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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1942, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIME youngrooLs of tihe Ie-umes wierie growni in croip rotation, bihe hacteria ithy ouceliti sef0fl 1,r are usnalJiy pr>Iee.t However milany iduesiniglly Or in 12JieJles.Or farmners innoculate the sceedea chl cvestljese n ale re, very small but numjeroms, wIlile on1 peas amld year as an adIded assurance foi- a benst3eyar enrarviely age -sfooY ,atc. n newsoils, orj an winnubr The, bcteis hen new lagiume crops, asi alfalfa, l heenodules fix the free niitriog-eni aregrn in 0ld s ou, the appro- cf~~~~~~~~ th topee5 httepatpite acei are apt not to be can uise it ats feoOCl. Wto~ the aid reen andE in suclir ae someý oJ tille l'teria the planlts cannoýt do mèthod ocf inloculationi should be thsand no plant other than the dptd o plyth bctri.1u nierous experiments and prolong-ed eumscain(do îl[, aven with the e:sperýienice have shown that th, e bes 1hacteria present ila the soiu. 7way Le do this is to inoculate the On1 ld soUs, or',Vere clove orsee ith the necesýsarýybcti. other legumles are successuy For suc-,r seed iouain ri ., I CANADA THSE CIFPLEDISCITE OFFICER TIIAT a Procýlamaàtion ocf tlhe Governor in Council dlated the 9thà day of -Marýchl, 192,ordr aPlebiscite to be takenl in evýery electoral distritt* in Canada on the question set out in, the blo papers to be used thereat i the following w.ords and form: rote by mnaking a cross, thus af ter the word 'Yes' or t froni ny on arisirng *ny past com- YES NO (2) THA'ý-T the dIate fixed as poîliln day fo1cr the si lbsiei Mond,'ay, ïthe 27th, day of Ap ril, 1942. (2-) TIIAT poIlis wI eoe nec ol iiinfo 'ic a.m.unl 8 o,'clock p.m. (day-igt -savin ti me). (4) THLAT new ists of voters ha-ve been peill reaedfr ie said plebiscite. (5) THAT tire- said l-ist-, are wh'-at may 'iretr oe n iss"wich means that, in either urban or rr-alp ldivisions, anyquliv e voter wb.ose name has been omitted from fiSarre ma3y Vote onpolin day in his polling division upon takinig the required oath ,and upon heing voucired for on oathi by a Voter whose namie appears on thre list of voters for such -plling division. (6) THAT National Reglistration Certificates are required to ire pr-10 duced by qualified urban voters wirose names have bee.noite from tire lists of voters, and by those voters only, before being allowed to vote. (7) THAT adIvance polils will be opened in tire same localities and on the same conditions as at thce last General Election. (8) TRAT, as a gene-ral rufle, every person \V,1o has odnrl residled in Canada during tire Iast twelvýe montirs is ent-itled to vote at the sa-id p)Ilisc-ite if he is tet-n years of age and a Briish subject. (9) THAT voters w,-îill ie entitled to vote in thie polling- division in which they wr riail eiigon tire-,3th cday of Marcir last. (10) TIIAT urban vote-rs have be die of tire location Of Ïthe(-ir polling stationls ontir-e ntielt attheir dw-ell ing pacsby I'ti'e enumerators. (11) THAT r-ur'al votrs ave been n-otified in 'tre Notic:e to Vtr postecupin hepstofie, ndsh!oýuld have been verballiyadse by tire r-ural eu raor ft'irtelcto of thiri oln stations. (112) THAT, geealpligstation!-s fOr tire siJd plebiscite w-Ill be est~abished t or n-Iear tire saime premnises as at tire lastGera Elecýtioni. (13) TIHAT arrýangements aýre being made to collect tirereus of tre plbsieon tire evening of polling day as is done at a General ,e service or in training in any of tiin or witirout Canada, is entitled ancc of polling day by virtue of a )NGUAY Plebiscite Officer. elain Condi- land ýlon iwhiýf ni fi rkier condi-1 iefrethecrp itos rin ad-i Li sp'cies of bc ria penetrate the 11calby gr own culttures of thre bcei orgnlysecýureid from tiere odules on tire roots of the same species of plat xwhih is to ire sown, axce ap- pliud Vo the seed -shoi-tiybefore it is sn.By thdis .nthod theicbacteria arcecarried into tire soi!l with the seed, and in ample nunrirers to prac- tiLý1 ali u ure i etof tire root), wýith cnsqen ncreased gowhof tire cr. The cltures used foir innoculation arl*istriilitedClansmall otties withl each containing enough for one bushel of seed. For yýour convenl- ience your Agr-icultural Representa- tvE. A. Summoers, Bowmianville, has a suLýpIpy of cultures for alfaîf a, red elover, swveet edorer, alsike, and so7ybeans. Tire alfaîff a and d cover -ultres are twenty-cents, wiith tihose for, sobintwo frtwentiy-lve-. if you are sowing soybeans for thre first timne you would lire well advisedl to use the necessary culture. 'N NEWTON V ILLE Jack 3MCLachlan, R CAF, iras been trausterredf to St. Thomas. Conigratulations to Mir.anid Mrs iflarold Barrowclouýj1gh upon 1 the brtir of a baby son. Congratulations to Mir. and Mlrs. H{oward Ellijott (nee Stella Littie) un the fiir Ntriage atNewtoviIl,-e parsonage on Studa, ,y e. J. MoLachlan. Mr. and 31rs. Arthrur R edkný îa~ eelaOsi aa on SL tirday even ing. is. W. Whittaker ireturned homne with thieim after, spending the, xitrin Hamiltont and Toronto. Signalman L1loyd Morton, Mliss ith Chaai)iers, of Bellevile, tMr. an m rs. Artiur Eoskýins and! Mr. and MArs. Mllan Morton and faily, of Cobourg, were Sundcay guests c ~Mr,. and tMrs. Robert' torton. W. M3. S. Meeting Tire WJMýS. held their ii-onthily meeting in tire basement of tireUnit- ed Chrir. The mm~ting opened by siging '"Blest be tire pure la heart," f o11owev d with prayer by Mrs. Meahin rs. J. Lancaster p)reseLntLed another. qjît Ltop 1. Mr. Clarence Mitchell donate~d $5,00 to the societ in nmmoef Urs mother. It -was dIecided ito> hold a takofr ig service on the frst Sunday la May. M ý,rs. Jon--es thon ti ook the chai. llmn,"la Chrisýt t'hereý is no Ea fs t orWes." (rs ,C.Robinson gave the Seiture lesron. Paper by Irs. Jonus from the chapter in tir std n.rok,entedier cones tire CanadiansU" The meeting closed ly repeating the Mizpah Benediction luunison. SiTARKVI LE Mlr. Geo. Etwelil at Pickeiiing. IMrs, Wmu. Toddi, of Oshiawa, with Mlr. adMurs. Fred Todd. Miss Gwen Gilmeri, Claure, wý,i tih Mlr. and Mrs. Herb'. Giimefr. Air.and . Ms.ietiChan Joues with MrT. and Mdrsu Cecil Vonesu Orono. Mr.liIerlb. iPeadosr1, Wesleyville, wîth Mrî. and IMrs. Lorne Paedon. Mriss ~Marion Bruce, of Clarke, with Mc1. and Mrs. Percy Faiýrrw. Private Ronald -Maýga'hey, Brant- Wýord, -with bris uncle, Mr. Fred Todd. MWr. and Mes. Lorne Todd with 'fer father, iMr. J. Connrell, Ponty- pool. Mrs. J. E. White, of Elizabeth- villei, witir her daughter, Mrs. Ross Hlalloweil. Congratuflations Vo MeI. and tirs. S-id. Hallowvell upon tire arrivaI of 'a baby boy. Mer. and Mrs. Lawrencae avery andý fam-ily, Mir. and Mirs. Chas. Yule and limily, of Osiawq a, ih Mra and lWrs. WVm Savery. KeIRBY Week- GIow Seiff' s Fruit Puddling, delicious enough for- 5 servings, tin....25C. Cambel'sVegetable Soup. Week- Iend SPECIAL, 92 ins .......... 19c. Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 giant pkgs. and one tu1Lmbler or one cereal bowl for ,......... .. 25e. Hawes' Stove Pipe Enamel, complete wý\ith brush for applying enamfel', ail for ý. ........... 25c. Lam-p Glasses, large size, each .... ... ...... loc. Sunbrite Javel Water, large bottie. Week-end SPECIAL, 2 for .... ......... ......... 15c. Maple Leaf Cake Flour, radio feauture. Special 29c. Kraf~t Ready Dinner, contains special macaroni and the grated cheese, pkg. . . ýý.......... 19c. Crosse & Blackwell's Irish Stew, containing meat, vegetables and gravy, 17-oz. tins. Week-end SPECIAL . . _.. ............ 15c. Ail Canadian Sehool Art Paint Boxes, 8 colors and one brush in tin box, complete ....... 25e. Mercerized Cotton Campus Ilose, colors red, navy, medium blue and green, sizes 8 1-2 to 10 1-2, pair......... ..... ............ 49c. New Hurricane Lamps, complete with candles. 30c. Cutex and Dura Gloss Nail Polish, ail the latest shades, each...... ..... .... ........... 25c. IVen's Athietie Shirts and Shor.ts, Ail izes, gar- ment . ... .......... ... 33c. to 39c. Stedman's Auto Top Dressing, tin . ......... 15c. Stedman's Black Fender Enamel, tin..... ... 15c. Chocolate Coatedl Peanuts, fresh from the roast- ing ovens, 1-2 lb. f or .... >........ ...... 15c. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE URONO 5c. TO $1-00 STORE Motor Equipmient Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniiture Dealers KINDNESS COURTIESY SERVICE Eqluipped to take care of the modest fîuneral at the most reasonable charge as well as the larg-est and Most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Teleplione Collect uni u Bowmanville-, Ont. -as-t youir ballot to release thre gov- minnent £romii t s olgtoand t's win thre war. Buy any orne of thie host cf standard itemas at the regular priee and get anothier one just flike 1V for only ONE CENT. Remember the dates--Wednesday, Thursday, Fr1- day and Satuirday, April 29, 30, May 1 and 2 WATCH FORt YOUR SALE BILLS IN -MAIL THIS WEEK-END Golden GIow Coffee customn Groundc, very popular end SPECIAL 1-2 lb. for 21c LUI 1

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