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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1942, p. 3

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VOICE 0 F PR ESIlS 1ýGCST FOR M1OTHER-IN-LAW WýViro sopsinto the rechand bý-nga oderOut Of chaos ýwhiea the if ole ick, the maid bas iýeft, thýe hnbdbas eýxtra work to do at tireofce'î.; lictte Mary bas the eniffles anýd Jobnny masbed iris oe, there 'aýj. nothiag fit to ont in tire bouse aind tredays' dishes rstacked i'i tresiakt? Who oa a ai wvaye dig lw in ber ýpeeket and fin-d a ltte ony e bep eut )v:Ils thelbile when tues are Bilestrisand istla nthi infat mmc aoualheiro WASHIN FOR JAPS Chnselundry staffs have hadï .-D be icece anorh nOn- tnoin ireditrctwbr .Jpan- os lborme movod frni Vh llahied.Ificigpdoshw op ise of the shirs, the eus- Vomers we>tave te ook orfo hs cause. PRINTER'S ERROR Accordig toe eold gagif ua dctor _akIa a istabke, ir buie Î!t; if a iawvyer ma1,kes one be h col- ýects mre focsfor tbe ape If a judge makes onoeit eventu- allybecmeaa prcednt;if n clergyn m akes oeho doeen't word, utlot a pn'itejnrrmak eno-ye goda! EXTENDING LiVESý %boughout ail provinces of Cn ~d ilnoV oilyexteind to ife orubbsr tresbut ;will xtndthe ~ife of ma y Éotoiet lvewth 0ants.hiurn tbongbts pas araanged PERFECT ALIBI ~~< -" Wbe n horond an artieadvs- I,_s wife .siit was , justaothe lxuefor Fsýtayiîg on1-tagts --StC Thonms Tmes-ournal HITLER QUIZ %mat sbod ho donm wt Iliier" nkea Toropt paer W tsthe useof starting ac quiz liketirt, henyenj can't print ail theanvrs --Otta a itzen THE-Y DON'T KNOWY Wbot ho in'ome tex de-- signerasebidron o11 ver 1weenet -Brandon Sun Speed L imi Set Tire sedoe ecedîs Vliiker- ia"g above 40iimiles an hurwill mentroublefrCndinmtr Iste fon coato co set ato a luf By a Federl gov mc0f.-- tIremaxmumspeed imif wil ir 0miles an our a il) prvines Fertir fiaftirlce, tire sped llaw bilie simila.r acrose ýtire Dominý- io.If trespoefI limit now le re- lew 0 mlesan oum lu any dis- titifleanotincsasedj, Coservaton Stop Tire ordeî lea astop la tiregor- ~ ~ nmut' cmpagato urt tire non-essential usýe of gshieand ruiibr rduiag -te war. Those wbo fail to ob heVs order are lhable for a fie ffenco te, a fine of net bas thn $15 o)r more thanm $50, or te mrsorn for nef more firan 10 days, or bofir. For a scn-infraction o cf i a, tireflac is rised te a nimum cf $254and a maimmof $0 n ways. Tire persistentspeder Willfln Matlntaasubsegnounuanece wu;l ans. h tl ef ectian$5and lnef morsjý inna $250 as a fiue, and impns- onment for nmors -thvran30 daye, *fan, Offace un)der tire -egîa- 'tar îay he prohbîteiflem do-tn ~~ tng ~a 'moto vhileauwier V-tm nada feriapo lud u) e i mwo tis, abBo rrowing a fountain peui from a bystander, Princess Elizabeth abve chir presunîptive to thie British tbrone, registers for war orl inth National Trainiag ServJie Program in Loadon jmet like aay other. 16-year-old girl. A Wely olmnAbrut This ,5and That hi The Canianu Armay "Lcd-sîngr",as any old soi- feigne ilnse te get out o! doung hie regulr duti es. i e ooke upon, at fi'rat sigbit, as a smnart guyý who bas"puit0one ove" te MAedcal Officer, But, asutirefur sex onts ont when referning te tCe order lu, wbvich marwin adwoaiwrÎce atod, second thoughts are beet, andý ilentvery long bafOo are M ful omcors and contemptfo bum. Tbey realizetUntdinaddi- ton epntting one ov21: tir di cal Officer hoie putiag oeover thon-fer smeconebsVod tire duty ho shinke. LIFE'F LI-K ETH11A T rve orst lead-swinger la tire individual Citizen's ry-bc le aIi of us-to day is tie mno wom)nan whoussgaoin nae Tin;s mom-ning a Icaelown Vo- wok1 lookedý, dly at firet, tie, UaVie sreîc f crsmas about 'it wnyo a e-eranld Vo do? " Or G,"Do'onut oplaetoirle carl: rieof Somelitie insagoone of B>y Fred Neýhe-r "We don't like our new neighbors, they're too quiet. .,,Mom makes us keep sp tili ail the trne so she a hoar what they're sayin' " thlee columans was devoýted tY te jauity sodirsofthe Arnorced Corps. The ad the the airmen ,whobobG mayadteiil ippines; they and the nwa siwo niour 5snmaines and rAtor torpeds boats are thp e nawe sboud save orgaSOline fo1r, There çýis nothiaigvryant looking about a soldier who baw b;eeîîakenprisoner orkied I kao-sodo aay of yo-I av seen heni.,Aad en are -going to be tke p risýoaer aad kied,ý Ahorribletbougbt? Sure it in. But that le son close tho war in to us, one extr oyid aursos Mfead. doat for tueae la uniform Aad observing food aW price ing.T AtBscandAdacdTan ingfCentr>e, la ,camip and on at i-ve sriesodosand saÎIîre put -a on bo-sat teuu wok Thei taîng sémulat e cta buras u aenergy To rpaethant eneg 0àoe beary meis ueSt bc Supplied. Evory tune the bonseholder pi-)ýý vates use a,1littie lees than thecir sugar rtion or bk akeViti a~~~n susttue orrgar, they re eiaigthat mubenry o Canada'L"Mea t Arme"', Aadtiecbo ,,wif Lane Crp oralü-or isï ee Pat lena ,ýiMor in your bouse ?--who pute to gether a tasty mess of shank-boae oions, carror, a lite-not tee mach plaseturaip an aage ea ortweiastead Mof callinig up thsor ta nosherself l h Royal Canadan Ordnanace Cor-ps bylaigjust r ittie mor-e nmetald or eventns Hores ali02ofk,(Iche1aam-- aiton.Oascup of -erefd vwhite sUgar eube epacd y aple sugarGOeucp; maple syrnp, poas Malta Hlda Ou Aftr 2000Raid8Il heavlest air raid oy the vas yi waýs also Malt' 2,thaî' Ir raid !MM190,TNaP le an averge of tbree raidst a Ladaya about as mucbý ttetionasth rest of tUe1,99-a coupleoWpar- agraphs tckcdawavy at tire end on, th--e boýmbing of Lno tsc a rate thlat it seeýmedmpobbl tiîat the expericuces, of anersi- dent of Unit metropolis wouid e- cape recording l ibrn omt but there le probably not an entry on the Bombingco! Malta ila aay. Aud Mlta boidaont.Thre con- stat pn Iag te is"[laad bas ne- basi ýe et tstPigurd te p ProacbUos t203 Liy. -Mal ta ba ýs ImaLd a long oenicnc, wih dasieo.Tho Kalîgbts f atabetof'tA Turbe la15415aadNplondd' fare wu!i thier. And tbe forti- caft'ons 0f ,- 00 yea-rs seýencabl of wihtnig2,00 'ids fro i snc mde gdgtsaa ,lrpians. REG'LAR FELLERS-Only By Invitation :~' ~'~~!i a -~ &~, THE WAR WE o Britis-h Bomnber, To Strengthen, A year ago i a peW e tu h ReichIstag, Hiitler ad "Again and again 1 uttere and 1 dud sofor overM th rada hIýf 1monthls., , .Sou w Curch- il-! bas got hisair war'ý, ,-WVIe t aliatIe ahudebobfreer oni, of bis aa to --ugo on n g anýd Ihis ehd. in Ma y, 1 4 . age l Evyery te Wspeh s recUitd spreehtawetboeayTh paence . . . Warnng of retli ation m .Cune atckutî.l "th1iS rmia"is driven rý ont o power-. promisiag toLegiv blwfr iw a year ago he wae prmisn"ýa hunded bmbsfor every oaeS, The time bas arived wbevh th muntiag strength oCf uiis nd Amrcnair power no loanger -Owa peopie ht emnyme For an understading ofth les it àle bepful teconuasdr the bombing of Coventry in 19C40. That assault as decrIbed by the Germansas "the greatet inae= jai bisory , d t hÈ ti ï t was ,feared tha't scbr ilght parie Biis nusresf preset Briieliairrad agnt so, masieas o~nttt oe tngnew l i rnre Luebeck and Rostock are porte oný the BalIc ; aofviali -portance to emn. bog tbem fiow supplies to Htioe land nd Nra.Leekl tmiigcentre forsbmra and a warebonse tentre for miii- May stores. Rostock l trvigsaor sbijpyards ae hee nda agte branch of'h ra Hiklar and dock faciiem l1i htwo ofthhevctris sttaged Jon suc-essive aiîgbts-car-- rie-d Out b rts obrtn of explosives weredropped on air- Maft factoris, shipyarsand %the barborinstalations c tst(ck, lta tcsweresidt-o bveI upasC the ponzgvste e ek ,befoeouebeckwhîch l- ai;d naly haif ta iyin wse WideR.FA ut The huge British Dfling let see ale o oam at Wlii, adl at îPIlsenan tb Dislnin marIIine(-s, at AugsburI1g. hi 1w5ses, rlaitoth nmbr f planes empioyed, bave been very sýmafll Ila tbe svnhsrib ih of theuir lretad igs ound- tbýe-cIoloc ofesie f the war, Yank Inv&siùn tos ffic A-merlican for1.ce laAu'slvia arefu ;nya'matc for their Austrinbot'a i!o, fulc o curosiy, aed ranl of you chape's comlin ere p " d our fellows e br yuAssie willoklkevsor. KORTM MUN LL By GENE S Force Hitier WVestern Front Bniiel plnesbomnbed Tod boim, ra f or1midablenalbsei Norwavky, The Tirpitz, believed týo be the, mlost powerful atisi in tbhe wrlthý ebav,,y cruÀiser Prias Enugeaî, ohr1,0-o cruiser aad swarms of destroyers% aWdsnbpbnrrns areciurkagMla hc harbor of Trdbeim. Thcy are lf) 'ivital position hrteai Counogne tre tidlacrgy:t cit rOaiaynd cmustrCial cntup- agapa int te fu.fuofth Royal i Forji been mad e aant cncmy air cprtsnnd o istue hannel sorhip Bnitish attaing naît,acodg to he rassoaedPescvr an tquro mnbngof sky. it wa unit over tofattack Frce Thae Britishplicy leMacorUS te Sir A bibaid Siard i CActy eSake a b Wbobr- hie warifaton msofrtran- por ,An miliay stoes werevozm la the bombing ocemaiust7, ryou pariinly intbe sipbALd.A t1Ondingtocaeteseeetrl "T-Iilorsbveatof ya s"bbopw le o .A raids onGray will becdifficit b o xnto Bri gtisr i fre la ryhingtoA short ito oia, ccrdiang oOh "Toy bave iceoy aail pro- 1; "er Europe," b ey Mst J1" the reet ar plt cteoRusiao rust mt e possibe fora sot io o oninu ridin a tbey hae l ecetly maied Bat a SdeocoButthsrmw scol large foresemfon t, ireRusin Tor UIf teire' Germnansacniyd tis, itwSil m ten that he Lft uafns opr eur inTheeoter Vw hcombatnt onstiuei bre miee, flThe R.AP. ii avesuc no, Soead eFront fu- The weâlstrn ùront w, wbchait ý- the Gornan i ve utia L isb te makelagescl ajý j( ir at- was netla the ar e pGem-0 mans know nwtht ad attacks12 fro1n tCire wewilntnue to beC m Od f itir e nt ltbhoniing aiea ples anduipeat front thon Rusan fontwrore ispo

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