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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1942, p. 4

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J.i nALXWEKYTIE The Orono Weekly Tîmes vEsta-blished January, 1937î. ed every ThursdIay m-orýning at th-e Tlimes Office Olrono,Onao isinig Rae o eust Subscription, $125 Subscriptions to the United States, $2.00 Printing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher rke Couincil Meeting reugular meeting of Clarke hip ouncil was held in the [chaiber,, Orono, on Tuesday, th, 'with al the menibers pres- rhe minutes df the last regu- ýeting were read and appro'ved, veral iatters of correspond-1 as referred ýto the lerk. iotie 'wa,-, received from the [cial Treasurer thiat the l miii itsidy woud ho oontinued this de'cide'd ta miake its Ter the roaads on May ree>littions were ing '. F. Awde as tax ýcol- zung the treasurer to pay or's salary on receiving- w waas passed confirmaing nt'bent of Win. A. Reidi as .ollowing bills xwere ordered E. L.MaNctn 50 per 77,0; J. J. Meliar, sa lary, la and mileage, $6813; C. te, srtp"pies, $14,99; J. J. 1supplies, $5.001; E. B. Du- pplies, $8.28; Mi-s. J. T. supplies, $8.00; Orono Coal niber Go., supplies, $7.50; G'eneral rospi8l, audbl- .00; Mira. E. J. Randahi, R. ý32.G0; -Mrs. H. Morris, $5.00; 1& CGo., office Supiplies, $3.30; ,rmsturon.-'s, suplies, $3.010; leekly Tnes, prlni-tirig, $7- E. Davey, taxi, B.O.H., $2.2.5; ,H. Stnlv $3.H . ~00;R. sneep valuier, t,ý 2 sheep kiled, )twery, nssessor's Waddý((jell, SSNo. $150.410;Road IVE [AY llth County News Mr. and Mrs. Edward MuMahon,l now-v Of Kinley, Sask.-, and formerlY Of pontypoç>l district, celebrated their 5fth wedding anvrsrYon Monday, April iljth. The couple were presente'd with a readin'g limp, bwo aria chairs snd a fo(ytstool by their nman~y friends. Mr-, and Mira. Mvahon have Viwo sons and ùxo dauChters living in the Weýst - The egig-grading plant at Oshawa is now evaporatiiig eggs into pow- der forra, and are using 2,100 eggs weekIly, Whicb amaGunts ta about $1,- 000 a -week to the fauiners of Bow- manville, Port Ferry, Brookla and laremnont. Upon ar-val in Britain lui powdý,,er forai, the eggs are pro- cessed again and nmade ready for domuestie 'dcistiibutioni, tidus saving a tgreat deal of shippinig space. Corporal Hiarry MoGuire, menuber cýf the RC.A.F. stationecd et Bran- don, killed thiere ast weelk lu a fly- inig aecident, -was buried at Cobourg Union Cemietery on 'Monday last. Ia his 34t1 year, ýthe deceased wa,ý,s born at Iroquois, Ont., going to .Ccbourig witlh bis parents about 17 years ago.1 H-e is survived iby bis widow, the for-1 Auction Sale The undersigned has ,eceied instructionsh fiom Mrs. Thos. McComb Mili Street N., Orono to seli by public au;ction at ber residence, on SATURDAY, MAY 16, '42 ail of ber household effects, inciud- îing livingroom, diningroon, bedroom and kýitchen furiiiture and furniali- ings, as well as a good heater, a quantity of dishes and bedding and numerous other articles. sale at 1.30 pa. Terms Cash Wm. J. Challis, Auctioneer. The Caniadian Red -Cross is asked fare help Of ailh kinils. Christopher W'iline, a seven.-year-old Briton, aSkeýd thea to find his -ginger color- ed rahbbit named "Ruçpert." They did., mer Emily Jane Ash, tiwo- chikIren and one brother. Mrs. Roibert McDermnent, widow of the late Rerv. Roberit McDerment, of Bowmnanville, died at the home of her ýson, Dr. Robert McDerment, Port Hope, after a lýong illnoe. Mrs. MieDerment, f ormerly Jeannie A. Morton, was 82 'years of ige, and was a native of Glasgow, Scotland, before eoming ta CGanada. The fu- ineral service was held in Fouit Hope ion Monday last with intermneit 'in Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. Sihe is survived by bwo sons, three daug- ters, and two Sisters'. Only Full Cords of Wood Can Now Be Purch'asedý Sinie he'Was ae P es an r~ tatonseonceringhhepurchas- ing, (A Luel wood fos hain,,g pur- posss'oneOf the dahiin this distLrict have decided to dliscontiue ýhandling w'ood. Mr. lFrank ýHall, who bas halfed wood for a great nuniiber of years, and supplied muinty cords in Orono, will discontinue isebiing fuel wood in Orono, and no persan can noçw pur- chaise a single cord, the amount to be purchased rwilI in fiuYture haïve to be, a full cýord, ztccordnýg to the new regulations, which are as ïfollowgs, and which are iiow in force: 1. For the purposes of this Order: (a) "rmr producer" sneans ay person producng fuel 'wood for re- sale; ('b) "dealer-" means any peèrson Wlio puwdhases, receives, etores and, or distributes ta retail dealers and, or distriWutes directly ta the con- sumer biy retail ýsale; (c) "cord"ý means a quantity measurement containirsg 128 rubic, feet of stacked fu.el wood; (d) "fuel wood" means any -wood used for 'heating purposes but does flot include sa'wd)us and ;bog fuel. 2. No prhinary producer or dealer shall hereaufte:r seil, or off er for sale, ocr ôelifver any fueclwood except by cord measureînent. 3. Every primary producer or dealer ishah prepare an invoice to caver evexly sale df fuelwood whlch sWad invoice shal sehow the quantity by cord, or fraction of icord, sa soid and suichl invoice shal be delivered ta the consumier aiong ýwith surh fulel WOod. 4. This Order sh-ah be effective on iand ahSer thie hst day of May, 1942. These neîw regiulations will bea great inconvenience ta, some of oml residents in t1e villege, as a goýod Class-»ified COMING EVEINTLs OooBvanch of the Red Ciross Societ willhoîçci a daice in the ToreilnHall, on Thursdaly, M'ay 7th, 1942. Danicing l-firon- 9 to 1 a.m. Gai- loway's Orchestra. AdImissýion 35C. ANNOUNCEMENT The anisual meeting- of the Oro-no Womenes Insti'tute will be held --on ,May 15th, for the election of offieers. POTATOES FOR SALE Warba and Dufley, disease free. J. ~R. Ruddell, leskard. a-17-c. FOR SALE Baby Chicks and Hatehing Eggs, White Leghorns and Roc-,ks; blood- testedi floc'ks; R.O.P. sired; large fowl; large egg sets. Custo'mers are booking their orderýs to avoid dis- appointment as we intend 'to stop hatching early this year. Ail eggs are proýduced on aur farm. AhVIN Ce 233 Bwanil Farm near Hampton. tf the henedits offered by o adrmerhnt tehendefisvier eek. Yur nepcatn age and ioeylw eelps themptr on-e agoun bottr argaines A c oununit you etteroing by he .onVA ti spent at homie, flot away. numniber have flot the roomi to store a fu cord in their bouse at a time- and always found it very eon'venient to order one or two single cords at ja timie for heatirig purposes Professional Directory, A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Offloe Hours M.0 to 4.00 p.m.;' 6.30 bo 8.00 p.m. P:HONE 47r1 -ORONO DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Office Hours: monday to Saturday (inelutsive), 9.00 to 5.00 p.m. Wednesday: 9.00 aim. ta 12.00 pan. For appointment telephone 18 r 1' VETERINARY 'Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Se., VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St Ormeo Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. I "s John J. Gilf illan QUALIFIED OPTOMETRiSIl Licentiate of the College f Opsm- etry of Ontarie Office ROur: 10 to 12 a.m. Mud 2 te 4.30 p.m and by appointuneut Office in C. B. Tyrrell's Drug Stoexe Phone ff8r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Caqualty, Automo- bile and Liability Oron - - Ontarie AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducto Auction Sales Of Ea i ii aud at reasonable rates. Comminuicate with him at Poeb Perry, Ontario, or see hie Olerk, Aà. E. Morton, At Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watclhmaker Ail Repairs to Wtche, Clocha, ad Jwellery, wiIl receive our prompt attention Iý' May 111th, the Caniadien f sSoiety wibl asIc the peo- eDoinion to suhacribe $9,-1 Io finance ùhe work of the rney wîi be uised for food eo Canadian and Britishi Sof war in Germnany and nfer-ts for the arm-ed forces, erchaIt Marinle, airsi r hospital and miedical supr- aster and I(lemw-e gey, in- s s istan!e to Allied Red eIties, aind BIood Donor AhI are vital functions of tdianj MAd asea in it- s a -n iinpoutýant part in thle of this great service for huiyanityý. e, -,ar spreads throug¶hlouit d the tasks of relief assigfl ýe .Society increase until to- ýe is no sp here of war ac- at is nat henefitng llfrom ,the rIeýs of this gre(at organliZa- iy are Canadians and IBný- tiingte lelp of the Cana- )pie thro'uagh the Red Cross, )ies- and camif arts a-re ai- ing sent ta tise ar-med for-ces ples of the -Ulited atins mnple, the So(ýc y -recetlY 750,000 -t sen edical andi Payne's, N.9 F.- F. Morris & Son' Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowinanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST Ouxr Goos-THE NEWE'ýLST Our Prices-THE LUW EST MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE -ORONO The Bnitish arebgnigte e ize tht atieabut ipue thy e-I e having a itiacittinme tiey hv dided 1- alte a iover Madagascarl(- from edte Fenc, ad t hod i fo thei dtion. T:hisanis a vlit oin lathe ductomn icati ionlo t inithedNation, ajnd i ithaof he Uned ah on, idofldlne d ohthav(e levetaly ee takelno hy ithe Jaon ese. The timie bas c-ome for the United Nations ta ýputt on a, srong and bold front. We are deaing w,,ith our enemies, net ou-r frienda. We have sat back tao oten while the eneml-y take uver 'countnies and isiands. If they w7ant lt, they take lt. Sa 3hy sbouhd we ? Ferhaps the Axis 'partners will rave just be.. cause we were olle jumnp aheai of, ftr O he tTh e 5adanRU wil o unadela aL eaCCOUu iiitio afl me 5fe1i.Cross Spci:yet scrutly ob a corne 1eiiWur We t )tst yOUr are Silbiect to 0"1e of 1tese dYs b eS hb you he Oadia I înylCr hothet rfordufrn hos ia e3e n > be aPotf c~hids rnaY b 1e t ~ amdY eatiflgtY010U.'Wati0'f mercy. YO f rh1ve ft w th e tot 11 e er jiur et, .1,e fCo ss' ,-fEtgf a d. regeta u Ybciieryou U tuS gret o YOU 1 se srOS- yout npu Weach the a vii g1e a!"7pure 5ritig eliO alC f -1 k-M :7 MEDICAL Orono ýiDýentist 1 PARK STREET ORONC No. 97 r 16

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