THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Have you reniewed yourm subscription? Apply at the ORONO TIMES OFFICE Orono --Ontario PAýSTURE FOR RENT Nine crsgood patnre muind withr ruinig stram nd shade ii- villageý of rn.AppyGog Cewan,ý Oronso.d-19-C. Tiis ,season iis oeue of tihe earliest we haeepre dfor a good ,iiayyars. Todaýy you cani look out on om:iurseets anii see the treeis buiddinig nuisonxill be eut lu leaf iand îb is istill onli1y Arl 15 TIRES ARE STOLEN li FROMN LAKEFIELD GARAGE D'on Lloyd, Lakeleld service sta- tion OPeiatorý, reprted thiat 15 tires, had heen stoitn. froin hbis placiie d'r- ing -Aonday nighit. The thiieýves e- tered t htiotgh a window. ~aOf 309,40,50 PEP, VIM, VIGOR., Bubuormal? Want normatl pep, vlm. vigor, vtalty? Try Ostrex Tonic Tabletz. Containu onka, uimuïanta, oyster leniet- aida.normDQýai pep atter 80, 40 or 50. ÇQet a apedal iIntroductory .lze for e-11 854 Tr tie ldto normal pep PUd Vljn tqday For aet all good drusg a4re& Walker's Zero. Shrunk, fast color Blue Pant, (guaranteed). The best work Pant for farm or factory ..,.-........ LADIES ! New Mixture Chiffon Hoý . MAC. SMITH PHONE 6iir2 -OR ED & IONO TE STO Ri Chocolate Marshmallow Cakes, 1 lb. Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. Mixed Cream Sandwich Cakes, IL Dutch Set Onions, 2 lbs. Soda Wafers, reg. size pkg. Grapefruit, 5 for Pineapple Filled Biscuits, IL $2.50 79c Local News To-morronioplutes 'the ScolEaster xmiaios Hligh1 Sokr ]Estate ep ne ak St., oý n Stllrday last. Mr-. ard M-s. egnadEiliott, of Kenda!, vi-sitîed with Mr. ýatIiVs. J. EuleononSaturd-oy last. îMr'CitffordP'. Joues hias returned this duties a't, riigRadio Range atra very pest'holiday here. Mn. ýanid 3Ms. Garnevt Gamtsiby andI son, 0id Kingstoni, peut tise week- erId in Oronlo, î'enewing (aid aCquainL- Archie Waqrtson andI Neil Wood are homne for- a f ew holidays after coin- p)leting their filsat year at Pharnsacy, Turoiato. Thse reg-ular mionthly mneeting of ,11me Oirono Red Cross Branch will he heit nox-t Thursckay, May 7bth, at 3.4 5 p. m. Mr. ýantI Mrs. Chias. Lowden aud fam'ily ioved ou Tuesdiay evening te mu-s. S. G., invleshoume oni Cobb HilI, Orono OIdfeilows will parade to Orone Uite(d Chui-ch ou-1Sun"day, ,iMaty 3rd. O.,eno Baud will head the procession. Mr. and Mus. Wilfred Atcheson antI family, -of Peter ,boro, visited tireir cousins, -'r. an'd Mrs. G. Jus on, Suidiay. Miss Elleen Joues, of Picierixsg, acconspanied hy .Miss Eleanor Moore, of Suiibury, risited lier parents over tise we-ed The L.O.L. I}egree Teani were lu Pnpolon !Wonday eveninig lsst where Vhey -!nîtiated a few candi- dates for tbhat lodge. Elvin Blewett andI Maniowe Hau- cock., cf Galt, passed thýeir mechani'c course exains. for thse R.'C.A.F., au-d atre iii Torionto new. l>on't forg&.t the Red Cross Dance next Thursd'ay, 'May 7th, in Orono tmwn hall with Galloway's Orehestra supinnethe iusic. Mrs. D. N'dhle returned home on Menduy, accompanied iby hier daugh.- jtter, Mrs. M!cElroy, of Peterboro, wvith whom 'she spent tisevvinter _________ Plan to tase advantage of thse Rexaîl One Cent ýSale Yiowý at Tyrrells Drug Store. Now is thse time te get an extra article with a Es ~purehase, Iu lasi weeks issuie, in reprýtinig the W.C.T.U. Siliver Medal Contesit, 20C 25c 22e 29c lOc 25c 25C Breakfast Bacon Squares, about El' bs. each, lb. 25c Fine Peameal Back Bacon, lb. 42c Fresh Pork Liver, lb. 15C Round Steak, lb. 25e Sirloin Steak, lb. 27c Porterhouse Steak, lb. 30C Butt Pork Chops, lb. 29c A nice variety of Cooked Meats always on hand Large pkg. Oxydol 25e Super Suds, old price, lb, 22c Fine Rolled Oats, 5 lhs. for ...~......23c. 2 pkgs. Quix Wheat Flakes with paring knife. .25e Shirriff's JeIly Powders, 4 pkgs.......25c. 3-1b. box -,National Soap Flakes.......32c. We have Prince Edward Certified Seed Potatoes, early gnd late. It pays to plant them. J. J. CORNISH we Ànadvertentl'y omaited the namne 4f Archie McLarýe-n. Ardisie took paint la, the speakding cmntesit. Mus. Dora H' m nov eci ito her parents home, recently puiechas- ed on1 Park St, last weck-end. Mr. mud AMus. Bowen will ine1ve in frein the fan lu p the near future. IVr, Georg-e White's sale df liese- lioldi effeets 'was lieltI on Wednesday afteriioon, and a fafittendance -was preseut. GootI pices were realized! as lias been at tIse other househoid sales in thseecoinynnity. Prof. Roberts, -of tise Toronto University, liasý purchased tIse home of Mr. Jos. Hall in itile south ward. Mr. Hall lias purchased a building lot frein iVllis E. Wadell, just south of lier reside-nGe,, andI work wiili soon commence on the neiw homne. Somie of tise fariners ave nearly conipleted wîi th ieir sowinig. Mu. Heber SouchIr las cosapleted sowing his eight acres, whiile ýOs. Cowan has 30 acres of ,fprjng erop in. TIse scarcity of labor is surely geinig te maîke a emnail harvest tilis yeat. Ideal wathr ýtteateI d ihe sale of M'iss Kathleen Staples ou Satur- day afternoen ls.GootI prces we-re received for miany of the articles soltI, anti aIse some bang-ains ýwere handceà out. Tire liuse, whiich was offeredl for saie1 subject te a rsr bld, vwas -net solti. Tfise day of ai days lias nearly rrvd.Tise day that thse flshing experts have been waiting fer-the O'peinlg of thse trout seýaso on Fr1- day nserning ait daybreal,. Many stornie- will lie toltI ou our streets 01n FsIiay aibout thse good catches andI s on, whuicieil rwill lie rmosly fis stonles. n test eau iake fas't" make of an 2, 0rono, If you need New EAVETROUCII Now is the time to order it R.E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR centre St. Orono Phon PARK ST. UNITED CI{URCH R ev. S. Littlewood SIJNDAY, MAY 3rd ilaa.-heMaivern F'indii- inga Fnalciuserlis. 2.30p.a.-SùdaySdhooh. 7.00 pm-h ....of Oono will attend divine Resueniber XtesDay ,ý ?i ci e ,, N ames of Business Men 0f F.orty Years Ago (Cn4udfrom p age one) Presbyterian h r inister; m Long Sr., awin ad tenIt mkr LeC'vi L w ards, coprg; Robet Cowan and Son, Cotractorts; John U'all, cnr cramind nasonry;Dani Hall,, ConutraIcterad naor; ma1chinlist; John H Ioney, chieese maký- er; Dell. Rarvris, eheese -iakcer for John lUonsy; Leix rGamsby, ppr hainger- and pite;Wmi. Walters, 'aneraleteie; ia AindruIs, painter and paperer,; Free Andrus, painte-r and paperer; Ed. Davey, puiiniaker-; 1H. G. Lintoin, fouadry, which liad just been cýlosed; A. J. Knox, handmnaster; Dan. Allen, wagon maker. etc.; Reubeni Werry, hawker; -Weston Andrus, hawker; Mr.John -McComb, ritt fsitory; R. Cowan, cabinet factoily; Robert H'ooey, teamster and carter-er; Wes. Thboruton, droyer; Horace Moulton, vwool dealer; Wmi. Armstroeng, fish- ery sutpe2rintendent; Wmr. Battenl car-etaker af cemetery.; Thos. Don- caster, carpenter; Ilannden, Bow- mianville, and Devwitt and Briina- comibe, Bowvman-ville, dentists, who, came te Orone onem day a mnontli. The schiool teachers aPt t-hat time 0ere . D. AtzËtin, prineIpial; Rliza- betâh Wa'tson, sr. teacher, andI Susîe Ilutcheson, junor teaciher. Village Trustees, John Rickaby, clerk; John McIMullen, reýeve, andI ceuneillors, H. Milison, J. Hughes and Geovge Cooper. IMPROYING STORE FRONTS lAfr. W. J. Riddell is havilag bis store front toua down ai la'ina f ew days a neiw and up-to-date front wiii niake its appearance. The -Whole front will practically be of glas iand under and eabove t'le wývilndows ma.3onite will be used 'bo make the front ver- ttatieTh door leading inte- the store Nv'ill 'be set bacl, alloiwing for, four panes of ~glass', two l'n front andI tiwo on the sides. ni nterier of thle store will alio ibe chaniged arionnd. lIt is just fortiy Years tIhis icaminig Ma~y when the store wias remodelled by 'MIrs. J. E. Ricihards, Mr. Neil Porter hba aiso iraiproved the front of lis residence by haivinpg a large winidew plaiced la, tlhe front wall. These two business ani iare to be eongratuLlatmed on keeTping their premises ip in Ailodiin Tluursdny, lMay 7h the Oroneo RedI Cross Society are holding a dance in Oronio town hiaui Orono Tinshop ARMSTRDNE IT PAYS TO PAY Ci 'Phones 21 r 1 and 7 0 r 1 Specials, Thursday, Friday, Sat, This is No 1 STEER IMEAT we have on sale for this Porterhouse Steak lb. 38e. Round steak lb. Sirloin Steak lb. 35ec Roagst Beef lb. 25ct Fresh Ham1l lb. 28ec. Prime Rit) Fresh Coff ee lb. Quix with Pa r inl lKnif e 2 for 25C. Cadipbell's Tom-nato Soup 2 for 19c. - Fancy Pink Apr. 30, May Choice Peas 2 for 21lc. Rice Crispies Men's Fine Shoes, brown or black -..-. --$4 .00 Men's Odd Pants, suitable for workor$26 Fire, Casuialty and Auitomnobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bond, etc. Offiîce at Rear of Store ilydroMeeting Mouday ening ,hlast. A h1 'ýdor et $169.0l ian pidt the owmau- ile ublic Utiirtes, whl th uowr all.rbH hibi pi vr twofe mo Tru s taen e eting Oroi n crodiaceTreprted ou bih o No. 3 lu1941 an I ther is tii- neale) ùoug'h msoý a ney e t rinthis nte tk ue o theBlnextto on athsg Policay re TrustMe 40dating ori,noa Plic 33ustestmtho Pe ristson aegrintet ae th tnl'p over tfie ýillage to find eut wvhat repairs ebould lie made, and te report back at the next meeting. LIVER RICU IN VITAMINS À AND B Since every hemnemaker needs te, wvatch for vltaiu-rich andI mineral- weaitlsy foods available te her at ho'w Prices, she dees well to look ever available varieties e f liver. Liver is one ef thse nichesit sources o)f vita- min A andI aiso of thse B vitamins, notahuy thiam-ine aWd ribeflavin. In it is aise the iron andI copper -needetI for 'building iblood and. avoiding anemia. Liver is knrowvn ite health authorities as ee of thse mstnutri- tionally valuable foods. Pork liver, lcwest priced ef ail livers, cari le delicýiousely prepared Iby braising, that is by browning, fol- lSwed by slow m noist cooking until tender. Becef, limbantI calves' liver la aise delous priapared ln niany dîshes ather ithan as fried. 'Care In ceoki'ng liver brings good children are saviez sicir cith oy n girl s in1t ad sepaate Ls hoolIs Icl i r1ng fou nali o tof -S5ho the puia hne o f NWI Stainps adCerItifleýates. '1'e1 ( 11t l 11,ibati1ns 0of t'ile tar coelcfhildrýen duýring fou mothswas sufliýinitt ta'in 59,000 soidier's overseas day oi U1,966 Tor a wholen 162 for a Wliole year. Or, in teris ý,of the iman hoefront, dieiy were il kemp 88,$31inen on dity day or 2,s61 for a AwIle em 247 for ian entire yenr, The amount iby whidh ' annd girls of thre elementaliy of Onkaro Ave bos't he fort, ils announeed by omfciaI XDeiartmenit ef Edncation. secondar'y scihools aIso th are ..ijti-ve ln puttihrg asi nickels andI their dînmes 'te Savings CerftMflateslas ila by the report ithait some 95 enitside larger urhban ceni prhsdstarps and ýce for $W6000', d'nng four nioî, lmg December al. "kit s hocped thbat di*rmn ,ýetsix imenths,, Januýary1 1942, the average 'amounts the iruils in Mar Savingis patys and Stmsmay be lajý an offiial off the Depaartieii It le Lirged thet this plia seheool children becaridor thle war period iwith no l' et-Ui resits. Too, lonig eooking higlh a teinperatlr brinige il resuIts anhardenetI prodw-t of 'l avour.