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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1942, p. 1

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'Vol. 6. No. 1,5. QIIONO, ONT., THUR$DAY, APR. 2BDrd, 1942. Monday, April 27, Plebiscite Vote. Mark Your Ballot -"Y Two German Airmen Escape From Internment Camp at Bowmanville ,One Captured at Niagara TFa11s, N.Y., While Other SÛRl at Large Eric Boelile- andi Peter Kutwo ClGeman airmnen interrned a t Bow- rnanville internmnt camp, made their escape on Fviciay of last week,- and i snce thien Beeih'ie ýýis theoly one that has 'been capturedt edae Twe stuff cd dumnmies withi papier, mache faces andi lips pin'tedc1 reci 'wvere paradeci at iro-l caII in the -camUp. This ruse, sîito have been -useci iy the Gerians et Be a- -ville on at lenst one other ouccasion,. waes'uccessfill dute to thepanak ing work' on the dlumarnies. How the pair escaped is a mys- teiUy. None 'of the' wi re entang-le- muent wans ut, it is statcd. Erich Boehle, 27 year)s od, w as ..aught at Niagara Fals, N.Y., andi ,br-oudght back tte ,he cam,fiîIe thie sea rch for PeterKug 21, thýeote ai-rman, stili cotiniues. Absence ()F the two prisoners of war wns ,,report- -cd Fr'lday merning, altbough BeehIe toici Niagara FaIls athrtis ,i >had escaped "several" tia'S ago. Both prsnr were in a group cof '200 brougbt frea i Bitain last week. The two ua, ininth anti tenth! te -escape fri the camyp of ever 20f) Nazi air force andci- naval1 offiýers; since Iat sumJi-mer, ar-e believeci to fave escapeci y utting aun inside wîire andc'tthen juLmping. over a sec- ,Cuciwvire entan'g11lenint. AnI all-niglht ln sarhfer two othei, Germ-an officers reporteci te biavre eseapeci fromn the camp cnded -'erly moniay mn-11-111 la 'ýt. It was r-evea,,led that the pair bnacl hidîden MRS. GEORGE QUANTRILLj 0On Saturday last, April 18th, there pass'ed f rom timie into eternity, our kîndly neiglbour in the person 'f M'Nrs. Quantrili, \who bii 'attained teripe aýýge 'of 8C, year's and wbo w'1ýas a.esece "andlife-ionîg resi- de'nt c'f Clarke twsiani a for- mïer p'artner of th e late Geor-ge Quantrifl, wh'o paýsseci away some four years ago. Deceasedl was a god mtheranud kindy friend toasil a l- nwa Ileion od the Jam-es Miller aiyof the lainme conoessýiçol. The funeral servie ln the 'church on Mond'ay Iast, ipril 19th, waîs contincted by the pastorfore.Jah'n Mcachlan The sermon was beth sym~athticandi fervent, and wIas întently lisýtened 1to-,bu, thelarge number wlior fileci the auditcorium.-i Twvo appropriate hymans sung wee, We!ys"Jesus Lo'ver c'f My Soul," aîed Toplatiy's "Rock, of Ages Cleft For M." Intermient toek plaýce îin Canton cemetery vhere the Quantrili family Ideci at oe Uime. BRTHS 1IAN1COCK -Te M r. anti Mrs. H1arodid E. fliancock (n1ee Marlon1 oîen) f ElmncroftPaa, North pot',1942;nt Osbawa hospial, a daughtwr On ighýt 1ore daiys and v we wi1lt 1be hearing flali varns agiin. Tllngof the battles that ensueci beot he big ene, got awvay. The oolci stony. ail ni-lit insicte the camp. Thse Woaianis CObistian emer 'They were o tnt have es- 1 ance Union mieeting was beic on -apeci on Sun'day nigbit followîag , ' Tuesday, April 2lst, aci the home of -distuiibance 'by other prisoners. A M-Ns. M Smith, wiLib the - Pr-esýicint, widespreati seardli cf the sroic-MrS. Wals'h, pres:dding. ànlg cou'atiiyside follo-wct. They The dlevotionacl pe-icoti wats tiken werýe foîund by guards afteiýrapendc- 'by Mrs. Littlewood wbho gave the ing the aigbt h i'ding in buildings bible readusg anti comanietsand led and shadows' maioIe the barbeci wire anuprayer. -fences of thie camp. Thse roll eall was answered by itheý -0 Inem-bers -wlo were pmeset. The Omemee Tannery Burned correspondcing secretaiqy rmat letters of thanlrs and appreeiation for box- Tihe North Anierican Leather Ce. les pf fruit sent to two whos wer-e ill. 'ta'nery at Omneniee, was destroyeci A commiittie of $t'o, Mus. Winters 1by fire on Monday of this weck.l anti Mrs. R. Rainey, was appointed lMost of the machinery -%vas estroy- te b ina a slate df officeris te tihe ed. Thse factory first operated about -<nanual nmeeting n'et mentis. Mr-s. ~65 ear ago. eary 10 mn -ereRatiney invi'tedlthe Union te mneet at 65 yarsago Nerly 00 en ereber h.omie for tise next meeting. A -cemployeti on war 're..Thec tire questinnairýe on the liquer trade is lielieveti te have started in atie anci the way it effects tlic war effort hot-air flumTe. Water nias pumnpec was cenduoteci ly !the presidient, anti from 'tbc Pig-eon river, 3/ý4)of a mile anseeliy theibe elbeils. away. Seme nearby houses were The mneeting closeti with prayer acenchecL- byMrs.Rainey. Less Mon",eyq Availiable For s A wariag tilsat resideats of fl eic Mr. Miller saici that mhile the wn- Unitedît Ceunties ]must take greater ter' of la ye'ar agýo dci cosidler'able ceare o damage - f twshpte roacIsisnlatise counties, a oh tse ouay ati 'owshi mvgreterameuint of damage was roais ibis year was issuedi by M-,U cone this year. Some roatis were A. ýS. Miller, counities rond super- lbatly wasbeti eut this spring, while intendent. H1e stateti ne money wxvii. otves bave developeti bedi frost be avaiuable for construction andi bouls. Mr. !Miller saici residents cf mauch Is tIsa a ycnr ago for, repair tise rural districts w-uld do wvell te ~c anti maintenance. remnain off tise s-catis ntil they are WI'ile the Coanties Council at isd ry insteati of expeciing- the coua- te appi cial gQo 1. int ~it IFrancis Coombs Wl' AMERCA'SANSWER TO THE J-APANESE AIR ME-NACE Visile vidnceof soaring militacy Airrafit output ini the U.S..1i provided by thiis picture of B 25- 5 seater tiin-engined American Ime- dium ,?bembers ece-on fnnl inspection 'on tihe North Ameic(an Aria- tieýn Lic.'Comipany's flgilt rannp, 'with 2-senier acivanceci training 11cr- diý yard menopd'anesý andi A.T.-6A acivanwceci trainers 'on the riîght lined ýIu<p for le, a fIyaway delivery. Imminense expansion ini production is 's'heduled ferý of 1M2. _______ M _______I Fugitive Crosses Border PeLter XKrug, escapeti German air- ialfnom-1 the Bowia'v-ille intern- ment cap, i rciported to have ieaý-bed the city of Detroit. Mla x Stephan, a natîuralized U.S. citdzen andi mendier 'of die Germ-an-Amneri- cýan 'Band, 'was aceuseci ou Tuesday of net only haiilbor-ing a Gemman Ilier but aiso of boidly shouwinîg ;hlm the sights of 'Detroit. 1He is 'beàing beld in $.25,000 bonc i and his, examuînlatio'nl set fer Aipril 27'l1e -was belpei 'by awoa of German deIcseen, wbose identity was not revealed. Stephan ni dpleadeti not guilty of baving unlawfuly cneald an1 enemiy alien, but hand admiiittLed te ging 1foodi and imtoaey te the flier. Kru, haci laid bis plans carcful!y. The wonmn whb elpeci Sîtepîhan bide hlm, i, had sent b1undies te Germila tbe con-ce-ntraition camp. Kgmeim- orized I ber address. Alter eslcaping lie reachlet(i Windsor on Fr'iday of Hast week, stole a boat an'd ro acrosas the Detroit riverIlie seu-lh't out tlie vwoman, îwbo hicl inlmin herl bome, and calleci Stephan,deiec John S. Bugas, district chef of tihe Federal Bureau ctu f Ivestigation. Stephan showed hinm arounci Detroit[ Slatunday nigbt, feci hin,sippec liaii with as1oney, and bielpec ibi-n get eout of toîwn.1 Helen Clark andiMonty Richards-onWin Medalsi A good attendance waus prýesent et the WC.T.U. Silver Med:ýal 'Cotest, whi'cfi wnýs held on Frîdaýy, Aiil 1Il in 'Park St. United Church Suniday SciEool roomn. Rev. S. Littlewooti was chairmaïin fer -tbe eveninSA Tea contestnts toek pas , each onie recatrn'g lis or ber part ia splendid mianner. Theise takinig p arut wýelre: Joyýe Suto,;Kathleen ama cy,en Turner, Helen Cak Betty\,ý Chpman, Arche,- Warner, Donald i Weood. The(u, gs erRcv. 'R,. E. Meor- ton, Neiwcstle; rs Cook. Neweas- le niMrs. Fraiser freai Bethestia. After cariefuil cso on tibeir part the siver madias were arwarded te IlnClark and MUonty Rih ten Eac'h Cont estanlt was' preseniteci D-Urýinîg tbie programm11-e lenn. Tziablyni playeci an enjoyable planeo slfollowved bu7 a vocal solo by Miss Stella 'Best, aceompanieci by 'Miss Audre-y Billirugs. 'Mrs. Bvrett ronsang twice, acapneiby Hus .1. Brown. A veny plemaan evening as brolý01,It te acls with the serving cf lunch.P Canada's War Effort A vweekly review ef. develepaien ts ýon thse home frýon-t from April 9th te April l6tb. 1942 : 1. Prime im'inister Mackc.nzie Kin- represents 'Canada at meeting 'If Pacifie Council in Washingtoa. 2. Agreement annosineec bctwea Caniadal anci the Uniteci States af- f ccting reciprocal ap-plication of comipulsory miili ary servi'ce. Cana- dians in the Uniiteti States, subjeet te :the Amierican draft, mnay eleet te serve in tIhe Canadian Active Force. Amenl'cans lan Canýada, subjeet te conipuisoi'y milit'try sr ice ay eleet te serve la the American f or- ces. 3'. Agreemeat:- between Canada anci tise Uniited lStates for close econiomie collaboration 0on agic(Ul- tural front: (a) seasonai imerement of ferai labor- andcimachincry aicros ýinternational l'toundary facilitatedc; (b) increaseci population of ehl bear- ing crops latHe Unitedi Statesa nci of oats, barley anti fax la Canada. 4. Canadician Wheat Board empow- eredti tebuy Ne. 92 ye'lWw soy'vbeans, a;t $1.95 aq bushel, ýbasis Toronto. 1 5. Ia first 26 weeiks of 1941-42ý bacon agreement witl British Miii-1 istr-y of Food, a totaI odf 326 peuntis of bacon anti pork prodiucts 'purchas- cd for Britain. Agreent cail for delivery cf not less than 600 mil-1 lion pountis %ithbin a perioti of one p)ly on Canadian, United i Kngtiom andc other accounts aow over $3,4Q0,- 000,000. S. 'Mlaxïim-umii speectimhit throyug- cut Canadla fixed by Order la Coun- cil at 40 miiles an heur. Lower municipal speeti hauts aost afecteci. 9. Over 150 Coptaa buildigs, wedor rentedi by Domriinin or- cramîent, te be equip)ped with black- o ut curtains anci maternais f or quIen,('chiag in'ccndiary.,bomn-b S. 10. Bus sýervices in compJetitioni witrailways ipariiticsiflarliy on long hauls. te ibe liminaieci. 11. Marcis experts total $175,482,- 000, a gaqin of $73,563,000, oer Mardli of lstyenr. 12. oscie to 'fie allowed ex- ira sugzar for iai andi Jellymakg andi for canning anci bottUing fruit. 1.Sale of ice creain anci sheet tebe restricte-ci. 14. Five neni Plant seboolsz totri inkes awar indtIstries -approresi 4)y Labor Departaient. 15. Coastel defence anci anti-air - craft gunnery school te be estbWli- cd in Western 'Canmadla. Shool will1 ceiitrize i7(activities c f ami v per- sonncýl trainin.g for coastal defeace. 1(3. Curtailment of storeprdc tion ordereti. Ordler provides that ne steve, other tIsa an approvedi mrotieea be- rmanufacturcd aiter A,ý-djudicatori Countyl1 Great il .1 UIJI> 'V flfl 1s' rise in tme estlneti usic emt-braces . t e aag(,Iýv te asa L. at Worcester Cathe- d, wheiie lie tiok the S'()1 part td'uring the last ears tee this lie rwvon a valuiable ýat j sO ulcu sin1ý )underP adenîy as aura, Ital 'te Can ng othier )f lMusiei of 'St. al, anc tl raster foi, aut LO) foir a verien'ult floi eut cf any llcaIlfer n ileavu o - , i 2 inodati 97 r mlusical s' Colelge, O3 Newtha the (Royal2 ýr 'Orneoinco Since 1913 he bas examineci, con- viOws ( tiauousd",y, a in4ngîag, 'ail1grade's foi ollorwîrI tlic Toronto Coenser-vatory, cfMuc 'r anci bas actec as ajudicar at most the Go, of tbce'nlty festivals threoughout ËIýiIp Ontare. Andcifoer the past 15 years aint I he lias been apdtietor at the 'Cana-m et itan National Exhiboition, orat. aising,- With t'hat as a backguound, one can readily uatierstanti tiat Prof. Cooaibs enjoys both a national anti internatienal reputation il anmsioal Ta-x i circles. Furtbermore, the local fes- iilg, Ap tirai considers ïtself ferýtunaite ia Toemtu seccUing bis services for next mon- aceirn tM' festival. FSr Y The fowing donations for 1942 phone Festival arc acknowledged: Bys' Training Seleol. ...$OP Rotary Club, Rowmanàrille.&00 Wom'en Goodyear, BownuanvilIe . .. 50 Jerusai Coi1poratien cf the Town of Bown Pont Hope......... 15.00Home High School, Port Hope ..........1000 J mn' 'Women's Institute, Orono . 200 -Tom1e Loyal Orange Lopie Noe'3109 C. G. Port Hop)e............-........ 2.00 e LO.D.E., 'Port Hop)e... 5.00 Cente W\. F. Rickard, -M.P., Nwa-thse Se,( ,le......... .........5.00 Bownai No-c. 9 Homne ancid ch CUýb 5.00 dlaY. Grand Lodge Off icers Eleci For L.O.L. and L.O Sessin of the Griand Lodîge, 'tawa; dcputy grandiil L.O.L,., of Ontario Eaist, and the llaaflaub, Perth. Prvn i's Gand Lodîge, L.O.B.A., 7 lwn weneu the ofiý wîhich were held last -week at Ce- at the ccoe f 'the Gi- boung, came to a close wkh the elec- .OBA. <rndmste tion of officers, and the mneeting wýas 1Ts, Pr{;dp~yga said to have been one cf tho most <iss- nna Cier, Baý r suce null the bistory of both chaqplain, rs A. JolIner0 thes;e associations. C ertn,îis ertrude Foleigare the 'officers¶of tihe leteiortraurr M Grand Lodýe of Onýtari.e East elect- I ing, Peterboro; deputy oacls' in astl fr e e -C'osts tI able to -prescat tierTads-ynnds --te dperate 24 heuris a day, nuc l In!grad seven 'days a -wveek. ndtion if speetis 7. Total value of ents-nts awa i- cmn ýt a propor- ced anti cenmitmn;ts ma(ie b the Departnient of Munitions anci Sap- Subscri Roads In United Countie. use 11, 19

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