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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1942, p. 5

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Have yo~irencwe Oroano UnitrediCurh loses this week anc ai its MOSt loyal Land faii- fuýli membersi the pes fMer. 0. W. Scot bi eovL' ýýingfiml Or-onl o tvesd ith bIis da-ýughter, Mes. JKenneth iiSîroanle oiPeeboo Me.r o a. ben liviinOrono' and( Vicifni-ty for atPpiM1atelv fifr'ryý y-earjs. Wr7it-Iing of hie hrl afla tions, be wvas a menbeeaf he Boardl of Trustees for, twent-five eaan. Eider six yarsd for m-iauy yeaes,ý was unloflicial carupenjter,' tenlding taL the needy copins aound th e cburcbl buillding. His reglar attenldance t church, both imoruliig and -" eeuilg bias becl)a agetexamlple of loyal- ty. Mr Scott wil reach bis ininetietb tbîrithdlair in Aris and is stilil very acetive, bis mnmory filnctioningA iwhen lie can n ecite a paem qi readily, for ten verses, entitled "Out wittimg old age." Thse Officiai Board of the United rGuch presented Me. Scott with a Ueather bcund hymnnboork, a sumal tok-en af our regard fan a lhl1y respected citizý,n sud a loaai chuirch-j ~man.1 98C M Purses......... ........ ......19 Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAC0'o. S MITH PHONE6lr2 - a ORONO RED& WHITE STORES A W41RTIIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARID ORDER No deliveries may henceforth be made by truck, car, bicycle, or walking, valuèd at less than $1.00,' except fresh meat or fish, or when illness or physi- cal disabiity confines the purchaser tu his home. In the past we have tried tu, give the very best ser- vice possible and wil continue to do su under the new regulations. NEXT SATURDAY, APRIL 25th The, Mother Parker's Representative will serve * Mother Parker's Cuffee FREE 0F CHARGE, at our store, froma about 2 p.rn. until 10 p.m. Corne and juin the crowd. Maple Leaf Pure Lard, 2 lbs. Lifebuoy Soap, 3 cakes Sirloin Steak, lb. Shoulder of Pork, lb. JFront of Lamb, in piece, lb. Roasting Veal, boned and rolled, lb. Catsup, 25 oz. bottie Tomatoes, 2 large tins Libby's Tomato Soup, 3 tins Fancy Quality Peas, large and * tender, 2 for IShredded Wheat, cash and z29c 17c 27c 24c 22c 25c 25c 25c 25c- 25c *23c 29c THE ORO Local News Mrs. J.Eagluson isited h raunt, Mi.F. j. Buimac-ombe, at irby, ai co oleaidays thiswek John ri ýadîy eft l - weik o oi thep tai a piio. is now statÏioneýd et Tor onto. son redof Preton1, spenlt the Iveek-end atMm Mary hsos MU. ami Ms. J. Egeo ted edth late Mrs. G. Quanltrill's fu- rura!t Kna on Mondaýy ilast. Gaod pie1wr ecie y Ms Gravel et ber sl at Lea1kard on1 Thursday aiterioon aof last week. We ar-e informied that Mi. Mar-tini Linton bhas purchased the hou[se be- onigta r.W. J. [atnin the sauth ward. The Oronio fiee brigade e called n.1 Saturday at ta extinrguish a gr-ass fire in the hollo-w just so)uthi o)f the ffaxmi. Mer. O. W. Scott bad a very suc- eessful household sale on Wedniesday aitenoon *ast. Ideal weatber pre- vaiied and m-any wIere present. Mrs. George McKenna, ai Churchi Str. South, bas r-enited the Stoeker- Estate bouse on Park street and will take possessJon on MAay lst. The children of Orono Con-tîinua- tion school are nowv busy writing their Eînster examhitions, wfich woiil be completc.ed on Fiiday ai next Orono Boy Scouts mIiii be around for tbe clctofaisalvage on Sat- urday. 'Tle citigenis are asrked ta have their salvage iln readincss. Doni't forget ta have the paper's al tie up. Mr. and Mrs. Bo-cnm and fam- ily, who have been living on Park S-treet for the past year or sa, morved on Saturday ta take vip residence in Oshawa, -where be la at present working. The Goad Will Bible lass was entertained nt the bhrne ai Mrs. Iienry Mercer on Tuesday cvenirng. Mrs. S. Litffle-w<od gave a very la.- tercsting travelogue on a trip ta Bermiuda severaI ycars ago. rMr. and Mr.s. V. Wilson, Mes. H. Wailsh and Mrs. F. Duncann visited in Toronito an Saturday last, with Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. Walsb re- mnainiing over until Monday tao attend thbe funeral of tbe late Mr. W. S. Haw, formerly af Ono.a An interesting photo le on display in Mvori-is's Fumniituni-e Store rwindaw, Orono. If shows a graup ai pr-omf- laient m'en -who wer-e pr-esent et the tume ai the opening ai orui,- ro-no sebool ln the year 1915. Sonie af these men have passed aon but thmee are still a num-nber, taking part in active lifc. Some oai bbc aider imiemi- brs i-,o the comminunity wo'uld bave nO d(ifficnity ilu rccagnizing anlyane of tisane as bbe photo is verýy clear. Do you ever fune iin an CHIEX, Peterboro, on TuLiesda7iKeveninrgs suad bear -tbc splendid mie that is -pro- rvidcd ?7 Galloway's orchestra play-s evcry Tupsday eveninrg on thisý pro- grammne at 8.30 p.m. andi five of the mneashers are from Or-orn, eing- INIesrs. Milton Marris, Charles Knox, Donald Hamm, Jim iPawers and Art White. lb might Ibe difficuit ta bear as bbc radio beam ironhat stitioàn tr'avels irom Petcs'boro east- ward, sa as not ta initerfere witb tbc Taranto stations westward. W. 1. Meeting About twcasty-fivc ladies wcrc present at the Wamcinis Instîtute meeting aon Fr1 day aiteracon, when ]iIs oodasan, flic District Presi- dent, froas Tyrone, gave a vcry in- teresting taik oU InistitutLe we0rk end its ideais. l'ir. Ham--m, who was ln charge ai thse meeing red twa instructive" paper's, anc on "How ýtaO hanour the Flag, and one an Canadianization. Mrs. Everc-tt Brown rendleredL a vo-~ cal solo, alsa piayecd an enjoyabie piano selectiais. Ncxt maubli being flie election ai officers, an narinating commritte -was chosea ta Ürinrg ia a siate Miioa- ficers for the ensuing year at th e Maiy meeting, thbecocmmittee con- sistjssg uof'Mrs. Richardison, Mr-s. R. Il. BTo'wii and Mrs. '*ioper. Salvage Collection In Township of Clarke Theris i,ýat peo a vital need,ý fo manykindo s creap mateil. At fibe 1 equie it of (1e Domninion Sal- vge ~ ommitUee, Ithe Goniei of the T nshpofrClare iýs arnîgan ongaizaionfor uoflàct)ng the avail-1 Mr. rj elrbssent thd o-1,0- 1awing caythe ach secietryof tihe S ehool Bards- throughoStthe townviship: The Gounicil aslks youta cxliýd a meigof your ýtru1S!tes 1am1i deliver to oah ne of them al Dcopy> of tbiis circular a-nd ti the isoass b m1atter in fThîl witb themi-. YuaLiLre a se aisked to keep a r2cordC of al sa les, baoth private ari oitlerwise, iniform ýM-. mellor when the Collec- tion, is ready and wwhere located not intýer tihain May 16th, se tliat lie m'ay have a deniýaer cal], and tlhen report te him the weight a i ateriai soldi toýgether w-%ith is selling price. The foliowing circular h'a sheen sent tu the trustees oa illte different School Boards : The Coun-cil asks you 'te contact very home in younr section, by teieiphene, persanal inter- view, or otherwise, and Vo explain te their the need of this collection. They also wish you ta arrange one or more placýes for collection and ýtosee that al lvgein the ina- ture af paupers and rags is cctlected under caver as a protection from the weather. The money reaiized1 fromn the sale of sarvage mi-ay he -us.ed as the trus- tees sce fit; but ît is sufggested that somie, if not Ail, bce used for pat- iotic purpases. In estimiating the seiling, price, it is adviserd that it be redkaned at $8.00 to $9.00 per bon afi mixed load. Akny individual having- a large ami-ouini of material is at libert~y ta seli bis collection privately; but al! such collectioDns wîthin the township shouid alsa !be reported. The follo'wing maiiteial:s are suit- able for saivag-e and how ta handie it. Newsýpape-rs, books and mag-a- zines, tie up in boindies. Miselaneous -waste paper, sncb as corrugatcd cartons, cigarertte iboxes, q1d enveopes, riwriting and wrapýping paper, flatten out and tic in bun- ies. Metals, aid pots and pans, piýeces of piping, oid nietal toys, braken tools, aud al kinds of old metal, aC- cunitulte in a beap. Rubber, sch as inner tubes, nuh- ber '-ires,, rubber f o o twe ar, liat water batties, tennis balls or any- thing of rubber, pack up in the niost compact \way. Mixedi rags, worn-ont clothing, blanets bag, adCaR.pets, etc., tie up i'n -bulundie s. The respronsibiity foar this collec- tion ls not ta, be cansideree as the duty of your teacher. It is the dnuty ai everyone lu the Townshiip ta see that ail saîvag-e at their residlenice is tre in sio thart or war. effort wili in no -way iv be hiindeI-red. _Mil- lions ai tons ai salvag-e is noeded ta carr'y on our wvar effort, and if yaui ,..Orono Tinshopi If you need Nlew- EAVETROUGII Now is the time to order it RJ. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Cenmtre st.1Orono Phone 30rl PARK ST. UNITED CHIJRCH Rev. S. Littlewood FastoT SUIA , APRiL 26th il a.m.-,The airvern Find- ings. 2.30 P.111. - Iappy Haurs at Sunday Schocai. 7,00 p.m. - St. (Georg&s Day' Youth Movement. Ottaw, Apil 1, Revre ig th acivtis ftie Canadian RedCrsad durin aise ai",or'th e "]ost diffcut 1na yeas hrogh which it bs ve Bui passedllý1(, Dr. Fred W,'. R '11cieï ame ;tiona1lcmisinr odin bis an- 1ntal reLpoirt ta h enrlConi at Ottawa an TilîrdyApi1th thlat the Sacityv basprced ilfo its mai I Srie ith undimin1- ishIed zeal andcofdne i] Reein t thse variaýs atiiies n d~ artieles nmod(e tup by tbhwoen ï enj Casiiadla have poured inIto the Red :L.4 cross store bouses. Inldd isow these articIeýs are bosýpjtal supplies,.c cafrsfor the Forces and the Wo- îs men's Auxiliary Ser-vices, and 2,- te 2»,821 articles adcInthing- and ýomi- d forts for air, raid victims in Ernglai]d. dUr; W"hiie $2,50.3,504.78 is shawn in tise tons, Fînýanciai Repart as bavinrg been ex- cesý pne anniaterials ta maýike up eounli these, supplies, their actual value is wvor.j greater far, as any rwll testify rwho the ' have seen thse landiwork ai the wo Audii maen of Canada. Mrs. WaIlace R. ta-wa Cainipheli is ehairme-,,n oai;tbe Nation- requi aI Wonmen's War Work Committee. -vital T1"he Puinchasinig Cemmnittee, underi thse ohairmianship aif Wills Maelacli- Car Ian and vwith a veey srn group of business men amidrwomien associated witb himi, has purebhased d'uring tishe year $4,867,817.64 ai supplies flliag ts orders ta thse total ai 2,309. t Hospital rand usedical supplies to- n tariied $298,992.81 inucludIig thse fin- 1,11 ishing and equipping oi a hospital tin, in England; spc7ial equipnsent for off other baspitals ln Englandi and Scat- dorwn larnd; the equipping ai aur Bloadi cauis Doueor Clinirs in Canada and Emier- Iplion, gency Disaster Equipmient in the fla Maritim-es. $129,578.21 was expend- wis el in the weiiare ai the armi(ed faor-(iiM (1o not 'do your part, lhso is the gov- ernment ta do its pat ? Makinig this colleCtion the grûatest achieve- ment that ClailoeTowiisip bas ever n'e ompiished. c'f bath the i iý Meirchn- a f ths hps c a resot aet over 13,000 vel and in a the purcha se tels ill be as Hstress. Aeconsoid'atec af nbe Socia edttal expe!i- one rarme a 301 spent an dhuing 1941. lemo national ng the year, V s and revenues ttaNd $4,630 t and $77113~ k. iMe accoun a.The Canadi lire $9,000,000 1work dluring rCrashed]1 is aclangercus pi roadwiay for' roule' evidcnced on Wec Ise;t. Whifle on 1 iNewrcastle, Mr.( ai Lesîkard, lied to ýte qhighmay ta il a younlpgîgrl oln ýhng lin ta cirashi cý pale -Las front ai n's rýesidence. 'Noc huýt, but the 'ce runaco en as if plae pe-nse. ARMSTR IT PAYS TO 1 Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Special, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Apr Owing to Goverument Sel Regulationsvwe cannotR deliver guods valued at less than one dollarI Porterhouse Steak lb. 30cm Wrapped Bread loaf 9ce New Cabbage Llarry Homne' s Jelly Powders 4 for 25c. Fresh q1arn lb. 2Sch Apple Juice 48-oz. tin T.ài "God le calling -as triemeneanjigs Walker's Heavy Pioneer Overalils. ..... $2. 50 Walker's Work Shirts......... ...."' *$1-25 Work Boots .... ý.....$32,%37,P39 Suede Fabric Gloves, pair ............. Eclipse Pastry Flour 24-lbj. bag 7-1c, Tip Top Golden Barntam Corn 2 for 25ce Sirloin Steak 27c, b'CT7

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