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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1942, p. 3

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Bab A 'hyilanapplyilg tth e ra- '-~~ honi oard la Aiston,Aa. fer a permit sa buy a new auto- mnobile was asked if ho waa"Cn- gagea hi the prodlucton Of Iwar "uigthle mnhofMrh 1942 I ttodedthebirths ofî thrt-ee abesand bad Amiss seveml moe beauseof mina- bi u]y a et te'hern. i wil tbroaghout, the oryeaman thîs pTe aoenced ttu h s beIn bnliets wud on NorwakysClrye AJi clergye ila Nerway bave panded ia thoir resignations te ton NHnlistmy fer Charcli and Eu cienlaPremier Vidkan'sQi. spnetof thfiewaapmTd- éinc's govemnment, theOse or Iingsid mass eaigntion, thesom ad ded,, Tir(ýelergyrcntybsen trolled Qu-Iisl ing roguen oýývor youth central and other mattes. Fo Otri arma 2-eý ondsamy achool studýents Wilh ~~- BOedcd tce ok n drnslath holid ay sea-son, A. FcLamn, Fam erieForce Drcosaid m-ý Stdnafmontwelvo yeama o geup are bocing egister-odfo xarm help), ho sId. -Campils vwoîre Choig ostablisbod for girs froc ti on anntonwowl ot pai a inimnum .of 22, ot n her frfarm w-ork îqani kaon areas as tihe Niagama Pen- Insula wheme pioce womk prevails tre inimm mut (cam-e Up tac 4hobur-ly rate, Beoys would ho paid $20 Ifor th'-e fiat moth thePy Work1'if to are inoxperied sud $25 if toy~ sokdon f arIma last yoar. For 1 tuememindr o thoir employ- çwny iroir slary sol ho ettlod S oteatbesle andfthir ~mployer , M.McLr said. Store UpSta BishWaIr Factories Saved Thousancto a Tons of Thausands o! toaI fuel have Srisby stOr.iý,ing stearn l accumu- at .rsuing airrisbAtog acoisdo nat shlut dlow'n mr LI dese wýhen tho ýroof sotr --lgnaliat tho aidera areov- BLut is Oa f thebalrbow tnueoff their stasi hintotho air Mhen work stops, the steam la gep. pratedbno tihe accamaîwstor an itoreSte be USAd whet nthoramSos eccrnuatos hve now beonin v-talled in itou aS tolwnks, agrefinories, lbrewonies, daim. ,,11 aî o te samo p inciile-thoi /4 eoprage eA eng"y dunig ofpmekr ~" 1usdpuoriad i ad theo calling it atofo!thîs seam wýhonprdc tien requimes Wt Cu onesugatr -etinery the mtI lon f a stosiri accumrulaterL rasdproduction by 12 pet cent, wsinlowood nc mcaumptinby bot7 pet cent, lu a diry tile tlmo ýtaken te produco odne aniI w-,asa reduced !by 20 te 25 poýâr pent, woulelu a brewery 16pe etai> the coal 'was sa-e. -Out ', .u n a laaindry wvasineae by 10 pet tftter ,instailji n uac ed alaoanSdthe bolier sMiî lrm66 te 74 per cent, bntinlas the itnes te telshelilabe 14 feet 9 ÈnchesI' ~sSimoerby 82 foo.,t long aan FARYON GOES TO QUAKER QATS The srnalldsherSut wth -ing ber moho rak gihem face, ne doubt wondering wlat it wasal about. Wrn trarne te theUme forhapication of tM lipsFfI tick thosmall grlcould coný- tan irsoîf nu longer. "Whjjat CdO you pt ail thatDo "Mumie utsit n ta makei- ber look pretty," came empy the amaWlgirl inoceatly. Adthere twas h Ida therigingho diappeamed. Sh ï,o stoppedj back-biting long a sau cer? "What aesao troop* ?" 'xailed athse brîght yoUng thingon n rf iretvii t'a ,n armyecamp To whirlk the new mruýit kreplied: ",x they are mstre lbetoser- gnt and peppored by Che Teacer:"Tomywhy ib yii, composition on J k -nly halE a page hnI ,e frtwo pages?" TheteclerwaS explaiig the moanig of the Word "recpmate" te young Tommy. "Whsen your father bas been a rking bad ail day, ho is ime and warn out, WS'tho ?" "Yes, iss." "Thon, Wben iglit cores and bis woîk ianover, wat doos ho "Tbat'a wbatmether wants t knw"Tommy repiled. -Mas:-Whacha cryin'for?, Boy:i lost My nikol, Man.: Whýene ? Boy: Ina Vinina. Man: How cre Q. How can 1 givo a cemary A.Add a tableapoon of coma- stamcbrf leur ta each cup of augar used i the chocolate cake fatgwhich wiulive à~ wHi i cmmble wheu the cake Q.How can I mýoake !s'go d supper dis that can be quickly pepamedin an ernergency! A A. liecold boildhan tbik e -aug so tat it ,wiliPnotbra ap a rt wb ien Ibiatnddt . 'Spead mustard on ach piocne and to place l tatalIespodon of balked bens Riland fstnwithl toohpîks thn bkofor ton Q.lIow can 1I make the carpet sweeper mare officient? A. Whien cleaninkg thé carpet, aweoer, sreve the hmush and nfteutaing offîlbi and linft, rab itfe. it cot intl irsn.Let tebubrmi la th ar ntil the odor bas avapoated. Qi. Hw aui dryibed clotbiing if watom bas heen spiled on it wVben ttndn sonieono Who is A. It ena ho vey quickly diod by Isng a bot watom bug filld with very bot wator between the cavera over the c'et spotý. Q. How anImk it eýasy te find thie -oectrîu light switceh at nigbt?. -A. Toucthe u ceetmic igbit but- tons ith a ittle luinouspaint, audnd by xvillasily ho seen la the akos Glass Is Delivered Despite Nazi Subs Mlu gass fum Britan fmom mecgS t. Pu' psoa Cucfor a miem-oria] in, w The firt ahip carmyiag thoe glass unes t9rpedred lanthe Atlani but was beached and the cargo was saved. The glass was re.. loaded on s second Vessel5 whlh -xvas torpedoed. Tbe process ,wîaa reete vith a! third, and tho glas was diiv~edthopackiog caw AsUillwet iend labed "Great RE4G. TR. FRO Reg. RY Faryon, forerlypes dent o Lord Thormas of Can. aaLtd., b eenapiteïie sor Canda of Quaer Oas Com- ahad lo tng agency asociti« ihtecumpanly. orth-e past pres iat.ýpr o 1f 2,is it al rgb for n oer night guest to ask the hoseas forý ailxr bakt 3'. I i ecss t itte any- thing on thueWcrdthat acomp- 4 Whtis a good tigt remeber henplaying rde guest 'andn iviatonisre eivý-ed touom scil ffLair, is it p)eritted to ask the hostssfr an invtatjinfrteguest? 6. Tait corectto eat foe puddigs wth aforkor wt nowadays, tend flowors to the moteran prhpssome daýt-in-ty apparel for thebbyschtingi aS a ac -ap, a lîttie seater-, OU a pair of boots.This is not ah- solutlyUteeîsar,(bu it is co- 2. Yem. ThisAsoud be done 0y afil mleans if insufficient co- 3, No, D ýThec- ard is sufici(,t, ionlîre offecred at the-rcep- tio 4C. Thewod of onet; mn bride authority: "Not everyone anplaya faultieýsa game; but e-veryonir s certaintly capable of tue igbet dereaof etiquette and cutesy-and th es e twfo things go fa towards making up for any lack of skil. 5, Ysprovidied t hoe entetainï- ment is genleral enough to mialke this acceptable to the hosteas. m, With a fomk, 15e Package FEE pain ofhuaimNuii, eaia ArthiteLumbago. Neura!ýIa, tekire PAïI-X ,Sr. RemtcTeteto1 give yu lef.SenO for a FREE 70eý PAýCKAGE t'oday sundId yorsell et painsud mlsery Thee are no stnnga tM Aci ffe" W'e %wl! Lfl n oFrec 75c fackage 10 each sufferer for tia.Write ia The A.APuXMCa.. P..Bx7.t- tin1,Tonotou. r- Releves MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN Wýýoreon who sufer pain of Irrgular PeriLoda wltlx cranhýy nervousnoss duo to monthl3r fnctionial dlstul'rb- aflce-should find Lyd>ia E. Pnk- hua'S Vegetiblo 0momc ait <with'1 added iran) Ve, effectIv>t rc1ee s-Ch distress -Prkha9m'sTab- lets matie espccîa11y oifornoe n elp Lbild u p rsistanïco a jscl ,smptons, pol lalbe-l dlreoctionYs. 1Made ielCad. ISSUE 17-'42 WhCat Science Is DOing HuIngm'.y p'ýeelieonetf the are not too hungry, EdUi Teale wrîite in) Pop)ulaýr Science .Monthly. A diet that ontin ail essentias in reduced quanti- t ilsnext tC ong-livedances- tors, the greatet ai tolongev- rasby Dr. Clive M,. ýMcCayf, work--, ing under a grant of the Rocke- feler Foundation at Comneli Uni- versity. saeemannier ras hIumans.Rogy ten daýys in the ifeofa rat isý equoAl oone year hà the lufeof al IIýý. AI' fl the rats wr e a bamai diet, butthose eceiving Theredceddiet slowed down. oiya ctivit ie S. There wr fewor wîtecoizpuscles in the bleod streuanad tje anmaIs' hearta heat only three hundmed tiers a iniute instead rof the four hunded beats of the well-ed living mer& slowy, savig en- ergy, they lied longer. The Me- thaselah of the laboratory was an unduerfe-d rodent with aý life span of 1,430 day-.proportion- ately 143 yeýar.s for a nan. Tofý indîif ecess la one kind of' food sota iemore ta e ie n aohe id,rMCa fed one group of mdle erats exeasugar, another starchl,a 'hrl woe-ikpowd7er, an.da o'urýth liver. Ail four oe-e BABY CHICKS growing Pullets. Duerpive Ca- talogueMokinPoultry Farm., BAB CI1E.-3TO il CNT,2à free Uchicks, Our cholce w1iheveýrY n0 ull 0, oMO0 iVlxed cik ordered in MarcS, Goddjard C1ick tchorios, Britnnia Ileghts, TRIOBEST CKS ARE NONE tha shul cachthe keuts for you., Youcat affo'rd cik.Tli us what you want, to oeroa tese. Ordr My and vjheno,!Braýy Rtht 13f, MARINAL'SCANA-\DIAN APi- proved Chicks frornblodese R'ockýs,'NewHaphrs Wit Lehon ight ussxUnd Ey- brid. A os ardbrin-gs aur flder anld pie it Odryour May nd uneCh1icks now froin Matidies Fa nl Iatcheýry. CalodonianOntaria î> iY',C)C1 , GOV SR'j'il A - or oneres.Breeng W siof chcks he eing back of ane ipofits for you. lW- vesigtebeore you buy hen yoU pur-1ase yur supply of chcsyu dpen-d upon hernta la gsanS plnt f eg. i can dependun Tw<eddl wchcksta do tý his job. TLhey are a1il atchl-. Goverment Approed bood- testerd aredrs 1 prre,9 of trky't1c1se fo11. rce erlies jimitod egsOtra ORPIGTO' MPORTE0 A LL- Puros Brd to entsCocker- BARBER SH01' rent, no appoition. For furher partiuLarsapply G. P. Prouse, BAKýE1eYîEQýU1ME NT ol'y, aiso e rebjit eqjuipmient a- wa'ys on hand. ensaragS C-orrespanienice inviteSi. ïubbard Sqt.,~orowo.___ DYEING &CLEA1NINGý- Y-101-7U ANYT.tIING 'NEEDS- leelmmaton. Wu are glad ta ans- wVe r questiows. Paîrker's Dye 791 Yonge Street, Toroato ~~1ONT LEAA~T IJTRS td., Toro,àto'sý oldest Chysier, PlYn- JU ealersz; three locaLgnsý, (1$ MIt Plasant Road 2040 Ycnye St. ami 1600Danforth Avenue. Our U-ied Car.s nmakious nmiany fyl0n-des Writrce frour Fr-:e Bok- loi n podigreo(d renewed end anr- iySed und wcama ,,.CLASSIFI~ED ADVERTIS CAMERAS WANTED YOUR CAMERA Ifpoplalr imodem maÏke. Letu quoýte yo oaeiter tllorl'.i e(iuipliet J, C WIL A P ' ti Aso 0 Rlcmond llusToronto.juul en'ciaremal 2cRinat 0t igStudo, Richond treet Eas'ut, formaion, 00 ilustrtion, maay olor pltes, Largin 1 ,UpoLt geea cieratur'%e. Wai L.rwsaLi, ray iri, Lo O Yo au Sreet, Ti.aoat1'.. $14.000 A TN, ANGVýORA WOOLl Road "Angora- WOol RanchinK' 14CatrAutaedBook ù Ht' si.NG SUHUOL R$SiNU £'ktE 110H- Information on ne- g classes. Robent- siug Acadeiny, 13? 'I'orouto, HiANDY POCKET POUCH- 15r' 1/.L."LOK-TOýP" CAýN . 650 dIsopdctedin pocet cane seae length of tiome.CIAilae mah ooner thlan they w;uld baeif thle'y bsd continlued On shot rtioa. vereating, yno matovhat, wrk5aai1talong that a0,highprtiditso- enod the span of Mif. He thas su.,s up bis findiogs: "Est wha yeu egtc ta eatFirst; thea esat wbat you wae ttoeest-but not tee mach of it>." ArdThen Geore A trawvlomre hahsgrt plans. Amanfrom tbie Admir- alty ws et tnteve h skipper 50s t hat ho couldget sm ponesand pasa theml' on t other tmawer akS'ippers. Hoe la tho e ýthod uedby thle s kipperî "I'slke t'lis, sir.Iaî e1 ; Geor' and Gorge sayè 'Ay, ay, air.' Thon Isal ,'Plane re ported! George.' George says, 'Ay, ay, ir.' Thon lI say, 'Shot the bigliter.' Ho says, 'Ay, aes sr'And thnr Geerge shoote, hirn. Suffeming a diamand abortnge0 Gemmany la roported using gem diarnenda from jewollery for la.. dustrial pumposes. 0 . JIorS :ME NTSC.S 1 1 sa

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