THE ORONO WEEKLY T114ES 3'lte. Horace Yok, f Edmonton, ,Ata., is spening a oauple oif weeks', kfurlough w vith Ibis parenits. MF. aid _-Hus. C. Jonles and, fam- '-'ily bave moved into the house receit ]y vacated by Mrs. George Mc- Kenina; 'wile fMrs. (S. Hall h'as rent- ed Martin Litu ouse inow occu- pied by Mr. and [Mmcs. Ted Wood- yard.Ï A j L.A.C. Gordon Luamien, of -Nova Stiis sedu a two ýweek-sî va- cation withi bis wif-e and parents. Dlurilg the mlonth-l of April t]ie Boy Scýouts ýollectcd 21/2 tons of sal- voage. Thie peophe oïf thecommunity aire bccoming more salvagze consclous whlich il a good t'hing înde&1. In Orono It's Mac Smith'sI Stock Must Be Reduced GOODS AT COST PRICE AND BELOW COST Walker's Pioneer Black Overalis (the govt. has takien this loth now), sizes 34 to $24 Reg. $2.50, Sale Price ........ ......>21 Walker's Blue Fast Coter, zero shrunk, guaranteed Work Pants, reg. $2.50. Sale 4~ Price .........-....... .............Z o Walker's Brand Work Shirts, sizes 1 - to 17, reg. $1.25. Sale Price.......... 1.0 W. B. H-. Work Boots, Panco or Leather 3 3Q~ Sole, reg. $3.95. Sale Price ............p.J Men's Odd Pants, reg. $2.69 and $2.85. ~<g Ail at Sale Price of ........ .......... VP~.00 One only, Men's Rainproof Top Coat, looks just like a spring top coat, size 42, reg. &r r $75,Sale Price.......... ....... Men's Cardigan Sweater Coats, reg. $2.98,$ Sale Price ...... .. .......... .......* Ladies' Lyle Hose, regular $1.00 value. Sale Price . ................ .......... 75e Misses' S1acks, regular $3.95 value. Sale$319 Misses' Blouses, tailored by Brill, regular $2.50. Sale Price............... ..... $2.1 u Every article in the store will be sold at REDUCED PRICE MAC. SMITH PHONE6r2 - ORONO R E D & WHJTE STO RES. 17e 23c 24c 15c' 28c 29c 29c overseas 25c Wieners, IL23c Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, IL 28c Small Link Sausage, IL.22c Round Steak, lb 25c Sirloin Steak, lb 27c Porterhouse Steak, lb 32c Sweet Pickled Shoulder of Pork, lb 25c Fresh Shoulder of Pork, IL 25c ROASTING VEAL,' boned and rolled, lb.....25c. FRONT 0F LAIMB in piece, ILýý.. ý......22c. Good Sized ORANGES, dozen.............. 25c. LEMONS, 3 for ....... ........9c. New Pineapples, Fresh Asparagus, Leaf Lettuce, New Beans, New Carrots, etc. PH( Local News Mr. sud Mrs. Brt Howson, of Peterýborïo, spent the 'weekI-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duneaýtn. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davy, of' Toronto, visited bis sisters, Miss D)avy andl Mrs. Fraîick on Suniday-ý ast. LM. and Mrs. Rusell F. Cruce sd blîdren, of S'outh Monaghnn, -visitcd their aunt, iMns. J. Eagîeson on Thursday'lact. Many of the gardens iu the vil- lage are uow ploughed sud some of thre seeds planted arc up, owing Vo the g reat gro-wth of îast wcýek. IMrs. Peel, of Peterboro, wbo bas been visiting, with ,Mi. sud Mrs. Fred Duncan for t'he past mnonti, ,-eurned Vo ber home on Sunday. Conmencing on Sa'urd-ay, May ')th, Dm. Dickson wil discontiniue bis Ncweas Ve ctis,'y office and wlli fromn now on',ire at hic Orono offie every 'week day. For. furtbem par- ticuhars cee pirofessionel card on page four. Miss 'Marjocrie McIDowelh, Orono, and ber sister Miss Beatrice, cf Millbrook, made their firsit radio broadcagt ou Tuesday night of lest week over station CHEX, Peterboro. The qisteýrs sang ou oeeof thre pro- grammes, sud werc heard te good advantage by many of their friends iu this locality. Milbrook Reporter. W. J. Riddelî caught twaheve acec trouùt On tbc cpcuiag of the scason on Friday of ast week. John Arm- strong 'was outia day or so later sud infornied us that be fished the creek from Lesirard Vo 'Orono sud onWl caunght tiwo troût. -Some of tic cuil- dren of the village had btter luck, Vian the mcn, but tirat traut Ken. Neale caugbt broke tire hearit of ali thie otber fichimen. o0 - - EPITÂPH 0F VE-ARS AGO Last Suuday "Bill" sund 1Ivisitcd tire graves of our great, great graudparenits ono ur nob'side at Zion.ý They came Vo Canada frenm Corinvalh, Enigland, anc hiindtred sud four years ago anti on thcir omir-. aýtone is thie fhoîgepitaph: "iFarewell1 vain wold 1've a h- enorsgb,- of you sudear less' thonu say'st, of me. The fqultis saiiw'sV in nme Iwould haiv e wha t tlrou you eschew and Vf youi lootkir at homle yonl'Il find e1nougi Vo d. Of course they ,(ldin'V ave alka ,.eltzerDod' Kidiiey Plls, Temple- ton's neve edicine, Lydia Pinkl- hiam's Couigh Syrup nom Bayer's As- pirin at thiat ime orV bey m itbave ikcd tin rdi reter.Tby ee nissed Coca-, Cola sud clWrigle'y's dowiag gunr-aud tJe fehiose bo - -0______ PATRICIA BERRY "POP" VOCALIST Hiere is Patricia BryWni peg's 19-year-oýd sn 'eiait Whosoe contralto viei urnl eadwitih Harold G nsesml lu"mpriesions 1by Ge" audy a5>:0 pm.E.D.T, n he Ntoa Netorkofthe CEC.Pticai alleofWnnpg of Sco<t'tish anid cuLîarly IýCanadIiani contination 1ihlh h-as produ tceýd a vcýry attrctive yo hgldy of Con]siderbeco- Ne-w, modern test equiinent en- ables one to make fast, dependable repairs to alny make of radio. chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. tf. LMiss Winnie Morris Passes'. Âfter Lingering Illness 111 thepssngof Miss Winnlifred Bur-dett Morris, y'u)-g9-t (daUgh1t(I ofone of Bo\%manuville's oldest es- tablshedfamlles on April th this commuity lias lost one of itsý mos0t nob l sd gentie persconalitieýs. A truly grioJLus lady, genierouiis and. wnderstanding, a living example of ahl that laý bes't in womanhood,iMs Morris wilI be very sadly missed by aIl -who camne in contact wibh her, cither ini a social or busine-sscapa- ýcit Y. MisMor-ris wac well kn'own lun DuhmCoulnty, she haivingl been a partuier in tire firur of F. F. -Morris Go., furniture and funieral directors, with bier brother ýsinace hier father'~s desth in 1918. ýSheý has given years ,of service ln the stores at Bowmianl- ville, Orono, an.d, for' a time ln New- castle, where her kindfy intereat' and timcly syinpathy prýoved ber to be nnturally snd spproprîa'tely fit- ted for her profession. S'Miss Morris was always ?,ctively ;interested in the work of Trmity ,United Churchb and the Eastern Star, both of whielb she was a mem- ber. A great traveller, Miss Morris more than oncee visited relatives ini (alifornia and the Souithern States, asnd, witb lier f ather, the late Levi Jvtorris, sought oûùi't Te homies and haunits, of her forbears in the Isie of Wifgbt anti Devonshire, England. Gneral sympatby will wlihole- .hcartedhy be extended to the bereav- ed brother, Mr. F. F. Morris, snd sister, Mrs. J. F. ýChapiim'an, of Tor- onto, and other mieuiers of the iwidesprea( family -who deeply mlourn hler loss. The funeral -which was held on rnuesdsy afternooa ln Trinity Unit- ed Churceb was largely atte'nded by relatifves and a -wide circle o f friends. Rev. J. E. ýGriffith, her qmastor -who conduetI te services paid a beautiful tribute to bier char- ireter an-d useful 1f e. Manybeui ful fiorah tributes banelte caslket suid the front of th(, pulipit. The palbearers were, Messrs. F. C. Vanstone, M2. S. Dale, R. K. Squair, G. A. Eiclonstouie, C. H. Mtason and Geo. James. Interrmeut n thuVie fàmiIy plot in Bowan- ville ýccaeter!y. Bo'wmanville tes m~an, wrote The s o ig ,"Hall, Hall th e Gaung's Al H-erýe," wan,ýn't -bou ithhen. They even miissed two first class wuars and ahI the new taxes thait go with them. They -wcrc just borcd to death because tlhcry %ere bou-i toc s oo n. They should be hiop-ing m ad whcen they ýluook around on res'urrecc- tiýon day iand ctee-wbat ithey risscd. JOHIN A'RMSTRONG Orôno Tins,,hop May be hard to ,get later on ORDER NOW R%. -E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre st., Orono Phone Srlî -, _ ri -~ ~ u joi PARK ST. UNITED CHURGH SUNDAY, MAY lui, 2.3:0 p.. h1m bd willl ar yuVo Suuny School. 7.00 pm-Yu Faýthcr lu A,% Baptisýmal Service -will be0 arrangcd at tire moming- wor- chip> 'Ill the parents kndhy notify ie mnsrof Viir intentions. llowance Cut1 Clarke Twp. This Year Acumncto a cevib th(, Treas'iuer of thsýý Towisl,îip Clarire ia Apiril lirfeenetoro expudiurefor thw e yar192,s 'wac presented Vo tIhe Couril a! t i s reguilar mn-eetin-g.ý FclIowing- the policy of pravious, easth(- Cerk hdbeninstruýcted Vo tloîoward a b-dwregularly pasa- ed ýby Council a&îgfoirpermissior Vo begrtc to spend the sum o $14,000 on thc roads and bto have a gu-aratce that thcuy wouldrciva fifty per cent efund on1 thataon. In 1940 the Couicîl uskecd the sm amount and %vere allowed $11,000. and iu 1941 were allowed $12,000 This yeam 'tlhey as'ked thie us-,ua' amormt and expIected Vo 'geV a cu; onr accounit of the timies:bu(t tbey were not 'prepared ýf or the '-word( 41uhtie treasurer rocve that thley would ouly bea alo'wed s flfty par, cent. subs-idy ou a total amount of $5ý00. lt wasc a big suvprisýe to the Council and afteuir al angles had heen studied, litwaG ferit that the hest policy was Vo eut thre suit ae- cording 'Vo the clotb. No one gov- ermuent ean be blaqned for tis ha-i cause thre momductot f!Ithe .var bas made it niecessary to adopýt Inqauy changes and tis is one aif thcm. The resuIt of ail this will mean that the people of Clare To'wnship as welli ais tbose of aIl oitber Municipalities will noV geV the Samne Service outire oads -whieh hey have eujùyed in former years. The Council is planning waYs and means of stpending- this nroney lu tne best, inter7ests of ail and lt eau onfly do a good job if thre peo-pleheibem- selves will realize that Vîmes are ,differeant sud wlierei:s tbey Thave re- corne nceustoincd Vo having things dloncfor tireui they wril be showing- the rig4ht spinît of patýr!otîs3- if tbey -will begin to do ,some thiugs for, This beef is stable fed, No. 1 steer meat Porterbouse steak 38c- Round Steak lb. 33e. Sirloin Steak lb. 35e. Shoukier Roast Beef lb). 25ce tlb. Prime Rib 'ROst Beef Freshi Shoulder Pork lb. 23e. White cooking Beans 4 lb. 25c. Rolled Oacts 4 lb. 21c. Freshi Sauisage 2 lb). On To blld Field llay rThe Oronýo Guides and ý,eoL-sa with thle o'bjecýt ofrla ir-gmoe for. p'atriotic puaposes. T e rein-. vitiug Pont PeIly, Bc>own-ý-invh-le am Nec le, andbope, to mak 'Lta. big' day. TheIlre will have to1)besevr pr.izes roiddso ithecomte i chrg vould welcomiie offers fromn any citizenis who woutcd like to do- nate prize. Please notif y the Scouent Master. at 4101r 10, Oronio, Ont.L To Whom It Mlay Concern 1 he.r1(bY wishi to contradict any existing rumiors that -Mr. Ted Wood- yard('s business dealini,gs have boeerà snratifacoryto ime, tMIr. W"odyarc's daig with me have beeni very satisfactoi7y at ail tirnes, aiid he baàs kinidly releaisea me froin veiibal a.-reementh whielx have been of consideraible helip ta, mne at this tiane. MARTIN LINTON themiselves. A littie thoughtfuJneas,, eeisdat the right tinie nmay be the means of saving a costly situa-. tioni at a later date. If the people oA the Towiship rwill just co-opes- ate, recalizinýg we are living- in peri-. Ious times,, we will be ale to emeilge wifh flying colora. TIf not, there ia onily the one alternative, of rais-me, the rate, and that wvouldid ean an in- ealse in the Township rate from 4 Inilis to seven. The Council is asking the taxpy- ers Vo give every asasstance jpos- siblae and thlusa show that we are 'wili- inig Vosacrifie sortme ofthe eoni- forts now so that -we eai enjoy thlen to a larger degiree in the days whlea the war -18 over. 3J. MELLOR, Clerk Apple Juie 48 oz. 17c. HEllcrest Shor tening 2 lb. Gil'lettes Lye 2 for 23e. Ketchup Bottle 15c, Th riîft large pkg. Fresh side Pork l b. ARMSTRONG'S If PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Specials, Thursday, Friday, Sataurday, May 7, 8, 9 Camay Soap, 3 cakes Peanut Butter, 17 oz. jar Pure, Honey, liquid, 13 oz. jar Weston's High Grade Fancy Cakes, in cellophane, pkg.' Horne's Double Cream Custard lb. tin Sweet Pimento Relish, 18 oz. jar, Tomatoes, 3 18-oz tins Dairy Cream Sodas, salted, 2 lb. pkg. -Vi-tone, 3 tins, nice for sending J. J, CORNISH ý2r2 Phone For It Pronipt Delively QL-- 1-1