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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1942, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIME-4 AMASADRTO RUSSI1A Apply at the M.Eersneteotra RN TIMES OFFICE preen iwr ie asad~octeda rono - - Oiitarlo Th W rl'sNews Seen ThrouighZ TURE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITO An Iteratinal aiirNespa enstol ,sm- dîtrilsAre Timeëly ai-d instructive, and Us Daily eareToge-ther with the Weekiy Magazine Setion, iMake .ithe Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home,. The Christian Science Pulisýhinig Society YOne, Norway Street, Bos,-ton, Massachusetts Price $1200 Yearly, or $.00 a Month. Saturday Issue,inlig Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Irrrod:UCtory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. x dess- ----------------------------------------------- SAMPi E--CO)PY 1ONMRE:QUEST WA0 *4 wie \ 'f I Tu, s .5'... «Yes, you're smart. .. or are you? 1 thouglit 1 was smiart too, back in the 20's. Then the depression came and taught nme a lesson!'" "MWe'd be a lot smarter i'f We put less of Our m oney into our own outfitus and more of it into the outfits of the boyvs wiio are- defending us. How? By pledging ourselves to do without so -hat they may have plenty to do wvith!" ~Yoi them to win, don't you? WeIt Lr Savings Stamnps every wieek.. Tou ean lhclp them. Besides, by 1help keep prices n ad .ng fora rainy day. Let's b. 1 fices, Conservation of Supplies Thegoodsand maufatues - 1 moe esrctd ie(ty as vwa r toýials, macýiriery an1d lah r Thne Jàjaese w ýai rhis Igiron qan inptsto rsrcinfor a\nuni- be o itaýl cmoiiscrefroml thie FrEasterin aenow iiibroil- ,,d in w-,ar. Entry of thec United Sî-tts inito ative paiepi,ation ini war w -il lo iprev-ent Cnaa£rom dr inas ha il s frerfrom Contoli plcodin off oct hy the WateIndustr-ies Cantrol Board df the Doprtmnit of Munitions and Suiiy onsuch raw materials as rlbetin and i(l k will affect evory Canaidian1. BeCause rrl)Iber la jmported fromli tho Far Ea Fst, supplies in Cýianda ar1e being Closely hlishýanded c. Man1u- facrtureof pasener arLires wl stopi-, wiitth te exCe!tion1 of tte fow noddfoi, n1(m-cars, w ichinno caýse -will carry spareý- tires. uiludred's ofno-seta rubber pr)[odJUets Will bc ýdenied conisumors. Tin wilI aËlso be se-verely rsrce in use. Britannia metal, the base met al fGr leas oxpensive jewolry anid silverware, is bannled. Stocks of ravi silk, thie o sourcee of which iasi the Oient. ,wore frozen sv eri:al moniths ag-o. 1Kapok, anotherý material irnported fro(7m the Par East, vu ho avibit only for mnilitary 'goods. Thiis ma- terial is uîsed ;1 the linng cdif fying suitsý, life.ipreservers andi floats foi the air- force, army aind navy. Sup)- ,pli es of manila ýhoip lhave also beer frozon). Restrictiâns are raîpidly ezipanding int o evoryý field: Toys, letric ap- pliances, mtail fsniu and, equîp- ment, bettes artidies, electric rofri- geratous, swigmachines, was1hing macinies, and nunmerous other arti- cles. gltter lIess. Prom JanuarY 15th no coopeýr, niýckel, chrome or alumimi-ni can ho used-( for a motai finish or trim in passmier r ars and truc1ks. The 194UI2 output of Iigh t-tcksi wili i e drasically redlucet andti tE m-îanufac.ture (>f transpor'ts anti buc(ss limiteti'. For truieks under. 10,000 pounis gros rtig on-ly hifthe 1941 outpult aabe, built in 1942, No more fu.rnitaro vanis, tran,-porýts or buses coaa ho built thanm in 191. -,Rationing of gasoiýnecame iteo effect on April lst. Tourists will ho allowed to buy gasoline "to the sanie relative extent as Canadiqais whio drive cars xvhicE fal vwithIin the saine hasie eategory." Krug Captured by the F.B.I. in San Antonia Lieut. ýPeter Krug, 'Nazi flier 'who escpreti from the .Bo'wimanville :la- ternument Camip on ýApril lGth, along with Lieut. Boehi, mas captburedi on Frniday, Maylist, ia San An4onia, Texas, after eluding icapture for two eks. Boehil was recaiptureti at Niagiara Falls, N. Y., ia couple of daýis after bis escape. Kiug, the F.B.I. agent saiti, regis- teeed at a snmaîl Sn Antonia hotel whbose owne ecaiffe susplcioous anti calloi.police. Apparently awakoneti by the insertion Of a passkey into tEe door of Iis nooni, tEe young pilot, who vas shu-t down at 'the moutE cdthte Thonias river, at first raf'used to tako tiova the latch chain.' When the officers explaineti ta thoy wene makiag acbeok and want- eti to talk to hlm, îheo penedth te door. K rug might ibave been in Mexico in ýanother day or so. Ho appar- ently plannetij f0 swim the Rio Grande, for bis papers--forged la ihe naie of la carpoalterpurporteti- ly frornithe fire-gutted FroncE liner Nornandie-'-would not bave put thim hy border officiais. U..S. District Attorney Lèhr of Detroit Ens rocomîmendeti thait Ste- phan, who helpeti Krug ont of De- troit, hoctihiargeti witih treasonfor hanh oring Kcug. 'Mps. Berteimann, whiose namne Stetishani saiti Krug ohb- tained presents sho senÏt to the Ganadian p jrison campni, is detaineti by UG.S, iugrton îjthorities. She vas giron a Eearing before the alien enemny boarti, anti the tsi mony waqsesnt to U.-S. Attorneyï- Genecal Francis ]Bititle Who is to de- termine ,,wheüler shie wil ho internet as a danig7eroun alien, ýplaceti on parole or rlaoi In Kr1g's btwo bags were tinnti footis ani ejocoate bars to last Eîmii several days, anti a U.S. map dletail- i-g his escape roàte. Kreg saiti ho was shot down by Britisà ni-icrf uns on Aug.ý 98, 1940. He was fiyirng atv-o NE WTON VILLE IliWm Hall has instaIlIed aI teke p)hon e. homleeonSndy Mr. nd Ms. Diarbave renIted M r. enk Ovens' bo"use in the vil- Mr.and Mes HS. Bttoli, of Nocslvisited Me.andi-Mls . W. C. Lane on 'Sunday. M.anti Mrsi. L. T. Savory- and souns, oif Oshawa, spent Sunday withi -Mr. anidMs.Willis Jones. MIr. J. T. Pearce, of Toronto, iand MeLs. Leushner, of Niagara Faîls, 5spent tE.,e week-end with Mrs. J. T. 3Mr. anti Mrs. ýC. Rojbb, of Monüi- treaIl, have 4een in thevae the pas,.t week making atrtosin their hoime. 11!r. and iMrs. Clifford 31cGaholy and Magrtandi Miss Jean Wade, of Lindsaýy, were Sunday guests of Miss Emuly ilannnof Whiýtby, ;1r. antI Mr's. Spencer Gordoiln ad Mr. 'M.Godns observedin li te TUndteýd ad a niuiber of b4abies wiIll e christen- mr,. ant ivMrs. Willis Farrow visit- ed r.Si. Hutchison- in Oshawa, wvhere helis receiviir, Chiropractie treaitmentsLý. Mrs. Hutehisoni is stay- ing with, frientis in Toronto. We extenti s'ympathy to Mr. and Mi-s. Ross GEEfs on account of tEie death of thleir, only cTild. The ful- ral ser-vicýe was held in Port Hope on Monday. Ross is witE the armedl forces in Ontario. The W.M,,S. hoki a Thank-offeringI service in the United CiurhSunl- day ervening. Mrs. Cecili Biilev pro-l sideti andth te guest speaker was Mfrs. Adarns froni Kinîg '5t. Chur-ch, Oshawai, o gave a vey fine ms sage on "Love Thy Neglibour." The choir sang the anthem "ýSeek Ye the Lordl" and Miss Mary Lane ani Me. Georg-e Campbell sang ai druet. There was a gooti congregation pr"eet anti tbe chnrriE was beautiflly de- lcorauteti with liplants andhosos KIRBY ,extjSïunjay is Mýoùber's Daiy antid vo, wonid likeýýc to see a gooti turnout at chlureh. We 'wouiti like Al te mentEhrS odftEe Suntd-Iay Sehool at as any othiers as can comýie; also vo wouiti like to soe the parents anti grandîýparenls, anti visitors in diuc toV ejyagooti service. STARK VILLE Mr. Dave MdMulIen vith frientis in N wcastle.1 11frs.,H. L. t'rirn, of Oshawa, withl hier so-ns Giordon and Bort. ,Mr. antI Mr-s. Fred Wilson, of Peirýtown, vith Mr. anti MrýS. War- ren iCarson. Mrs. Wrn. Uglo.w, Mornish, epent a few days vitE ber nioce,,,Mes. Et'haîn Jones. îM2r. ant iMes. Geo. Mc<Mullen, of Bomwmanville, with Mr. and Mes. Wm. Savory. îMr. andi MC. Chas. Cowan, of Newcasile, andi Mrs. Carrne Ruher- ford, of Clarke, with Mr. and Mrs. Herhb. Gilmer. 'Mr. and Mes. Wm. Halloiwelil, .Mr. anti 'Ms. HuLgh Stapletoni spent thre week-end wfth Mr. and Mcs. Robent Boat, of Thiornbury. Mr. anii Me. Best are enjoyiag, 'goodclitEanti are ýstili ýgreat entertainers. COe'WANVILLE Mr. and 'Mrs. J. J. W. Striniger visiteti in Peterboro, recentl.. The W. A. meeting willi neot at Mrs. Brooiks Cowan'Is tEls week. iMr. and iMis. E. Farrow and Ar- thur vislteti at *Mr. 'T. Stepben's con Sun'day. Mes. AUf. Porrin, is visitiag at lier homo afiter spentiing a fe0w montEis at Montreal. Mes. IM., Witty (niothor of Doreon anti Kenneth, visiited at Mr. anti Mes. Clarence Burley's recently. Mr. Harry Ruitherford anti tatrgh- ter' Audroy, of Tor>onto, visiteti( at Mrs. B. Millson's on sliunday. 0'4r. and Mis. Andrew Baxndy and Hary visitoti at 11r and Mrs. D. Thomiîpjsoni, cf Welcome, on Siunday., Mayfisirermien wore batily dis- appointed on Fridiay norning of last weoir when the, awokýe around 3.00 a.m. to finti it raini along with a thiuiers torin. ToÉrod Dornior, ani tiheee oCher crewi mnenillers. All four fliers were woiddbut not seniousiy.1 THIS SUND)AY, MAY lOth, 15 mOTERSDAY SEND lIER THE BEST! Coutt's Mother's Day Greeting Cards We have a full selection of New Cardcs at 5c., 10c., 15c. and 25c. each Tweed -Miracle Shanghai, priced at, each $1.25, $1.50 and ..................... $1.65 Adrienne and Gardenia Toilet Sets Priced at from 85c. oach to Siniles 'N Chuekies The perfect -Mother's Day Gift g' lb................. . ......... .... 25 C. 1 lb ............. . ...................... 5Oc. 2 lb'....... ...... ................... $1.00 Speia Elte Boxýes at $L.00 Cherries iii roa,1 lb. box for ................. ...... 60c. Floweririg Plants In stock Saturday morninig Sweet Peas, dozen .........35c. Snapdragon, dozei ...........8S5ce. Carnaions, dozen.-.$1,50 Flowering Plants Pansy lU.eranis, eaci 20c. 60c. and ............ .. 85c. Calc-ooLaria, each.85c., $1.00 Hydrangea, each ..........$1.50 Gage's Boxed Stationery ring-- seIf-seal Enlvelopes, 54Oc., to $3.00 per box Your gift wrapped for mailing purposes, if neeessary, at no0 Extra Charge Presriptons Speiamt Free Trial Of f er Gillette Blades, 1 Blade FREE with keach 25c. pack of 5 Charles Tyrrel A gent f or Phone 68 Jaekman Flowers Orono maMi REMEMBER9MTHER ON MOTHER'S DAY, MAY lOth Wear a flow\ýer, Ice Box Carnations and Rose Buds, each.... .. ....... .... ......... 10c. A few suggestions for Mother's Day Gifts, Scarves, House Dresses,, Crepe Nightgowns, Aprons, Lin- gerie, Slips, Stam-ped Aprons, Towels, etc.; Boxed Toilet Sets, Boxed Chocolates, Electric Lamps, Table Mat Sets, Purses, Jewellry, etc., etc. Smnaller Gifts for the chldren to give to rnother r-anging in price from....... ...... 5. to 25e. Just arrived, New Shipment of Jew,,ellr-y, including Necklets, Bracelets, Clips, etc., etc. Boyýs' Prinit Dress Shirts, plain or stripes, sizes 12 1-2 to 14 1-2, each.......... ...... ... 69c. Boys' Striped Jersey Sweaters, sizes 22 to 32, each .._...... ............ ..........3c Boys' Cowhide Belts, black or brown, each .... 20e. Glass Wash Boards.Week-end Speeial........ 55. Flue Stoppers, complete......... .......... 15c. Mosquito Netting', i yard wide, green or white, yard .......... .......................1loc. Clothes Pins, standard 4-inch hardwood, 40 for 10e. Klik, an ail Pork Product, ideal fried with eggs or sliced cold for sandwiches. Special, 12 oz tin 29c White Beans. Speejal, 3 lbs. for ....... .... 16. Crosse & Blackwell Pure Grapefruit Juice, un- sweetened, 2 20-ounce tins ........ ... ... 25. Concentrated Javel Javex, 16 oz. bottie ... .... 14.. (Plus 2c. deposit on returnable bottle) Special, New Cheese, colored, lb....... 29. Tomatoes, firm, red ripe, lb........ ........ 23. Granny's Oatmeal Cookies, fresh from the ovens. Week-end Speejial,2 lb. for ...... ....... 35. YOUR ?PPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE I RONO _5c. TO %,$1.OO STORE I 4 T Motor Equipm'enit Private Ambulance j i Northcutit and SmithI KINDNESS Equipped te ta reasonal Tehephonte Tehephone Colle rlDrCtoran ur itueS Dalr SERVICE ke cane of the modet fu-neral at thse Most bic charge as well as the largest and Most exacting Office 668 - Residýeace 523 and 726 -o--. genial ýhost andi hostess. An imi- Mr and 'Mrs. Thonpson the great- prom-ptu programi was eaijoyed ani est happinesaý andi the best of evesryoie wholeheartedfly wished iuc, -s Bowmanvill e, Ont. ect COURTESY

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