Burmse "reacery"enabled the Jpanee to urrond te Chi- nas deendrsof Toungoo, twob Amrîan a-id on ltheir reýturn" Burma v02aoe. The Aeiassi ciiiso fendng Brma.Stapis are becirg AtTo -goac=eording t n fomaio te Amrntavecr ~urm~e larne tha C~ines Jei o epac hBiih a erai stsThe inomtnwnre oa egffe' d, eaans esrMois ded theCin suefre onslu the ëcourageo san oate iceethe incdentwsdthemoare cnut of h tn hechhave beel relardCofWBufmserehery sine te wr ethere te riis ndin tha ec ho _ungoo efrweste enAnlied wthraa iAg urmansin dcor ndrdAn- tiats o cuiivateterativsu the nation.- Afte thefa SofwSngaorasu patols shlteingJ hpnes eal vanca pariews, anegvig ha niIhe el to 1the enem . Burmese en jined -"ýthe Japan-. ' * * ý î " l tai th aenemyof loat Bin o Iecrt jnl irdle. mn ead vohintrCroz ier redort- ad ~rmee sguaiethe Jpan 'Esbomybera tedso theai the locaonof salei salain yon ri.m British attep o destroy o Unes and other pro erhad bee handeaped b"lre d Burmis Ther als wasone nstanelo meetropa, seing l the Ai e arytoko thir if "dome (ad weuntaove anemasset thfJathe ment o coues sedid ole- .4a3 ded te uch j star mn- DIALING WUT MICKEYROONE lsand lsau raioapear- sue ud shows % as te on day night 9Mb o'cloe t Radio Thetre frni BSt ane cBCi as wil a Jsmilonue' cre fas retatr- rn parsaalty-nrado star!Micke Rooey * Cs. CIKL 80. en7v 1010k Wua. mus.wORK G weR (Noms.8.)7W0 ULcON OMea du1 1400 CHOC HSamila110k CHL HaN 3 =O90k CuCkF Mone-eAo k cFCII NouS »Fy1=0k CFCO Cbhnm 03ük' cupil London 15 CJCIspStatord12Nok CS'RU Klngstes, 140 Umm M"Sn mSt.m.%1I mm Pisgons ra tneoKAg'IWO atemwh adnairaîr bs ANerfo tha Roal AirPerhe Na tiie naieou eviesavl untary bodyn Sutu1derthe loutpalet tireSignaa Dietea oM the Ar iitury1 t proide cnarie ieoUynfrne that i Fce forutaing msa ges, as- EPORTER I T H ýDAV E: Theý -May th bodatbig h prora iu t 'a new tm- p,m. o b l-,sitnîuig the ftr Srm ,05 tLü3 BONt orincludîing CBL, CO iVenago progr-ani ie- aca-ýpahia Master e Cneonea sud you have a good radiofane. ASd whau those people arecCAMe uptoiehamicophone tounse qi " zz tsragtfradkn- wdngoreose, th tua bomi are the ingr'ýentuo Studa sho, eard on ira "CBC u ing the weekly haîf-our picosra Aud, inceit's alsozan adec participtig show, tiiere's radio atihomne nte awa paru fte rvneyen a h Fethe'bthofthe ride awsetth sar ad heMel da.00 pm eiw ni reporter St elî nue-teim AnoG'etheloplI bi ha2a stod he es ottie, , he In GSB L~agiaa'1 Use î:aaîaa,1 USD Icagiand USE Engianil t;sii Engiand GSG E,,gaad GSP Engiiifld GSV Enaland ['iAR Sî,aln EMI Spî,iu IrAN Rm,,~ii hilE Itoain amea R<,s~ia ridîflA S,-ie ,eLnu1~ 9.51,9 9.~i8'a 11.73 <a 1 1.SOln 1i.14,'< 17,79m s 7,9< e, 9.15,9 9,96,0 9d0nî 12.00e, 13.18e, ule . z4d t!-e bal continues te ring until the owner îetierea the l-picn Any messages it m;-ay 'a;aoyn ara reported immadiately iby tle phen te the C.O. et the aLýtený Pigeons can be reloascd treai aicatwhile actnailyiynlafliglýit, aad, ,une ±housand 1birds wceirIY are lre-ady- engaged on atv serice with .general rcnas The Kng ba accetai he bagM or b mnîersettu Srvice andhahs sedtat arm fortaîght ett n hes tiviieset bis oWn binLu rol nube,2,000e rkes ar dhrg t taS, srveyenrs, auctioneers, sei- enùtstaund techuologists. P OP-Th-e Beat Procédure not know God there wa& correa~ and utterances, to fulîfîl the pro- LESSN 19 MONDAY-THE DAY 0F AU- THORITY-Matthew 21:12-2Z. (Mt.21:18-22 followed by Matt. 21:12-17) GOLDEN TEXT-"M!Vy. ouse shali be called a 'hourie of prayezr for ail peoples."-lsa-iah 56:7. THE LESSON IN ITS 3ETTINrW TIME-MndayApril 3, A.D. PL-ACE--TheLrsn of the fi'g tree occurred on the Mounc. of Oilives, as Jesus was 1Oir Hi wyfrom Bthnyto Jrsim wh-lethecleasig f thé temple oureof course, in Lhe tm pie area in Jerusalem. The atual unge-r lu "Now in the mornigas A ared." Ouy Lord appeais as a tren, oi scbHawa At tie, eias Waary; BeHa waked frm lae o laeas era did; abre I hNia ana Na bIecamehuagry; His soulwa pasion ad ece'ggetsyml- 19."An sainga fig teaby fonn nohingtheconbut leaives zay;aid ll aibunt t,'e ateiy he f !gtrac wthered boc SIgnifiance t is sn ew thitb" As dMsonctyamiracl, an ~ ~ ~ ~ c .c Mwhc essCrs l lutae i a nuthorIyoa h As Thu Wit 'how did ta fi tac mfadi tly ithcraway?'21. Ad Je sus aasxrarcd aad)raid unto thea Venppiy I ayuntoyuuIfye hav f'ithte vi!nd i idou not, yeshah say uov his mouatiBeto a e padcs o tess agertd ttamen-lt for 'the- larg proise era ada o fithC mîth qaiic aheeec witb the ild widoi ofGod Abcl o urkhttur yeic that ta udrtn f crytu prayrla, Noeihelas nThas la ilbut as thon Wlt'e n Abmnl un i-ia S e nou.lcements of theOMdTesta- ment Scoripue. The So of %od roe uu in their mdst and con- demned tem ail or their bar-. rennsa n te paceOf frulitfLi- dispacig a ove for mGod, Lt aneeded rebuke toaY. pouding fail-ure ilu their rýelation- ehpto their -fel]o-mn.ThIey were obber.s of Gd HangThe fflce lli"ndte blind !nnd the" lame came to him lri the !tePrfle%, and He 1healad thIem. 15. iBut - when tha chef pripAt and the- scribes saw the ndaOrful thmgs thiat He did, aud the cida that wceacrying in the temple, and syn,'Ho1sailna to the Son- ie the u0 tm leotsakigam then and therL, d e tosa- crentcrae he cut hc ha e prFiald Th scibe F PRO UCTION EX RT I I m HORIZONTAL Auswer t~ Prenions Puzzle Il Motors. !S Sheet mo foîded paper. 15 Barbed' aPPenage. 16 Anniadilo 20 Tée. 21 mu ne r so leS. 22 To m Aa 31 01ai 3 1 -Pluralea M cou. 37nokuock 29 Advettse- 57 Ha was la mnit.cfeta hugeý 40 Pr fnetr neo 43 'arw eCa croain si Coud fniend. 2 CObtredl, 4U Bounday. 3 Toclend. 50 Boradon. 4 A fat m4ets it stan. 7SpeeIec Z6 He la -nt 9 ost. the U, S A. 10Lognka datieuse boïardc ird 14 Flaxseed. M61e is a nIai of proven the-bettoia 24 Croup of 2M Ced of sky. 14Pres ronr 38Peadpony, 42 PanaI. 44 Heavy blow 45 Fixed practicï 48 iat ro3ad 47 CnryplaIM 4a er 48ý Acidit. By J. MILLAR WATT 1susACESom, il 730ký CK50SudurSuu0 c WVWinder 80k WW'il G eS,eneo1ady760k 9 An ausia stry is told otf the ethd b whch A.F. mesc" the eeldspeak aven a word et lrusian, snd tCe localaie- Whanit wa nceýssaryfor them wrd eadioug n "ski" s oad ruasanthy cind he orin erator ot e Iusdite a ain, anthte RA.P. nsmca wat r thaplcut latoIhLth thelW Sab' ie sanèone W0 dp11s fSbl sand ar And Jeans sait unt tI, 'Yen moutýh sof baba u uklg thonhast pertectd pais?'l1, And Ba luft toei% and went forth ot e eity "ret Betauy,>' and bodged thora." The 4tiot-. tienhar latonn laPasai :ý2. î/, sudnvrmiss tesgi- id lathMlght et thn Old Testa- ment.lie seemed, net oniy by ia life, but by His Very pets Answer i' te Previous Puzzle N 910RT WA % Fe TT