Women Pilotsli - Russia's Air War Play Imprtant Part in V vý7r W ea bombPer and figister Pilota are la I'ngaim rtn tweentise so exels l ieSvet Unioýn" sl aetiaGiou bora, 31-yea-ol- mter amu Vc aLnin a" ttaciv ailvey brown Peye,sspl mni n ago. M erbubnisapotbe tbrwas -a pilot, ad be3 bye th "-iaebmbdGemisem Nai fgters, bu cae brogi aaflyesortilbySoitig- rs"Vaientia, wbo beliïstiern 4)f major, told rts nwapr nsen in an itriw "amna eudo laeand h iS eavy bmests eve the typ ai tsegrea-ter the Y-faage, tise mreIAî1nPlse.I lol iSe te fly one o f ya i ý0our-e.ngîned bombera." Many Figlitcr Pilota- Va zy ltnoli oroveeo Sorc gs b ý'menaeingagepd l o4Ld ,wh o l nvlor-azd pily Hurricanes, '- tis 1brth nibr-, uise ai m4ail, "5h.is2T ani bas be Oderý 'Lsf LeniLn." Vaôlentina sc u-ofafe'lata ug uaasgood pilota-as-mu," ais ~ei."You cnntjudge b ap- pern Es. i nw girls so"-qui et ts,,»aparelitly tmiPtut by >»ut a qam tHave 1,000 Heurs 'e" eo! oeur gils have f lewi 1ï, llwemn or m ie ail that ovetwme are sharifng in thse ~ghtng.Valetin teIl of Siscisel- e~manler, adioepraor veme'ln ta die Pinee Cops. -1 ltow gils Wao fla-ýve takeýn Us ardni ie, cring ho'me on), br'usiseil andcembeil, you oui ~srIlream tsata ew isours be- foe iey -wcee killag Fasciats. Neconnitry t ar, teiay can forlte ignovere tIse remandous eer oire womnen power, ner eise pasýsion anild iligeswith - Peis ,-,1ýwemea will figist Fascist Girls Can Make Thteir OeÏwn Jewelry A ~ ' Agronp of irl u cj lg 'near my home h-'av1,ýe deidià that %hey will halve csueJewelry N-te wenr rne mattr owexeaiv i nsy ecomie "fortiseuration." 'hcy are miag ilýit thffemacîves, t;he material tbey use being strîrng,! They collect it andl tieir frianids ellect it for them. Fort bracelets they cr!ochet it itebroad, or naro, aiXîs. On xhete simulate jewels, tbleyem- S r-ider raised îstar'Js indffrt Y~siralloinig onec color topre 4louiinate if tise piece la to biar- znCenize witb any particular outfi1t, For broochestiay cnt designs eions cýardboardc, ecover tisei with *rg,"Jewel" thei., and fit tisein wîh afety pins. For necklaces, Iwo ropes of spool-katiit string are formeil into cîrcles, one amaller, Say& Mr. C. Boyer, Valleyfield, if you are troubled by constipation Quebec: "For many yearg we've due to lack of the right kind of enjkoyed KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN, 'bulk' i your dietP But remember, the deliciaus cereai that keeps us ALL-BRAN doesn't work like reguar.,.naturally. In mufffinîs, cathartics. It takes time, Bat it ALL-BRAN is delicioua , , , we regularly and drink plenty of water. haethemn almost every day. And Get ALL-BRAN at your grocer's, ALL-BRAN ,Zis a grand cereai for in two convenient size packages, or breakfast." ask for the individual serving by don't you try ALL-BRAN'S package at restaurants. Ma de by BttrWay" to correct the cause Kellogg's in London, Caniada. e SERIAL STORY ANO,-'0THE R MAN',Jï S WI1FErt BY DONNA ASHWORTH LAST WEEK.- Settied InFparm Ington, Lita-now Ann MaMrshallI- goes te church, meet's Ken's me- ither and diuikes her. Sho oxpects Ken to calI, but he ha$ te ta-ke hls miother visiting and to churoh% agaîin, Ann sees berseif sitting alýone, whiJe Ken escorts bis mther. COUNTRY !CLUB'SURPRISE At laist Faraiington bail recog- nzdAna Slowly, faruly s if failhmigbt do tise w-,rong t inIt ail ta ken ber in. Naigît!- bers baiclled. Sise bailbad a itlte pa4rties. Aaid Kahi ad e t eviat for kal te seItat he as ntaestIl l br.Only bis mo-ttler did ne oretMangrt bar t csusis.So far.,ise mucis- seugist-fter initationto tea had( lollito Ibis eysj I ameItre the firt- 0f F . ebruary andl nom it'.s Mac. Have you tolil Iter yet tisat ýom expect to mas-s' nie? "Drig"Ie potsti,"Yen know 1Ilbaven't. Sisa w\oull be bor- te, a girl JI hnown for- lesatia twomatisi. hae o g lw I u wa Ioertelike yeun ail prv et vertisagwe ho. "bcsremiada mei(.I'taig you e-seContyClub, drig w Iil gette nveydy u b-,avený't met, Tisre area a lot of ]mambers1.)Intieaalertowna arunl an il then tbey inlvitLe peo- pie from R Iicissuicl. >It ral quite a ffî. tertsa o wont ea i to weiry abot wia peo'pla aire gIto say." "PImne. ryn g" be uiailu up at hlm aq tise,. car slid long târeugb tise Marcis nigist. Tise mson wasý, fuli anil it mailatisa 1andscapehlai afrya nd. Tise faint fagane tspriig wsl the air, "I bave yen1 anl wstbrd u mania !lSes mis or netilen malte amîy d1erne. cared at first, becauus se ass snjoc.+, andi aIl, but I do't ow, bac-.ause 1 den't tisinltse wuoil evar liSe any girl you were interested in. Shu'di always try to lteep yen frosa mjar1ryîinglbar, anil shise wuldn't ta ayblody wbo iid't have an arU 0filWLatrieus ancestors was 400,il eegis 9fyou anl myway. 13 I il't relly a ay imore.", "I'm glal, arlngbecanise 1 ca't cag ber, but 055e of tisese ilas se'll uienil ail at once anti ask you te tea." Ana snnggled dewn againat him, ber iseail againat bis shouliler. Wby argue, about Ken's mother? Wlsy argue about aaytbinig? S1ie was beside bim, ibis Parm was about brslisuldters, e iiy wete driv7ing thjrougb a p)erfe-ct asioonilit nigist, anil tisat was all tbat matterail, "lt may bie lat 1ew wlien se doua." Sise langlail as sIte Speke. "I migbt bave anothler' engage. ment. But forget about bei', Kiss me and tel!lsme you lov e me anil let's tisink about tise dance anil what a goeil tisua wa are going to bave." erly, bougbit a îsw dreas tfortise occasion. zhaie stbeo, e dressing tabl !t ia igi, giving a fiali touis te 1ber riakeup, Sally s tool bacS and sui-veyedIer "Yen 100k loi cly. I do beliave Yen get mose battl eydy Andl say wJisa you will, tbiý rest bas donc yoni a worlil of goed. 1 badn't realizeil bew tiseil you wure;, nosv yon look as fresis as a spi'ing d ay." "Tisanka. i1isopa Farusîngion tbiaks -se," ansu ered Ana as se Ptood up' andl foirtise twentietis tima lookeil attisa full view raflac- tiený of beî'self te sec tisat every- tbhii1-Ng is rigbt. Rer bair was roll- adilbighiiis la ront anl isung ilus a mane0f oli butbrsouies Mer Ira s avwhitp atnaslim1 gleaing beatis tisat reaýP lei, e wisite tlroatni sisouler ,3sa fell ia a sýwirl of fldâbout lber ankles, witis a lovely jew,,eleil belt andl clips. Sise bailat realfzeil. iat use could look se yenng. Rer yes were sbiaiag. S ise il neyer leekeil batte la er lHite. SIte cauglît np lier vlvet wrap. ..'Bye, drin.Wîbas uc" SIte rais Iown tiese pato emeut Ken. TItis was as ste bil dre-ansei, tise wide curving7 stair- case, thse stately ball, Kaniiing12 watcbig lber as se caine towarilà bim. "You'i'e levely, sweet."ý He cauglit ber as she reaciseiltisa lait step, "Lovelier tisais 'vaeeves sean yen. Everybody wil!! bu crazy, about you." Tise car speil over tise bigbway, iste tise Counnu-y Cluib driveway, Tise ache t of iserfloateil eut frein tise uiostise music of an orcisestr-a, gay voices. Se tis was Farmiagton's Society at play. It seumail strange to bu danicing witIt Ken. 555e bail ianceil witb isai enly once befose. "Do you liSe to lance witb mue?" se teasel, ber cyci la-agiing up PLAIES AU oWARSUIPïïs Onatti,;;tlve 's" x 10"1 Inoants, eaeh 'vlth a or ipIa tthee lWak machine portrAyed. Ewry fru coenadkin wMI prz. i.m aSa oo."msbor . "F1941 Fsrea"* Hrs.e "HU4dson" Bmgrber. "Tomaa!"! tr Lyadr "5m"Dve Bomber . zd FugOcm "CEOW VN BRAND' mlel, witb your name ana4 ddress and th, naire .of the plctureý you wn witten on the back. .&drss Dept. J.12, Tiie CaaaStarch Complany t,td., 9 elinto ct rJ. To rtoc. hie."Renemb~rJ'lu tii. neý- L" aveto tc)"fruggle tûLO hold m owSel"ai l tos en l olat y.ou. I can feel x rulsh cnoin "I hpeso," se mumur ber eyee dancing, unre erowdig about;-en were akgfor dances, Ann bad neyer nonthis kn fdanicing, tus wa 0 einig r badl.mdneyer beard thi kind ofopimns Alwaysbefore twbhad been et!Êa sort eofprofeýssionaltyýpe-atr- uteto er alent,--but po)w they so UthÈe.r men paying tribuite t dizzy, tbjey wn t erbadle wine. A inbtermiasion she walked ouý mn thse erandaliwitb Ken, MQg iùg tebs r. tw;s chilly, u si e Id I ot even tfee! tise coh!~i Bise sood by tje porch railI iookng out over the MrelliIeI&I tow r Faringtn tinkling in th isnce li1e a tInly jewe.Th CoudsIt was't eld ntellwh-en lierbear waswarm Uandl glowig. -"o'e gene overbdg, A"n, My swe. ou'reper-fect.Evrby la rahaoyou.Yjv" Crweeracing into tbe die w ay. Tisere were Sbouts,0more laugnter s tbe occupants cmeý Up tie steps, "WM'hoare they?" Aunaasheil a sIe watcbeil from i e saos Ise crwdfrom Riclimonl, É gues. Tey'e awaYs late, No coon as tGe nmusic tartsanlSMe> is usie w-eas begiinning t aain AsAianil Ken to! o ment i,,at tise etrnc, atcbIing tise sc u beoree i2, there wasz strle xclamatiUon .from a a, standng i tbe stneujust a litie beyo isemo e He s sring "Jean Alui 1seejng twuigs? Ain I r ?Jenilarling!" * c*', Heraeltoward ýjAna, cthn ber aboulders, peering inte lier face te bila lipa 0 drk blue ees9triisgoi-1ioing at lier. weredai" for werils. Hier Iteail wasspnig "ýJobin, you're crazy!" Kea spoke quickly."Wbat's tde imater? Mid yon bave tee mucis tu ink befwe yoet Ricbmoaid, or after?" I tbnk, eeiggisosts. SIte's theý img fJeanI-mjy firatwi . tcolatbe, Whso are u " 'ImJean Ana asial, u foind wrdsat lait. *"But vwisy? Wlso are you!" "Ilm Joisn Marshail fromeb Ricsmod.1-1 tin-'ik I muit b. >onrfater," ha sali oninueil wex(waak Must T reat Colored Co ttons With Care rise dyes that are Most scaýrce ar ioethat uSe fast colo- a yeof dye that goes by thse incri ble name of "Anthraqu;in- oiVat." Cotton fabrics Manu- fatrdbefore thse shortage was fetar avishly dyed in ail col- o; ayhave color-fast labels. Tisera fabrics will probably be !esbiln andl have a limiteil range, Wer ast dyes are used, pr-ts i)(-, inilor aparingly spacn-(to ave ise dyes. Whenj- thr sno color-fast label, treat y jui- erilcottons tendarly. Beforet washing, soak tisei in a solution of about a cup of vinegar te a gallon of water for 20 Min- utes. For dark blues and bals *AS we are ail asiei to e bu o amentimsg fer we stl a ve ar vellous sbttuu ncern syrup, maple syrup andl boney. Before tbe latrodction ef cane sugar, boniey was aýpparently ,he 1onuy iissenDectar ettlers gatharei by boaeyisees mairopen- eh by them wtsnthi ie. Tise lienas -pocas cnit o v crating 'the excu(sa mioisture frei the nctr nd etanchnesl tjse cý,hemijcal natre et he sigar it cQntarns. SOME TKINGS TO REMEMBSER 1. NMeasurebnu awysl liquiti foras. 2. Fer everly csîp ! oe ýy 1useýd, reýdue. tie6lquilcaleýfil frl recipe by one-tiutis 3. Oaa cupet iOney l àeas great 4.Use i14 te ý; teaspoon 'J et oa te encil cup oet beaey, 5. 11ncrensetisýe aon tsI by lt 1 eaispoon, essgagent. If yen 1Gis e ave honey in- '/2csp sortis y/eanp baey i yast cakeS ineg cupa nifeibeai lfLuMc Crilit ny ni btti'tier ougisly andlaI ie o11aP aer Aiow tiis itu to col a disuolvail l cu lesaterStiaiuti well mixoail anil Il banen egg Comine itlise ilOur ani sait ual sîft ts iure. 3il tiorougis. iy, cever su tene bu th wax ture mie a cn oln ise bu S incis tisciton alit('feua basl.Rd.011 ueni witiatw abla-ù! spoons et softenel butand o melti, butts'ing il taprinke witsotise tel ,melow lioi.ing u bown sugar,'L 5/4 t, eooal nam fea, 4cup eacb eri blaci SLchoppa aloîsi1, rIesin es up lie a jlly eli Tr1itisendls anil olatform ýv aor rin.t a ito vlse bu fore ,lacis fin te t1- au tietewt- Tia on-,iflaiso oli cnt- and Scond JLieut.NelA.L rih of tie Uniteil StatesAmyAi Corps akeil fer a Dse fire ex tinguisier for bis hbobr. m boslia ission S'tieNs Guine-a inivasion ae.He sia ntefl asopailalu ctag Wvhen tise piot bergbt tis bobrwitbia fivetiusnlf! ofJ an eniemytnpr t, Wigh coul resýtrin ll efn ogr HeL yajted eOut his 4 uoai ai enpteli althtiseiey vs se!. The agrabbed tise f1s uxýtinlguisse(ranlfugioe- beard. Tisa bomber cass dtl~eex tigiier scereil" iec i. It Wouldn't Do- Us An-y H "Ladoor sports at tie coat? Wisly net revive igg round, tis c piaýno as a chag rm bridge? Amulid a payp-,c office betweea cherusesý. "As for fie Snnday momniga, isow aotgeing tocisrisu flocks alui se onii mipe tise gool m nanisih-tise puIpit? Yu r grailparents did tissisna m a, lot or peOplehav be bn tie al i,Org ail eutiebt te-r for*it. "Aguto l up forsarici Bai!s! oidiers, sailorsusIarn walS. Wisy hOuldn't w ?-ov t real Gazette