becamle forJ- 3liratens it4 lie Lr years i un- grningý in Chitia, leaif rniHitý la on lier mny en mare swviily ai canquests, with aleaî :he féeh, seis ttemprt the cn htliree himparý-t - Ig on terside belt teeted whasc ie ai Austrahia is ng, yctic t lins oiy arbora, -'sthy o Mudli of thue onaFt y tawering ciffe 1 be învadcd s-uc- anti- îàIuýuSaIi ilnes ncr er iroinîJ p anýesebseund the -cea roue i Alied bande. A landuialathe aotlinIport Dar-win wouhlic dfiîtwifth its tron-g (defenceaý, amCd uld provide n poor menas1< cf rehia.g the richer sections aif liecontinent Anohervitihyimportaunt fac- trithtthe JaýpaneSe have nQt JMad tihe opporËtuatliies tO alke bluepriaite ai this ishand icontinent imaI ýthava ,been their inthe mi- 1er zIan)dc aifIliePacifie, iChudI- p'sfiehing lits have lien c x- aludad frow, Aucstralia,'s w-aters, UJ!ere canea i iîedoulit thatt ofh i pns sucece thus ,3fer Àkuohedige aitie terrain, ac ver, as Hiter iound taLo c the <alumnits laoAstreila tomketauer liaus no lnger have ta) dig te- ethiit 7heia- eha shp'cbisuit faitradIition, IlIthewhcateahbicuts- aou bigmt otaner-s, I48 týa npound ý;c ,Li r ui o tilu ceas grent izing 10 REPORTER DIALING WITI-iDAVE: THE HIAPPY GANG! EHi! G ig! And th1is pitr al cahte ta h HpyGanig, le!D, trbue ta the cawistenti y higli standard ai their entertainmiient, and tlie truly wodru pirit awas revalent during their broadwasta Advance royalties ai $1,000,00 recenthy paid the Gang for their new sang book, las been turned aver ài t entirety ta appraved war chariie as Mwii! hIroyaýlties eutn front the sale aif this War Sang Book~! Show 6s heard tliougliout Canadla - 1.15 ta 1.45 p.m. Mon4day thJroug-h Friday! Fred Alen, on his Sunday légît Corwin and the Bih af iWRili 9p00 pni. Funelny treat, !bas i-lm radas:for writers ai Daytimîý atgctda ra1tie te etig se'rials, Sandra MIich11a e1 wli idenl I'guiga' Recently 1scr-ipts "Agina-it the Stanr," and Sammy Kayq, te QuZIowKdsa adsin the aical world, Ahfred Wal others have ppnrdon th. ho, ensteifor bis diligent and coni and Èthea Fr Eed returna tfic vicit sistent uicashp during tewe nterdiws Jack Benny' newest serex particuhar mgt! They have a lot VentfPure wiHhlie"George iWash- of fun, end pc aads sombthing îngton Sipt Here,"e based on th4c new anddifi ro a te oh R' raadway h bt c ai te camle anme! pragrnm! And foiks ore culy Asmas 'n Andy won'% le vaca- giving flue Fred lec hoi i toigtis yer-in falct, they'vc6 isengaudience Siecaà t cme hnd butone vMaatonin fute ta Canada, andnctouch w "odr. \-ars ai proadcasting. It is anc ai the Mcw our vanety Some 1150 Lstenng Tp shows o n h air, and it'centr- Truhy autstaýrrnding pouto l'mn OU the,-,fl ixt iue. adhsein îiî pct r Side NGies on SmeFvoit AcdinOS"Fiying frFreeom' tic airTOMat'aremorle ua eu n 'hocmhe i cmsor for any prograw nci dle hîgitri- thecairwith hic weekiy chat bute ta alo .Mos I butHhyodand itcstas man wîo cie h aborF. Aogttc usada oa My, Madkaaps theneaisno ut»P- proutons apreu fom CSOC 15 Tb c pebdy anuds ar.e bl- boacatai"Sns ui ohics ed forward ta caudisearla te sing, hishting the martial radia worhdand sae ai tus munche and sangs ai the soiiers yea's cohnuers incude, for jorm- aiWoold War umber two! ahintcm Cccii rawnCDS carres- Ior d ai the Uweek le a rhythm pondent, for hics eensatiar- fanasyrecodedbyBnyGad portiago h;PrEser a iand mny ýothiers, ahcd"The FrUon17t: o rdciouomn JrsyBuc! e 1~ I OUR RADIO LOG WJZ NR.,Bie77k Wou (Umm.) 8 CANAÏMA S TON SJF(Pi Ownn .. 0I CFÏOChtsmILO CRAC u, e %Z cl ,ai 730k, cor50 reg! 710 V,.5 E TA leN Birds Prefer Tf7c Travel At Nightý" MOSt aoi tic brds îtairt !ands pr.efeýr tatavel ai igit theý uaraus fyctîrro tire carrows SOMe psces I Waterfahh, uindaertancrui stances, aiso nig-re hy ag Usiaalhy trebid hunli fhÉiglitshrymiedrkadco before d .Thiese ag rv chlers aa le ocrc yfc cing a ow-power telsc"opan tI theSprnganld Automin v ment, The glaing snurea Si.IORT WAVIV GSH Bnglnnd (450 Enaingd GSI> Eaglund OSE England 0SF Engînad (450 Engiend cSP Ena1nn~1 (48V England lIAIS Spain EAS~ Spahi RAN Russie R3E Russia RV96 Ruesia 11.-, m 15.14e 12.0, WGEA S5beneetsdy I5.33m WCAB 1'Iiiln. 15.27m WRUL Boston 15.15e, WCBX N. York 11.8Cm agninst hih tIcbirds lapas zxgaech(iouthined. Thoýugh- ta fiant cross îleface aith gratory fhightc hydyght. These aind týic desand ges.The inscctýV-eatinlg birdsLý often comibine b"husieswithphenureby fediag crratcnhlyon tIc wing. %T, othÈ!ers lit et one?ta n habitui altiude i lit and drive for- warud ucnigyuntil theen TIc PnamaCanai mas opcnedt for navigation la August, 1914, SUNDAY LESSON 18 SUNDAY. TH-E DAY 0F ACCLAIMI Mark11:-1;Luke 19:41-44. <Mark 11:1-10; Lke19:-41-44 folwdby Mark 11î.) GODNTEXT, - BIessed. i, Le hatcoiethin the kname cF Lthe THE LESSON AN CS SETTNG was on SnaApiril 2, AD. 80.ý -lc,- The, trinplial entry cculrred a,('n the wester-n siopeojf On Th11-e rMount 1(a)."Andwhen tlie.yda ilt no Jrusalew., unto Bet- phiage and4 Bethanaý', at thbMua aiOlve. Our, Lord (lhad restedi ia -Bethany ovr te Sabliatli day,ý and was naw about ta hegin ,ýt-heo hastweek i His lieon eartl, tle ays ai wliicli would li-spenlt in Jerusalm, tiedhe in buBeth- any, 1(b). "Re cendJetli twa aýi ls disciples, 2. anid sihunta thei, Go yourl way inita the villaýge ta le ver aantyaul: nd straiglit. wlay as ye ntriMita it, ý11e alial find a colt tied, wherOn M111ma1 e veCr yet sat; baose hlbad'bin hlm. ,8. And if anlyane ,saY unto The Lordhah ee of lmn; and straiglitway lie ill end hlm i ack hîter." The Lan rd nw tliat aý grat pirocy was about ta lie iuhiiledand lie kew tht i wa divïinely ordered tha-t lewetaý e tethecîty on tbis particuhar day on an.wcolt upon wliiîcblO i mlan had ever- ridden. 'The Lar bath n-eed aMhm' je tie auto- crc tne a ac lialaas- lute powcroveruS aad ours.IHe daes not expcct us ta sa y anc cont-rry worv lcneccdad says,'I hve ned ai auor"a fouind a otte at he oo ît out la the open stret; and tlicy th121 1that-t1 dthere said utot teni eve sJecus lad samd: Mnd tbey lstithmgo." AccorIngta Ith the answcr 'The Lard hath needoaihum e ed cause sr isethe Matrwswlknw ta, rýeturntleamaatoc couild blie trus-ted; and thfower mýiiglit bcili rdtlbiat ithal lie used by7the Proplit. Smo fJoy untoJesu, an cas on lm teir 8Andmay pradthir gar,- bra nces, heicli they ladj cupt froniau teicd. Thcrrng cordance w\-itLtecutnrosrc atfest ad îctoccaýsinrs. Tbi palmis s bl is tiuphad jhe peopls joy, foreand tcy tAt fohhowe, cmet in t e meaitCor 10. Besscdis tIc indo that DaPvid: Hsnamn-. hges. Tlle word hoana asr a prayer maing 'save nawp I-s abhy 1he-re ijt ,'istepryrath 7,Cpeoph ýtbI xpce nhato any lie accompïhhd now, h phras 'th camng kngdo way. Itli repsented as the Samue: 7y 41. "And wh ehdewagi JTesus was of.a grief a.s lie dles- cended the -Mount of Olive;fs and Aam stretched beneatli his feet tho ecit.y so narisusruiction, eand yet soe noncau fits 42, "Sayin-g, If thou m ha1dst knýcwn, in this day, even thaOu, the thýin1gs whichl belang un1to peace! but nw rthey Iare h -id mth"inle eyecS. 8 For the daiys Shýal1 corne s'hah et ast 11p)a bank aý'-bout thcee, and opastlicee round-, ïand ,keep th!eela n Orever-y side. 44. and shah1 dash ,thlee ta, the ground, anid thy chilfdren- witin ,,th-ee; and they shali nat leave in tliee ne stone upon another; bcueth1ou kniew-. est not the timeý of thy vstto. 'hinthis tliy dy'-etslmhad a day. Every comrlnunIity ,-nd eeypersanlasada-. a ,dfpmercy. if in tliat day the haost sha.0 turni, th-ey will get ife ini the Lr.Buit if they alwthleir day ta pass, thir rieth onlyý d1arkness. Looking down onJeru- salIem îthe gronrd caiaur Lord's grief was, nottat tliy had, sinned, and so braught an theni- selves nInntin. La tat thOere was no.thing peculiar ta Jerusalm. Hee they weei te sýarÏne tate afi Silthe war,7d.' The 'Redeemer waTuldilot wepbe- ia n e n n eeýd e d re (Jeniptio ni. What inakes bim weep lC that they wcill pot accept it at bis hands, il, "And h ntrdinta Jferu.. salemý inito thei temiple; and when lie had looked round about uponi ah ns t Jbeinjg lnowVeventide, lie went out iN Bethany, Mi the weli." No particular ac- tiiyoccurred in theb ccity ai Jerslmon ti seemris ltwsmerehy a time ai inspection) end t eventîdeaur La-rd ,wont bacl< A Betliany, Soybe-ans, ipre rmManl- ehuria, were fitst grown in Can- ada at the Onitaria giulua To EBeIcead Doubuing of th[aia.--te ta soyeanta briig i aa oa ai nearly 30,00acre-ýs adh metveget'able (ail andfee re quirements, is ha-1ped f ar la 1942 Agriîculture Dep0artment officiaisý Tancouraýgce enarged saybean;u production, tlie gvenmet ia a uliorized the Canadian WNheat Board tea by soybens at $1195 a bushel, basis Toronta lapas yersllie price lias rngdfrom 56c ta $1 a bushel, Offiissai dtle incrasedpi- ducition -,is urgenitly'nee Qdedk ta compensatefor 1o-sses inoi al b e c a use ai w ar n-tl ueP ffl ieY Canaa ,id theî United tae have enterd nto a pot pMPWora i incrýeasiIug soi eethe i prýoduc(tion as ýis psilato~ the ajor pamrt i the Canadi program wiHhle the grogiig ui arse graista facihtat an en3- larged out-puIv a ninlal fats. Soyben seed supplies aru noon toplentifulin àCanada and ai- sei:lpsraid tMîs nglit prve iitinig factar on the cr epfge. "Although, Caniadian isoybleanm- prodctionis smy a mleapared ta that aif the UitdSt;ates, ii, la nIotabýl that Ontario baer ave won tJe top soybenn awaxds aI- the (chiéaoInternatinal (Gxrin Shw or svrlyce"fs" ane spoiçesman said, "Soybeans have Abeen gow A ov~ Otaraas feast as t towa'1 anId in Suthr Quelbice. There lias beenma ane productio Ofiassaid fthat f*rmers pQoq . Pasingtawicht oeaxp- lie alhe to se theiroxiti equimentla iandingthenw GRACIOUS HOSTESS rI oathetn LADE U AýEVE AE e wifeoitli 1-OL IDCQ GAP P 'PA ci-an 1l FaISe'haOdO TE MA J[ AP 1C Cake là Fivepls lu1(iAE OP 6er htsbane; medicne. 0 TJS. in 171e 17 Tobuild, AP OS UE oneld 16'ort o aN 241ndian millet 20 Part of IUhing HE'mTU 8Golf deývice, 2tGitis a 8Co .mripeae. chariy. 32Scarlet. 22Iaimner he'.40 >Ted heîpiira 23 rpetrý 42 Tara roýot, W7 bigtn, hT iep 25 -flmi-L 43 ,ud3itOry, otsaa 7S, kworm, 26 ReA vegetales 448Road (ablir.). Mun __ 9 ulmee, tk7Palnesian 46 Ever (ecntr.), 4 er chetnu., 4ë F<artre-s, VERTICAL 4 kthd 20 Cuta title 51 Great fear. 2 F'oreigner, 4ý7Brn. <pi.>, 54 Naked. 3Veýxed, 49 Kmn a~ ~ a iwar. 55 Fortunate. Bank cle(rhi, -50 Soit lug., 1 Mus3icaI lnote. 56 ,,She w)as a - 5lmitateýd. 52Eternit'y ,15 AnUcient deity. Young - i6"Pilr a one3Bute