TEORONO WEEKLY TIMEvlls TeOrono Weekly limes 01on,11On-tarjio Rates onrequest SuWbserýiptionr, $1.25 SuL7bsciption-.-s to the Uniitedl States, $2.00 All Job Printing Will Receive Our Prom-pt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher Governm-ent Now Has Free H-and The ruch talkedc-about piebiscite ia now history, anti Canada lias spcken, andi spoic-en decisiveiy in freeing the hands of the Do- -minion Goveriiiment «f the-ir election promise. Every pro'snnce ini the co'untry gave a "yes" rnaj ority, wt the exception of Quebec, and that province -went as strongiy "e as the othier provinces dîd 44yes". The govei.urneýiint can now brin-g in the co)nscrýiption (y! man- pDwe, if and when ità la need.ed. At the present tine the biggest zI-anh,kto the Urited Nations war effort seerns te lie the need of ine foi- consrition will lie wben we open un. an off en- t the neay which -shouid cerne early this year. Ne r won, or will win, n war by staying on the defensive, mner the United Nations cone to this decision the quicker il be broug-ht to a victarieus end. Manpower whea used 1greatý part, but they have te have enormious quantities to carry on a. large offensive, thousanils of tanks, planes, iachine guns, etc. 'These are the fir'st things that are Li lie ïmen tehandle thein. Surely the British 'Kmipire armies already te take the ýoffensive. Two years and a r îIs surely tine to collect nmillions of soldiers tegether. anda car- forge ahea-ci with her unir onanas the gox'- ýes fit. They niow have a àc-ean 'bill, anti frein no)w on the ,e ýcquntry wiII lbe looking for great things frein the ge-v- 'orgsing the4.-inks of National Unity ýt the -e ac-kgrounti of a natioynal plebiscite, of tie-ups on liost anti thie ices tension that thie approach cf sprinig ýJeý patrioti c revue "Pull Together, Canada," came to Ot- li aitai citsy's premiere of this new kinti cf war-tirne 'whieh the Ottawa "Citizeni" described as "outlining the ditintlguished patronage of Their Excelleacies the leneral anti Princess Alice and the spon.isoiship cf thie li- el, D-au'gters of the Empire, "Pull Together, Canada," i fiaýg-dîapeti, capacity heuse al 2,500. Prince Bernhard ss Julialla, accoinpanlied by Lady Byug, were escorted by mit of naval cadets anti skirled by the pipes taeii seats e-Reg-al box. AIl arouand, flags of thie United Nations boxes i' hich sat tihe represeatatives cf Australia, gi'ins, The Netherlands, Tne Free French, andtthe Uniteti se poesent were representatives of thie Navy, Arniv and oele. Ig at thie interval, Mis. H. A. K. Dnury, Regent cf the ber f the I.O.D.E., ýsaid tiiat it was thie biggest evening ti jeen sici-i-ethie Iniperiai Conference, Shie went on te cast fur having given thii-e serv;ices aad te explain tAi-a ceeds were going te the varionzs LO.D.E. war services' enting nexit day on "Pull Toerether, Canada," the Ottawa ýad "To a Elttie band of plain Canadian folk frein field fromi college te office, came thie inspiration fer 'Pull Te- nada,' a revue wýhieh la steatily forging the links cfnan- fy" What the audience exprnced, tiie "Citizeni" con- s "somiething thnt, if it car, be instilied in aIl Canadiani I briag victory andti make w\ars ipsil. The Ottawia la a two-column heatline, said that the revue en-phasized of -viCtory anti teScitibet it- as "an avowel of a i-ieu spirit )ttawa preiiiere aise happenedto tble the comring-ef-oge e cf thi"s rnorale.-huildii'g revue. C(-niceived, wriîtten andi al a Spirit of national ser-vice, it pl'ayed reeently thr-ough- o foi thie SLcond( Victory Lban Cani-paign. AttAiat tirn there have beer numerou ssuggýestions that it sheuldýl tour Y., The ar of "Pull Tegethner, C"anada" is to dramatize a )f action for total victry-a pregrani- that wîll wiu the ýe tbie peace, andi build a new -world thýat is the answeî te Merge U.S.-Canada Air Training (The Financial Post)ý i-g bis visit te Wnshington. , Piministe Kig iasL roaiiyof a onrin f the varions ,airtr, ungPro- ader way in, Canada antidheUnitedý States;. Tu-Is w-u!d a oia and sensible move. atter wh-ether air power alone uwlli le sufficient te t-uin in favoxi of thie Uniited N atio)ns, nlilitary -trategista an abundant aud steady flow of trained air crews is essenl- tory. The Empire Air Training Plan has done an arnaz- 1job in dleveloping the miachiaery for turnin*g eut those anada. It lias furnisheti a hlige suppiy aireatiy but it is icreasiagly doubtfui whether it can kepil, up on, the W of the basic îaw -aterial-men of the righlt Cage and ine Fortune la d us doulits are a( (S.andiExwpire witer secs it, 'x lubous. Tanasobersurvey (I-anced and as a solution trainliipg facilîtie.s 3-beinte- ,ve haýve the maachinery but 11ateti statasli as an obun- er, but is seriously lacking mierger -weulie( the poüssible sav- the Uniiteti Nations,,hamve naarn Md result la twiýe as nman taie be-e then that resut wold go a ivantagea. 0 tuai-net airen a year states Je i-i-g plan needs anst M50,000 e- Flieet 40 aei cent.astage due te du ceais as revceld dung Utra- ithe stanipInt af plysique ant gibes become of cge each year la g- df about 38M0O moi-ig the- nen- been rde y rxi, nti the ti-United' Kingdonmanti other Peail Ilaibeî; about 4,WO a year i;rne1 supnles ar,'e getineg short. ENTERPRISE -Mi-"KahleArid wa hem"over Che weekUn d. Mi!. EU ilar as meved cite M.A. Cris am Mv. Iusse Alle, etPeterboro, s;penjt the wek-ed hie. M-Moore !Ias returned home fromoonntoierthe surmmer. amf vedbak re .ewmavill. rChas. Taylor. L Mr.anMs.AetHris n Mary vstdMrn d 3Ms. Wmn. )Mal iey on Suinda-y. Mr.Herm. Potte ia akp jiob c'f diigthe ý ed ben truck and MIll hortly mnove te 1Ponypool. EDITOR'S MAIL 81(>euce&t StL PeerboOnt April 27.1i9c. Demi Editorý: To Imy nmaniy fîiends lu inOieo, as I wvýas sa busýy the laýst few days, Ys~ th' ast foi-v weeks (nibeiuga Young feiiow), 1 did -,ioiý have tm te eaU on ail te say goo'd-bye, se I taike tIhéla ppertunity te say gooti- bye. If I shouki nevew nmeet yenu ail again in the flesli, 1'kruow1 shal mieet seima of yen l' in t aud whereý they never say gooti-hym. How I wiséh Icud m Tkinw s mleet ai n-lIy friands- in ýhtntad. Te the Qutierýtily Boarýd ef tiie OhUrt, cof w[li-ich IwlSasam br fou Se a i-y years, I MA ikyou fo; tie beautftul hylanabo'jk lyou av me, andt t the ladies of the W. A. I thsnk you, one andi ail, for th" beautifuli quiit. Again T Say thanli yen and gooti-bye. Sceeyyours, O.W. SCOTT Fritiay xnorning, igli ti eajý,rjy, quiite a nume c iii ng enthuo- iaslis wil(ii havlibinig troxitstans LAMEiNT 0F -A DUýNN A~ nN PAI ENT My JointsadI stiff and ache lkesin But1'min oe4shape for. th(e fixý I 'm nhi. Myî thot î r, l mkes mne it --islkea egg with the shiel iankeýts tu,ýcedup uner y lhin, ii lugoue]shpefoi- the fix Fim in. Corne urse, nce mre, will you xub ct f5, likea kife with lboith bladecs My f o ot turned over., and Ibre 1m-yshn But "l'aýinlugood shape foi, the fix lI'm in. Mly knee won't bend anti mnpe Vim tired zLsud siek of the whole tiaïned show; It's siurely gettilug Gunder miy skial, Sti I m111 in ~ gOocJ. siape for the fia I'm la. Oh, ew Ilongfor m-iy home a-gia We ing pretty and ieofpa; My ead one, and i y diamiond l'L in g -) J'mu net se yo0ung, ani T'ne t seý old,. 1 ha1ve1 nej lho0Me ni:m-stuffs a1, solti, V've La j4igsaw puzzle n* a plate of tin nin lugooi sapfrthe fix 'm la,. Tomate, Ontaxiio. SILVER CUP AýWAýRDED TO NEWCASTLE CLUBE Th 1. Masn lvurcup, ar- blemaltXc of iiighest hùons in thef D eaney-foicubelativa DiurharnCa-1peIt Baillegu e, i-as 'Gog's ch ur-c, Newcastl'e, thre Thle pmsataion wl P,,-\b:Rex. F. HMasn,'t. MncsAnglican .CIla -ssif ie d Oroo Band oftheý Red Cross Soey ill hold a ancein-,the Towru Hall, on Thursdn, May th 14.DanCing frem 9 ýýto 1 a.1m1. Gai- FOR RENT Six-roomed( House, ele'dtrÏic ligh,.s. hard andl soft water inloue.lm- medite ossssin. pply -to' Milton F O R S A L E e r ca h Ta ro ,nlo, a fine h~ome f o ah enr ll oeated. lard and soift1 wate, an in g-ocilre:pair; also a col ma-l wood range with detachable granite linjed R.eservoir.ý Apply at, the TIimieis ofice. * FOR SALE Baby Chicks and Hatchinag Eggs, White Leghiorns and Rocks; blood- tested flocks; R.O.P. sired; large fuwl; large egg- sets. Cuistomiers are booking their orders to avoid dis- 2ppoÏinmeat as we intend to stop hatching early this year. AIl eggs aie produced oni our farim. ALVI7N CLENIENS Phone 2,430', Bowmanville. Prof essional Directory MEDiCAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. Ofice ilours 2.00 ro 4.00 p).m.; 6.30) to 8.00 p.xn. l'lP hNE4 7v1 OR ONO DENTAL DR, R. O. DICKSON Office Hours in Orono: Moniday to Friday (inclusive) Fromr 9 a.mi. to 5 p.mi.-Eve-.-iugq by Appoinbtm>ent iOfflice Hours iii Newcastle - evrF Satur-day from 9 a.m. te 9 pisn, For appointment -phone Oreno 18 r I VETERINARY Wlfred W. Sherwin B.V. Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office:. Main St. Orono Pihene 56 r 7, Greno, Ont. Paria ncar Halimptoni. utf QUALIFIED OPTrOMETRSIL ______________________ Licentiate of the Coi-ýlege of Op'tuam. etry ejf Ontario cup ten. years age 'whe waa m'ec- Office Heoure: 10 te 11. a.ia. amd 2tu*0 toi of St. Geoige's iý-hurch at New-' 4.30 p.man-d by appointmnu ate.The pr-esentation i-as matie Office lun(J.. Tyrrell's ,Drag Ston in the parisi hall by Viceý-president Phce 6 8r2 Gýeorge' Crýowthein ln the absence of__________________ Lis father, President Walter Crowv- tlil. . . G -.-- Re\-. i,. Mason gave an address ani Reeve C. lR. Carveth,Necs lIa, presýenteti motion pictUnes. The oldest active memrber present was T, W. Jacksonï. Speakers tiuring the lunchcleon' perioti weîe Prasýident Reg. Hard-ý ing, S-L. John's, Bowmanville; Vice-! presideat George Cerjbett, ýSt. John's, Poret Hope; H. G. Ballarti, carpet' bail leag;iue secretaîy, Port Hope;1 Rev. D. R. Dewtiney anti George1 Crywther, Newcastia. Do yeuî lsuyiîng in Orenoif n. Peo pie -wbo buY more cof any- tAing tban they currenfly ixeed, armi merchants .who encourage thbem to do so, are sabotagin'g eIe 'tae ffort and art sber4ore pubic enemies. INSURANC-E Fire, Casualty, Automaea bile and Liabiity orono Onai AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator- -Conducta Auction Sale ofUet ixftr and at reamonable rate.. Conmunicate with him at Poeb Perry, Ontarlo, or oee hA. (JM.k, E. liortoin, at Orono, for dat.. G. RICHARDS Practcal Watchnaker AlilRepaira teo Wstches, Clockt, gamt J.wellery, wili receive Oui rpp attention IF. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furnituire Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmraville -- Orcno Phones: Bomanville, Daiy 480 Night, 7ý14 a-id 57-3 I Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most ComiuIete Furniture Store and Modern Funepal Service in Durham urService--THE BEST Our God-THE EWS Our Price-,-THIE LOW EST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE - ORONO' EVERY AMCOMBINED becen a boast of- the Gennan ainies The comliniation ofaaoe n air, forces which w-,on victorlies in Po-e land aand in France are pitdt witAih pride by the ,Nazis. EB- Zee- brugge demonstv ated lu191S>. ýusÈ ais Bruneval anld St. na ai-,,hae ,c-iioiisti-ated n'ow, Ot Brti poori f onganization and Biti-[Shl invenÈtveness car deal evearecr effect*ivecly wid the cami-e poli Zeýebnuigge remmnds us that n plan in -war lias ever been able te ha followed exactly. Whetn t4he ful '~ history of the present war ïs tol there will le plenty of e-manirples of the different miethoA o iiItn thalas te be nse4 in diffexent Loyal citîmens do not hoard. They buy Only for their im- mneiate needs. They cheerfully adjust their standard of living, realizing that their counLtry's needs rmust corne first. They dlo -xot try to gain unfair ad- vantages over their heighbours. Are you a hoarder or a loyal citizen? Are you hampering Cantada'. war effort by un- niecessazy buying? Or are you co-op.rating to the best ci 70ur abilIty to Save Canadla from sucli horrors as Hong Koung? If Canadiaxis do their duty, thora will b. e nore hoarding. Everyone will get a fair sh1w. of the. goods available. More food can b. sent to Great Eritaïn. More 'aw Ymaterialu --ý more rnanpower - will b. available for mahirng guns, tanks, plane. and other armamnentu to baùk up oui' armned forces. T!i cases whero ilfU adlmàcble for you te bily In advomec of your immodiato equrm ss a u yeuxnou AmOn'. " Cc ul y-you wifl lb.encouragea tQ CeIO 80b? dïr.ct stat.meu mt fo oponsiblle oflicais. VARTIEIpaie£%AND ?EADE DOtRI OTTAWA 1 PARK STREÈT OROMO