o 'Vol, 6. No. 16. E OPONO, ONT.. T'HUIýSDAY, MAY 7tlh, 1942. Subscription, Orono Red Cross Dance, Thu ýTwo More Germans Escape From Prison Camp At Bowmanville 71 Believe Fugitives Trîed Tol Butter Productioni Ia Mak Thir et-way Durham County Decreases in a Plane It is beciing V4 o seeml as if it is iampossible to k-eeip the German '4rîsoners from ,the Bomman,11ville la- -taramenit camip fnomn esLcapiing-. Tliey just captured Kru'qýg, who escaped two weeks ago0, and now two 1more have made their escýape. The botli fugiti-ves are lyers, Ern- est Wagner, -who lîved in Motreal la1937 and 1938 as a ski ias,,tiuctor, 2and Reinhardt Pfat. Both of ijhese prisoners spaak good Etiglish. iBoth fugitives escaïped somletimi-e oa Tfuesday evening,,, and up, to the pras- eut have not 0Deen captur-ed. A ligbt trainiug plane wvas stoleal _lrom the Barker Field, near Toroato, nround 3.45 a.mi. WadInesday mnorn- ing, and it is thiought by police that the two airmiea may have been re- ~sponsble, and if this is; true, thea the pair did not get verýy far with the plaae as it crashed aaar the end of the field, close to tIhe maia line of the C.N.R. to North Bay. ~Trains rua slo'wy past the field after ,the Westoa stop arnd one Vhe1iory is thiat the Nazis boarded a train after teir- effort to flly away failed. C. R. "Pat" Pattarson, president of Pattersoo and Hlli, lessees of the Àîiachine, expressed the bliaf thie 2Germnaus nay have turaed on the switehi and throttle,swn the pro- ýpalier over and the miachine "got ,3,ay' witihout them whea the mo- tor started suddaaly. Walg-ner one a ski instutri ,Llonitýeal, later làved in New York. He weat to Germnaay just before the wvar and joiaad the Laftwaff .HIe sýpeaks good French as well as Eng- ýJish. Hie is fiva feet nine inclhes la heht, age 341, and weighs 178 ~pounds. ~His ecoiplexioa is very aire hawalks eret., lias bhue eyes ,indon hair. Pfundter, 21, i3 five, feet four inches tail, and -weighs 160 ipoundcýs. Of stocky build, 'ha isda, %ias a large alose and suinîl chia. Both are lieutenants. They had at least a 12-bour start, it was iadfieated. They dropped ~fron1 sight about il ýai, on Tues- -day. It 'wasn't until the night rali ralI was takea that their absente was discovered. A desceription was not available to the press until 3.00 a.m. on Wedaesday. At that time -rio details were released as to how the men effected their gat-avway. Thay ware the se'veuitli and eighith ~prisoners Vo ascape froim Bowmian- wifle. .Eighty-three prisaers, counting týhe Vwo- juat dîsappeared, have as- ecaped from C ianadian camps siae they firsit were brought to this country £rom England. Seventy-six Were reca4ptured, four killecf rasist- iang caýpture and one, Baron Faz Výon Werra, eventually succeeded la -.eturning to Germuiny via South America. He ma-s subseqUently e- -ported killed lnaeation.1 Butter production i n Durham County for the fi1t, Vree miloitl-s of 1942, showvs a da(crease ovar the correopoad(ing- thre monthis of 1941 hy 116S6 poun.dsý; W'le for the month of _March of bis yeýari ovar last year the dpeieae for the moath is 109,5 pounds. The Viotai productLion for! the Prov- inüe of 0Otario for the firabt threa .moiths of 1942 was 12,572,542 pounjd, Ïwhile in, 1941 for the sanie peiod thee .v were 14,10G1,209 ipoundsý prodiuced, beiag a decerease for the three mnonths of this over last year of 1,48S8,6,67 pounids, w,,ï-ile the de- creasa for- the monthl of *Miiarch thisý yvaar ever la st yaea,-i s 1491,532 puads. 'The total butter mî-aaufac- Vtured in M1ardi, 1942, was 4,609,99 pouads, and for Mardi, 1941, 5,- 1W,561 'pounds. Oshawa Preshyterial W.M.S. '1ilI Meet at Newcastle The ureah annual m,-eeting of the Oshawa Presbyterial ofE Vie Wo-i maia's JMisslonary Seiety of fi e United Churcli of Caniada will 'De held lai Newvcastla United Chuirol on Fidey, Mýlay it. The meraingiiiisio commencesý at 9.15 ýD.S.T., 'VV'an ovgan irecital iooed 'hy. rgitaion. Alapole Gro(V" Auxiliarly Jare ila charge of t ,the wvori1hip service. The "story of bha ye,'\ill bha g van by ,Mr-s. W. W. Gaa.Folwg the miessages from ffhe seartaria2s of departmneats and trauea spcia massage wîll be brouiglt by Mrs. W. N. Affleck. An outstaaldlnig featurie of the rnorning sýession wil lea quiz conVtest on homie imission wekietween Eàstera and( weýstern sections, coaiducted by Mis. W. P. Rogers. At thie dianer, wvhich will be sarved by the ladies of Newcastle ehiurch, greetings wvill ba brouglit from Rev. J. V. McNely, Chairmian oe the Osbhawa Piesiibtery and 'Mrs. H. Jose, President ofE W. A., Newcastle United Ghurch. Followiaig an org'an racital at 1.50 an "Ia Memiorianm Service" wililI le conduoted 'by Mrs. 'S. Littlewood and Ms. A. A. Drunirond, Orono. Mrs. W. P. Rogers -wi11 introduce the guest speaker, ýMrs. 'T. C. Young,ï whlose suibject iili e "Persia inu'the New Day," follo'wed by discussion and questions. Musie will ba ren- dared by Vhe ladies' quartette, New- castle. The election -oïl officers, -appoint- ment ofE dlegates Vo Sdhool for Leaders, invitation for 1943 PresbY- tarial nmeeting milli ha followad by the reports of courtesy and raselu- tions committee. Mrs. T. iC. Young will instal fia new executive, aftem w'hiceh Rev. R. E. Mouiton wiii con- duct the tdisiissal. 80,,000 food parcels a waak for British prisonars ofE war la Nazi-lield térritbory is the objectiva ofE the Canadilan Red'Cross tjhis Year. How The Red Cross Will Spend $9,O00,000 Food parcels for Br-itisli pisonaers ofEmur ini Europe ..3,15O,OOC Food for Canadian prisonem2is la Far EasV ý..................400,000 Total ................ ............ ... . ............ .....3,550......000... Eýospital supplies audmacnds purciases for- coin- . forts for the armted forces and civilians ............._......3,7M,00 Disaster and emergaic......... ............ .... 1,000,00o .......(Inluding assistance Vo Allied Cross Societies) Blood douer service ...................... ............ .... .... ......200,000 Total mar servi ces. ...........-................. . 8500.00 Cainpaig-nan(aadpubuicity ........._.. __........................ 200,000 Amninistra tien ........................................... 300,00W TOTAL ....... . . ........,................ .. .......... ..... .......... 3,o ,~ ' 2.22 2.22 10 GREECE CONTINUES TJE FIGHT AGADJST AXIS TYItANNY Many ships of the Royal Heluiei Naývy suc1eed'd!ieSýcapin.g when Axis forces o'er-ran Grmeece, rfavming in the Middle East to continue the fight against tyranay ide byr side with their Brtsh comracies. They are carrying out caily war,, patrols in -the -Mediterr-anean in quest of Italian rwar-sips and transports. This photograph was taken on boardi IL. M.S. "FaulConuoti" A FISIIERMAN'S DREAM THAT COMES TRUE The largest trout evar helieved ite have been 'caugtit hsistric ma suscessfully laaded oser thewe- end, at IMm. Joe Hialls firme by Kn Neals, after -a 15-asinulte tui1e. It mas a nice specîmen of bramal treut, measuriag 22 inclias Ml lgtlh, and wighing 4 pounds 141 ounýces. The fisiliiaps 5 luches la deap:Ii riglit from the front fins at the ueck anid kapt, ihs depith for about 18 iiteà(s, wliicli tiade VIeftsîheav laeight. "Wink" Wnes a oiaywith Ken, caisgi iafish ,w'haa it Iwas lan'ded te pr1event it from lfleýpq)ing back inito tHie mater, an-d ila doing 50o had lis both iaads scratehed lslight- lyr by the teth ofE Vhe is. Ths inws Nv c augt ou a lg No. 1 hook, frem iq hbi -as a twxo foot place of gut whidh c'oanected ente a liglit fine, and using a tale-ý scope poe. Luchily, at te time the end linik ofi the ipole was naît pullad eut, making VIe pole a good deal Jiack Darnes Defies The Germian SUb M and s.iW. C. Crossley Te- ceived word from their son, Jack21 Barnes, on Tuesd'ay Mas from a port liioit Amiericýa. Jack lias niadel anothe safe journay from Týhe Stte o that ecountry tharough , b infestd waters. On C"s rua he lc-waîs fiing in on another bout, ri>,ievir.,,a a muawho w,-as operated on for appendicîtis. B3efore his dprnelie had 14l ýass- port phiotos -Itaken ibefe lecould sal-,i. ]He wllfly Ibaek Vo nthe States and CHl make 'is next rua on is r 4uarsiip. Jack is- in ýthe best of healtl1tihand tsle obe remeîmbered toi his friendis in Orono amd district. stronger. Acac like tiis is geierýally just a fisýherm-,an's dream, býut this tim-e at le-ast, was, a reanlity. Now every fi~emnin lIhe district will try his luck for he lailge euies. - Canada's War Effort A meekly review cf developmeuts ý on tIe home frorit froni April 12 Vo1 '30, 1942: 1 . ,Canada vdtd April 27 on pIe-c Ibisoite question: "&Are you la faver1 of relasing ie govarmment freni any obligation arisdng out cf any past comxmitmnents esticting the mellhods oif 'raising men for military service?" Wibh saieaoutlylng poils stili te report, Caànoda gave 64 ipem cent ",yes" vote. Proricial 'pr~tg "yes" votes: Prince Edwvarýd Is- land, 83; Nova Scotia, 79; Newv Brunswick, 71; Ontarlio, 841; Mani- tola, 81; Saskatche'wan, 73; AIber-ta, 72; Briish Collmbia, 80; YuIIkon-, 68.* Qudbec voted. 72 ýpar cent "No."' Fomagoing do net incluida armedl forces vote miich miil'ha anaouncaed 2. Shuildinlg orders placed la Canada nom total 550,000,000. Con- tracts aagotiatad for 71 additionial c!orvettes, 25,more niluasmeepers and 16 trawlvers. Womk proceeding la 16 major shipyards and aumarous smnalier shipyards on the cant amd -wast coasts andý on diah St. Lawimenca and ýGreat Lakýes on construction cf more t1ian 700 naval anuts. 3. New Govamomnent Company, Pa,ýrk Staarship Co. Ltd., incorpor- *ted Vo sup)ervisa awrd conitrol epera- tien ofEnwy-bitCanad(Iian cargo vsselsý. President ofE na ompny R. B. Teakle, general manager, Canadin National Railmays. 4. A. J. Crwfrd gnemal organ- izer of Slieet lealWoikers miter- netion-l Assocaticon, o reprenant Laber on Direlters,' Board of Poly- mnem Corpoeatitoa LVd., Polymiier is Goveuni'ent-oaed Com-pa'y char- ged 'with responutsiIiiy for rou- ng- synthetie rujDbýinlaCawada. 5. Ahr-miail ser1vice froinuCia-a Vo United Kinidom via Necwfouad- iand and Eire te ha res'umed. 6. PïiereDiipuy, Cianadian charg-e d'affaires Vo Viahy, called te Ottamna for- consîultation. 7. Control over use of recllai rublier furtlier ti'ghftened. 8. Unitedl Nations ai training conference opens lai Ottama lVay 18. Abot 5 deegates expecte-d. 9 . Sbýs i d ieês 1pa id by Cominiodity Prices StabIili7fationi Corporation dirin, fiveinotiha ofE general price ceiling total$2189. 10. PhIysical volume ofE business ini C'anada rose from l13.3-ýiu Fabruary Vo 136i.2 la Marcdi. Gain oerMardli of lunt ya'ar: 8.5 par cent. il. Value of Canada's extamnal trtde moved sIiarpI ly ili e r la MarcI, aLggragaite ecuieof gold îbeinig $31,858 comupnirad' mi $287.,52,712 la the paveuiioiti aad iii,90,09 la Mardi last yearij. 12. Cenitral poo)l for distrIbution oEal bulk food guts establisffied la Great EnVala, Vo 1'hakiown a"s IIOvarsea-s 01f s (Food)Aloain Cenre" Nw organizaition miI hanle iu'lk guts of food froni char- itale organiizaitionis and isecieties. Bonla fida ýunseoIL'ct(Adparcals te uin- dividuails noV affectud liy new ar- ragaet. Thase si' sljitot following coitns(a) a asn y) pont enV t infrequent itras (b) go as siuniecpar-cai nût axceed- ing fiva pounds w'ight iacIudiag mmappng5;(c) nust net cenaal an-, oaae foedLstuff weighîu'g 'more Vian twvo p) ouad Is. 13. S. A. Cudmnore apponted Do- nl, ioa Satistîcian wmi th Herbert iMarshall as assistant. Mm. Cu-Jdniore mas assistant statistician until re- iement ofE Dr. R. H. Coats la Jan- u a ry. Attendi Divine Serv In Park Street HONOR CITIZEN ON 82nd BIRTHDAY Thoi~ ryApril 80O - The home of Mr-. and Mrs. Ro'bertb est iii Thortibury was fihe scene of a g-ala eveat on 1VIIoaay evening xvhanLI soea twea'Ity friendfeI of long stanld- iiag met teý honýor -Mr. BesltÏ, who had attaiaed bis 8211d birthay. Over ffyof bIs years havýe been speat hu business ia bis adopted town of Thornbuoeyý. Bor-ilin Orono, haie earned tallor- ing aad for a short period ýw'orIedaet his trade ln New York. Retiriag Vo his; native towýn ha rnarried in early if e and 5-1 yaans ago the yeung- couiple purnehased a farm on the Brd lire of Ewphrasia near the Village of Duncan. It -was while here hoe atkainad a district -wide re - putation as ain entertainar and sing- eranwa heard on maay occa- sinua la the 'varlous Villages throughout the Beaver Valley as irell as Clanksbuîrg and Th:ormabur-y te w-,hich t oma ha seen muoved. Fclloviing 'sevaral heurs spent lai plaýy-iag- 500 and auchre the hostess,a assisted liy lMrs. John Hutc-hison, t sarved birthday cake. Saated in Vhe place cf bonor was the g-ealal hosIlt, flanked by J. Dillon, chairm-an of theIc Public VIiVis Comuinisaien, E:x- Reeve John Kutchis'on, Ex-niayoi 11, AhfeaioheTowa Clark Georgpe lH. Bojone a O'n'l'e Robe(rt J. Kerr. Willis Hutelhison fa-voured with saveiial violin selectiens. W\V. R. Faircetitj was iskad te rend an address, vihila Georg-e H. Beone prsate M. Baýst aud bis lifa part-,t ner mitii sultabla giits. Thie hest,i ia rasponding te the toast, "Our ffout," proiposad by W. R. Fawvce-tt, gave ail thoea presen't much food t for thougiht lby many cf lis sug-ges- tions for a long ife a.nd pleanat sun-saitdays. 1On raquest Mm. Best sang- sevemal cf 'is old sengs and Il raeîvad a hearty receptioa. "Wien You and 1 Were Young, i.ggewas sung by John Hutichisoia, mbile 'Cînyton Parkitisoa sango as a solo "The Happy (ld ýCoupla" and lad lu joint sing-ing ofoi liifavorites. All praseat added their coagratu- latiens la shert addmasses. W.Mi.S. MEETING Tlhe ýMay mneeting of 1Vie Woman's Missionary Soiety oiE Park 'S'ret United Churdi mas Lhldon Tuas- day, May S5th, mith a g-1 atni- ance prese(nt. The Presidant, Mr-s. Littlexvood, presid'ed at VIe meeting wbich opaaied witi a hytma suitable .Th, Over -104 vieservice culion filed -foitIl( 123rild anulivi oiE the 'Order room and paraueu t il ous se -CýionIIb efer churcli. The Canltoan mied'ateoly liehind tii ver'y qpieturesque in t:heýy mare followed T~ menibers of Vhe othi iRev. Liýttlew-ýood si ,he lst chiaptar and "Pure regi n ad Ged and the Father tba fatharless and thair afflition and unspotted froni the Sý,peia1 music %mas choir, by Vie singin sîso a solo îby Mrs. tiýtled"Bbyn. AftVer a van'y imi FtI ise members of the '"Blaln'V plied iy the thou ians and fer 'Spingi, foilh the Lopd's Pra, Mrs. Lîttloen wordcs ab--out th s.hip i-iee!tinîg lh Uniitad Cuhurce ly. IV was deýc Stewý\ardçsbip ni( mi-eeting luinJuly There mas- s, dia Ibale to be s aboultLthe Exp qru!Ltiug is te lb, In the WcmstII maere resu ey tiehit ýhfor."I CIburel the Ho The chaiptar ila [Ohircse cdur-ci taken iby Mrs. lï gave, a lmogt lit ative iakon 'VI ,The meeting'c ingl cf ia ihym Z Resuits 0f Orono Coi School Exî Grade IX. Dawa Moffat 79.8, Joan Humns 71.0, Pater Chilmara 68,8, idd Richrds62.6 DoenCmish 62-1, Carl FlinVtof 5 0.9,, Lavemne Boyd 59,3, Or-villa Chatterbon 59.0. Jean Fac 57.8, Normani Dent 553,1ar.t- ley Dent 53-'.6G, Nailia Wright 3.1 Ross Canletonk 52.6, Greta Marcer 8.3, PuieRhîs44 Betty Linten 4.5.9, Lois Tuner 43.6, Ray Dan Oi lmaxa 73.3 Shile Po'tchi49i oda47.3, Brua I.-. Y, May 7th, Town Hall, i Over 104 Oddfellows