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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1942, p. 7

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B~ut NMeat - Eaters Nosbetter speech inl ever le me abou?)rit this -war tiaÉlie on-e dielivered( in Detroit o Ary Day by Lea.- . enLear, Cm ymndeeýC4f the Unîted States Sec- etau Hlieput, it optte eop"le -war adit wlbe wab tui ened men, wlio aire atlok for eayTvCtOry, but oreaiz legave the pecole aoetin Ltua>,--)j--,I about wia le sa,,id the soldiers are meat-eters, net cake- ecate,ISanid that ticoyl t Y,,,y CfaI * persan cannot b bugit. Lt.i Are, wo-rth. Buthy do not filtfor imoncey. ie igitle- cause tley love hiC cutyand tliey expeet thlep oplebak hLome te support thentià the battle Thlis len iefor losn aroua, pulling stikes or ex- piigworkers Ta Wsnoeime te l arging verproduction, Vv te eap011tateloudbe paduced.This 1la noUtme ta ty 'PAd51l", ntprofi-ts, wenth Men are Sheddig blood freely. 'hi 'ihe t.*imrewenvryn bias teqit petty quarreS aad bluffing and profUiteriag, che- ffier ti.prfieeia be by em)-ý ploer r eployee., Maespeeches J hIe t,,,ý.int y Gen. Lean ouglit to be mnade Anld, ithey ,lhouldb.5madeta aLlot 0of peole ,whohave Jame tatuaI AbnoYmal Buying w Why oardthln leHaofun Expl,,J alned b', y Nng +rad He is Erhapt difficatrormtn y,,lv u ctien a efn ehi oWnrelatin ttheptiret arin-i Be na tht iere lwa rltin bCeweenM ahor de.aninflaion-, liat rcet~ criyo aOtierhaa ieprdenBt citize Ca~ayfr a aîn da, l epin ipantrybuandoils ctes close boc y h iifyctie aes esuse lie le thrittedot me ande tirethaeinlatonaby tring bis moaeysdavIg ntortacngile If le inys eyond hic norma bareds aliengrvatcanicocacit of god rented by wrm nnds 'blackarkts"ta ear -own tic do nt by asoher e wll be al fernvsogminticcae WmannM. as w hae cea or ton ig oveureaed,émet nd taits licn d ratîa'nia sytemUT war for came tylaaioetla Only One Aing.Tescer s nly Vcmpie ncumr lems hevcs acl idiid ual yeosýric n lm- eniglior, anert tese vINgA~ Reainrslre aalignn>gtahdis- eSERIAL STORY BY LDONNýA ASlHWlOR-TH LAST WEEK-At lait Lita. mnakes her dýcisioýcn.ý She teilî Jerkry. He tr*ies, to thow lier that -.he is jus,,t infatuatel, that Sh-e willge tover lvigKen, burt she refusetoctý beiecve him'. We it daes end, Jerry pOmse,;she w cal1 fer him end he'Il corne, xkot becauise lie wants to, but because lie loves lier. Jerry lea-ves, Ken calis. Lita tAlls hîm she i5 going to Reno. LITA MEETS A RIVAL PAY prisgly ow, roi 2. USE LESS Calumet's double- actl'ou uneans double ienveaing-during mix- kg md in tic aven- permîtdng you ta use les,. 3. CaIumeî'ýs Cniu04 lev rnn eonasfinerl lietter îcxturcd rcuIts .for aIl yoeur nig yC AV A~ AIL 3 WA7 CHAPTIELIV Litawake dwnFiti veu semdpSsiblia J ,,t2elgi weck couildchangce fs o completiy, and àJerry ladtlveuland lad tînt ic culti ave one tiaiRno o tdÉwas w uefrea, ,s ic waiked briskly, A cis wind wipped tîbeougnd1rpfur ct ougi Vie sky wws eAr: anti ic samade ie monin citoaianc Sping clatis anti- ow efleto i i indows n cie pnassi m nd tragt vnoity fu)lit tît mtcid Clier cont at ust eaty ticrigit o angle. thînlig o Jerryticps;te Sic mstn'tbol bcI, S e ut Snlly Gren wa ong t Veandle tau% nticuse Ken b» in,_isted suevira e a chap roe. ie ad ore up ladrom au i Jue ftic ausige ianda wa ametSlynoTe were ta sec aboýý,utJya new dyres wiici iould ep lmbuy il "Bc ulde bmgarshppig fo ufrut e, É m utii yon."im. ledr I ti plup, mwdlacd ( Fc ,eertily do look Ve part I I myk maen un, ith gry ni, dug t agoot tng yau cn pla charCtrlparts. "Tes, Lita," ic outile Se al'adisnpougha, "'ll eip' you a I ena uesM L'd beter acuse mgitforene *c * *was ea- "Youkno I on'apove o Ary man would be crazy who didn't marry her if lie could," cained s allY, "And every- býody knowsce is crazyabu "I ues yo'reriglit." L1ta fesuddenly i;red,. "But hec Can' do nnything for six moth-. !l,,,ieiisL((ted thedecree would not ;be final for six ontha e- !Iaybelthouglit yu wou"Ld "Ithink blietouglit it 'ould coîdn't marry7memeneaifli wanted ta. Jerry a ctced asif lie hatýd Knbutt can'timag- in'eryre!y la-ag baody." "I afrîd yaudon't knw 'Jeiry." Sayliylialted abrjuply. "There lie is in his new ca. sn't it a beaty? Rth Eust.ace iÎs Lita lokdjut i la thetrffc Jerry and tuth. Just wliat she l iad plad Now thut she saw e, ;t made liher perfectly furlous. She In'tcounit anymoe She wcas out of Jerry's Wie And lie hd turaediglit away ltawan other wnan, He hadn't meant wlatbuha l a ad about caring. ie wanthiurt, &ven 'if Ie hlad pr et en ile d ta ie. HUrt! ,,,vec ler!Jerri ha Ct kn wn onything a~I't Peve, rea1lyý net a love like lieraand IKen's. "'Let's get a t, ax-i anid go o ver to uKen's hotel,Lita msug- gestednbutl. Idon't fee] lilookin for' nelothies."' They ha1iiled a taxi. Ail, at oneshe iad ta eeKen, ta li reasurd tat ie nsdoing th1-e Aigîit tng. Laet nigt she %17 been certain, withliskiss a gaînSt lier lips but xiow she wasn->'She wanteihimta teli lier again tht his ws Oealy tigte doe. She l, 1ad t see him, The taxistopped, A S à e starte pta py the driver, ciesa a couple comnrýg twndtie liotel enrnc t ws en nand uone aI tie mst striking girls ieha woma wh wakedwith the haugty asuraceof a qucen. liersuitwasblack, wïiha'zu tirwn bot lershou_'dens.An arrogan blaciliat, with 'abrgi K-en er luhigetirely Ob- liviaus c4 h, assng-rowd'. ita canopy. pare ttecr.Knoee tedoor for ithirl.They t,-l1k - girl a started theenn. Sud- denlJy !Ken ipulled the oor fopenà1- andlea ing i, ksdt!1c ,girl thenslmredthie door andstoa on ,tic al, miing s the icar Lita pid thie taxiran i iand Sally sloigat lier cros ly. "Yu looka's ifyu'eca a glios." "Nohin,"siie e ta agh, "ýex(.ceptt the man who just lsseJdte ilin tecar good- bye was Kea,ý" "ICen !" She mo0ved tow, Va rde "OhLit-An."lie said the t wrd t once as lie hmiurried toward lier, "I hope I iave't "Noi, weonl1y came a mom,1ent ag.And I'm dradfulljy(cuIons T suppoe tce young lady was the 'buinssenagmet'you lad this moning." l.rvoice a co. lo was she ?" "Have't I old ou aboutlir loyThlat wa,,s Jane1t zCar- ,aisaglu ïIj need talie en gaged t, (Continued NexWek) ~11 your Grocer'.- in titis economnical 2-pounci package o TALETALKS By SADE B. CHAMBERS lating for qi.saine w-ekls wee'scoum areq!uest rnumlrber, atlaethat ail1 af yauwile abie ta use came af the recipes Apricot, Bavarian Cs'eam liM tablepoona gelatine- U4 MWpcodtiwtcr i cup boihinUrg arca juice Scup sugar c cup lincly out. draineti i Vespon lmonjuicýe 1 cup hevycrea eu cn rieicanni erusdliei pineappie %cup elivretibwaed amd SofLtenVi glainer .coiti water; adbilgarctjie Salt aigd Suger; stir until sugar, anti gelatne are disolvet. Strai. Set ~ ~ ~ ~ 111 asdvacol hl ith occasicni stir iuntîl nstic as stranetiioncy. lrothyen ld in prepareti fruit, nt nisily bae crnu. ile 'Îg',M'y in dessert anti chii ntl ir.Serve lromr deussert pltes 1/ll eu odwatcr 2 tabiespoo1s lemon Juic c4 up sugar ,teaspoon sait 2 gg wiites lià dupse erong boileti cotee Soaýgelailucodwater anjti dissolve la 'hot clcadd sugar-, sai andi Amon juie. Stir until sugar dissolves.Strain; tien chili %ih occasianai sirrng untîl Vieý mixturbensttica, al unt.ilil ratliy. Attcgwite l ýe'-,nt util stif andi contjiu bat ing untfil very w obnd Tura nto ouiédti tt mcbeen rinseti withCod iwater.chiliun- Vil lirra, tenu a ld dsev i cup lienvy creamp whippcd, la- stead of ie ,egg w 3;tîs, La tus» case additié onnl calIeay re- spoon vanilia May be ade. ~cup milI i tableyrpoo ai Atitijubstenaug flour la rail. (Sifît tsoda it ia nt lV bronsugar andi bale la moder. aVe aven. Mise liam e emebe e" so jetr rotitretdrntes h Taests most temptig of ail bread puddings 1 sa ne one mad with branbread ubes and cisof sm-we cooa A ýftr the batter ï-, miýxed the reraiingcips are sprinidedc vr h top and the whole busines isbakedServed wrmwiticra o o m-ilk it's a dessert ta be emmb 13l irectinsfoo1 Ail-Bran Chaoclte Clip Pudding 2 ups bred cubes, wtot ,,te.s-peoon sait cruLSs8 cups MIl 1~cup AilBran 8 squares seiswtaet-Chocolt 3 eggs ý taspoon vanili extract si cup sugar., Plawce red adi AlIBrmain buered lcbig IA.i ut choco- oateintocoare piecs and sprnle haif of it over bread cubes. 1eRt eggs, add Sugar, sat, mlilk and l ýavoriing. Pou'- ove], bread; phîl emnigchiocolate üver topl. Set akiag d, cish in pan. of hot wa-,teý, and bake àn moderate aven (925Q',) for 1 hour Every muran rtCanada', 'Vi "Factry Frnt" eede t'le kinti of nour'ibmenit and food- cnerigy fouad la whale wieat. Ili Nabisco Shredded Whoat youf get IC100% wlhale wheat, ready cookecd, reudy ta est, re- taining the wieat germ, bran andi minerais that nature pute into umil/ed wliole wheat. For a breakfnast treat includle ISSUE 17-'42 Cbrsîe' Prminasoda Cakr r served! Taîï ecaulseCriiesge masi Cpaple more off h sinigs dliey JLiklaa cske-epunlayeor, tender faknesependable fehcs Serveelisies remx-im Soda Crcer ih SoLpe3, sldespcead-- the'realwyssure to pieuse.

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