Bomber Carrnes 51//- Tons of Explosives ~' Bitai'. Hlifa bomer, ley luad of f ied a haît tons and las a range of 3,000 iles, ore than suffiieut to take it Svi Germauys reMotest targes. These figures have jst ee r reiea'výsed bCy thse Ari3sty g apatlycovneita by n)ow he nmy ý inl possession f thiLjs, information through planes shot But tise seiian of Bn-i tai's bomber. mnr reet than world'smost powerfulbomber" ;Jhe Sir in and he Manchwester- e e t stli t isze ere lft An nain of tuese ize of ýhe bowÉnb la ftisegintStinl- Ing was gi.ven ýby tsArMiaý- ~"' Isry heuit aid tatin une giight ri nock eeci of the 3tiringa partcipati"ng crne evn ave nt ee auoncd se bie'vet ready tioiu lu tht'ie ttes )oon. Snie oef thece arei aaid te be ef repvolutionsary design. Already the weight of bomabs 4repped by Bitisi aier in a ïIïgbt's'Worýk exceeds tstun- howsd on Bîain by the Gemn gi ocedrigthe hefght e, h 194-F41 raids la one night alone recentiy, IRA.F. bombers dropped rmore than 1,000 tons of -thie four ecent; raids on Rsoi PAornedeiastahnndetns e reL Conqered Pop "eiu ouse s an ofensivefant unefeusivw en uela e- nutitin ericsa for tise De »Yu ust Co-prt or yen wili netreciveany footi.' But-te 'b") re vey cureful te sec iha t nlepol ecem(e wca)ken(ed aend eaatrebel, hel dwa la anr1other more suis- netthe ermas deniveCon- querýed pýe),ples of specifieý foed ( a'mias. Lack of the "B" ita mm nak1es pol oeterap- sLtThey beceine weak _nd easly atiuedauti apathietie. In .'i5hort, theýy are net likely bterebel Dr etsaid diseae eýpidemics were e heexpe tedtiroughout ,,und peuple andi ndJed tisere are nbaciy signa et ising (deth tLOI1s Jri ueclss nlez and Oiseother baud, is desiguet as a efsvewe'apeu pre7vidiuý!g nec- esayfùod vaueslaSpite of- rainug esrnte thiere- istuc ie Bnitisis people, lie caiti. Witb Red CroSs sewing, deý- feuce classes, aud otiser new ne- sposiultisatdedt tethedaiiy wie t's a-i, a!ppyy when sheý au ct corers. nti that's riglit where tise use of seersueker iu cave preeleus heurn over tie WaSS- 'uke-s esl waslied and takes tisateac'tlie xcelld. Bouses H4,eIp Th e + Re fd Croe ,iss * eRLSTY LA ST Wj zEEK : A ,demie , fat1t'Lheô FarmringtnCuntryClub is ani event for Ann, She has a grand time wv,,th Ken, meeta newifr ie nd Late in the eeiga crOwd ar- rives fronyricmod An ýe1jclerlY man cýees Ann ruseoward her, calling her -Jean? C"Ithik i mutbeyoratr" MARSHALL'S DAU.GHTER OBAPTER VilI U, wals tise mmigstlr tise CuAln aýnti Sall c atjiuga mite brmakas. o, lit.tie gimiin hem mis bu.tho'ý dess, a bielbinaoniber beaCi me tie teal. tiitin't kuew iwh iey or r e cer a uiwhess we vwent intoý I ce harly ait fero in eget isere. Be'c atsre ii on g ra:y lj isbir us-ueius, te dem my fther olilok, ciCise dashti ev r e e, cellln1,g mre )-au oYn kaew, iLset %was mly rnoter' ismeseCbeyS;cietis home anti tise not1ce É" htieif be wac eiling me Iwsbriae lnýg l gbeset.ýa ' "I teiti hl as Jean An marasia no80wbat,»Atibe vsy Marisais Itseesbave evemy- thng d ctaway bs aebac Maisi1 ga liseetifrntieconvesatio tisat Fatise -doen't tisat sountid nice-was sert of a blcl shep ent Éte Neow Yreranti fWehviolent wasa housgirl, lie mari!eti ber ani benhebrnghit 1ber1 l;eu ere, Iis trnlywevte se tumbleti eutas sce humictitiougis ber stery. "mete waïs geiag ite 'aveme but idld't teli ien is stt tisem se, ntibuerhuchant, Iteef,o ,ot makig tsenae inml, or Sc ldtinttelip hem until longaf terwamti,, S'he wret F àisr late teling 1bim tisat he ati atagse isrsisati narnmeti Jan An Aned her., neyerus aw cmy rnotheP ain cui e adnewy t maîn ts Tise second xifeisdeati ew. "You ou1glýti te me mryhlSly lie m stepotd, antiyo l'igýi ce wht Ieau do. nti he' corning. Thei rests elnw "'or l u sbctll iedy liglit aslye rtngt"Jh ber. ýi My der, oI en' lseveIti tin ue.rny mmd", io -Atndocn't gsem possibera- swered Au, ber vice hakin a lit, Yes, sise woulidle ti manfora fthe o- o r a fr)ieuti, "Ye tionw!h't knew whetit meansu hav on. I~. utte won1ýtieru "Ant tisisSly. h'Jpe 1edig liey, unthugs h ody tse ilemI aeuc Sllywiliha% beau 'ts'indelit in eîîw begn e grothn on is e etisec. me neerbatillpantefd etpro Jog iarsialy' a th'er. I hop es(-- 1liS,)j *i8 P l e 1 chah caWeýiti"I ave ablked tetis peepe eteombisaney ldaNew tie tîranethat your motichser re e, t iseame utaithecli" IFHvene, "1c iitdewn." Sll1 was p 0usis- 1n)U tcar,"e'ejust avlg ibreakasmt. bn't yeaoin sÉT% tises bisuitsand e ilJn' foel)uktie ceffed twiih Sally tise mst beautifulmwoe latis Hx-ËOMEMADE BARA AilBra, ppuln ernug erelgoas into tise nking etituS superi tcstng nut breati. Spiect4ji is cre ceese it's fine feor sandwiches. Witis butr anti presenves, it tai'es tise place t ýdes'ser.t. Di-ations for pttîng it togetiser are given belo0w. Ail-BranI Nut Bread 1 cegg C cap Ail-Brn % qp ugar 2U/* ups fleur 1 cup ii ,y teaspfloa zIt 2 tablespeons meled chsieuig 3 teaspeens baking powvder, % cupucisopp)eti nut sueats Beat cgg anti cugar until hîgit. Atditi sihi, chorteniingcuti Alil- Ba.Sift fleur svtth sat anti hing pewder; combine it nut mneata etWtiMte ira murstinrhsgoniy sntil flur disppears. Bake lu gtaased bat Panuwi waxad peper in tise boon le oterato ovencj 00I about 1 heur aniti 10mirts yild: 1I tat (4M x 9î/- ibpan.-) îorae' aiiJebu M arch bai, o ,ewly , "uthebs betterjd- meut Bepohblykn1ovS hic ots cm beter tharn Ikniew 1mine,ý "But it WU!l le ail rght nowT. Y unr y duise andtatds ouYonl cene over te, 0 course, yen anti Sally? Tise beys areneyerboee "Tie bouse aeec a vwai id tee. t 1egi am w vell enougi t-aken cam fe. Aunt irand,tiecor et is,ekeperî, basieer tiseme fei' yensrsudanti es. Sheiselekealter eeybgbut it weld be miueis nie fyn were hee, "Rcimoti"Alna p adream, 1!Y. "ThIiigq1are ,just teeecîig I (j cntgtuseti te it ail, tsi1 l'd hettr stay eme silce 'mgen te,) mSmaRrc tee, andi I want te~ ~~ucI se l smeas I eaui. But ant Iwill love it, 'Nom'w!Illmeally Ana Mrhai ins bac a faily, a a tiser anti boiesanti pobably aats andi cosn. if yo(u onlly kuew bewJ ,ý "Last ii itappenet Jsi1ke I'dtimamei it would, o111Y I was mac moe ondrf ibelase- hae-"yaneS'ecevery ncm, anti iM l'dsirameirny faise awuld nbe, "AnJamling!' Tise fotde' samt.Thnere was tise sont5u burryng feet antiRen Richards Mn,~4asha. Hllo Saly.Every- bod latew istalingabout en l'l tMotiser., liý-as bcd adu e leophone Cauis. Andishe is ex- domes.Tisere icn't anybody tbat sietiiis as 1-isl'bly uf as she ýdue"s tùf t isMrcsalîs , Ana l ookýet at hilm tirougi clos %t were suddealy a Mite bar,, andi theme was somieting a httIe mocekiug about tise set ef hem "It icn't ýjus't teise nrn, Ana, boay; t'.yo)ur belng Johï Mar- "lmjuetis e sairne persen tisýa; 1 was yestemtay," Anuanaswered] Migsty. 'Except Fin happier tej- * "ut you édou'lt ludlCIerstandu. l Mo rbas deciýdedta t aceepIt yn (tJentnued next week)s Car WllMake Rubbler Last Longer ingy isard te get lu any fr, Ruhisem aricles in tise berne Aholt be gio" tie greatest cure te mke tem lst longer. 1De- ebriu ý tiat ruisher than in cool, dry places. Dus tecumpowder or cerni- starch l, u ie eeassonfolds ef proeCtion egaînst cracking., î Stuff aper u rubier oots Te make ruiser gleves wear longerdon't wear thern tepoUlii hna-,Sswan3e cor copýper Lkiteisen uten- Floating Island Jarva -naval bas e Sfraba a ha scsNewcwe!ek. It got theare witteu bag angit by eleilmy arlsby rîg-gin1g np) a d3iSgnise bat outdid ay ruse ever ucetI y tie Japanese. ýT1ise Duteis lidî tAsS"ed tâmes antiotisr Pbise trcpkeai eîîey te ti à yi1 thn gi cg it tiseappeaWnceo S g amaU i sand. ~n aie for a te a e( thlink id bas te Jke Plain) dislh IIow vSimple tor hwIom llte "nedesert."Here area coupfle etrecipec tonrentcstid- d!esserts tý hat calfor ne30 na,l9W neo egg, ne nkngo-r n-1i0ng Maki ee , tiyour favorite garIIsies, piace theiiheti pro- duet hef ne yUr gness Wad y fQ dssert probelens issolvei fer tie day. 1 package mi-aple rennIet pwe S I plat mîlII, net cnnt id eup ebeppetidates C/ up raisins wstaspeen cloves Vsteaspeen utme Vs cup crCorake flaires cati divide, ameng 5 or netcu~ardacc'ordinig te dirfec- tiorn ipackage, poutrinig at once over firuits, spices ateilnlkes Let set uinil firm - about'1A mwinutes, Th1en MIhin larefrigen- ton, Choclate Date Rennet-Custard 1- .paCkage ehacoelate reanmet î package cscoce rnnet powder -I pinitmiii, net ceuneiý Cliep Çdate,ýs n al i peces and divide uamong 6 dessert gass ?Vaie rennet-c2ustard aenigte iirectionc on package. Pour a once over Ciopped dates. Do net Move n utiim - about10 Min 7-ites. Tieeb(!,lti laretnigerater. Patch Holes Withl New Resin Fabric lMeans u ofHot Iron A ta u iitpb nýile etotsa îtheieiiani t iopsn' eet, -ctiye ait Iof0the Pile Cf tainly enting.A wern. spot on! JiatCI' s sitjet ie tise pein frin pex us expereieetiat narly cny kintioetpatch CIl le uncgIist lydtispeiois jj ebois et rhS;s e jnsýt si wof tise (etig ifficuIlits that Ms Tlifty )oUSewife faces cc ise- sort he-weaiy auntsy.But tisey njeetî ibeproblrs une lnger. WitIs, tise new mý -es-tr '.eat11etdi mateC-al Ibftt'c'on) tise ymaret, lmendin-g Ceau! ie dione aie jg wisthtie farnly ioinig. Juet takeiaplace et tisa rnaentdiiug trilut [te *(ze; iay itý mnier isle tom place, pi-esc îit for afr Slba tw usd ii hm i, lt fit colani bêJeb'c Sdoule. o orelng tamniig jbn rc'wcvin,1 an va,,' h,,aç'hldï riais c aisbreaedia spae spiechf atc teali taeknPtrorncorn e cte ale Vpar cev thearice et eed He pýte th prees s impleUa, l jrde to le sure that te ew p iede.ý wievI itexact jte I ite wrn th 3aretne i, eeabywta acH intothe iol ut wieii pmae i et, onwa are Ja t of pachant apliti£on i qse witi sturflo rn ity, Pipes shoildbcsape are- fuiynd sAterdinarypae Boe this idry dene the uer,1 sface of l te 3 ipesi asjùI(î, as the euyte siould- be]d c ed wroth a si hinterovai iIcab dpaeis heArfc drend it suld e cieanieprt, ao) otheing of indhatrssan panter A fter ts ha. been aI ale ped to) dryteoglc al~r be red wt ev h raeo î.t paraffin, Final,rlthe p htdb theg teof e and cve ts mtI coentpf ino s.p o Moderr, fasy Poe]king no highler .$,950 getig eayto imarriy aa eluit cf m soiallevel," Aa drited "Imgeileg ternarýryKeiicas luac Jue.i>,ntd e net i frie ds, get aequ iut d' ha kuewn hirn lu New obte was atraiti hic farnienduttk me~~~~~bl inadncr husosyos mmcdaganctmy nthr "So, 'rn hme, tyîng o be Lsdy, ce tat Ken'. othr i ac , tha's teain ide. She aughd alitte. ~I'mTen yen il sy ecrts, ut heyrnut