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Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1942, p. 1

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ORONOWEKY, Vol. 6, No. 17. ORONO, ONT., THUUSDAY, MAY l4th, 1942, Horticultural District No. 4y To Meet In Orono'Monday, Las t Two Germans To Escape From Camp Captured Near Ottawa ilPrisoners Who Have Escaped From This Caimp Havie Been Captured The two Germian officers, Lieut. Rbeinhardit Pfundter, 21, and Lieut.i Erýnst Wagnier, 34, who escaped 1 fromi the Germaun internmnent camup( .at Bowmiaaville on Tuesday, M'ay1 5,were returneti to camp at niid-t lhton Friday nighlt, -May Sth un-1 der military escort whichi broug'ht1 the two airmen fromi New 'Edin- -burgh, nearOtaa were tliey were 2aptureti on Fritiay afternoon last. Wagner and Pfuntiter wcre recap- tureti at the corner of Crich'ton anti Uion streets ini Nlew Etinburgh by Constable Courad Lavignie, Lyf the Eastvisw police after ;the Royal 'Canadian M-ýounteti Police sent out ain alarm-r that the 'Nazis h'ad been re- porte inlaOttawa. 'Constable Lavigne tooIk the air- -mein to the Eastview police station and later turniet theni over to the Royal Canradian Mounteti Police, -3ho hiantist them' to interument au- thorities. 'The constable was on bis way haome to lunch when be spott2d the two men, recognizin'g them from pictures inculatati by the R.!C.M.P.t Previously the Nazis had luncheti !n a restaurant on Bank street, op- posite Royal Canadian .Air Force- Mleatiquarters ln the Jackson Buildl- ing anti also vTisite(l a neaiby barber ,4iop and shos shine parlor in Ot- Custoisuers la the barber shlop ihoýeught they recoguizeti the two k~.zsfronnewsp-apeýr phiotomaý,phs anti notifleti city police immed-iteiyý. Officers were rusheti to the shop, but ~ iien 'hat gone whcen thcy, rrv cd. liimediately a genieral alarmn <was sent out anti ah policemen wereý( ,,mithie alert. Constable aîn came upon themi, anti instructeti thsm to g-et into his, m-otor car. 0f- fering no resîst-ance, thse pair got tnto the cnstaole's car anti were tcaken to the E&ýstvîew station. Each imiou)nhati Unitedi States re-1 gistration cartis in his possession.1 Wagner's card bore the n-amn-e "Percy M. Garner, Bristol Highilanti, Rhodie Jani"anti was tiateti December 18, 1940. Pfundter's card bore the Daille "George E. Thommen, 14 East 28th street, New York City." It la tthoughit these cartis might hiave been taen from Amnericans sh.ot down or capturedti verseas. Between them ,thse men hati $20.00 la'n anadian currency. E'ach -wore dark grey flannel trous.ers. Wagner wéaring a grey tweed coat anti Pfundter a light brown sports jaclet. Wagnsr carried a brown travelling bag which 'containeti per- sonal belonýgigs' anti vitarnin 'pilîs. TIhe ines spoke gooti English, par- ticularly Pfuntiter. Wagner 'ha Ila slighit accent ohihcouiti be ms taken for Frencdh. lu the Red Cross Euquiry Bureau in ottawa are filet ilmore llhan 100,- 0)00 postoartis sig-neti by prisonirs of war in N0azi-heIld territomy ii receipt of Redi Cross footi parcels. M4other's Day Services Fittingly Observedi Mother's Day on Sunday showed ibs usual 'appe(al in an incr.eased at- tendance at the chur'ch services. The discourses by the miinister, Rey. S. Littluwood, centreti around the themie of homne and parenthooti, and pointeti out the joy anti privileg, e of reiciprocal gooti fellowsip J)among al] niibers of the family anti the larger fellowshi.p between Goti andi man. A baptismal service was heki, in which the 'rites of baptism- were adi- ministered for the infant son of Mr, an-d Mrs. Gordon Power, and the infant tliaughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Eti- warti Grahami. Floral decorations includeti a beautiful basket of flowers, the gift of Mr. Roy Colvîlle, in mnemory of bis snotiher. Music by the choir was in keeping with Mother's Day, while~ the evenin- service -was brighteneti by, a s .en Idoo by Mr. Reg. Sut- ton. Sending Parcels To Prisoners Behinti the. barbed wîre of German and Italian prison camps thousantis of British, Caniadian, Australian and New Zealanti prisoners of war look, forward to the weekly food plarcels they receive through the Interna- tional Redi Cross at Geneva. Theý Canadian Ret i {Cros s Is w packing these parcels at the rate of 2,000,000 per year anti hopes to increase this to 4,000,000 by the end of 19-12. Judge O'Connor Passes Away At Cobourg Judgge L. V. O'Connor, 72, anti jutge for Northui-.iberlani-i anti Dar-, hamn Counties, tieti sutdenfly of a heart attaek nt his homte in Cbourg early on Monday mornoiniig, May 11, Hie was appointeti county judge on January 10, 1928. Before going to Cobourg- he practissd îaw at Lintisay in whidih place he was bora. Jfudge O'Connor w-,a s a formier Ipresidenk of the Ontario Curling as- sociation. A. graduate of the Uni- verstty of Toronto, he wvas called Ito the ibar -la 1896. fie is surviveti by his widow, two dtaughters, ;Constance anti' rankýes, anti a son, Pte. Larry O'Connor of Camp Borden. Pte. O'Connor is well known in Can-adian track andti teld cicles as an oatstantiing- hurdler. Burial services took, place on Weti- nestaymong at Lindisay after tise funerali mass at 9 o'cloek la St. [Mary's Romnan Catholic chure-h.' The bodiy resteti at bis late residence luý Cobourg- until 2- p.m. on Tuesday anti thse remains were sent to Lindsay! later in, the -afternoon. $300 Contributed To Orono Branch From Dances I'r e regul 1meeting of tI Reti (ro()55 S Or~ange Hall .MY 7th. quiiltiiig anti Inents for sri ETglantI. Se f or any who work< 'Mirs. Carlo donateti a qu to thse Brarxý < sale at the 'I Special ati thie 'vsry ger by the Cowa recent tdance. - Thýe Finan ' plans for thse National Drive is now on thse way, snd all our sare asketi to responti to the -for, $1,000 apportioneti to our Treasurer's report for April ollows: e April lst . ..... ................ 289.79 ville dance .............'2525 Daiice ....... ...........48.5 ons ... ..... ........ 20.00 $61-2-'l .ss............. ...... $119.27 $492.97 units have sent lu e, 3; No. 9 S.S., 3; Ulre union, 1. PubicMeeting O I Citizens 0-f Oron AUSTRALIAN "OWEN" GUN: PROVED THE WO1ILDS BEST The extrene siimiplicityý and unequaIeti efficienc#y of the'"Owýenl" g'un has prorved it to be the best light subcinacihine -un of the war. W"ith a lower trajectory over 300 yards 14is i far deadiier than other Tommy- guns, firing -with greater velocity, die0eper penetration and lçýss recoil. It isý mudprýoof and sandproùf, can fire ý'0 rounds in three seconds. A 1lick of th~e finger gives either automiatic or trigger pontrol, whlle a simple catch allows spent magazines' and hot Larrels to be releaseti instantly. Invented anti ieing mrass produced in Australia, the Owen gun wei.-h's 10'/L,, bs. and costs less than six Aus tralian pounds. iPcture shows an Australian soldier 4charg-ing Vehe 30- round Jagazine of the Owenl gun, so n.amr-et froan its inventor. Horticultural District Meeting At Orono Monday, May 18 Aà eein for mnbm of the Ilorticultural Societies, District No. -1, will be helt inl Park S,-treet Uniiteti Chiurch, Orono, on Monday, Maiy l8th, -with the mieeting cmccn Vat 3l.00 P.m1. shlarp. Over 100 tele- gates -are expeceti lto lie peet Thlere 2will be a shIort per'ioti for disýcussion aqnti delega,ýtes ere reminti- eti thiat if rio further DistrictMet ing- is helti turing 19421, it wI bei ne- essary to elect a District Diretdor for thie year 1943, so thait same may be reCporýtetito the Ontario Horti-1 Cultural Association at the next con- vention. Societies will be permnit- ted to vote oni the samie basis as at the annual convention linToonto Theafenoon meeting wiIl be openeti witlh a few wrtsf -mMr. Russel G. Hearti, Distiit bDrector'. Mm. John iF. Clark, Lecuturier lainlo-, ticulture, of Tomionto, Willedes ithe meigbrieffly. Aý visit ýijjli 'e 'pai(jti tuglitIsel Pro(-vinc(ial Park anti Forestry 'Sta- tion, to view the beautiful flowers and trees, retuning to the church' forn supper. A fee, of 2-15 cents -will b,,e chanrgeti to help tifray e-xpenises. hI the evening MmAL. John F. Clark will presenti an illustrateti atiess. Also at the scvening meetinig a pires- entation will be matie to Mm. Chas. Lane, a forimer District Director, wiho bas k«ftfor 'Torcnto. Canada's War Effort A weekly review of dlevelopmeints on the Home Front fromu April 3th to M\,av*ýth, 1942: 1. The ammret services at home anti overseas returneti an over- whelming- vote la favor- of releasingl the Dominion Goverament fromn its puiedige on methotis of rising mani- powter-. There were 251,118 "yes"~ votes, against 60,885 "no" votes. Total c-ivilian anti armeti service vote thus far is 2,921,206 ln the cf- firiuative and 1,608,609 lu the nega- tive. "Yes" votes -amounteti 'to 64 Per ýcent. of total ballots 'cast. About 80 per cent. of the service votes anti 6,3 'per cent. of the civilian votes werre la the affirmnative. 2, Canatilan production of anti- airo!raft anti anti-tank guns set a new record in March. One new war- time factory exeeetiet by more thani 3N0 per cent,. its schieduled Marceh output of aInti-tanik guns. Ammuniiiii- tion plants hiave reacheti recor-d out- put, anti the Dominion turneti ot its 100,OOth 500-pound bomnb. 3. To take care of the increasing transportation neetis ofwa indus- tries, buses will have to be dîverteti fromi less essential routes to ruas la crowdeti areas, the Transit Control- er has announceti. Four regional directors appointet inlu Vancouver, Reg-ina, Toronto, and Halifax. 4. Fifteen thousanti war plant job iastmuctors ican be produceti for Canadian ind.ustry within the next three months *hrough a new train- ing- program inaugurateti in Mou- treal on 'May 4th. 5. Tise Dün-inion Bureaub of Sta- tistics cost-of -living index et April 1 rentaineti unchan-eti at 115.9. The wartimie increase la thse index, ýw'hch is useti for adjustîng thse level of wag-es to prices, bas risen 15 Per' cent frorvi August, 1939 to April 1,1 from 100.8 to 11,5.9. With the index at the latter point, there will be no change lanthe cost-I of-living bonus for the three-m-ronth perid Ibeginning May ists. 6. Men calieti for coniipulsory ilfitary training totalleti1290,305 be- tween Octoker 9, 1939 anti Mardi 12, 1942. 7. Taxicali operators founti wast- ing gasoline 'by letting- their enigines itle while awaïting- pasýsengers miay ]ose their gasoline licenses 8. About 800 owners, of heating plants east of the Rockies have b)eený ordereti to switch fmom oil to coal or some other fuel by J'uly 31 bei2- cause of s grave oil shortage. 9. H1. W. Lea, Montreal, formierly c'hief xctv officerý of the ,Wa-- timne Bureau of Tecýiiical Personnel, hats been nameidic o f tise Bur- eau to sur-eeti Elliott Mâ. Litle, re- ýenitly niaetiDirectLor of National 'SeleCtive 'SerIvice. 10. Men of draft age 'n the Rui- serve Armny are to e ild pfo compulsory service uinder the Na- tional 'Resources MbhzainArt. While these men have unot beeni exmtfront dom'pulsory military service they Ihave not been calleti up. 11. A rnew governnanent company. Wsrtime Salwage Limitei, with Wal- ter A. Batik, Toronto, as presitient, has besit establisheti to acquire anti dispose oif waste or used n-matter of ail kintis. It will operate untier thse direction 'of thse Wartime Prices and Tratie Board. Thse National' Sal- vage <>fice, under the new dtirector, Charles La Ferle, will continue to be resýponsîble for 'sauvage collection anti canmpigns. 12. Canada is no-w prodsucing more ex.-plosives sverv six months thar were produetdinl the coilntry during the Great War. 0f the 45,000 work. ers emnployeti, onie-thirdl are women., Work And Civi Real Estate In Orono StiliChanging llands Two real esýtate dea,ýls have been tran)sacteti just recently in our vil- lage. Mr. Art Allen has purcýhaseti the resitienýe (of Ms.Sara McComib )in tne north warid, and the hbouse will be ocusic by his son Vance-(, anti Mrs. Allen, in the near future. The other property to change hands is the Presby-te-rian clhurch bidgThis builtiing- has been puirchased iby the Orono Mlasonic LodIge andi will soymetîme be used as their lotige roomi. Other off ers have in the past been received for this building, but it being- a foriner place of worship, it -was felt by the management in charge that they woult i like to sec ths building useti nu sme kinti of religions worlk, anti as the Masonic Lotige, like other lodiges, take most of their work from the bible, the management w,,ere will- iiig to let the building be solti. In time the builtiing will be repaireti and fixeti up for the lotige room- of thec Ortier, ~which will lie one of the finest Ma so n ic buildings ln the _______of______on Kenial Church Services On Suniay, May 3tyour scribe ltenet to a ser-mon b bey.Johin MdLaj n la the KndlUnitedi Chuçiich. No text -\,as choseýn-anti the usual forat of serv\ice was dis- pensýeti wth on tise occasion. Hlow- ever, we cýan state there was a wite-awake audience there to listen to and appreciate gooti ativice for' a, well-rountiet anti conisistenit lif e. Every Intereste Urged To-Âtter May 19, at 8 On Tuiestiay, MaILy mleeting itl- bli hli i at Orno of thse -citis lage to go int'o (de A. RP. w o rk ant i C Every person who la this work 15 urgeti to TIse undersigasti mlittee has arrain Frienti, of thse Oshaw, anti Mr. Matt. Jaicke gailgOticer of A.R.P. to atitipss ýtl exiplain tIse neetie for oif an A.R.P. unit in A caiivass o-f tIse vealeti that there is tIe -above-mnentioçied anti this meeting has for tIse purposs <of citizens ofr Orono w necessary for a su, -,,long thes;elles. Be sure to, attend 1 wve do not know whý tion o-f this 'kint i wll sincerelv horpe lt will eti, but at the sam-le i to b)e on tIse safeS id the çae-iedy time, 8.30 P.m1., andti town hall. lor. In Ai Last Sund-ay the OChurýe and Sun- nesda,,y nigih diay School held :a union sriej.FlgtSier'l honor of tlVother's Day whlich can be ville, was ki said by al present. was a most in- dent inNe teresting event. Mrs. McLach1lan seven others was !the speaker. The large choir It was or was composeti of mothers, anti in Frceeborn w, f at, the whole service was in coml- rd frm Ilt petent lhands in which their daug-h- Coast for di ters also gave excellent service la The plan every way possible. A touch'ng R..A.. i scene whîch was portrayed by the mouth, NS speaker was when the Master coin- fr on the cl mendeti his imother to the cars of co'ing £,r, John, the bsloved disciple. The ser- crasheti nea vice throughut was niost helpful into flarnes. and the attendnnce satisfactory. plane at th( As l wr-ite 1 notice in the Globe passengers anti Mail of Saturday these words, Two otcbL "A miother's love cannot be unsas- CoIiville, am ureti. Tt is nearer the love of Christ wh,, just la than anything this side of hieaiven."1 are in the By Donatl'ig To Clar-ke Tewnshiip bd Cross drive tomsefu is now in t'll s ýwing. The objective cept thiisE sect for larkhe Towvnship is $,l0 other servi, Thiis is the, largest obljetive ever- set financial aý for the district andi contributions for ment, thus this wothy :cause will have to corne to the Red in from scver-yone in the township. tional orga The increaseti nestis foi, funds is representat that the . res!ponsibilities of the Redtrie~s andi Cross have increaseti trcmentionsly., porteti by It is now planneti to senti 40,û0ý> cou ntl'y. boxes of foodi to ou- prisonesm of Wien tIi war, .and each box -when preparetimJe oi costs $2,50 at ecost price andi trams-Posbe 'porfed at very izsdvced rates. A airie~n are (,1_andi thelil fo wl\ar1

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