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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1942, p. 4

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THE ORONO WEEKLY MIMES Estab1ùshed January, 193'7. ryThursdlayý' moirintg at the Tim'-es Office onmo, Ontalo ýates on request Susrton$12 .iptions to the United States, $29.00 inig Will Rece-ive Our Prom-pt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publishier jA il IJAl oucli and Mr. ulnday cahiers idc a -work len. rui ond e her parents, atVeie5on Sun- Veacher at cek-enid with H~.Heber ýt the spring )Ut 0owing te ýe isn't very den, Mr. Bowmaln- witli MI. '10ol Club held on Thursdaiy, ieeting eopeied ýani-ada," foll'ow- Ëer. Thie min- tigWere lread busine-ss dealt ie. Doariem Exciting Experience SLergeanit witreless-air g-unnier, Perry D. Teatro, 21, of Lind'say, anid n'ow% witlh thi e bom-ber ýomnman-d in, Enigland, writes his parents about his e.,Periences 0 el*e Kiel. Whien their plane was 12,00 f cet up, Ger- inan searchlights cauglit t in theïr beam taad held it. They camne dowfl to 800 feet and m-ade its escapLe af- ber bein4g riddI.ed with shrapnel, They maehine-gunned ýand put out a couple of searchlights on the g'uoundj. No one hi th~e ipIane -was hurt dur- lg those exiting mlomnents. of the £olowing pr-ogramme: 'Music by JCarke Union Orchlestra, a'ccom- panied by -Mrs. Sandercock at thbe piano; niouth ergan solo liy J'ack- ,Osibornie; duet by Master Donald and Dou.glas White, accm'panied by M~, White. Tir speaker for the evemng -was Mr. M. H. Staples; reading by Mr, Dar Fraser; selec.- tion byr tfih Orchestra. Mr. Souch then thanked ail for helping hlmo xith the progranme. The meetinig closed vvith the singing of "God save the Kinrg," after 'wmhich lunich was served. Auction Sale The undffer-signed has receiveci instructions froni A. L. CHMBERS Vo Seli by public uctin-t Lot 7, Concessýion 2, Mlanvers at the Cabesfarm, 11/2 miles wcs-IL t ofPonityp )o SATURDAY, APRIL 2.31h, 1942 the following H ouseh'old Efectsan Famni Articl]es: Six kitchIen chiairs, 8 rocking and mattresses, 1 dresser and wash stanid, 1 large Quebec h eater, 1i chest of dawers, 1 linoleuLm, 1 sideboard.L 1 3-hur ea i ol stoçve with oveni, 1 extension table, 1 'drof-leaf table, di-Xsihes, silverwaire, pots' an'd pans, 4 cord of 16-inchl ardweed, and nu- merous other articles. FAMARTICLES- 1 bindler, lu good condition, 1 nower, 1 scufer , 1 set of heavy delivery iharuess, haines an'd colines, shovels, and other articles, ~Sale to commence at 2.00 p.mi. TERYIS CASH Ed Youngman Clerk Clark Willias Auctioneeri Johin Edwin Hjodgetts, son of 'Mr. and Ms A. C. Hodgetts, of Ce-1 bourg, lias been awarded one of the five researicli scholaships for 19412- 43 by the Royal Society of Canada. The fellowýsàips with a výalue of $1,- 500 each are en-dowed througiuh the Carnegie Cor-poration <of New York. 1AUCTIO] bid"Lýis The undersigned lias reeived MIR. GEORGE WHITE MAIN STRZEET N., ORONO Vo sdil by pubicmition at his residene, on WVTEDNESDAY, APIRIL 29th at 1.30 pin, ai is H-ousehold Effeets, icuig 3bedroom ' 0ni suites, dliiuiigr-4oom sýuite, liv-ingr(oom fumnliture, writing desk raiosliding cooncl, kitceni furniturue and cuphoard, cook stove, ceai oi s t uve,,cookiig uben'sils, dishes, 'crtains and bLinds, rugs and carpe;ts, clock, eleictrie Hoiver, gar- den tools and many other articles. This is a large s,,ale and will start sharp on time. TERMS CASH Wm .Clials, FIND AUTO PARTS IN GLENNY CREEK On Tuesday afternoon lm, t a num- ,ber *of Orono 'schoo1 childrer f ound sone auto parts in tihe 'creel< at the bridge in the holiow juset north of ,the Glenny farm. Pirovicial police )Rt Bowrmaniivi'lle were nýotifi'ed, and Mre. Thoiupson, of the Provincial Police, was soon on the scene. The parts were taken frinm the creek, and piied in another place. It is thought that sonie person deposit-i ed The parts ini the c.reelVo, be pick- ed ýat ýsome later date. COMING EVENTS Oronio Bvaneh of* the lRed Cr-oss Society xiii hold a Jamce in thie Towvn Iall, oni Thursday, ýMay 7th, 1992. Dainïg froni 9 to 1 '.m. Gai- iow,,ay's Orchiestra. Admission 3,5C. FOR SALE~ *Qukintity of hay. Aptply t-o )Geo. Butters, Orrono, FOR SALE Nine-piece Oak Diningrooma Suite, memdesig-n. Apiylý at Times- Office. a-15-c. FOR RENT Six-r(oom'ed lieuse, elecrtric lights, hard and soft water in house. Imq- miediate possession. Apply to Mln TambynOrno. b-l'O-c. WANTED Middle aged woinan for house- woi-k asnd con-panion far Voaduits. Apply Vo Box 28, Oeonio, Ontario. FOR RENT Six-rýoom-ed hbouse, 3 miles east of Oirono. Sof t and liard water. Apply to Mrs. Pr-udeniice Morgan, Orono. c-15-p. FOR SALE Qartier .>Oats for sale; -also quan- tity of good iMixed Hay. J. H. Davey, iPliouýe 0rono 54 r 5. 'C-15-P.j __________________________________________________________________________________________ I FOR SALE Yýcamie Dwelling, centiraily located, mnodem,, conveenices. Apply Kathleen Staplies, Port Hape. C-15-c. FOR SALE In Orono, a fine homie for cash; central'ly located. Hard and sof t water, and in good repair; aiso a ceiand wood range %vith detachable graniite lined Reservoir. Apply at thae Time office. FOR SALE Baby Chdckls and Hatch'ing Eggs, Wlbite Leghorns and Rocks; biood- t es ted flocks; R.O.P. sired; large fowl; large egg sets.- Customers are booking their orders Vo avoîd dis- v appointmnent as -we intend te stop hatching early this year. AIl eggs ,are produced on our farlu. ON 1/h Polilsopen from 8 a.m. ta- 8 p.m. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ALVIN CLEMENS Phone 2433, Bowm-anvilie. Farm near Hampton. tf Auction Sale Thie underýsigned auiiitioneei- bas receive'd instructions fron'i MISS KATHLEEN STAPLES te seil by public auction at her vesidenice MAIN STRZEET, ORONO SATURDAY, -APRIL 25th VIhe followîng Heusdhoid Effects: Dinîngreoin Table aud 6 'Chairs; Buffet; China Cabjinet; 4 Siial tables; Reekinig C1hars Cairs,; Etectie Radio; Hall Tree; Coucia; Eleetiiie Heater; Elecýtrie Steve; Floor Lam'p; 4 Rugs; 4 Ceatgoleum Rugs; Sinaîl La'undry Steve; Singer Sewing Machine; numnber oif Scatter Rugsa; 6 Verandali Chairs; 4 Beds, SpRýings and Mttresses;: 3 Dressers; 2 Ohests of Dniawers; Blankets, Quilts, Bedsprei(Lds, Piliows; Cur- ains; Trunlis; Silverware; Fltrs DkIdes; Lawn Mow,ýer; Garden Tools; Extension Ladder; Washiug Ma- chine; Pots nd Pans; Around 5 ton of Ceai; Wood; maTny other articles tee nurnaerous Vo mention. At the sanie ime and place Vise bouse wlll -be offered for sale 'subjeet Vo a reserve bld. TERMS CASH Sale Vo comimence at 1.00 p.rn. A. E. Morton Ted Jackson Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHIYýICIAN amd SUR GEONY Office Houitrs: 2.00 t(, 4.00pm. 30o 8.00p.. PIIONE 47lr1 ORONO0 Y DENTAL D-IR. R. O. DICKSON Office Hours in Orono : Monday to Fiiday (inclusive> Prom 9 a.m-. Vo 5 p.mi.-Evenings by, Apipointmnert Office Heurs 'n Newcastle - eve Satmrdîay fromi 9 a.m. to 9 For appointmyent phone Qrono 18 r I VETERIINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V. Se., VETERINARY- SURGEON Office: Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. Gilfillan Phi. B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRISI Li-cen.tiate of the Coliege of Opt.oe. etry of Ontario Office Hioursý: 10 Vo 12 a.m. .sa 2 tg, 4.30 p.m and by appoîntment Office- in C. B. Tyrrell's Drug Stem Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, .Casualty, Automo.. bile arnd Liability Orono - -Ontarir, AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduct@ Auetion Sales ef ail sâm* and at reasonaible ratee. Commuiicate with hiliast Pe. Perry, Ontario, or see hià ler1ek> L E. Morton, at Orono, for date. I G. RICHARDS Practical W-atchmaker Ail Repaira to Walchea, Clocke, suie Jwellei-y, wiIl receive Our premrpt attention PARK STREET ORONO F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors' Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville -- Orono Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27.1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and M4odern Funieral Service in Durhiam Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods-TIIE NEW EST Our Prices-THE LOWEST IBOWMAN VILLE OSONO C.N.L TO CLOSE FOR Dý_URATION 0F WAR. rente, snid exhibit~n ~ ~G2~ Serg-eant Malcolm Maiiory has re- cont ued zf rom Eng-land ;te his home ini ai1 'Cobourg. He will be stationed in a cc Canada fer sonie VIne ln t'he > - moi -, jý eity of anti-aircniaft instilLi-c other year at le&e r ýe -w'-dt 1 of State Ottawa.

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