-lb. pack.age mixes- with a gallon of hot or Cold water, pe r package .......................... ......... 23c. Semesan Bel, thie ditp di.sinfec- tant for seed potatoes 2 oz. envelope ............. 35. 1 lb). tin (tr-eats 60 to 80 bsh els ý.......... ............... $ . 1,5 5 lb.ý tin .................... -......$9.20 Saltpetre (Potassium Nitrate), Slb). for....... ..... 25c. 2 lb. for ....... .......... 45c. DeIe-Tree MJoth Crystals, dleath te moths, i lb). tin-........ 39 C. Mot-profGarment Bags,ý at 25c., -)fc. and $1.00 each Moth RalMoth Flakes, 1-lb). bag for . ............... ..... 15eC. Gas RZation Book Holders, Lea- therette, each ........25v. IGenuine Leather, each 75c. Coming THE REXALL, ONE CENT SALE April 29 and 30th May Ist and 2nid 1 gallon for ............... $1.75 1-2 gallon for ............$..... 2.50 Quart............. ........... . $1.45 Plati.....................-. sOc. Prescriptions a Specialty Chartes Tyrreil Agent f or Phone 68 Jaekmani Flowers Orono Stedman's Furniture Vairnish Go over -your furniture and woodwork with Sted- man's Furniture Varnish and it will be glisten- ing like new. Tîins.. 15c. pts.. . 39c. qts. . 67c. Bath Towels, good weight, colors of green, rose, blue and mauve on white grounid, each ..... 25c. Sheif Oilcloth, assorted patterns, yard..... _13c. Sheif Paper in various designs, 10 ft. ends, each 10e Curtaini Rods........ ..... .. .5c., 10e., 15c. Extensions for Cuirtain Rods, each. ........l]Oc. -Broomns, 5-string ....... ......... ........ 31c. Velvet Tip), 5-string........ .............. 49c. Gemi Fine Broomn Corn, 5-string......59c. Clothes Pegs, 40 for ......... ............. 10c. Sturdy* vQuality Scrub Brushes ..... lic., 15c., 17c. Stove Brushes with handies........... 29c. Bon Amli, cake or powder, each.... ......... 14c. Stedman's White Shellac, pints.., 59e. Qts. . $1.10 Cheese Cloth, 3 yards . ...ý 23c. 5 yards .... 35c. Old Duteh Cleanser. Special, tin ............ 9c. Flower and Vegetable Seeds, full weight pkgs. 3 pkgs. for ...... .......... ...........1loc. Big 5 Cleanser, - tin. . . .......... .......... 5c. O. K. Unwr-apped Laundry Soap, 4 bars.,..... 15c. Lux Toilet Soap ...... 7e. 3 cakes for ...20c. Oxydol, large pkg. Week--end Special. .......25c. Onions, Dutch Sets, lb. . . 15e. Multipliers, 2 lb 15e Pitted Dates, limited quantity, 2 lbs. for ...... 35c. Lipton's Noodie Soup Mix, pkg. makes 4 to 6 ser- vings, 2 pkgs. f or........... ..... .... ý. .25c. Mazola Salad 011, excellent for- cooking, one pînt tin . . . . . . .. . . . .. ...... 29c. Ingersoil Oxford Old Cream Çheese, 1 lb. pkg 23c. Shredded Cocoanut, mediumi shred. Special, /lb. for ......... .......... ........... 9C. Suregood Large Tender Peas, choice quality, 16 oz. tins, 2 tins for ............... ... ý_..25c. Prunes, 'large, meaty, lb . ......... .._15c. YOUR POPULAR -SHOPPING CEN TRE I RONOu 5c. TO $"100 STOREI r Motor Etimn I Private Ambulance COURTESY SERVICE Eqipped to take care of the modest funeral at the moat reasonable charge as well as the largeat and mnost exacting Telephone: Office 668 -Residence 523 and 726 ITelepl Se car les ar.e en Bowmanville, Ont. dlitVeliiri low ente-oýr- tanlker siniiagai-. If they try to nio-ve te flrnd themselvels baek A bac", it -will ýbe -nruinusý A. Nýo gas. caitegory 011 necunt, of jUtnless *they decrease thle qiuits. F Northcutt and Smith Funieral Directors and Furniture Dealer.- kpone Co'llect )II